Pirates Hijack U.S.-bound Oil Tanker off Oman

By and | February 10, 2011

  • February 10, 2011 at 11:09 am
    KK says:
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    These Somali pirates should be treated like terrorists. Countries should not be negotiating with them and paying these ransoms. The ransom money goes to more advanced arms and bigger and better motherships which increases the success of further hijacking. Instead, we should bomb and sink the motherships and have experienced security guards on board with better weapons to fight back. Hmmm maybe healthy vets who are unemployed? Just a thought.

  • February 10, 2011 at 2:25 pm
    ijs says:
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    We will never be able to stop all of these splinter cells of pirates. Once again no one will address the obvious, take over the somali coast, if the pirate’s safe haven is taken over they will have no where to go. Somalia doesn’t even really have a government so who but terrorists and pirates will have a problem if the international community decides to take up residence? No one. I’ll bet even the somali people would appreciate a little order. If not they should be eliminated because they are part of the problem.

  • February 10, 2011 at 6:12 pm
    Baxtor says:
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    I wonder how much the cost is for each tanker to hire a Navy ship to sail with it? If the oil companies would hire our Navy to sail with them, I would think the cost of one hijacking would be more than hiring battleships. I could be wrong as I don’t know the cost, but just a thought. It’s like Insurance. Pay a little on each ship to avoid one large ($10 million) payout later. Plus with our Navy out there, if one were to try and attack, we can take them out right there. End of story!

  • February 11, 2011 at 9:39 am
    NO Tolerance says:
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    Forget about international rules about no arms on board. Hire the contractors for EVERY ship and kill anything approaching the ship without prior authorization. How easy is that? These vermin throw a grapling hook up and climb up at 3am with weapons. Contractors would be awake and armed with everything available 24/7. You stop them BEFORE they get on board.

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