forecast News

NOAA Forecasts ‘Above Normal’ Atlantic Hurricane Season

The 2011 Atlantic hurricane season will be “above normal”, spawning six to 10 hurricanes of which around half could become major, the U.S. government’s weather agency forecast Thursday. However, as the 2010 season showed – it was very active but …

Allianz Preliminary Q1 Figures Show $1.339 Billion Profit

Germany’s Allianz has issued a bulletin outlining the Group’s fiexpected financial results for the first quarter of 2011. It will release the full details for the period on May 12. Allianz said that based on its preliminary figures, the Group …

‘Above Average’ 2011 Atlantic Hurricane Season Forecast

The 2011 Atlantic hurricane season will be above average with nine hurricanes, five of them major, with a more than 70 percent chance that at least one of them will hit the U.S. coastline, Colorado State University forecasters predicted Wednesday. …

Poor Forecasting of Tennessee Flood Blamed on Bad Data

River forecasters for the National Weather Service underestimated the flood level that a major river would reach during Nashville’s fatal May floods because they relied on inaccurate data from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the service concluded in a …