California is Taking Global Warming Fight to Dairy Cows

By | November 30, 2016

  • December 1, 2016 at 10:43 am
    Reader for Safety says:
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    Those folks in Sacramento have been smoking something long before it was legal…this is udder nonsense. So CUD elly that they cannot stomach it any more. They need to get off their Dairy air and fix their budget and get off the train to nowhere.

  • December 1, 2016 at 10:46 am
    Jadefox says:
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    OMG!!!! California has stepped into the abyss for sure. What’s next? Humans pass gas daily! What about the wild animals? I can see these pinheads making refried beans illegal because of the gas causing side effect.

    I guess the dinosaurs brought their demise on themselves because they must have pass a lot of methane too, much more than the basic cow.

    Is it any wonder why people in the real world look at California with amusement. The land of arrested adolescence!!!

  • December 1, 2016 at 12:06 pm
    Some Guy says:
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    One has to wonder…how and who’s gonna measure the number and amount of cow farts

  • December 1, 2016 at 1:22 pm
    Captain Planet says:
    Hot debate. What do you think?
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    We can create electricity by trapping methane? We need more of these digesters. Along with wind and solar, we can conserve energy for generations to come. They will be looking back on us one day asking what we did in order to pave the planet for their well-being. How did we utilize science or did we ignore it? Did we take steps to utilize green resources or did we simply rely on our finite resources? We must be better custodians of our living planet. We have raped her long enough.

    • December 2, 2016 at 11:09 am
      Jadefox says:
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      Well Captain Planet, I suggest that you tape a hefty bag to your backside and capture all the methane you produce, then you can transfer it to your digester. Better yet, hold it all in and maybe you will float away.

      • December 3, 2016 at 11:46 am
        Captain Planet says:
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        Hi Patticake,
        Had to change your name, huh? What, did you get banned?

        • December 3, 2016 at 9:00 pm
          Actu says:
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          Jadefox has been here a while, and a reference to that particular conservative theory is above her head probably.

          • December 4, 2016 at 12:02 pm
            Captain Planet says:
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            Understood, thanks Actu. I guess Patti remains banned.

          • December 5, 2016 at 10:43 pm
            DePolarBearables says:
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            Actu – ally, Patti is spending her time on more productive endeavors than trying to edify ignorant liberals.

          • December 6, 2016 at 8:22 am
            Ron says:
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            Apparently, you do not have anything better to do.

          • December 6, 2016 at 9:29 am
            DePolarBearables says:
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            Yes, I do. But I am very efficient.

            I am waiting for someone to deliver deliverables, and have spare minutes, now and then.

            So, why are YOU posting?

          • December 6, 2016 at 10:17 am
            Actu says:
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            No she is just in order threads spreading her hateful message, weirdo.

            Anybody who finds your jokes even amusing has no sense of humor and needs help, but they are not as bad as your stupid cartoon quotes, which should remind everybody you take your info from cartoons.

          • December 6, 2016 at 6:04 pm
            DePolarBearables says:
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            @actu; why don’t you visit CNN or Huff & Puff to read the trash talk there about TrumPresident’s cabinet and report back to us conservatives so we can get some yucks from it?

        • December 6, 2016 at 12:46 pm
          Patticake says:
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          Wow, Cappie Dick…a little paranoid, are we? I have not, nor will I, change my screen name in order to try to be someone that I am not. I am Patticake. Hear me roar. LOL!!!

          • December 6, 2016 at 1:07 pm
            Captain Planet says:
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            Sorry, you were just silent for so long, I didn’t realize it was just a timeout you were served. Ready to play nice in the sandbox yet, or going to continue to lob your insults?

          • December 6, 2016 at 1:33 pm
            Bob says:
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            Shut up. She does not just lob insults, but you do.

            Often just for the catch phrase.

          • December 6, 2016 at 2:14 pm
            Patticake says:
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            That’s OK, Cappie Dick. I see you’ve missed me and that warms my heart.

          • December 6, 2016 at 9:40 pm
            Captain Planet says:
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            Of course I’ve missed you. I am glad to know I touched your heart. How about meeting me at the IJ convention and we can take a hot tub? Do you like red or white?

          • December 7, 2016 at 2:14 pm
            Bob says:
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            Of course I’ve missed you. I am glad to know I touched your heart. How about meeting me at the IJ convention and we can take a hot tub? Do you like red or white?”


            Tell me I’m not the only one creeped out.

