California Governor’s OK of Cannabis Tax Bill Among Several Industry-Related Bills He Signed

By | October 17, 2019

  • October 18, 2019 at 3:05 pm
    craig cornell says:
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    From the article:

    “The legal market represents just over 54% of the overall cannabis spending in the state, while states with “more supportive” regulatory environments like Colorado, Oregon and Washington, are on track to shrink the illicit sales percentage to 30% or less of spending by 2024, according to a report out earlier this month from BDS Analytics.”

    Just gotta love the euphemism: “more supportive regulatory environment”. How about just speak clearly: more arrests and punishment of black market growers and sellers. Which will never happen in liberal-dominated California.

    Besides, sales in all legal pot states are reportedly going up. So 30% today is more than 30% from a year ago. Not exactly “tough on crime” anywhere, folks.

    Now, before you attack me Pot Fans, express your support for arrest and incarceration of illegal growers and sellers. Ready, go!

  • October 18, 2019 at 5:25 pm
    Captain Planet says:
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    Sounds like the governor is trying to do what he can to help shrink the black market and is using the power of the pen. Incarceration isn’t doing anything to the black market. It continues to thrive no matter who is being arrested. The whole “next man in” play. Somehow it needs to be hit where it truly will hurt, in the wallet. If they aren’t making money, or if those funds are apprehended in attempts to bankrupt the criminals, as well as apprehending their fields and hence the product, the black market significantly shrinks. Authorities need to refocus on these criminals’ pockets. That could also be done by decreasing the costs of legal MJ through these reduced taxes. It would be great to see the legal MJ industry tackle this together. They could do quite a bit to further close the black market by agreeing to reduce the costs of their goods. Drop your prices to a level lower than the black market. Might the black market further reduce their price? Perhaps, but again, it’s hitting them in the wallet. Eventually, the motivation to keep up the criminal activity may not seem worth the trouble. Though, we all know, the black market will never go away. It hasn’t for any industry, really.

    • October 18, 2019 at 7:45 pm
      craig cornell says:
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      Love the false equivalency. The black market hasn’t gone away “for any industry”. Right. I buy my cars and my houses underground. And everyone knows that black market alcohol is over 30% of the total industry, right?

      You think a product that is regulated and controlled and taxed is EVER going to be cheaper than black market product? You think something you can grow in your garage will EVER be put out of business?

      The Mexican cartels moved INTO California after legalization, reported widely by liberal newspapers.

      So far, so good, right?

  • October 21, 2019 at 1:23 pm
    Bond says:
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    In reading the article one thing stands out, the dope was sent in from California! Our black market is alive and well, and the cartels behind it are still making big bucks.

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