storm News

California’s Scenic Highway 1 to Big Sur Finally Opens to Around-The-Clock Travel

A section of California’s scenic Highway 1 leading to the famous Big Sur coast reopened to around-the-clock traffic Friday after stabilization of a storm-triggered rockslide that dropped a chunk of one lane into the ocean and hampered tourism. The gap …

10 Years After Washington Landslide, Climate Change Is Increasing The Danger

After the mountainside collapsed, obliterating a neighborhood and 43 lives in the worst landslide disaster in U.S. history in Washington, Jessica Pzsonka made a promise -– to herself, to her bereft parents and to her late sister, who was buried …

Storm Carrying Massive ‘Gorilla Hail’ Hits Parts of Kansas and Missouri

Massive chunks of hail pelted parts of Kansas and Missouri on Wednesday night, bringing traffic to a standstill along Interstate 70, as storms unleashed possible tornadoes and meteorologists urged residents to stay indoors. There were three unconfirmed reports of tornadoes …

Forecast: Blizzard Conditions Could Bury California Mountain Towns in Feet of Snow

Snow was expected to pick up across portions of Oregon, Northern California and northwestern Nevada by Wednesday night, according to AccuWeather meteorologists, who are forecasting heavy snow to expand through the northern and central Sierra on Thursday. The best chance …

California Hillsides Are at Risk of Floods After Days of Downpours

The latest in a series of robust storms is drenching California again with rain and snow, prompting officials to warn residents to stay on high alert for floods as weakened terrain gets further tested. Some hillside communities — including affluent …

New Storms Hit California as Wet Winter Brings More Flooding, Winds and Heavy Snowfall

AccuWeather meteorologists on Sunday forecasted the “relentless wet pattern” will continue for residents along the West Coast at least the middle of the week, as stormy conditions will moved onshore withrounds of locally heavy rainfall and a renewed risk for …

Avalanches Kill Skier, Snowmobiler as Dangerous Snow Conditions Persist Across West

A backcountry skier and a snowmobiler were killed in separate avalanches in the Rocky Mountains as dangerous snow conditions persist across much of the West. The skier was buried Sunday in an area locally known as “The Playground” near Crested …

California to Get Drenched From Fast-Moving Atmospheric River

A fast-moving atmospheric river coming off the Pacific Ocean will drench northern and central California on Wednesday and then head for the the southern half of the state. Northwest California will likely get the worst of the storm, with as …

California May Face Major Flooding From Jan. 30: Weather Watch

The odds are rising that California and the West will be struck by a plume of moisture known as an atmospheric river from Jan. 30 to Feb. 3, the US Climate Prediction Center said in a social media post. The …

Power Line Falls on Car During Oregon Ice Storm, Killing 3

A power line fell on a parked car in northeast Portland, Oregon, killing three people and injuring a baby during an ice storm that turned roads and mountain highways treacherous in the Pacific Northwest. Shortly before noon on Wednesday, dispatchers …