cybersecurity legislation 2015 News

Cyber Information Sharing Bill Introduced in House

Leaders of the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee introduced legislation on Tuesday to make it easier for companies to share information about cybersecurity threats with the government, without the fear of being sued. Prompted in part by high-profile cyber attacks …

Cybersecurity Bill Faces Tough Sledding on Capitol Hill

President Barack Obama’s bid to get Congress to pass stalled cybersecurity legislation is seen as having an uphill fight amid differences between Republicans and the administration over privacy safeguards and other issues. Obama announced Tuesday revised legislation that would give …

President Urges Congress to Pass Bipartisan Cybersecurity Legislation

President Barack Obama sought to rally Congress to pass stalled U.S. cybersecurity legislation, an effort that may face obstacles as tensions with key Republicans quickly began to surface. Obama announced Tuesday revised legislation that would give companies legal protections for …