California Judge Orders Kaiser to Broaden Reconstructive Surgery Coverage

July 21, 2015

  • March 27, 2016 at 9:12 pm
    Sherrie L Scharbrough says:
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    This makes me so very happy. After losing 124#’s I defintly needed skin removal done!! My insureance covered it 100%. I’m one of the lucky ones!! So many others have to deal with skin issues and fight for every thing they need done. Every step of the way!! This is great news!!

    • April 19, 2016 at 11:23 pm
      Joy Cabeal says:
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      I, too, have lost 100+ pounds. I retired from Kaiser Permanente and my last position was in Member Services. The South Sacramento Bariatric patients chat on a Facebook page and offer support, suggestions, recipes, etc. When the class action suit has been discussed, NO ONE that has gone to Plastics (one gal lost in excess of 200+ pounds) is scheduled for skin removal. Do you have anyone that we can turn to besides filing a grievance via Member Services?

  • June 14, 2016 at 3:16 pm
    Brenda Shropshire says:
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    I hope this ends up being a little more broaden for those of us who have lost weigh without the help of bariatric surgery. that for us who put in the work to lose the weight and have excess skin should also be entitled to plastic surgery.

    • February 12, 2018 at 11:58 pm
      Laura Facino says:
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      For those of you who lost weight on your own, I applaud you. But do not call it the “right” or “true” way or that you are the only ones that put in the work. I like you, lost weight on my own, but due to my metabolic functions, it would come right back as soon as I stopped the insane diets to get it off. You see, I can only eat 1000-1200 calories a day. If I go over that, I gain weight. So in order to help control my hunger and portions, I have the gastric sleeve procedure which gives me a smaller stomach. But I still only eat 1000 calories a day along with 5-6 days of exercise for 60-90 minutes. So do not tell me that I do it the “easy way”. Weight loss surgery is not easy – it was actually one of the hardest things I ever done, but well worth is as it is the best tool to get the weight off when combined with a good diet and lots of exercise. But just like you, I can still gain weight back – I have to fight everyday to keep my goal weight. I am currently training for a 100 mile bike ride around Lake Tahoe in June. My extra skin is an issue but I am trying to tighten up as much of it on my own as I can. So just like you, I work hard every day.

  • January 19, 2017 at 11:42 pm
    Cali says:
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    I also lost 100 pounds with diet and excise alone without any Bariatric surgeries or anything. I did it the true and right way and should be entitled to coverage for weightloss skin surgery.

  • March 13, 2018 at 1:07 pm
    Sue says:
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    Thank you Laura! this was defiantly not the easy way by any means. I have to admit when I was fat and I saw others doing the surgery, I too said “oh that’s the easy way”. It’s simply a tool that requires constant attention to stay on track with eating and exercise. It only takes a few bad moves to put you back in the position where you were. For those who think it’s a “easy” solution, I would love you to walk a day in my shoes. Until then, who cares how you lose the weight. I done it both ways and the surgery is how I keep it off going on 8 years now.

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