Uptick in Fatal Crashes Involving Marijuana in Utah

May 17, 2016

  • May 17, 2016 at 12:18 pm
    Mark Godfrey says:
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    You are really a —— idiotic group to not realize that fatal car crashes are way DOWN in Colorado and Washington.

    Nice try, fools.

  • May 17, 2016 at 2:27 pm
    Freedom Fighter says:
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    Note the use of the word “related” or “involved” in the text of articles about cannabis and auto accidents. Translated it means cannabis was a secondary factor behind alcohol or pharmaceutical drug intoxication. Cannabis is well known to stay in the blood for up to 30 days after consumption.

    No one should drive a car while intoxicated on anything ever. That being said people in the United States have been driving under the influence of alcohol, prescription drugs and cannabis in ever increasing numbers since the mass produced automobile was invented. Alcohol and prescription drug intoxication are commonplace as the direct cause in a very large percentage of all fatal auto accidents. Over 21,000 traffic fatalities a year are directly attributable to alcohol and pharmaceutical drug intoxication. Both alcohol and prescription drugs are well known statistical serial killers both in driving and in life in general.

    Marijuana prohibitionists are doing and saying everything and anything possible to make cannabis look bad. They nit pick every possible aspect of cannabis consumption in an effort to stop legalization. Even so, there is no real statistically significant data in the crime logs year to year about cannabis and auto accidents by comparison to serial killers prescription drugs and alcohol. If cannabis use did cause large numbers of driving incidents we would see it in the news and the statistical data and we do not. To the best of my knowledge ( I have checked thoroughly), not a single police agency in the US even keeps statistics for fatal accident caused solely by cannabis intoxication. Every police agency in the nation shows ever increasing numbers where alcohol and pharmaceuticals are cited for traffic deaths.

    I am completely against anyone driving intoxicated on anything and support severe penalties for intoxicated drivers, but the silly “OMG cannabis users are going to start driving and cause a rash of accidents” argument is just more reefer madness nonsense and has absolutely no basis in actual crime statistics!

    Legalize, regulate and TAX!

  • May 18, 2016 at 11:01 am
    Storm Crow says:
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    Did you catch the trick? Did you see that they never mention the actual number of accidents, just the percentage of increase in drivers testing positive? All this “study” shows is that more people are using cannabis!

    The joint you smoked on the 1st of the month, will show up a drug test on the 30th….long after any effects have faded! If you took drug tests of random people off the street, you would likely find the same magnitude of increase in use as shown in this “study”!

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