driving under influence News

Justin Timberlake Reaches Plea Deal to Resolve Drunken Driving Case

Justin Timberlake is scheduled to enter a new plea Friday in his drunken driving case in New York’s Hamptons, prosecutors said. Details of the plea weren’t disclosed, but a person with knowledge of the deal said Timberlake has agreed to …

Massachusetts Adds Cannabis Risks Curriculum to Driver Education Program

Beginning next month, Massachusetts will adopt a curriculum designed to educate teens on the risks of driving while under the influence of cannabis. Under the program, as of Jan. 1, Massachusetts will become the first state that has legalized the …

West Virginia Announces Increase in State DUI Patrols

West Virginia State Police will be on the lookout more often for drunken and impaired drivers. State Police say in a news release that grant money through a partnership with the Governor’s Highway Safety Program will enable troopers to increase …

Many Weed-Smoking Canadian Drivers Say They Can Drive Unimpaired: Insurers

Almost half of weed-smoking Canadian drivers say that they can safely operate a vehicle while stoned. Among Canadians who have driven under the influence of marijuana, 44 percent don’t think it impacts their ability to drive safely, according to a …

Six Southeast States Team Up to Combat Driving Under the Influence

Law enforcement officials in six states are launching their 24th annual “Hands Across the Border” campaign aimed at catching motorists driving under the influence. The five-day campaign kicked off August 31 involving law enforcement agencies in Georgia, Alabama, North Carolina, …

Coming Soon: Marijuana ‘Breathalyzers’ for Police Testing of Drivers

As cannabis bans are relaxed in more U.S. states, the race is on to develop an instant roadside breathalyzer for police to test drivers who may be taking the “high” road. Vancouver-based Cannabix Technologies Inc., founded by a retired Royal …

South Carolina Prosecutors: DUI Cases Should Rely Less on Police Video

South Carolina prosecutors want state law to de-emphasize video in drunken driving cases, saying too many are being dismissed because of imperfect recordings. But defense attorneys counter the solution is better officer training, not lowering of standards. Since 1998, state …

Kentucky Lawmakers Introduce Bill to Raise DUI Offense Record to 10 Years

Drivers convicted of driving under the influence in Kentucky would have it on their record for 10 years under a bill approved by the Senate Judiciary Committee. Currently, it takes four driving under the influence convictions within five years to …

More Drivers ‘Under the Influence’ Testing Positive for Multiple Drugs

Since 1993, the profile of a drugged driver has changed substantially. More drivers are now testing positive for prescription drugs, cannabis, and multiple drugs, and they are more likely to be older than 50, according to a study released in …

Illinois Man Gets 12-Year Sentence For Fatal Huffing Crash

A north-central Illinois man was sentenced to 12 years in prison after Henry County prosecutors say he was huffing chemicals before a high-speed rollover crash that killed three teenagers. Morgan Blakey was convicted of reckless homicide and aggravated driving under …