            There are times not to offer a woman a hot tub, like oh say after she insults you, and like oh say when she wants nothing to do with you.

            What in the world was with that condescending hot tub invite?

            That was some serious arrogance and inappropriate behavior.

    • December 6, 2016 at 1:00 pm
      Captain Planet says:
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      We can create electricity by trapping methane? We need more of these digesters. Along with wind and solar, we can conserve energy for generations to come. They will be looking back on us one day asking what we did in order to pave the planet for their well-being. How did we utilize science or did we ignore it? Did we take steps to utilize green resources or did we simply rely on our finite resources? We must be better custodians of our living planet. We have raped her long enough.

  • December 1, 2016 at 1:42 pm
    Californian to the core says:
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    2 articles related to this topic below. The headlines of some stories may be amusing to folks, but methane is big part of the greenhouse gases that are responsible for climate change.Another aspect to consider is that California’s dairy industry is also supplying other parts of the world (e.g. China), which means we are responsible for the production of these greenhouse gases – and the use our very limited water resources – so we should have some say in how it is regulated. Just food, or perhaps milk, for though.

    “Livestock are responsible for 14.5 percent of human-induced greenhouse gas emissions, with beef and dairy production accounting for the bulk of it, according to a 2013 United Nations report.”

    “China’s thirst for milk gives U.S. dairy farms a boost. American dairy farmers see an opportunity as demand booms in China.”

    • December 3, 2016 at 9:03 pm
      Actu says:
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      Most of it is not from flatulence, it’s from their mouth, but most Republicans deny basic science, so this is easy for them to deny.

      • December 5, 2016 at 2:18 pm
        Jax Agent says:
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        Most Republicans aren’t going to spend enough time in the company of cows to have an opinion on which end most of the methane comes from.
        I’m afraid to ask you from whence your level of expertise comes from. Really, you don’t have to answer.

        • December 5, 2016 at 6:08 pm
          Actu says:
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          Good point, verifying what we already know, that Republicans only know about what they directly experience, and not what they read, research, etc, which is why they are conservatives in the first place.

          • December 5, 2016 at 10:45 pm
            DePolarBearables says:
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            Roger Waters is having HYUUUGE problems connecting with the public after 4 FAILED MARRIAGES and a FAILED relationship with TWO former Pink Floyd band members who he ousted.

            Now, in a desperate move to regain public acceptance of his music, he is recording an LP of cow flatulence called “The Backside of the Moo”.

          • December 6, 2016 at 11:43 am
            Jax Agent says:
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            Momma said “Don’t believe everything you read and only half of what you see.” So despite what I said above, now I have to ask you, “Did you actually conduct research on which end of the cow emits more methane”? Or did you ‘just’ read it and assume that since it was on the internet that it must be true ?
            My roommate in college could light his farts, but not his burps……..are you really sure about what you stated ? Of course, a cow has a 4 part stomach, my roommate (to the best of my knowledge) did not.
            Making blanket statements about Republicans makes you look stupid and I would bet that you are not.

          • December 6, 2016 at 12:49 pm
            Patticake says:
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            Actu…I can smell your rancid breath from here…what? That’s not your breath? Well, then! It looks like you have a lot more in common with cows than you think!

          • December 6, 2016 at 1:41 pm
            Captain Planet says:
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            More insults, huh Patticake? It seems that is all you are up to out here. Why are you so angry? Shouldn’t you be happy Drumpf won? Here’s a hug, we’re all on this ship together.

          • December 6, 2016 at 2:15 pm
            Lucy says:
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            Planet – according to bob, those aren’t insults.

          • December 6, 2016 at 2:16 pm
            Patticake says:
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            And, there you go, Cappie Dick. Does Actu need you to fight all of his/her battles? Have you not seen the insults that spew out of Actu’s ‘mouth’ on IJ, aimed at everyone?

          • December 6, 2016 at 4:38 pm
            Bob says:
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            Such a load of crap.

            So tell me, why didn’t Obama save those Carrier jobs? It sounds unrelated, but democrats often talk about things, and Obama did in advance, saying what is Trump going to do, saying that there is nothing that can be done other than what they say or know can be done. It is their limited experience and yet arrogance that only their path works, that is an issue. Republicans try new things all the time.

            Carrier: 1,100 jobs saved.
            Ford: Keeping more production in Kentucky.

            And then this:


            50,000 jobs and U.S. investment.

