Data: Connecticut, Maine Have Slow Economic Growth

By | August 22, 2014

  • August 22, 2014 at 5:22 pm
    Original Agent says:
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    I wonder why any Blue State would have slow economic growth. We know they are doing all the right things to attract business and keep what they have. I wonder why the Red States are doing so much better in job creation. What can they be doing? Puzzling to say the least.

    • August 26, 2014 at 1:05 pm
      Libby says:
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      “What can they be doing?” Stealing them from other states. They’re not CREATING anything.

  • August 25, 2014 at 8:32 am
    Bob says:
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    While historically a blue state, Maine currently has a Tea Party governor. I don’t put all the blame on him though. The democrat legislators shoulder some blame.

    Gee, the last list of states collecting the most federal assistance (welfare, SNAP, etc.) was topped by red states. I guess it is just like under George H.W. Bush, lots of jobs but few that pay enough to allow a person to survive. The the line I kept hearing under H.W. was “Yes, there are lots of jobs, I have three of them!”

    • August 25, 2014 at 2:32 pm
      Original Agent says:
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      Bob, part of the problem is the corporate tax rate of 35% which is the highest in the world. Add that to state and local taxes and the lack of good programs to incentivize business to move there or to expand local operations is the key. Add that to the location of Maine (frozen tundra). If I were a business owner, I would hesitate to move there. I don’t think the lobster industry can carry a state, do you?

      • August 25, 2014 at 2:57 pm
        Bob says:
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        Not many corporations pay the 35% tax rate, just like not many wealthy folk pay their full tax rate. But that doesn’t explain ME and CT’s poor economic growth relative to that of other states.

        I do agree with your other points… you are making my point. The government up there is not doing what it should to draw business. There are MANY reasons why ME is doomed to slow growth (if any). The population is less educated, higher percentage of older people than younger (educated young Mainers tend to leave the state for better opportunity elsewhere), lack of (or poor) infrastructure beyond the southern portion of the state. There are no east/west highways in Maine and one major North/South highway. This leaves massive swaths of the state difficult to penetrate. Why build a manufacturing plant in an area that is an 8-10 hour drive from the nearest market (and still be in Maine). Taxes can be a bit high up there for both corporations AND for individuals. That being said, Maine is not a frozen tundra. Maine is a beautiful state with a lot to offer… despite its lack of opportunity for its people.

        • August 25, 2014 at 3:52 pm
          Original Agent says:
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          Bob, isn’t it nice not to have the leftist trolls stealing your moniker and posting hate, insults etc. I think it is just a matter of time. I have heard that Connecticut is a very wealthy state and the Insurance Industry is well established in Hartford. Of course, it is so tiny, there isn’t a whole lot of room to expand. Take that and a liberal mentality, no wonder they aren’t growing. Maine, I don’t know, it is just sticking out up there with not much going on. If I were a young person, I think I might move to better climes as well.

          • August 26, 2014 at 8:41 am
            Agent says:
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            Hi Original Agent. Though I’d check in. Maine is the backwoods state on the East Coast. Far from ever being Blue. This of it as West, Texico but with trees instead of sand and fertilizer. Connecticut is the wealthiest state in America and surprised that you only “heard” of this. Then again I don’t think they talk much about that on Al Jazeera Texico. Are you going to try to urge Rick to grab some of the call center jobs when he gets out in 97 years?

        • August 26, 2014 at 9:45 am
          Original Agent says:
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          Well Bob, that was a brief reprieve from boogerbraintroll. He is the lowest form of human life we have on this blog.

        • August 26, 2014 at 1:43 pm
          Libby says:
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          Having lived in Maine, I found the income tax to be exorbitant compared to my original blue state of Colorado. The majority of population is barely at or below poverty level and many Mainers have never been out of their county, let alone the state. The four seasons of Maine are black fly season, mosquito season, mud season and winter. Winter lasts for 8 of the 12 months. People there are very closed off and suspicious of anyone from “away.” I hated every minute of the 2-1/2 years I lived there and couldn’t get out fast enough.

          • August 27, 2014 at 2:14 pm
            KY jw says:
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            Maine has two seasons: Winter & August. (that’s what my dad always said-he’s from Maine)

    • August 26, 2014 at 10:46 am
      Original Agent says:
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      Bob, what is your opinion on Burger King’s announcement they are contemplating moving their headquarters to Canada for tax and regulation relief? That should tell people that our government is not friendly to business and continue to run business off.

      • August 26, 2014 at 12:00 pm
        Original Agent says:
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        Bob, I forgot to ask what you were doing after work today. I would really like to get something “straight” between us.

      • August 26, 2014 at 11:57 pm
        Captain Planet says:
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        Tells me I continue to not eat Burger King, like I haven’t for the last 12+ years. America built them and now they are selling out to Cananda. Maybe they want some of that Canadian single-payer. Awfully surprised you are in favor of that move, Agent. Then again, you don’t seem to support America much. At least, not in the Constitutional sense. You would like us to be an oligarchy, or fascist, or monotheistic. You think Texico is bigger than the sum of the American parts. And that, sir, is a disgrace to what we Americans call THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Texas can come along if they’d like, but generally speaking, they are in need of a culture change. Austin’s got it right, though.

  • August 25, 2014 at 10:41 am
    Another Observer says:
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    The New England states mentioned have different industries, and a different reliance upon common industries, such as insurance and healthcare. Some of the differences in economic growth are attributable to the political environment, but some is simply due to the combinations of industries in each state. It seems like the northern New Enlgand states rely more on tourism for their economies, and will lag behind in economic recoveries.

    The 10% national economic growth is surprising. I won’t search for the source, but it may be a biased measure relative to what seems to be the case. Regardless, the New England states should be measured against the national average of 10%, which means those growing at 9%, 11% and 12% are not much different from average. But CT and ME being at 3% shows a huge variance that suggests more details are needed to understand their problems. Small states will have wider swings in numbers, and that too should be considered.

    This is a good summary news article which might have been more enlightening with more details.

  • August 27, 2014 at 4:18 pm
    Trust me I am not a liberal says:
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    I can attest for CT, but not for ME…our Governor here in CT, good ol’ Danny-Boy Malloy, has run so many businesses out of here, that it’s not funny. AND, his platform for re-election is Sandy Hook. The man is a P.O.S., he ruined the City of Stamford when he was Mayor there, he’s been investigated for the same crime that our former (P.O.S.) governor, John Roland was tried and convicted for, yet Danny Boy didn’t even get a slap on the wrist. This liberal-progressive is just one example of how they are pro’s at running states into the ground.

    • August 27, 2014 at 4:56 pm
      Libby says:
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      I don’t know Trust me. Lowell Weicker did a pretty good job ruining the state when I lived there. Remember his campaign slogan “Adding an income tax would be like pouring fuel on the fire”? The first thing he did as Governor was institute a “temporary” income tax. How’s that working out for you?

      Hate to say it, but he was a Republican. There are bad apples on all sides.

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