McCain Beats Obama — in Insurance Journal Poll

November 4, 2008

  • November 4, 2008 at 7:36 am
    nobody important says:
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    Just like all the fraud discovered by the investigation in Missisippi. Don’t you State Farm haters ever get tired of the same old whining? It’s always so obvious to you, but not to anyone with actual facts in a court. Does State Farm every do anything wrong, absolutely. Is there a conspiratorial plan, only in your own feeble imaginations. I have nothing to do with State Farm and do not know any of their employees, so don’t start the usual &*^&% about my connection to State Farm. You need to get better foil for your hats. The invisible rays are rotting your brains.

  • November 4, 2008 at 7:56 am
    rotting your brains. says:
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    In the Oklahoma case, after State Farm finally turned over to the court a “claims legal research” DVD and other records, Judge Richard G. Van Dyck told company attorneys

    “As I was watching these tapes I just want to say this for the record, the hair on the back of my neck did — did stand up because I was seeing things there that early on in this case I was told by (State Farm) defense counsel didn’t exist and couldn’t be produced. So I’m not real happy with that and I want to remind all counsel that their ethical responsibilities as attorneys outweigh the wishes of their clients

  • November 4, 2008 at 8:03 am
    George says:
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    My administration will do everything in our power to end the days of cooking the books, shading the truth and breaking our laws.” BUT NOT STATE FARM WE WILL ALL LIKE AWAY.

  • November 4, 2008 at 11:01 am
    IrishTiger says:
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    Take that GOP!

  • November 4, 2008 at 12:20 pm
    Whoa.. says:
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    Thank goodness the I.J. poll isn’t the final decision…

  • November 4, 2008 at 12:21 pm
    Ha says:
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    I hope it is correct in the real poles.

  • November 4, 2008 at 12:21 pm
    Hoosier says:
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    The insurance industry is notoriously Republican. Not exactly an unbiased poll!

  • November 4, 2008 at 12:21 pm
    NJguy says:
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    I bet that if G W. Bush was on the republican ticket that the result in the Insurance Journal poll would be the same. C’mon people!! How can anyone who voted for Bush in the last two elections not feel a little ashamed of themselves? The last 8 years have been nothing short of a disaster (it’s too bad that McCain didn’t win in 2001). Too late now, the Dems may not have all the answers but we need to try something new. I love how McCain keeps on saying that “we will change Washington” – ah…John…which party has had the white house for the last 8 years? what people are you going to “change”? The same republican collegues you currently have in congress? I’m personally not too excited about either candidate this election – but I’m willing to give Obama a shot for 4 years.

  • November 4, 2008 at 12:23 pm
    Poo Brain McCain says:
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    I’m not surprised at all. The insurance industry notoriously attracts some of the most inept, incompetent people ever. As an underwriter, I deal on a daily basis with dumb agents who don’t know sh*t. This explains it!! Most of them are dumb Republicans with the IQ of Sarah Palin. Too bad McSame is going to get stomped today!!!

  • November 4, 2008 at 12:24 pm
    You Get What you deserve says:
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    You know the old saying, “Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it”. That one will resonate with all you Obama voters for years to come. Personally, the concept of moving from a capitalist democracy to a socialist republic scares the hell out of me. Increased spending, socialized healthcare, higher taxes. God help us!

  • November 4, 2008 at 12:26 pm
    Lets be honest says:
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    NJ guy. Give me a break. You have never voted for anyone other than a democrat. Our economy may be in a mess, but our moral compass is not damaged. Barack has no business in the white house, but you can’t admit that to yourself, or vote for the truly qualified candidate. Enjoy the tax increases your party is laying on you!

  • November 4, 2008 at 12:26 pm
    Enrage in MD says:
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    Why don’t you spend your time educating DUMB, INCOMPETENT agents and less time on the internet you pompous a**. You need another job.

  • November 4, 2008 at 12:26 pm
    Random says:
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    The insurance industry is obviously going to be for a candidate that believes in less regulation. As for personal opinions, I don’t believe this is the correct forum for such a discussion. Go vote and be done w/ it.

  • November 4, 2008 at 12:27 pm
    NJgal says:
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    Just because a certain party currently has someone in the White House doesn’t mean that the party is to be rejected out of hand. It’s a way bigger picture than that. If both bodies of the legislature become predominently one party and the White House ends up the same way, that’s when there ends up being no balance. Extreme left will do nothing but harm for this country.

