Do Cannabis or Alcohol Taxes Have Higher Upside for Society?

By | August 22, 2019

  • August 22, 2019 at 5:19 pm
    CommLinesAgent says:
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    can we just disable to comments section on this site please.

    • August 26, 2019 at 12:54 pm
      Craig Cornell says:
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      Right on! We want unbiased “news” reports from outfits called Wikileafs to stand unchallenged.

      Wikileafs: Shining a Light on Truth!

    • August 28, 2019 at 11:19 am
      rob says:
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      my prediction is that this one will be shut down by the end of the day…two decent sections were shut down after yesterday because people can’t play nice in the sandbox. I’m willing to bet that Andrew will eventually just disable them altogether for ALL articles. Would be a shame but I can’t blame him. Even Agent got sick of it and stopped posting, and he was always good for a few comments on a lot of articles.

  • August 23, 2019 at 2:47 pm
    chiponthecape says:
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    I second your motion CLA!

    • August 27, 2019 at 8:07 am
      rob says:
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      i’d third it, but then again I’d actually kind of miss it. It’s been entertaining lately. it’s at the point where I just skip the articles and head straight to the comments section.

  • August 23, 2019 at 3:24 pm
    Libertarian Agent says:
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    To be fair the comments can be quite humorous sometimes. I just wish the commenters would stop with the cyber bullying.

  • August 26, 2019 at 9:23 am
    checkyourfacts says:
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    “The report finds that in Alaska, the alcohol tax was $20.1 million in 2017, and in 2018 that rose to $19.6 million.”

    So $19.6M is more than $20.1M?

  • August 26, 2019 at 12:37 pm
    Craig Cornell says:
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    Really fun to read reports from some outfit named ‘WikiLeafs’ as if it were, you know, credible and then find the obvious bias in the report. Keep in mind that original projections were for cannabis taxes to be about $1 billion annually in California.

    Also keep in mind that the State has found an enormously greater spending burden on enforcement than anticipated, as over 80% of pot grown in California is illegally grown and according to Governor Newsom, the illegal growth has increased since recreational pot was legalized. (Somehow, Wikileafs doesn’t address this tax burden in their comparison with booze taxes. Hmm.)

    Check this out from the article (before you attack me):

    “The state’s tax haul from alcohol sales was $376 million in 2018, and is projected to be $382 million in 2019. Tax revenues from cannabis were $345 million in 2018, and are projected to be $288 million in 2019.

    One reason for this is an unexpected downturn in California’s cannabis market in 2018, although rapid growth has resumed.”

    Say WHAT? Going from $345 to $288 million represents rapid growth?!??!!!

    But hey, when you are pushing BS, go big or go home.

    • August 28, 2019 at 1:36 am
      Jon says:
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      You have legitimate stats about the cannabis market in California, it just leads you to the wrong conclusions. There is an issue with the way the regulation has been no handled, it’s clunkier and more beuroceatic than Colorado. But the issue is you use this fact to jump to dangerous conclusions. Your estimate of “enormously greater spending on enforcement” is exaggeration.

      • August 28, 2019 at 7:23 am
        PolarBeaRepeal says:
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        You have legitimate stats about the cannabis market in California, it just leads you to the wrong conclusions. There is an issue with the way the regulation has been no handled, it’s clunkier and more beuroceatic than Colorado. But the issue is you use this fact to jump to dangerous conclusions. Your estimate of “enormously greater spending on enforcement” is exaggeration.

        I am not jumping to any dangerous conclusion that isn’t supported by the most recent studies of the adverse effects of long-term use of pot on cerebral functions. One example I’ve cited recently is a UK study of almost 2 years ago that drew those specific conclusions based on a lengthy study of significant numbers of cases. For example, spelling skillz will deeteereeorate signiphikantlee.

        • August 28, 2019 at 11:07 am
          Jon says:
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          Why can’t you post a link to your study then for verification? Since as noted many times, Craig will take leaps and bounds from studies determining things like “marijuana MAY affect xyz” to mean marijuana ABSOLUTELY causes xyz. You and Craig are firmly biased when it comes to this topic, if you’re not posting verifiable credible links, it’s very likely you two are full of it.

      • August 28, 2019 at 1:31 pm
        Craig Cornell says:
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        Back up your claims for once: How much is being spent on enforcement to shut down illegal growers and sellers in California? Include all city police departments involved as well as the State enforcement folks.

        Then tell me how much would be needed to shut down ALL illegal growers and sellers.

        I won’t wait up for Mr. BS to respond with links to accurate answers.

