automation and jobs News

Women More Likely Than Men to Lose U.S. Jobs by Automation: WEF Report

Women are more likely than men to be knocked out of their U.S. jobs by automation in the next eight years, and they’ll find half as many opportunities to land new positions unless there’s a new effort to retrain them. …

Business Leaders Urge New Job Policies as Technology Displaces Workers

Open markets and global trade have been blamed for job losses over the last decade, but global CEOs say the real culprits are increasingly machines. And while business leaders gathered at the annual World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos relish …

How Automation Will Whack Up to 25% of Insurance Jobs: McKinsey

Automation could leave up to 25 percent of the insurance industry’s current full-time positions consolidated or replaced over the next decade, McKinsey & Co. said in a new report, Automating the Insurance Industry. The consultancy urged insurers to “rethink their …