medical cannabis News

Maine Has No Medical Cannabis Testing Requirement. Health Advocates Urge Change.

Keri-Jon Wilson started as a hobbyist, making medical marijuana edibles on a small scale for patients suffering from chronic pain and cancer. But in 2015 she expanded her business, Portland-based Pot + Pan Manufacturing, and began to standardize her products. …

Medical Cannabis User Fired After Failing Drug Test Appeals Denial of Job Benefits

A Vermont man who lost his job after he said a random drug test showed he had used medical marijuana off duty for chronic pain has appealed to the Vermont Supreme Court saying he should not have been denied a …

Firefighter in Utah Suspended for Medical Cannabis Suing

A Utah firefighter who uses medical marijuana for chronic back pain has sued the city of Ogden, saying he was unlawfully suspended from duty for refusing to surrender his prescription card. Levi Coleman said in a November lawsuit the fire …

Wisconsin Gov. Proposes Legalized Marijuana — Recreational and Medical

Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers has proposed legalizing marijuana and regulating and taxing it like the state does alcohol. Evers made the proposal in his 2021-23 biennial budget, which estimates that legal marijuana would generate more than $165 million annually beginning …

Students Sue Colleges for Saying No to Medical Cannabis

Colleges are becoming a battleground in the conflict between federal and state marijuana laws as students who use medical pot challenge decades-old campus drug policies. In states where medical marijuana is legal, students disciplined for using it are taking their …

With New, Legal Cannabis Industries, Illinois and Missouri Can Learn from Pioneer States

As Illinois and Missouri undertake the process of licensing businesses in their newly legalized cannabis industries — recreational in Illinois and medical in Missouri — they have the advantage of taking what has worked and shedding what hasn’t in the …

Study Debunks Theory That Legalized Marijuana Helps Prevent Opioid Deaths

A new study shoots down the notion that medical marijuana laws can prevent opioid overdose deaths, challenging a favorite talking point of legal pot advocates. Researchers repeated an analysis that sparked excitement years ago. The previous work linked medical marijuana …

Some Claims of Medical Cannabis Lack Scientific Evidence

Marijuana has been shown to help ease pain and a few other health problems, yet two-thirds of U.S. states have decided pot should be legal to treat many other conditions with little scientific backing. At least 1.4 million Americans are …

Chronic Pain is Top Reason Patients Use Medical Marijuana

The stigma surrounding marijuana use appears to be slowly fading in the U.S. New research from the University of Michigan, published in the February issue of Health Affairs, provides insight into the use of medical marijuana. According to the research, …

Troubled Opioid Seller Insys Looks to Cannabis to Save Itself

Sitting in a Boston courtroom in a dark, pinstriped suit, the former top sales executive at Insys Therapeutics Inc., Alex Burlakoff, listened as federal prosecutors read out crimes he and the company had allegedly committed. Insys had bribed doctors and …