        • August 28, 2019 at 3:00 pm
          Jon says:
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          I never said I had the numbers, I said YOUR numbers are incorrect. You stated that it was an enormous cost and have yet to prove it, so where are YOUR numbers Craig?

  • August 28, 2019 at 11:57 am
    Honest Question says:
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    I am all for letting people who live in legal states choose whether they partake or not, but will these added taxes see any significant change once cannabis is fully legalized?

    As long as people are being educated on the dangers of heavy recreational use, driving while high and other common knowledge issues surrounding it (like any vice), I see cannabis having a lot higher upside on society than alcohol since there is the aspect of medicinal use as well. Especially once it becomes legalized country-wide as well as federally and not just in a handful of states.

    Also, are these tax revenues for cannabis competing with alcohol while only legal in a handful of states? Imagine nationwide and fully legalized..

    • August 28, 2019 at 1:17 pm
      Craig Cornell says:
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      They are not being educated. Out here in California, there are ZERO public service announcements, school educational efforts, advertisements about the dangers. ZIP.

      The tax money is being used elsewhere, as usual in California. (See Bullet Train to Nowhere. See diversion of Highway expansion money into projects other than what the voters approved. See thousands of homeless with no solution. See some of the worst schools in America.)

      • August 28, 2019 at 1:37 pm
        Honest Question says:
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        Do you think that would change if and when it becomes fully legalized?

        Or like other substances, they leave it to the public to learn about the dangers on their own, only to try and correct the problem after it has impacted thousands of lives, like they’ve done with vaping just recently.

        • August 28, 2019 at 1:56 pm
          Craig Cornell says:
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          Exactly right. All BS from our leaders.

          The Pro Pot crowd promised educational efforts for kids once all the Pot taxes started rolling in. Right. They care about the kids.

          • August 28, 2019 at 8:14 pm
            Craig Cornell says:
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            I agreed with him. Calm down.

        • August 28, 2019 at 2:04 pm
          Captain Planet says:
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          I was just in IL visiting my folks and saw a commercial about driving high. I also grew up a long time ago and saw all the commercials, such as, “I learned it from watching you, Dad.” To say that MJ and its effects have been ignored or haven’t been addressed is simply a lie. Vaping is relatively new and the ill effects are just being discovered and hence, addressed with the public. I feel like anyone who acts like MJ has been promoted to be safe has been living under a rock or something. I seriously can’t be the only one who was educated by parents, teachers, local law enforcement, volunteers coming to talk to classrooms (like DARE), pastors, etc. The list goes on. NO INTOXICATING SUBSTANCE IS SAFE. It’s just that simple.

          • August 28, 2019 at 2:20 pm
            Honest Question says:
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            That’s a fair point Planet, thank you.

            And Craig I understand what you mean, do you think that would change once it is fully legalized, nationwide? More advanced studies of its’ impact on a person, physically and mentally, could be put into place, there would hopefully be more awareness of the dangers and more tax revenue being brought in to pay for all of these.

            That of course looks good on paper, if it were to actually be that simple.

            Thank you for the responses.

          • August 28, 2019 at 2:53 pm
            Craig Cornell says:
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            Clown Comment Number 875. The science about THC over the past 10 years has grown enormously and the number and scope of scientifically established dangers of THC keep expanding.

            I live in California. There are ZERO efforts using tax money to warn people, especially kids.

            And you and millions of Deniers like you are the problem, talking about commercials “when you grew up”.

          • August 28, 2019 at 3:02 pm
            Jon says:
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            LOL so we’re back to this, loudmouth old guy screaming at the sky and everyone who disagrees with him is a liar. That’s fine, Craig. Keep riding that. Let’s go back to talking about things we know: You live in California, and you know there are ZERO efforts to use the tax money to warn people?




            That’s three links now that call you a liar, old man.

          • August 28, 2019 at 3:15 pm
            Captain Planet says:
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            Exactly what am I denying? I just stated no intoxicant is safe. I agree with you, MJ isn’t always without ill effects. It can be used in moderation, still not safe, but can be used responsibly. Developing brains shouldn’t use it, which was the point of all the education during my youth, right? I haven’t denied that some of the issues you note COULD happen. I haven’t seen them likely to happen, but they do indeed occur. If they were likely to happen, we’d have a league full of NBA players scromiting in the middle of the game and misinterpreting reality.

            Ask yourself this – is it also possible some of these kids are mixing drugs with alcohol, drugs with other drugs, or getting MJ that has been laced unbeknownst to the user?

            Keep doing your part to educate the youth. I’ll do the same. I certainly don’t encourage kids to partake. I don’t think anyone on this forum does.