  • November 4, 2008 at 12:27 pm
    less than enthused says:
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    and just think, if the dems could offer a remotely decent canidate, this could all have been overted. looking for a third party to rise in 2012, if lord obama doesn’t screw it up too badly by then.

  • November 4, 2008 at 12:29 pm
    Ralph says:
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    actually, i DIDN’T vote Bush in either of the last 2 elections, but voted McCain today.

    Kind of a tough choice: I’m not a particular fan of either running mate, and there were things about McCain that I wasn’t all too wild about. However, I couldn’t get past Barack’s lack of experience. Smart guy? Sure. Charismatic? Absolutely. He can talk a great game, but I haven’t seen anything that he’s accomplished that indicates that he can back it up.

    McCain has proven time and time again that he will reach across the aisle when necessary, regardless of whether his party likes it. Ask any hard-core conservative: not many were happy that McCain is the nominee.

    Here’s one thing I do know: Regardless of who wins today, tomorrow we’ll still be at war and the economy will still suck.

  • November 4, 2008 at 12:30 pm
    Money bags says:
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    It is funny that dumb agents make 10x that of smart underwriters.

  • November 4, 2008 at 12:34 pm
    Tina Fey says:
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    We CANNOT afford 8 more years of Republican misrule and plundering of the treasury and 401k accounts.

  • November 4, 2008 at 12:34 pm
    Smartagent says:
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    Works both ways to many stupid underwriters that should not be in the insurance business and your one of many.

  • November 4, 2008 at 12:37 pm
    Random says:
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    Just because someone votes for one party or another does not make them “dumb.” That is an ignorant statement to say the least.

    Although, as an underwriter, I do often wonder how some agents even function given their lack of expertise.

  • November 4, 2008 at 12:37 pm
    NJgal says:
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    PS – It’s the Obama camp that is proposing confiscating corporate 401(k) plans and giving everyone a flat 3% for retirement. I prefer to control my own destiny and make my own investment decisions, thank you!

  • November 4, 2008 at 12:38 pm
    BK says:
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    I certainly hope that you aren’t my underwriter!…or work for a company that I represent. I can’t imagine that you would entertain your present employment if your “superiors” were to find out your opinion of your agents and what you have publicly said about them…shame on you! Go fip burgers if you aren’t happy with your job!

  • November 4, 2008 at 12:40 pm
    Randon response says:
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    Random, you most likly have your cpcu can’t product and can’t underwrite. You have dollar envy. Producers make it and you don’t. That is why so many producer do not like the democrats in that they want to spread the wealth to sloths like you underwriters. Easy to sit and critize when you make a salary!!

  • November 4, 2008 at 12:40 pm
    Amazed says:
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    The stupidy in this country amazes me. The President doesn’t make the decisions. THIS IS NOT A DICTATORSHIP. THE DEMOCRATIC CONGRESS SCREWED UP THE LAST 8 YEARS NOT BUSH.
    Does anyone really truely research canidates or do you just listen to the 10:00 news.
    Obama has voted NO on every immigration bill. He has voted “present” or NV=No Vote on all major health care reform. He voted NO on the first big stimulus and yes on the second because he was running for president. He won’t answer his position on Bush’s tax cut bill that is going to expire during his office. He has voted “present” or NV=No vote on every alternative engergy plan but yet now he is all for it. 6 months ago he said everyone making under $250,000. would get a tax break then it went to $240,000 AND NOW HE IS DOWN TO $200,000. If he gets in office the announcement will come. SORRY PEOPLE BUT I CAN’T GIVE A TAX BREAK.
    Let’s face it people, he is a smart man BUT HE IS NOT SMART ENOUGH TO BE PRESIDENT.

  • November 4, 2008 at 12:42 pm
    TF says:
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    Too late, NJgal — Bush & Co. already plundered the 401k accounts


  • November 4, 2008 at 12:42 pm
    Ronald Regan says:
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    I agree with amazed!

  • November 4, 2008 at 12:42 pm
    NJgal says:
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  • November 4, 2008 at 12:43 pm
    It's finally over says:
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    Experience? Your major issue is experience and you’re willing to elect a dim-witted, shallow minded, former beauty queen / TV weather girl with a B.A. in journalism from Univ. of Idaho as President of the United States?
    Don’t your realize that at 74, McCain will not live to complete his term.

    And I just love the socialism remarks.
    The Federal Government just spent 80 billion to “nationalize” AIG and your concerned about providing 40 million uninsured Americans with basic health care?

