Nevada HOA To Pay $65K After Banning Family’s Ambulance

By | November 1, 2013

  • November 1, 2013 at 1:43 pm
    Why? says:
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    I love it when a draconian HOA gets slapped by the courts for being a jerk.

  • November 1, 2013 at 3:09 pm
    Becca says:
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    They are everywhere in this country and the young hippie wanna be’s are the ones that want to stop everyone else but want to do whatever they want, so they get themselves elected to the boards. I lived in one and the by-laws said no basketball hoops in the driver-ways — by-laws changed based on board approval. Then they tried to get everyone to adhere to a new mailbox rule — they all had to match and the wanna-be’s had all installed $1200 mailboxes in front of their houses. Ridiculousness!!!!

  • November 4, 2013 at 2:05 pm
    Fanucci says:
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    HOA act like they can do whatever they want. This is why I did not buy my house that belongs to a HOA. I do not want anyone telling what I can do, and cannot do on my property. I glad the court sided with the family, and stuck to the HOA.

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