N.J. Police Chief Convicted of Insurance Fraud Is Removed From Job

May 31, 2012

  • May 31, 2012 at 4:03 pm
    wudchuck says:
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    CONVICTED! interesting because this is not the only case i read today that involved lawmen! they are supposed to protect and defend the laws of our country. it’s ashame, someone with that much authority and decides, i don’t have to comply. i can cheat! wonder how many bad guys he’s cheated now?! that will all come in question for the integrity of his department and personnel underneath him. he should forfeit his pension! should not be even eligible for it either! if he had retired prior to the event, then i can see his wife cleaning out the dough…

  • June 1, 2012 at 3:07 pm
    paul says:
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    don’t give him the pension. why reward him in jail? divide it up amongst the others who deserve it.

  • June 2, 2012 at 1:26 pm
    Bigfellah says:
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    You fellas have to understand the mentality of public “servants” in NJ. There is a climate of corruption, exceeded only by Illinois. The thinking goes: “I know that others have been caught in the past. I know what tripped them up. I’m smarter than those people, and knowing what I know, I’ll never get caught.”

    Currently, a former mayor of the state’s fifteenth largest city is doing time in Club Fed, along with his “aide.” They were convicted of election fraud, etc. A former mayor of a city on the south border of that 15th largest city has plead guilty to corruption charges. The former superintendant of the largest non-urban school board in the state has plead guilty to corruption charges, among which includes bid rigging so that a certain broker from Baltimore could provide public sector WC & GL coverage. That broker is the common thread with all of these felons.

    He placed coverage for two of them and was a business partner, in an insurance recovery venture of a third. BTW, he also stole $2MM, in collusion with 2 local brokers, from an urban Board of Education by setting up a phony “wellness” program. He awaits sentencing in both state and federal courts.

    Currently, there is a very large NJ broker, who is very politically connected, under investigation. It is alleged that among his misdeeds is a curious case of awarding bogus contracts to cronies. He allegedly did this as a member of one of the quasi-governmental entities to which he was appointed.

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