            Obama claimed it couldn’t be done, and before Trump is in office he has made deals to make over 50,000 jobs, less than a month after winning his election. Apple revealed they were doing research into bringing back production here and it was solely due to a possible Trump presidency. They did this research in June.

            If he does this every month, that would be 600,000 jobs in one year, or 4.8 million over his tenure of 8. Do the math here, if he reaches his promised number, which he would surpass if he did this rate, if you include the normal job growth expected, his tax cuts would pay for themselves, inclusive of the additional revenues brought in from corporations bringing their services back.

            Remember when the democrats said his numbers were too rosy because nothing suggested he could bring ANY of those jobs back?

            We are seeing signs that he can. If he does, democrats yet again spoke as if they were knowledgeable, and didn’t know crap, obviously, since Trump is pulling it off as we speak!

            To which I say:

            GO TRUMP GO!

          • December 6, 2016 at 4:39 pm
            Bob says:
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            And also to which I do a throw back to an Obama slogan,

            YES, WE CAN!!

            YES, WE CAN!!

            Hahahaha, love it. Now I’m just being silly. Obama is eating his words, I think Trump will pull this off with the offshore jobs and making it worth while to bring our jobs back. And I’m very excited about this.

          • December 6, 2016 at 6:38 pm
            Bob says:
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            Obama before hand:


            This looks like what I said above, with an example doesn’t it ACTU?

            Am I still such an idiot?

          • December 6, 2016 at 6:42 pm
            Bob says:
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            Like Obama said:

            How? How are we going to do that? It’s impossible. Republicans don’t know facts. Don’t you get it ACTU?

            It’s not like democrats might be the ones clueless on the economy, through both their actions and their words, and have been missing this opportunity that Trump is provably taking advantage of, is it? Oh my God. IS IT???

            Quick, ACTU, I need some play dough, we need to go to “deaf” “con” five! I need to cover my ears and say la la la la la, while I ignore all evidence and pretend like I’m being conned by conservative con con’s!

            *Hyper ventilating commences”

            “Sir! We’ve engaged in operation hop scotch buns to get the people distracted, what do we do now?”

            “This is now time to flash your rear son!!! Republicans are totes magotes saying things that might actually be true!!!! We’re at DEAF CON 5!!!! Bury your head in the sand and scream about some type of social injustice before the sky falls!”

            This is how I see the news right now acting. I need to make a parody of it in my old comics I used to write.

          • December 6, 2016 at 6:50 pm
            Bob says:
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            *Not the time. Lol. Now time, I’m tired.

          • December 6, 2016 at 9:47 pm
            Captain Planet says:
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            Please mind those loose lips, they tend to sink ships. In your case, loose lips like yours sink American fellowShip.

          • December 7, 2016 at 2:18 pm
            Bob says:
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            Please mind those loose lips, they tend to sink ships. In your case, loose lips like yours sink American fellowShip.”

            I don’t see you telling this to ACTU. So, as long as someone is insulting the right person they can say what they want?

            Also, Patticake’s insults are minor at worst. Absurd.

            She isn’t running around calling people Drumpf, which is your way of insulting his immigrant German grandfather. He’s not the one who changed the name.

            Also, it definitely plays on the whole German = Nazi thing.

            So she called you cappie dick. Now she’s got loose lips, but you constantly use names here far worse.

          • December 7, 2016 at 2:21 pm
            Bob says:
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            I’m sorry there are such sleazy people in our industry.

            I once called Planet a rapist, because I could see his actual disgusting treatment of women.

            I’m really sorry you have to deal with idiots like this, who mockingly invite you to a bath after you insult them to simply talk down to you.

            I’m thinking it isn’t the first time a liberal male has done this with you, is it?

            I have a lengthy history with women, but as I said, I’m actually very passive. I don’t make a point of insulting a woman while doing what I assume is a fake invite to a hot tub simply to mock your online relationship. And this guy mocks Trump…Hah.

          • December 7, 2016 at 2:24 pm
            Bob says:
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            In fact, that comment and fight is probably why Planet and I don’t talk anymore.

            I’m sure most here have forgotten it. I haven’t. I was out of line, just like UW is now.

            But it appears I was correct that Planet is a pig, and the tones I picked up on were semi accurate, though I exaggerated a bit.

  • December 1, 2016 at 2:19 pm
    Reality Check says:
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    “Politicians are responsible for 80% of the BS regulations which cause companies to find greener pastures without the red tape!” Oops, I farted again.

