Who Will Foot the Bill for San Francisco’s $750M Millennium Tower?

By James Tarmy and | February 2, 2017

  • January 29, 2022 at 7:09 pm
    Jaime Graterol Monserratte says:
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    Iam Geotechnical Engineer with 52 years of experience.The purpose of my message is to
    clear up the situation of the sinking and tilting of the Millennium Tower if you can find me the following information.( I have been following this situation since 2018) I can explain you what is happening.The designer and the constructor Engineers are been reluctant to give this information that I need.Follows the data I need.
    -Total load of the Tower.
    -Pan layout of the Tower.
    -Depth of the precast driven concrete or steel piles,mesure from the surface level.
    -Thickness of the upper sand layer where the piles were driven.
    .-Subsoil stratification of the Millennium Lot given the depth of each strata.
    -Depth of the old san francisco bay clay layer..
    -The undrained shear strength of the old san francisco bay clay layer.
    With this information at hand I·ll be able to compute if the stress reaching the clay strata is
    larger than the yield shear strength of the clay, and If this is the situation then we have a
    shear strength failure of the clay and a slow deep plastic flow difficult to stop and
    begins the sinking and tilting of the Tower taken as consolidation settlement but they are not.
    This is a major concern situation since San Francisco is located in an seismic and high
    wind area.My intention is to avoid future risks.This is my personal opinion.
    If you have any questions please be in touch with myself.Please keep this information in private.


  • February 20, 2022 at 8:50 pm
    Jaime Graterol Monserratte says:
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    At this date 02/20/2022 I have no received yet any information about the data that I need of the soil stratification of the lot where the Tower was built.Once with his information I can compute the overload ratio of the stress reaching the san francisco bay clay layer and with this value we can know if the sinking and tilting of the Tower will stop or will continue for long time. Again Iám sending this comment because is of major concern,I remain for our answer.

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