National Council on Compensation Insurance Inc. (NCCI) News

New Hampshire Approves 5.6% Workers’ Compensation Loss Cost Decrease for 2025

The New Hampshire Insurance Department (NHID) reports that it has approved a workers’ compensation rate proposal that will reduce voluntary loss costs by 5.6% on average. The new lower rates will apply to voluntary market policies effective on or after …

Facing Workers Compensation Challenges During the Pandemic: NCCI

The COVID-19 pandemic has upended lives, families, business routines, and the economy. Today, despite an uptick in May, 21 million people are unemployed in the United States, and the workforce has dropped to 137 million. Labor force participation has dipped …

Kentucky Workers’ Comp Loss Costs to Decrease 5 % on Oct. 1

The Kentucky Department of Insurance has approved the annual workers’ compensation loss costs filing from the National Council on Compensation Insurance Inc. (NCCI) with a rate decrease of five percent on average. It is the eleventh consecutive overall decrease in …

Donelon: Louisiana Workers’ Comp Rates to Drop in 2015

Louisiana Commissioner of Insurance Jim Donelon announced that rates for workers’ compensation insurance will decrease in Louisiana effective May 1, 2015. Donelon recently approved a 2.4 percent decrease in workers’ compensation loss costs submitted by the National Council on Compensation …

Insurers File for 9.1% West Virginia Workers’ Compensation Loss Cost Decrease

The National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI) has filed a proposed reduction in workers’ compensation loss cost rates in West Virginia – the tenth reduction in 10 years. NCCI, West Virginia’s rating agent, has proposed an overall 9.1 percent loss …

Oklahoma Sees Double Digit Decrease in Workers’ Comp Loss Costs

An annual filing most insurance carriers will use to develop rates for workers’ compensation insurance shows a dramatic decrease in loss costs, Oklahoma Insurance Commissioner John D. Doak announced. The overall loss cost decrease of 14.6 percent takes effect Jan. …