art theft News

Q&A: Art Theft and Its Impact on the Insurance Industry

Bill Anderson, a managing partner of Brooklyn, New York-based Art Guard, recently spoke with Insurance Journal about issues related to insurance and artwork. Anderson has observed that roughly more than 50% of art thefts occur at private homes, and with …

Chubb Returns Stolen Norman Rockwell Painting 40 Years After Theft

More than 40 years after the theft of Norman Rockwell’s Boy Asleep with Hoe – also known as Lazy Bones or Taking a Break – the painting has been returned to the family of its original owners following a ceremony …

Why Art Thieves Are So Successful

Last month, administrators at the Boston Public Library discovered that a $600,000 engraving by Dürer and a $30,000 etching by Rembrandt had gone missing. It set off a media firestorm, the director of the museum resigned, and then … a …

Massachusetts Man Awarded Damages in Suit Over Art Heist

A U.S. jury has found in favor of the plaintiff in a Massachusetts lawsuit filed in connection with a 1978 art heist. The jury awarded plaintiff Michael Bakwin more than $3.1 million in damages on Tuesday. The artwork was stolen …