Exam Doesn’t Find Cause of California Dive Boat Fire

By | September 30, 2019

  • October 29, 2019 at 1:24 pm
    John McDevitt says:
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    There is/was a major short coming of working early warning detection devices throughout this vessel and more so in the US Coast Guard requirements fire detection for T boats. Where else today can you put 39 people to bed in any type of wooden or fiberglass structure with restricted egress conditions and not have the basic protection of working smoke alarms? Nowhere – except a Coast Guard compliant vessel! The origin will likely be ordinary, the type that occurs in homes and buildings. These losses are always minimized by early notification. How much time elapsed between ignition and the crew member waking from the sound of a roaring fire? 10 minutes? 20 minutes? The Coast Guard should catch up with the main stream fire protection requirements that have been accepted, proven and in place elsewhere for 50 years now. This vessel was a compliant fire trap!

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