  • November 4, 2008 at 12:44 pm
    Random says:
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    Did you actually read what was said. I said “some” agents. There are some good ones out there. I don’t think I am the one that needs to be flipping burgers. lol

  • November 4, 2008 at 12:44 pm
    Diversity in Insurance says:
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    Extreme right has already hurt this country. When issues are presented our government offical do not alway vote along party lines. There are several elected official that run under one party to get elected and flip flop to the other party after their victory (Georgia) several years ago. The insurance industry is not diversed in this country. The result do not surprise me.

  • November 4, 2008 at 12:45 pm
    NJgal says:
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    My 401(k) is still intact, so nothing has been plundered….

  • November 4, 2008 at 12:45 pm
    Inexperience says:
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    Hey Ralph,

    ” I couldn’t get past Barack’s lack of experience” and Palin is so great, some unknown Governor from Alaska that has been found guilty of ethical violations. She’s got a ton of experience? She shouldn’t even be a consideration.

  • November 4, 2008 at 12:45 pm
    Tired of hearing it says:
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    Thank you for a voice of reason “it’s finally over”!

  • November 4, 2008 at 12:46 pm
    Amazed says:
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  • November 4, 2008 at 12:47 pm
    Mongoose says:
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    No matter who you favor this is a year of poor choice.

    2 major colleges in NY had 2 economist each with advanced degrees in gov’t economics review the “economic recovery” plan for both candidates. their professional assesment is that neither plan can or will work. The only thing that will get the Fed get out of the mess they are in is to INCREASE taxes.

    Bill Clinton was elected on a platform of reform and tax reduction. His first official act was to increase taxes. He was a big factor in eliminating controlls(deregulation) which help lead to the current mortgage mess.

    The best advise for all of us is to tighten our belts. Its going to get tougher before it gets better no matter who is in the White House.

    We all need to work a little harder and hope that 4 years from now we have a better choice than today.

  • November 4, 2008 at 12:48 pm
    Random says:
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    Well said amazed.

  • November 4, 2008 at 12:48 pm
    Ralph says:
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    While I’m certainly no fan of Palin’s, she’s actually LED something. She’s been both a mayor and a governor of a state, compared to Obama’s term as a “community organizer” (where even his boss admitted he had no idea what Obama’s role was), a state senator representing one of the most Democratic districts in the state, and a (so far) one-term senator, where he spent the last 20+ months working on his campaign for President. Please answer me honestly WHAT Obama has accomplished that makes you think he’s the better choice.

    If you get on a plane, do you want to get on the one where someone just got out of flight school or the one where the pilot has been flying for 25 years?

    I’m not worried about McCain’s age. He’s in good health. Was age a factor for Ben Franklin? Winston Churchill? How about Reagan? Nope.

  • November 4, 2008 at 12:49 pm
    David says:
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    For those insurance creatures of habit out there unwilling to update their thinking, think of this fact: The Obama guys are the only ones that pose a threat to those sweet Bermuda deals where some of our competitors pay less tax than the rest of us. They have specifically opined on the unfairness of the Bermuda deals. I pay my taxes and so does my company. Why can’t a company who makes their living in the US pay their fair share? As a domestic who is part of an organization that pays taxes in the normal way, it would be nice to see the playing field even up.

  • November 4, 2008 at 12:50 pm
    Weak People Blame Other says:
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    Perfect GOP supporter. Did your parents ever teach you “WEAK PEOPLE BLAME OTHERS”

    From 2001 to 2006, the GOP controlled the White House & the Congress. From 2006 to 2008, the Dems’s majority in Congress was insufficient to override a presidential veto. ….but its never the GOP’s fault.

    But I understand..a basic understanding of U.S. constitution isn’t necessary to sell insurance.

  • November 4, 2008 at 12:50 pm
    TAR says:
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    Poo Brain, it’s a wonder we agents can write anything with the ineptness called underwriters. The arrogance of an underwriter thinking they know everything and the agent is dumb, fits perfectly in the messiah OBama complex.
    All the whiners put their 2 cents in that most agents are Republicans, whaaa. Yea, we are also the risk takers. We put our own capital and reputations on the line to open our agencies, hire employees and contribute to the economy. We work 60 to 80 hours a week, weekends and pay our employees and bills first before we can take a paycheck. It’s those failures who cannot make it on their own, who have to go into the corporate life as an underwriter because you don’t have the intestinal fortitude to make it on your own! Hey but don’t worry, Heir Obama will take care of you and regulate your 401(k) and redistribute the wealth so dumb ole agents can gets a piece of the pie too.

