Morganza Floodway News

Judge OKs Addition of Louisiana to Spillway Lawsuits

A federal judge in Mississippi has approved Louisiana’s request to be added as a defendant in two lawsuits challenging the way a major Mississippi River flood control structure is operated. The lawsuits filed in December say that more frequent and …

Viewpoint: Ground Will Shake and Snakes Will Flee as the Mississippi Drains

I was on site in 2011 when the Army freed the Mississippi from a man-made barrier and unleashed it into a large swath of rural Louisiana — a harrowing trade off that flooded homes and farms to avoid catastrophe in …

Mississippi River’s Morganza Floodway May Be Opened for Third Time Ever

A major barrier that keeps the Mississippi River in its current path may be opened for just the third time in its history, potentially flooding a large part of rural Louisiana. Concern is growing that heavy rains will cause the …