Exxon Confirms Oil Spill in Missouri

May 1, 2013

  • May 1, 2013 at 5:36 pm
    Jeremy Amos says:
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    Ripley County is lucky to have such a small spill. Other communities in Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, and Texas are not likely to be so lucky. Enbridge’s 2010 Kalamazoo tar sands pipeline contaminated 40 miles of the Kalamazoo River. 18 of 50 people who were not evacuated are now dead. That pipeline ruptured three times in two years before the Feds shut it down. Exxon is replacing one 52 foot section out of 30,000 similar sections in Mayflower, Arkansas. Does anyone doubt that at least one more section also has a defective seem weld that
    will also rupture! In addition, Pegasus has now been exposed to and attacked by corrosive and abrasive tar sands crude. It will certainly rupture again and again until it too is shut down for good. Look at the interactive google map of how Pegasus crosses Missouri, Illinois, Arkansas, and Texas – http://goo.gl/maps/VJJJ2 . Move around and zoom in to understand how Pegasus threatens your community, water reservoir, or fishing lake. How many more major accidents will Exxon cause before we stop them?

  • May 1, 2013 at 5:43 pm
    Jeremy Amos says:
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    Tar sands pipeline companies are exempt from paying into the US US Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund, yet Enterprise tapped this fund to the tune of about $500,000,000 to cover expenses from the 2010 Kalamazoo tar sands pipeline rupture. Tar sands crude has higher acid content and higher concentration of abrasive sand than conventional crude. Tar sands pipelines rupture three times more often than conventional pipelines. The insurance industry foots the bill. This is unconscionable! Pipeline companies should pay their fare share of the damage they cause.

  • May 1, 2013 at 10:28 pm
    Mo Rage says:
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    And yet we’re considering the Keystone XL pipeline going through not just Missouri but the United States.

    We aren’t very bright.

    Mo Rage
    the blog

  • May 2, 2013 at 4:44 am
    Z says:
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    anyone know if there is a website or anything that lists these events, like the debt counter, with a little id for each incident?

  • May 7, 2013 at 12:07 pm
    'nuff sed says:
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    I’m more concerned about having access to cheap oil and gas so that our economy can be strong than I am a 1 gallon spill. Ol’ Mother Earth is more than capable of handling a little stinky ink

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