Walmart Paying $65M to Settle California Suit Over Seating For Cashiers

By | October 12, 2018

  • October 12, 2018 at 1:36 pm
    Cali-Agent says:
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    Wow. The law allows the employees to sue their employer on behalf of the State, and they only get 25% of any settlement. Walmart now has to pay $65 million and each of the employees affected get $162.50. Sounds like Walmart was already providing seats to those cashiers that needed them. So Walmart loses, the attorneys for the State win, no significant benefit to the employees. Welcome to California.

  • October 14, 2018 at 7:38 am
    Howard S. says:
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    Hire a state-licensed Orthopedist or a state-licensed Chiropractor to approve or recommend some kind of stool or chair that will not cause discomfort or injury to a seated cashier’s spine and still enable the mobility needed to move about to scan objects, turn the bag carousel, etc. Probably not rocket science, and probably a lot cheaper than sixty five million dollars. Oh, lazy employees and their lawyers will sue anyway, but a judge or appeals court is more likely to side with the employer after such steps have been taken to assure employee comfort and safety in a work environment.

    • October 15, 2018 at 12:41 pm
      Kima says:
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      This is not about “lazy employees.” These people stay on their feet for very long hours. A simply stool to make the job easier so that people do not suffer pain is not too much to ask as long as it still enables them to perform their job. You really do not need to assume the negative. They are simply people who want to do a good job and need a little help. My dad worked at Wal-Mart for a number of years and was anything but lazy. He was grateful for his job, but the many hours on his feet took a toll. A stool would have alleviated this problem altogether.

  • October 18, 2018 at 1:59 pm
    FFA says:
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    Everyone should know that a retail job requires long hours on your feet. I dont see any other chain providing stools for their employees, but I do see it at Walmart.
    nice job by the lawyers lining their pockets but the employees getting next to nothing.

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