Warning: Employers Face Liability for Workers’ High-Tech Addiction

August 25, 2006

  • August 25, 2006 at 12:32 pm
    Big Dog says:
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    If an employer REQUIRED their employee to have their blackberry/company cellphone/laptop (whatever) with them on vacation, then the vacation might be able to be written off as a business trip.

    Additionally, this has implications with respects to pay issues. If someone is hourly, but required to have a copy cellphone/blackberry with them, then the company may have to pay them their hourly rate (and even time and a half).

  • August 25, 2006 at 2:19 am
    NotSure says:
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    I don\’t think you could write off all of your vacation, unless you were self employed. I think \”employees\” have to have un-reimbursed business expenses in excess of a percentage of their wages (2%?) before any tax deduction is recognized.

  • August 28, 2006 at 1:15 am
    SFOInsurance Lady says:
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    Nice…how about attorneys digging deep into the pockets of those employers
    who have employees conducting business on a cell phone while they are driving and causing an accident? There otta be a law
    (DUIOACP) – Driving under the influence of a Cell Phone!! :)

  • August 28, 2006 at 1:46 am
    Mark W. Kinsey CRA, CPIA says:
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    And how about the WC claims…\”My cell phone was ringing, it was my boss and I got tangled up in my computer cord, tripped over my Budweiser and broke my leg\” See being an attorney is easy. You just think of the stupidest thing that will/has happened and then you sue every one from the boss to the resort.

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