Oregon City Threatens to Fine Uber

October 31, 2014

  • October 31, 2014 at 1:47 pm
    Jim Holm says:
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    Uber has done this dance over and over again. In the end they will convince the political subdivision regulator that they’re NOT a transportation company, because they really aren’t.

    But someone is. Someone has the responsibility to the person that is paying a fare. Someone is the livery. If Uber isn’t the livery obviously the part-time driver is and should have to meet the regulatory standards.

    Why is everyone missing this simple truth? Is it because Uber is a great magician who fixates the regulatory people on the media show so they can reap huge profits by allowing their independent contractor/employees to be at risk as well as the client they serve?

    I would love to see the actual contract that Uber has purchased to see who is the named insured.

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