  • December 1, 2016 at 2:35 pm
    markb says:
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    Things like this make me embarrassed to be from crazy California. But we’re selling insurance and the weather is great so you take the good with the bad.

  • December 1, 2016 at 3:40 pm
    DougJ says:
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    I believe Ronald Reagan used to mention in speeches that a lot of methane was from cows AND of course our press made big fun of him about it. NOW California wants to regulate it and it becomes real and serious.

    When I was growing up in the 60’s and 70’s I thought we had an independent and free press, but now I wonder. I would like less gas from the press!!(That was the obligatory pun)

    • December 6, 2016 at 1:40 pm
      Conserving the Truth says:
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      Sadly, the press no longer serves a purpose other than indoctrinate us into a “right or wrong” culture. There is no middle wrong. Facts no longer matter. All news networks have an agenda and it only takes about an hour of tuning in to catch on.

  • December 1, 2016 at 6:31 pm
    CSP says:
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    What can you say… Californians past the law for ‘pot’ to be stupid, the Legislature is proving just how stupid they are now.

    • December 2, 2016 at 3:09 pm
      Come on, Man says:
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      Passed* – Check for spelling and grammar before you comment about the stupidity of others.

      • December 7, 2016 at 2:28 pm
        Bob says:
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        “Passed* – Check for spelling and grammar before you comment about the stupidity of others.”

        It takes an idiot to make a comment like that. Many people when typing quickly make such errors. I have never seen someone who hasn’t.

        Usually it is someone who types extremely fast.

        Instead of commenting on minor grammar issues, and using that to disregard other areas, focus on the topics.

        You would have been many times smarter if you simply said “Passing a pot law is not a bad thing” and explained why.

        For example: I don’t buy into pot restrictions. If you made such a comment, someone like me would have found you reasonable.

        But because you made the comment you made, now you are not going to be listened to, nor is this guy’s original point. I imagine that was your intent, but one is morally and ethically lacking, and one is not. Guess which?

        Now I’ll insert my comment here:

        California allowing pot is not a bad thing.

        See how easy that is? Now if he disagrees we can debate that actual issue. Not engage in who types better more of the time.

  • December 1, 2016 at 7:35 pm
    Canuck says:
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    Have to admit, I clicked on this article just to read the comments. Thanks! :)

  • December 5, 2016 at 2:14 pm
    Jax Agent says:
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    Leave it to California. Next thing you know, California will propose a ban on lawyers having sex with these cows.

    • December 6, 2016 at 12:51 pm
      Patticake says:
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      There is already a ban in CA on lawyers having sex with cows in bars.

      • December 6, 2016 at 3:16 pm
        Actu says:
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        Don’t worry, I’m sure you can meet lawyers someplace else.

        • December 6, 2016 at 4:43 pm
          Bob says:
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          I wonder if you missed the joke, or if you just called Patticake fat.

          To which I say this:

          Hi Trump! You just called a woman fat. Is that because you hate all women? I’m going to say it is! Because, well, you said this of Trump. And I deem you also must be sexist, you’ve called women fat, and that they date lawyers (I guess implying they are gold diggers) and therefore you’re not able to comment on politics, because you are sexist.

          Sounds like Megan Kelly “You’ve called women fat pigs,” etc etc.

          How funny now to have that thrown at you, isn’t it? But you’re sooooo much better than Trump, amirite?

          • December 6, 2016 at 5:32 pm
            Tolerance Matters says:
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            *cough* “Grab them by the p–sy” *cough*

          • December 6, 2016 at 5:37 pm
            Bob says:
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            *cough* liberals called him sexist before that comment *cough* due to the other comments I listed above *cough*

            Also, grab them by the pussy *cough cough* was said about consenting women and consensual escapades, not with regards to running up and grabbing a pussy *cough cough*.

            Also, *cough cough* you missed the point. He has specifically called out the individual items I just did.

            I’m in no mood for your antics right now kid.

          • December 6, 2016 at 5:38 pm
            Bob says:
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            I was just emphasizing how ignorant your *coughs* were, and replied condescending in kind, but not so kind a manner.

            Go try your one liners with someone else, you tabloid style debater.

          • December 6, 2016 at 7:00 pm
            UW says:
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            Hey look, idiot Bob finally got the irony similar to the same I have been using on him for months. I guess he can learn, kind of. Of course, this would be 1 example of it, and would be a direct tie-in to the story, not just calling her, or any woman, a fat cow because of an argument, so it would be different. I don’t know if Actu has been sexist here before, but I don’t remember any examples.