          • August 28, 2019 at 3:33 pm
            Craig Cornell says:
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            Oh, please. You have fought nearly every idea I posted on THC, even when I backed it with links to science and research.

            You and people like you are the problem, trying to downplay the danger by making dumb “certain people” arguments.

            Want a new one? There is massive evidence that THC causes violence. The Dayton killer was a long-time pot user and reportedly had THC and other drugs in his system when he killed. Many other mass killers were long-time THC consumers. Think we ought to investigate the possible link? (You know, out of concern about preventing other mass shootings.) The media doesn’t think so.

            You see, THC causes psychosis. Psychotic people commit FAR more violence than do non-psychotic people. (The lie about mentally ill people being statistically as safe as everyone else is just that, a massive lie. Psychotic people are FAR more dangerous.)

            Did you see that warning “when you were growing up”?

          • August 28, 2019 at 3:43 pm
            Jon says:
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            That’s a nonsense statement. Your “links to science and research” are often from right-wing fake news outlets that you’re claiming are otherwise. Or you’ll post information gathered such as “marijuana MAY cause xyz” while stating that it’s absolute fact that it DOES. Stating that “There is massive evidence that THC…” why don’t you post that massive evidence? You’re trying to draw conclusions to murderers now? How about we operate in fact instead.

          • August 28, 2019 at 4:01 pm
            bob says:
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            Honest may be a bit naïve on the topic at hand, but at least there is no malice in the comment. You’re coming on way too strong Craig.

            I see serious flaws in education for example. If you have been around troubled crowds or did bad things yourself, you would understand that hardcore drinkers are very similar to hardcore pot users. No amount of education is going to diminish the issues. Education rarely helped with smoking either. What ended up helping is the negative image that schools got out there about it. This is not the same as educating on dangers. Kids in my generation found smoking to be very out crowd, it had little to do with the dangers. The success was in making people who don’t smoke “cool” and who do a bunch of idiotic wannabees. I still remember the videos, in school, showing some skinny dumb kid smoking in a leather jacket thinking he was cool, and it saying what amounted to “Don’t be a part of the I think I’m hip because I smoke crowd. You’re not hip. You’re an idiot.” Of course the phrasing wasn’t exactly like this, but that was why it worked. In my school very little to no people smoked.

            Marijuana however, was seen as hip. The kids all smoked that for the high. It doesn’t matter if you tell a kid like that the negative effects (and people did back then, in fact the school was all over being anti pot) they will just do it more thinking they are the cool rebel and they are invincible and young. Kids are not going to listen to any risks or education. The very fact that you say education is needed, means this drug shouldn’t be allowed for recreational purposes, because there will be those who don’t listen, among other aspects.

          • August 28, 2019 at 4:10 pm
            Honest Question says:
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            Well said Bob, thank you for the response and your experience with it. I agree that I am a bit naïve, but that is due me not having a lot of knowledge on the subject.

            Still new to insurance and commenting on this forum so I appreciate you and the rest for taking the time to answer these questions. You’re helping my have a better understanding and grasp on the matters at hand.


          • August 28, 2019 at 5:13 pm
            Captain Planet says:
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            I wrote, “is it also possible some of these kids are mixing drugs with alcohol, drugs with other drugs, or getting MJ that has been laced unbeknownst to the user?”

            Craig wrote, “…and other drugs in his system…”

            Thank you for affirming my point, Craig.

          • August 28, 2019 at 5:46 pm
            Craig Cornell says:
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            And again, the deflection and denial.

            “There is massive evidence that THC causes violence.” Period. Can you read that? The fact that many mass shooters were BIG THC consumers is worthy of investigation, no? (I mean, if you care about mass shootings and everyone is supposed to at least pretend they care now.)

            Want the proof? No. You would rather pop off with a smart-ass response instead of learning what science is telling us.

            And hence, you and people like you are the problem.

          • August 28, 2019 at 7:12 pm
            Jon says:
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            And yet on the previous articles for marijuana, climate change and gun control I had more likes than any of you mooks combined. That must piss you off, huh?

          • August 28, 2019 at 9:22 pm
            Jon says:
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            Yet another one of your posts easily and immediately refutable. Hmmm I’m sensing a pattern here. Just because you’re a sucker for believing what you want to believe doesn’t mean it’s true. But go ahead and talk about how you don’t believe snopes or any organization willing to argue with the right wing’s propaganda machine Herr Craig, please.

