Families Signing on to Wisconsin Pipeline Spill Suit

October 22, 2012

  • October 22, 2012 at 3:17 pm
    ExciteBiker says:
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    Keep articles like this in mind before you cheer on “that pipeline” (Keystone XL). Remember it is a Canadian-not American- company that wants to get its tar sands crude from Canada to the free trade zone in the gulf. (And we have Texas judges granting eminent domain in favor of Canadian company over Texas ranchers!)Tar sands oil is some of the dirtiest (from a standpoint of what it takes to get it out of the ground), corrosive, thickest and undesirable crude you can get– they have to heat it the bitumen up to someething like 120-125 degrees+ just to get enough viscosity to get it down the pipe– so corrosive and hot. And remember that pipelines can, do, and will leak. The Keystone XL will leak. They measure pipelines like this based on how often it *will* leak in a 50 year time, how big those leaks will be, how fast they will be able to detect and react, etc. And, by all accounts, neither approval nor rejection of the pipeline will have one cent of an effect on domestic gasoline prices.

    • October 23, 2012 at 12:58 pm
      Nan says:
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      Right on Excite! Now, hold on because you will soon be attacked by the internet neo-cons who frequent this site looking for sane remarks like yours.

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