Uber Drivers Want to Streamline Suit in California over Employee Status

August 7, 2015

  • August 7, 2015 at 1:58 pm
    Bruceski says:
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    These drivers like their work flexibility and 80% cut of the fare. sure seems like if they receive employee status they may be required to work certain hours, number of hours, etc. and certainly the split is going to go down in order to cover the costs Uber will incur due to the driver employee status.

    There is a lot to be said to being an independent contractor. As a frequent Uber customer, most every driver has expressed they enjoy being their own boss, working when they want and as long or short as they want, and the fact they do not have to find customers as Uber takes care of that. Makes one wonder how all the other Uber drivers feel about this handful of drivers that may change the model that seems to be working so well for them.

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