N.Y. Gov. Vetoes Supplemental Uninsured/Underinsured Motorists Bill

December 19, 2012

  • December 19, 2012 at 4:21 pm
    Expert says:
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    Stupid, stupid, political ploy aimed at the (ignorant) masses in order to get more votes. People may “opt-out” by simply saying “no” to the increased – and necessary – limits. Does the Governor think people are too stupid to understand that, and to act accordingly? Perhaps that is so, because they elected him.

    • December 20, 2012 at 12:51 pm
      BWM says:
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      “People may “opt out” by simply saying “no” to the increased – and necessary – limits.” Necessity is a matter of personal opinion; although prudent risk management suggests that higher UM limits make sense, it’s not right to assume that everyone’s needs are the same. More to the point, any time you have to opt out of something that is, by law, voluntary, its voluntary nature is compromised. This approach doesn’t pass the smell test, and the governor was right to veto it. The challenge rests with agents to educate their “ignorant” clients as to why this coverage is a good idea.

  • December 20, 2012 at 10:07 am
    I challenge that remark says:
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    Any purchase of voluntary coverage that would have to be rejected/opted out of instead of selected/opted into does not pass the smell test. I agree with the governor on this one. And am wondering if you consider all insurance buyers to be ignorant. Agents’ explanations and educating skills could go a long way to fix that particular problem…

  • December 20, 2012 at 12:01 pm
    LP says:
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    What is stupid is that they are talking about a required limit to cover BI/PD if you are hit by some idiot that was not carrying insurance or enough insurance in the first place. They need to enact tougher laws on the people not carrying insurance and they need to require higher limits be carried by everyone. Really???? $25,000 won’t even cover a trip the the emergency room if you have any kind of injuries . Owning a car comes with the responsibility to see that damages caused to others by a driver are taken care of.

    Forcing higher limits on people that are already buying insurance seems silly, but educating them as to shy they need to carry the higher limits makes more sense. Because the State only requires a $25,000 liability limit, and there are agents out there who will sell that.

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