For-Profit College Company Sued By California

By | October 15, 2013

  • October 15, 2013 at 2:27 pm
    ExciteBiker says:
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    Look no further than the figures in this article–finance.html High rates of default. Aggressive recruiting- $4.2 Billion dollars spent on marketing for 09-10 alone. Higher than average tuition. Low retention. Little job placement help.

    Especially ones like $35,000 vs $8,300 for a 2-yr associates degree (for-profit vs community college). And $7.5 Billion in Pell Grants to for-profit institutions. 96% of for-profit students take out loans. And we, the taxpayer, end up holding the bag when the students default. Pell Grants should not go to for-profit education. Ever.

    This kind of stuff should be a HUGE wake up call. This is what happens when an educational organization is fundamentally driven by profit and not educational objectives. Crummy education, predatory practices, and all at a higher price.

    And they want your kids, so badly, oh my goodness do they ever want them. Can you imagine– In Loco Parentis legal doctrine and a steady supply of property tax money, all with the freedom to teach Bible-based “curriculum” and with none of the pesky standards or rules public schools have to abide by, all with the ability to toss any problem/special needs/expensive kids back into whatever they leave remaining of the public school system. It is their biggest dream, billions and billions of dollars, AND they get to destroy what remains of teachers unions — you know, those pesky teacher “thieves” that bilk the taxpayers for literally $20,000, $30,000 or even $40,000 a year. They should be making $8.25 an hour just like Jimmy Rae at the Wal Mart, and why should they have any benefits? We don’t have benefits here at the warehouse temp job. ….sigh….

    • October 16, 2013 at 4:09 pm
      Dahn Shaulis says:
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      As a result of a recent FCC ruling, these schools won’t be allowed to pressure students and former students via telephone as much as they have. We’ll see if they comply.

      • October 17, 2013 at 11:05 am
        Libby says:
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        Thank goodness! When I was unemployed and looking for work, a staffing agency referred me to one and I made the mistake of talking to them. Once I found out how much they wanted for tuition ($30k plus for a paralegal degree), I said “No, thanks”. They hounded me for months. I finally had to threaten to turn them in to get them to quit calling. They still send me emails, though.

  • October 16, 2013 at 12:22 pm
    No Doubt says:
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    I think that what is really the driver of scams like this lies in the fact that we don’t do a good job of educating our kids k-12. Yes, you can always point to schools in poor, middle class and wealthy areas that are safe and do a great job of educating their kids.
    That said, our current public educational system is rooted in a 19th century model and more recently has been corrupted through big city politics where teachers and administrators are not rewarded on merit or results but because of ethnicity, race, political affiliation or union membership.
    What gets lost in all this is the kids. When we have studied this problem objectively, the recommendations are ignored or are not evenly applied.
    So what happens is that too many kids don’t graduate H.S. or they do but don’t possess the skills employers want and can’t get into college or JC as they aren’t at that level, so they go to schools who promise a lot and delier little, leaving those “graduates”-many of whom are minorities-still unemployed, but now burdened with debt accumulated in going to those schools.
    I’d sure like to see this fixed for my and everyones kids and grandkids as well as our country as knowledge and education will be even more important in the 21st Century

  • October 16, 2013 at 10:34 pm
    Sam says:
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    Yet again another For Profit School accredited by ACCSC is in the paper again being sued for fraud. McComis and his sheep within ACCSC have allowed for to long his largest fee donors to dictate Accreditation to their benefit so that they can fleece America.

    Wake up US Senate Help Committee, its the police men such as ACCSC that need to be regulated.

  • January 3, 2014 at 4:33 pm
    Student says:
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    I am the single mother they sold a dream to. I am now 50k in debt from 2 for profit colleges and I fully regret not taking the traditional route. When I was working on my lower division courses, they told me that it would take me 4 years to complete my AA degree at a community college. They also told me that my goals to get into state college was something I should worry about until I graduate from school. What they did’t tell me is that this state college doesn’t accept a large chunk of my classes. Recently, I attended a BA program(keep in mind an American Bar Association approved paralegal program)and this program also failed on their promises. I am 3 quarters away from graduating and the program has shut down and I have no place to finish my courses unless I move up north. Frustrating!!!

  • May 14, 2014 at 1:32 am
    Ron says:
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    I need help in Florida against everest

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