  • November 4, 2008 at 12:52 pm
    NJguy says:
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    “Our economy may be in a mess, but our moral compass is not damaged” – You are kidding right? Where have you been living the last 8 years?

    ps. If you are so concerned about “morals”, start by worrying about your own. America does not need a “moral” police, especially not from right-wing fanatics who preach the value of “morals’ and are then caught cheating on their wifes or in bathrooms with other men.

  • November 4, 2008 at 12:54 pm
    NJgal says:
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    Very tongue in cheek, considering is was the NJ governor (Dem) that got caught in that self-same problem

  • November 4, 2008 at 12:55 pm
    Ralph says:
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    Inexperience: Check the facts: She was CLEARED of any ethics violations.

    Nice try though…

  • November 4, 2008 at 1:00 am
    smart agent ?? says:
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    Works both ways to many stupid underwriters that should not be in the insurance business and your one of many.

    u shore are a smart on. must have one of dem godd educashuns. and gosh darnit, you must have failed english 101.

    try: “Works both ways too many stupid underwriters that should not be in the insurance business and you’re one of many”.

  • November 4, 2008 at 1:00 am
    Random says:
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    Setting aside all the BS, we should be grateful we have the ability to voice our opinions freely w/out fear of retaliation. We have it good here in the USA and we should all be thankful.

  • November 4, 2008 at 1:01 am
    NJguy says:
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    NJgal – And…??? what do I care if he is gay or not? How does that affect me? what I don’t like are hypocrites. Don’t go around preaching that being a homosexual is morally “wrong” and then get caught soliciting sex with other men in a bathroom. Spare me with your morals.

  • November 4, 2008 at 1:02 am
    Weak People Blame Other says:
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    How much executive experience does John McCain have? Zero.

    And as Mayor, Palin left the city of 8,000 people 20 million in debt.

    And as Governor,
    1. She used her office expense account to take her entire family on pleasure trips.
    2. She used her office to pursue a personal vendetta against her former brother in law.
    3. Appointed her “local girlfriends” to key government position despite a total lack of experience; Correction, the head of the State Agriculture Dept. “liked cows”.
    4. Sought reimbursement from the State for expenses incurred for living in her own home.
    …typical right wing religious fanatic.
    Although puts on a great “holier than thou” show, in actuality, as crooked as the day is long.

  • November 4, 2008 at 1:05 am
    Amazed says:
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    Its obvious you only listen to your local 10:00 news and you don’t even keep up with that.

  • November 4, 2008 at 1:06 am
    VHK says:
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    I want to second what Random said. We are fortunate that we have the right to freedom of speech and the ability to elect those who represent us. I am thankful I live here because I have many more freedoms than I would living somewhere else.

  • November 4, 2008 at 1:07 am
    chiarina says:
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    I hope there are many more industries out there who have looked at both sides and
    realized McCain is on our side.

  • November 4, 2008 at 1:08 am
    Hmmmmm says:
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    Mongoose, thanks for your insight. You are always on the right track with good points to ponder.It doesn’t matter who gets elected…they next few years are going to be an uphill battle and we all just need to buckle down and get to work.

  • November 4, 2008 at 1:09 am
    Ralph says:
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    McCain has led all sorts of committees in Congress, as well as led troops in battle. The man has CHARACTER.

    Obama may some ay BE a good leader, but what has he done so far that can indicate that he’s ready now? Doesn’t a resume count for something when applying for a job?

    Please, someone honestly answer what Obama’s accomplished for me without
    a). bringing up McCain’s age,
    b). bringing up Sarah Palin,
    c). resorting to insults or name-calling. Let’s keep this civil.

  • November 4, 2008 at 1:10 am
    TAR says:
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    Yeah we can do a laundry list of things for both Palin and NObama. Palin fires her ex-brother-inlaw for harassment and abusing his authority as a cop. How dare she, can’t we all get along.
    NObama spends his time at church with Rev. Wright and congregation as they listen to anti-American rants by the reverand. Oops that’s right in 20 years over 500 sermons he never heard anything like that. NObama spends time on a board with William Ayers and Ayers hosts a fundraiser for NOBama and Ayers is just a guy who lives down the street, an unrepentant domestic terrorist – Well NObama was only 8 yrs old. How about the anti-semetic Khalidi again he’s a guy who lives down the street. A radical muslim, anti-semitic who hosted 2 fundraisers for NObama, but he just lived down the street. Oh the list goes on for Hussein. He’s a dishonest, disingenuous radical left wing politician. Just expressing my First Amendment Right for the next couple of months Thought Police…

  • November 4, 2008 at 1:11 am
    getreal says:
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    What side is that? the minority that make over 250k a year?