            “*cough* “Grab them by the p–sy” *cough*”

            Bob said that isn’t sexual assault, but simply “getting some,” and some of the “finest men” he knows do it. But, it’s not sexual assault, because you know when they want it. He also said, not ironically, he has been accused of rape at least 2 times, but he was innocent, and they were just jealous.

            Also, Bob, listen up kiddo, Trump has a history of this going back decades, which is why he was rightfully called sexist, not one time where he did it as a joke. So scram, dolt.

          • December 6, 2016 at 7:25 pm
            Bob says:
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            If you want to disagree on this one UW, you are reading into what Trump said, the phrasing, as to whether or not he is a rapist.

            Do you think someone says on tape, “Yeah, I grab pussies derpa derpa!”

            No. They don’t. And it is dangerous to try and determine someone’s sex life based on them basically saying they love women, love grabbing them by the pussy, and they just want to kiss them.

            I will say this again: When a man SAYS he loves grabbing women by the pussy and just wants to go up there and kiss them, and they want you to, NOTHING ABOUT IT IMPLIES THEY HAVE COMMITTED ASSAULT. Literally, nothing. And CNN happened to have accusers at the ready. I find THAT suspect. This supposed history hasn’t shown until now. THAT is suspect.

            And typically when someone says what Trump is saying, they say it of women they want to, and eventually do, court.

            Now, going back, grabbing an ass, which I brought up because I knew you were changing the definition of sexual assault, is NOT assault. I said this so you would relate to YOUR relationships. When you have kissed a woman, that you KNEW that WANTED YOU AND MADE THAT CLEAR and grabbed her ass. I mentioned how people talked so you would RELATE TO MEN YOU HAVE HEARD brag about sex with women they met. CONSENSUALLY and so you would compare and contrast to normal sexuality.

            The issue here now, is you are conflating too many things.

            It is insane, and you won’t fucking correct your misconceptions no matter how many fucking times I correct you! Fuck dude! You, nor anyone else, get’s to fucking call me a rapist!


          • December 6, 2016 at 7:30 pm
            Bob says:
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            I mean really, not a random woman, someone that you hit it off with at the bar, and were in process of kissing, have you, EVER felt up a woman during kissing?

            Because you’re acting like that’s assault, and you haven’t.

            At which point: That is why I asked how you first had sex!!!

            Because at some time you have grabbed a woman’s ass and YOU assumed you were not sexually assaulting her.

            Now some people, do ass grabbing on the first date during a mutually desirable kiss. In fact, I have had a scenario when I danced with a woman, and she wanted that, moved my hand there, and tried to blow me in the bathroom. Was the fact that she moved my hand there, and I didn’t know her, SEXUAL FUCKING ASSAULT???

            Or was that her making a move while we have a sensual dance?

            You freaking over zealous moron! If you debated with a Catholic who called that woman a rapist for grabbing my ass, you would be all over that Catholic’s ass like she was mine!

            This is absurd, my intellect and intuitive nature clearly eclipses yours, as you get hung up constantly on one liners and what they mean.

            Go back to school you freaking idiot.

          • December 6, 2016 at 7:34 pm
            Bob says:
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            And moreover, I have explained to the letter what I’m talking about that is not assault.

            And I keep asking, and giving examples.

            So I now demand a god damn answer UW. Is what I put below, sexual assault? ANSWER THE QUESTION. Because I have said several times, THIS TYPE OF BEHAVIOR is what I’m taking about, and the men who brought this women home, DATED THEM.

            So, because they did this:



            What you are calling sexual assault, are these damn items, because these are what I talked about.

            The men later bragged about it, while around these women as well later.

            Some even would use their pick up lines, which were cheesy as hell, like TEN I SEE. This is normal behavior what I’m talking about, and if you want to fucking call it sexual assault because you NEED to believe that EVERYONE INCLUDING TRUMP AND EVERYONE WHO SUPPORTS HIM IS A RAPIST then YOU

            Y to the fucking O-U are mentally ill fuck face!

          • December 6, 2016 at 9:52 pm
            UW says:
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            “Do you think someone says on tape, “Yeah, I grab pussies derpa derpa!”

            I don’t think it, I know for a fact Trump said that, because it is on tape, moron. On top of that a huge number of women came forward and said he did that, or something similar to them.

            Again, moron Bob cannot distinguish between reality and fiction, his only care is protecting Republicans, and he denies video evidence. Sad.

