Arizona DPS to Crack Down On Texting Drivers

November 12, 2013

  • November 12, 2013 at 4:17 pm
    Why not says:
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    While they are at it let’s get all of them including the one’s eating breakfast, reading the paper, putting on makeup etc. etc. etc. I agree with the enforcement but have a feeling that they will lose when the judge looks at it as the law they propose to use will certainly be tested.

  • December 26, 2013 at 12:20 pm
    Not Sure..... says:
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    Unsure on why the law was not passed in this state, it appears that the death’s have not climbed up high enough for the priority list of the state. My job calls for me to drive all day every day and all I see are people texting on there phone’s it appears that the phone and texting are more important than the lifes behind the steering wheel. The lifes of my family and friends are more important than anything in life. I do hope that neither one of my friends or fdamily memebers are ever injuried by someone texting and driving because it will be one HELL of a battle for that family to go thru.

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