          • August 28, 2019 at 10:43 pm
            Captain Planet says:
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            Even more massive evidence tells us the strongest majority of THC abusers just want to chill, watch Cheech and Chong, go to a Phish show, and munch on crappy artificial cheese snacks. Sure, investigate it all you want, but it’s a waste of time and money. That isn’t the root cause and you and I both know it, Craig.

            Hey NBA fans, look out next time you attend a game. At any minute, one of the THC abusing players is going to stop shooting, aiming at the rim and start shooting, aiming at the crowd. Yep, it’s a smart alec comment, all right. A ridiculous reply to a ridiculous correlation to causation. Cheers!

          • August 29, 2019 at 11:38 am
            Craig Cornell says:
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            Your arguments are mindless. Truly.

            Think about it: “Most people who consume THC aren’t violent. Therefore, any argument that some people ARE violent, according to science, should be ignored.”

            Seriously, Kangaroo. If evidence from multiple sources show that violence IS caused by THC, something no one even thought about 10 years ago, why WOULDN”T society want to warn wives and girlfriends and kids and the public in general?

            Answer from Mr. Greenjeans: “Most people don’t, so who cares about new findings of danger.” Amazing.

          • August 29, 2019 at 11:47 am
            Jon says:
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            Once again: correlation is not causation. You’re jumping to conclusions based on findings of correlation to say that marijuana causes psychotic or violent behavior. This is blatantly untrue. Your logic is non-existent.

          • August 29, 2019 at 12:03 pm
            Captain Planet says:
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            It’s the testosterone that is the common denominator. Add any intoxicating substance to that, and you COULD have issues. Most likely, the THC is combined with something else other than the testosterone when violence ensues. Do a study on that, Craig, and then you’ll find your causation.

            Again, THERE IS NOT SAFE INTOXICANT. Never has been, never will be. I don’t need any new studies to understand that. Evidently, you do and that’s ok.

            Man, that Willie Nelson – what a violent psycho!

          • August 29, 2019 at 5:17 pm
            Craig Cornell says:
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            And Proud of It!

      • August 28, 2019 at 1:53 pm
        Jon says:
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        See, it’s statements like this. Some of the worst schools in America? Really? Since our schools rate considerably higher than the entirety of the South you sure about that? You really think we’re doing worse than Mississippi where the teen pregnancy rates are skyrocketing, they teach creationism in the curriculum and the graduation rate only recently got to the national average? You’re once again pushing things as fact that are nonsense, Craig. Stop making bold statements that are built on lies and misinformation.

        • August 28, 2019 at 1:54 pm
          Craig Cornell says:
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          What is the ranking of Los Angeles County schools, the second largest school district in the country run exclusively by Democrats and filled largely with lower income and minority students?

          Answer the question, Mr. Compassion.

          • August 28, 2019 at 2:57 pm
            Jon says:
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            I admitted I didn’t know something and pointed to the Republican in charge, how is that lying? They received 9% of funding from the federal government last year, which is nothing. The federal government isn’t actually helping, so I’m dishonest? I’m sorry I actually support teachers and unions assist them in getting something, as opposed to every other state that’s making the teachers provide everything for their class. You’re using your hateful tactics once again to loudly yell and accuse instead of actually providing any information. You’re a liar and a fraud, Craig.

        • August 28, 2019 at 2:55 pm
          Smooth says:
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          Creationism? As opposed to saying we came from a pot of primordial stew? You know, the stew that has never once produced a living, breathing creature in a lab experiment? lol Nice point Jon. I can post stats all day on how VERY few actual Scientists believe in evolution anymore. Whether you believe in a God or not is up to you and I truly don’t care, but Evolution is still a theory and one that even the top scientists no longer agree with. Something came from nothing and nothing produced something which in turn grew legs and walked out of the sea. LOL What you believe is your choice, but I’ll believe in the flying spaghetti monster theory over evolution.

          I do agree that MS teenagers need to get satellite tv. When you have no jobs and nothing to do….. Yeah, things happen.

          If you Google CA, they ranked 41st overall in public schools. Los Angeles would be near the very bottom nationally as a City and brought down the ranking for CA overall. That said, of the very top states, 7 of the 10 were Democratic and mostly in the Northeast.

          See folks? Both sides can get along. Everyone taking a side politically has an axe to grind. Whether one admits it or not, it’s true. We should split the country into two sections. If you are a Dem, you go here. If you’re a Rep, you go here. If you aren’t either, you can travel freely throughout the Midwest, but cannot espouse your beliefs. If you are a Libertarian, you can stay in Alaska. If you hate all politics, and realize both sides are completely full of it, you get to stay in Hawaii.

