compensation News

Michigan Court: Businesses Can’t Get State Compensation Over Pandemic Closures

DETROIT (AP) — The Michigan Supreme Court on Friday shut the door on businesses seeking to be paid by the state for restrictions that harmed sales during the COVID-19 pandemic. The court, in a pair of 5-2 orders, let stand …

Former Residents Seek Compensation for Secret Government Testing in St. Louis Housing Project

ST. LOUIS (AP) __ Ben Phillips’ childhood memories include basketball games with friends, and neighbors gathering in the summer shade at their St. Louis housing complex. He also remembers watching men in hazmat suits scurry on the roofs of high-rise …

2020 Agency Salary Survey: Tell Us What You Think

Total compensation and salary adjustments on average fell slightly in agencies responding to the 2019 Agency Salary Survey – but that trend didn’t impact employee satisfaction. On average, employee satisfaction with compensation overall rose again in 2018. How will satisfaction …

Wrongfully Imprisoned Man Could Get $1.55M from Virginia

A man who spent more than three decades in prison for a crime he didn’t commit could be getting $1.55 million from the state of Virginia. The Richmond Times-Dispatch reports that a bill to provide compensation to 60-year-old Keith Allen …

Agency Salary Survey: Find Out More on Today’s Compensation Trends

Insurance Journal is running its annual Agency Salary Survey and we want to hear from you. All retail agency owners, principals, producers, CSRs — the entire agency — is invited to participate in this exclusive independent insurance agency survey for …

RSA May Face Shareholder Backlash on CEO’s ‘Excessive’ Bonus

RSA Insurance Group plc may face a backlash from investors this week as Pensions & Investment Research Consultants Ltd. said Chief Executive Officer Stephen Hester’s compensation was “excessive.” The shareholders’ group recommended investors abstain from voting for Hester’s pay at …

Arizona Governor Signs Bill to Modify Asbestos Injury Claims

Attorneys representing victims of asbestos exposure say a bill Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey signed into law will limit victims’ ability to recover losses. Ducey said he signed the measure Thursday to increase transparency and fairness in asbestos litigation. “While victims …

Aviva CEO & CFO Reduce Long-Term Bonuses After Voting Agency Concern

Aviva plc’s Chief Executive Officer Mark Wilson and the chief financial officer lowered their long-term bonuses after Institutional Shareholder Services Inc. was said to have raised concerns over 2015 compensation. Wilson’s long-term incentive plan (LTIP ) reverted back to 2014 …

Court Exempts Airlines from Developer’s Sept. 11 Environmental Claim

American Airlines, United Airlines and the World Trade Center leaseholder do not have to pay a property developer environmental cleanup costs from the Sept. 11, 2001 hijacked plane attacks, a U.S. appeals court ruled on Friday. The 2nd U.S Circuit …

‘Bonus’ Year of 2013 Has Insurers Figuring How to Incent for Future Growth

With property/casualty insurance and life and annuity companies having a great year in 2013, bonus funds were up above targeted amounts for 80 percent of them, Towers Watson reported. In an item posted on Towers Watson’s Executive Pay Matters blog, …