          • December 7, 2016 at 12:53 pm
            bob says:
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            I’m not reading your crap anymore, since you clearly aren’t reading mine.

            ENOUGH is enough. I’m sick of your mentally ill habits impeding your ability to debate, and your assaults are clearly vital to your mental stability.

            If anyone here is close to going on a shooting, it’s you.

            Go seek mental help.

            I’m not saying this as a one liner hip phrase to you, like you use it to me.

            SEEK HELP.

            When you are calling people online sexual assault participants, when you then try to determine based on what they have gone through that they most be telling the truth and lies at the same time, and that since it’s unlikely to you that they were accused of rape without cause that they crossed lines, you have a serious issue.

            You are conflating so many things, it is insane.

            GO SEEK HELP.

          • December 7, 2016 at 1:04 pm
            bob says:
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            Go look up Dave Rubin. He has many videos. Unlike the liberal hack that you are, he condemns Hillary where she deserves it. He is definitely a socially liberal fiscally conservative fellow.

            But more to the point:

            He posts all the time that if Liberals like Y-O-U expect they can run around calling conservatives racists, bigots, misogynists, and rapists, and participants of sexual assault, that is what causes push back against the democrats.

            Maybe if you watch him you will learn some balance kid.

            What you do here is inexcusable. No. I don’t do anything close.

            And I’m not going to tolerate it. You’ve accused me of wanting to TORTURE AND KILL and RAPE and MOLEST. You’ve accused me of BIGOTRY and you’ve accused me of RACISM.

            What have I accused you of? Being wrong? I’ve practically begged for our conversations to stay on facts UW!!!

            This behavior you are doing is not ok! SO KNOCK IT OFF!!!

  • December 6, 2016 at 7:20 pm
    Bob says:
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    “Hey look, idiot Bob finally got the irony similar to the same I have been using on him for months. I guess he can learn, kind of. Of course, this would be 1 example of it, and would be a direct tie-in to the story, not just calling her, or any woman, a fat cow because of an argument, so it would be different. I don’t know if Actu has been sexist here before, but I don’t remember any examples.”

    I will give you credit for seeing that my comparison was in fact valid, though you then tried to say it wasn’t. Your side tends to do these types of juvenile attacks.

    “*cough* “Grab them by the p–sy” *cough*”

    “Bob said that isn’t sexual assault, but simply “getting some,” ”

    No, I didn’t. I claimed that some people who get some talk about their sex life like that. And that it sounded like that was what Trump was doing.

    “and some of the “finest men” he knows do it.”

    No, I didn’t. I said some of the people I knew had bragged similar to Trump about being able to get any woman, after they had a sexual encounter which was consensual.

    “But, it’s not sexual assault, because you know when they want it.”

    When they date the man later? No. It’s not assault, also, you are conflating many things here. I never said that grabbing a woman by the pussy was ok, I AM SPECIFICALLY SAYING TRUMP DOES NOT DO THAT and it sounds like he’s talking about his sex life, but even such, I have separately said that grabbing someone is not sexual assault.

    “He also said, not ironically, he has been accused of rape at least 2 times, but he was innocent, and they were just jealous.”

    It’s funny how you hold what I say as true then suspect. Isn’t it? You choose what I say that is true, and twist the other parts? Also, I didn’t say they were both just jealous. I said one was jealous, and one didn’t want a new boyfriend to know that she and I were still an item. She did it before me too, with the boyfriend Joe to make me feel better. Also, you claimed that you never called me a rapist, but that’s what you just did.

    “Also, Bob, listen up kiddo, Trump has a history of this going back decades, which is why he was rightfully called sexist, not one time where he did it as a joke. So scram, dolt.”

    No. He doesn’t. A history of grabbing women by the pussy? Dolt? Don’t tell me to scram fuck face. You are an extremist and are insane. Get lost. Debate someone else.

  • December 8, 2016 at 4:06 pm
    Things that make you go hmmmm says:
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    hmmmm. Moo Moo Mufflers.
    Sounds like some of the commenters on here can use some mufflers too.

  • December 8, 2016 at 5:00 pm
    Bob says:
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    It sounds like some of the people here need to learn cause and affect. Consequence for saying things to someone need to be had.

    If he wants to call me a rapist, he’s going to get a few swear words back.

    In between I have been civil. I don’t owe that to him. I don’t need to learn how to behave with people here that are absurd.

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