Illinois House OKs Workers’ Comp Reform

June 8, 2015

Illinois House Democrats came back to Springfield carrying what they called an olive branch to Gov. Bruce Rauner on business reform.

However, Republicans derided the Democrats’ ideas on employment insurance for workplace injuries. In the words of Downers Grove Rep. Ron Sandack, they are “old, tiresome and wasteful.”

Majority Democrats say their proposals to limit workers’ compensation costs are a legitimate attempt to compromise with Republican Rauner on a $36 billion state budget.

Rauner won’t deal on new revenue for the budget until lawmakers consider his proposed reforms such issues as workers’ compensation.

Proposals by Democratic Rep. Jay Hoffman of Swansea included changing Illinois’ no-fault worker-benefit by linking injuries to a job-site cause.

Republicans say Democratic proposals don’t go far enough.

The bill is House Bill 1287.

Topics Workers' Compensation Illinois

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