Oregon School District Pays $120K to Settle Food Allergy Suit

January 3, 2020

  • January 3, 2020 at 1:57 pm
    Fair Playing Field says:
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    I could be off base here, but I’d think the parents of a kid with severe food allergies would want to prepare any food to be consumed by the kid while he/she is at school.

    • January 3, 2020 at 4:53 pm
      CC says:
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      My kids, around the same age, have peanut and egg allergies in their class. The parents of both kids bring their own food to school and sit at a separate table at lunch. So I agree for the most part. These parents clearly put too much faith in school.

      However, that does not excuse the gross incompetence of the school employees.

      • January 3, 2020 at 4:54 pm
        CC says:
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        The parents of both kids pack food for the kids to bring*

        Proofread CC, proofread.

  • May 2, 2023 at 1:28 am
    josue says:
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    It doesn’t matter Fair playing a school is still liable for potentially getting students killed if they can’t follow something as simple as respecting food allergies that a student may have and not feeding food that could potentially kill them I work at a Shakey’s and we have to always ask people that don’t want certain ingredients on their food if they have a food allergy or if it’s just a simple preference we don’t want to potentially kill someone also food allergens particles and other things like that could potentially get on a person’s food that could kill them which is why we have to make sure that all things are cooked on separate dishes we have to even wash those separate dishes with extremely hot water and other things like soap to make sure those plates are safe again we take food allergies seriously this school should have done that and because they didn’t someone almost died again the school was being stupid and they lied to a little girl telling her that that sandwich was not peanut butter just something that is just wrong on a whole nother level

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