Hurricane Noel, Season’s Deadliest Storm, Moving up East Coast

November 2, 2007

  • November 3, 2007 at 5:55 am
    brian sandler says:
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    I recently invented a machine and method of operation to get rid of hurricanes. At my website there is a description with drawings of the machine. The first four paragraphs of the short paper are as follows;

    This machine and method of operation are patent pending.
    Hurricanes have four essential elements, a central low pressure, wind, humid air, and structure. If one or more of these essential elements are removed the hurricane will cease to exist.
    Lets look at each of the four essential elements and try to determine which one is the easiest to remove. Starting with humid air – its my opinion humid air can not be removed from a hurricane system. I would rate removing humid air from a hurricane system as the least likely to happen. Next there is wind, trying to remove the wind from a hurricane system is near impossible, there is to much of it. I would rate removing the wind from a hurricane system almost as unlikely as removing humid air. Next there is structure, it to is nearly impossible to remove because hurricane systems are so big. That leaves the central low pressure. The central low pressure is the weak spot.
    What if we could use all four of the essential elements of a hurricane to help get rid of one essential element of a hurricane? What if we could use the wind, humid air, central low pressure, and structure to remove the central low pressure? With the central low pressure removed rotation around the center will end and the hurricane will cease to exist.
    It is the primary goal of this machine to remove the central low pressure of the hurricane system, the machine would accomplish this ambitious task in four primary ways. 1) The machine would divert the hurricane eyewall into and away from the hurricane eye. 2) The machine would slow down the air in the eyewall allowing the low pressure in the eye to suck it in. 3) The machine would mechanically blow air from the eyewall to the eye. 4) The machine would cause different parts of the eyewall to turn at different rates.

    Continued at

    If you have questions please contact me at the above email address,
    Thanks, Brian Sandler

  • November 5, 2007 at 2:58 am
    Alecia says:
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    Brian: I’d like to quote a former Chemistry professor. I believe it applies to your suggestion:

    “It’s better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you’re an idiot than to open it an remove all doubt”.

  • November 5, 2007 at 3:00 am
    Slim says:
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    25 days left in the 2007 Hurrican season and Noel is the worst of the lot? This is another example of why geeks like professor Gray and his cronies add no value to society. They sit in their offices and “guess” how many storms will hit. In actuality, it doesn’t matter does it? We can’t get out of the way and we can’t reduce their severity.

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