An Analysis on Climate Talks: 18 Years, too Little Action?

By | December 14, 2010

  • December 14, 2010 at 1:12 am
    Az Ins Agent says:
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    So many people fail to take a long term view of what is taking place.
    1. The world has been eveolving and changing since terra firma first formed and our world began to take shape.
    Land masses that exist now will fall into the seas or become covered over by ice. New land masses will emerge from places where there is no land today.
    Species of life have emerged and become extinct. This will continue to happen. There will not be a world devoid of life. nature abhors a vacuum.
    2. this change will continue happening.
    3. The idea that man and human development is somehow “at fault” for this ignores billions of years of earth history and evolution.
    4. The idea that somehow man and our advanced society can “stop” global warming represents hubris and delusions of being somehow God like. We can’t even make a structure that will survive more than a few thousand years before nature reclaims it. Do any of you really think we have the power or ability to regulate its temperature?
    And by what right do we have to decide how warm or cold our planet is, what species survive(and by extension what new species will not develop to fill the void left by the departed specieis)? We are not Gods, but mortal imperfect men.
    5. We live in this world. it is not ours to change any way we somehow see fit. Let the earth change on its own and let new strong species emerge which make for a diverse and healthy planet.

  • December 14, 2010 at 2:46 am
    Bob says:
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    George Carlin says it best:

    There does seem to be a global warming, but it most probably is not caused or fueled by humanity.

    Maybe the current short period of global warming is due to our solar system approaching the middle of our galaxy? i.e. December 21, 2012…

  • December 14, 2010 at 2:50 am
    Little Frog says:
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    It’s no coincidence that the real parties of interest use children to extort the successful countries into deminishing themselves for their own political and economic gain.
    He’s tired after 18 years, HA!

  • December 14, 2010 at 4:33 am
    Common Sense says:
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    Thanks to AZ INS Agt for eloquently stating the obvious. The projections used are based on such a small time scale that they are no more accurate than saying we are experiencing climate change by comparing the temperature at 8 AM to the temperature at 10 AM. We can not with certainty determine the impact of “nonhuman” factors on our climate, let alone try to determine the impact of “human intervention”. Good thing the population of the Earth wasn’t able to stop the climate change 10,000 years ago. The bread basket of the world would still be covered by ice a mile thick.

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