          • August 28, 2019 at 2:58 pm
            Jon says:
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            Yeah, creationism, as opposed to the proven Evolution. Public schools are a problem, and a republican is running the department of education, it doesn’t take much to realize who the problem is.

            The problem with your idea is that the dems make all the money. You guys hate on CA and NY but that’s most of your economy right there. Good luck in Arkansas, we’ll keep the culture.

          • August 28, 2019 at 5:09 pm
            Jon says:
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            Lol we’re on a marijuana board why are you bringing up climate change? To derail again? Where did I say I was just trying to derail? Another board? You’re once again using nonsense logic to derail a conversation Bub. Try to stay to the main thread and not rant about a GD daycare again. No one cares.

  • August 28, 2019 at 4:15 pm
    Smooth says:
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    What is this “you guys” thing?! I give both sides a ton of grief and distribute if fairly. I’ve voted for both Democrats and Republicans. See? This is some of the issue. If someone doesn’t agree with absolutely everything you say, they become “you guys”.

    Proven – Ok, now you have to “prove” that statement. It’s still a theory and you can use Google all day to show the top scientists worldwide do NOT believe in evolution as the start of mankind. lol You talk a lot, but never have I seen you post anything proving a word you say on these boards.

    And why do I have to be in Arkansas?! Nobody wants to be in Arkansas but the Clintons. They can have it.

    Dems make all the money? Since when? I do think Democrats have better haircuts, and may have better shoes (at times), but I’ve never heard they make all the money. I’m not even certain what that means….. Are we talking adjusted income? I mean, $100k in the Midwest is a lot of money, but in CA, it barely pays the rent. I’ve lived in both areas. Odd though that the most expensive places to live are run by Democrats. Hmmmm…..

    Also, I have never hated on NY. Ever. As for the CA economy, which economy are you referring to? The one that boasts the highest income or the one that is the biggest drain on the nation as a whole? There are two sides to every coin. I lived near Novato, in wine country. A tiny house, very tiny, is $550k. I’m in the Midwest today (not in Arkansas) and have a two story in a beautiful new subdivision. 2,400 sq ft, everything you could ask for, 3 br, 4 full baths, $240k on an acre of land. How much is that home in CA? Well over one million, but likely closer to $1.5. You can compare an economy any which way you choose, but until you’ve lived in both areas, you don’t have a clue what you are talking about. lol CA has beautiful weather and beaches. If you can live on the beach, maybe it’s a good thing. We have no beaches, outside of along man built lakes. We can go home to homes that are literally over double the size of what you have there for under 1/6th of the cost, all the while paying less for our groceries, taxes, gas and everything else. I hope you surf enough to make that worth your while. lol

    I’ll await another goofy reply from you. You know, where you don’t read the actual post, but attempt to pick a fight anyway? Right on my good man. Keep the fist in the air and oppose everyone that doesn’t see the Dems are the only way to go and are NEVER wrong. Keep the faith brother. lol

    • August 28, 2019 at 4:21 pm
      bob says:
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      Hear hear, well said!

    • August 28, 2019 at 4:31 pm
      Jon says:
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      Since Arkansas is in the heart of red country I’d disagree there. And while we do have better haircuts, you’re missing out on the fact that more income = more debt that’s how the economy works. California has debt because it can, because it’s making enough to be the fifth largest economy. If you’re upset that it’s expensive here, move to the middle of the country I guess. I’d like it to be cheaper too but that’s not really relevant to the discussion at hand. I see a lot of text but not you actually saying a whole lot here.

      • August 29, 2019 at 11:43 am
        Craig Cornell says:
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        “California has Debt because it can.” Another clueless Leftist. Most of the debt is unfunded liabilities for Public pensions. Which are coming due soon. Whose plan was that? 100% Democrats.

        The average debt in California is about $100,000. per person now. Not per worker, per person.

        Since we have the highest percentage of people in poverty (Yay, liberals!), and the greatest inequality in the country (Yay, Democrats), most Boomers with money are either leaving, thinking of leaving or have already left.

        Meaning: the vast majority of people don’t have the money to help pay the retirements of the public workers, many of the people who do have the money are leaving, and those left who can pay the bill will face a MUCH higher tax burden in the future.

        Whatever. Smoke another Doobie and repeat, “because we can”.

        • August 29, 2019 at 11:50 am
          Jon says:
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          Lol the boomers are leaving and who do you think is responsible for the problems of the state? You’re blaming the liberals but the problems as a whole are your generation, clueless dinosaur. Keep dreaming of a world without things you don’t like, but hey at least you’ll be dead soon.

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