  • November 4, 2008 at 1:13 am
    TAR says:
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    You mean $200,000 or after last weeks speech by Biden $150,000 or next week when they say $100,000. By January 20, 2009 that number will be down to $45,000!!!

  • November 4, 2008 at 1:14 am
    Harold Hensel says:
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    I was surprised there were 38% for Obama.
    Obama is making headway. Insurance people are going to have to do more than try to keep their heads down. We have issues with run away extreme weather, not investing in shakey unregulated investments, co-operating with current efforts to reform health insurance or single payor will result. The long term projections for extreme weather is that property and casuality companies will go broke because of consistent cat claims. On the farm we used to say: “Roll up your pant legs because it is too late to save your shoes”. We are already in it so we better start shoveling.

  • November 4, 2008 at 1:14 am
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  • November 4, 2008 at 1:16 am
    RS says:
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    Not to be too cynical but all politicians lie. I will be majorly surprised if Obama doesn’t raise taxes across the board like Clinton did. He and the democrats have very ambitous spending plans and I can’t see how taxes can actually be reduced for the great middle class. But I ain’t happy with McCain favoring the wealthy either. And I am sick to death of fighting wars while schools etc. suffer. So what to do? Choose who I view as the lesser of evils and wait until the next time to vote them out if I don’t like what the winner does. In either event, whoever wins will have no picnic.

  • November 4, 2008 at 1:19 am
    Weak People Blame Other says:
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    “led troops in battle”… what are you smoking? How does crashing 3 planes in flight training then getting blown out of sky during one of your 1st combat missions make you a “man of character”?

    If any other Navy pilot had destroyed 3 perfectly good aircraft in flight training, he would have lost his wings. But of course, McCain had his Admiral daddy and granddaddy so the rule didn’t apply to him.

  • November 4, 2008 at 1:19 am
    CW says:
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    Anyone who believes universal healthcare is a good idea should live in Canada, France, etc., and try it out first..Sure, if you are a lazy #@% $@#@ who doesn’t work and is a permanent resident of the welfare system you might.

    I’d rather pay for quality health care…

  • November 4, 2008 at 1:19 am
    David says:
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    Mongoose. For an explanation on why and how Clinton raised taxes, read Alan Greenspan’s biography. Part of his election platform were spending programs on social programs. When he got into the Whitehouse and saw how horrible the deficit was he had to make a decision. Fix the deficit or expand government programs. He made the correct choice and chose to fight the deficit; disregarding a number of his advisors. His tax increase was the reworking of the higher tax brackets that would move the additional revenue directly toward the deficit. It worked too. We all know that the US was in a surplus situation when he left office. And we all know what happened when the next guy came in. You have to admit, the Republicans have a horrible record in the last 20 years regarding big government and the deficit. They talk a big game but do not deliver. Those are facts.

  • November 4, 2008 at 1:22 am
    Ralph says:
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    He endured years of TORTURE in a POW camp. He could have used his last name for early release but didn’t. That’s not character?

    Please, you still didn’t answer my question.

  • November 4, 2008 at 1:27 am
    UW says:
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    Actually NJgal, no one is considering rading 401K accounts. That is a myth going around due to republican fearmongering. In a congressional committee hearing a professor who testified offered a suggestion that one idea to deal with problems with 401k retirement accounts might be to allow people to choose a guaranteed 3% rate of return rather than the unknown return you may get now. This was not received well in the committee meeting and has gone no further, to date. Given the lack of positive reception to this professors idea, it is a strong bet it will never see the light of day.

  • November 4, 2008 at 1:27 am
    Up and Out of the house says:
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    He got the uneducated and unemployed off their sofa to go vote so they can hang on to their free handouts from the government and then they’ll go back to their apartment in the projects and watch their big screen TV’s and play video games or put more shinney stuff on their car WHILE WE GET UP AND GO TO WORK!

  • November 4, 2008 at 1:32 am
    TAR says:
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    Yea, it’s just like the utube video of a woman being interviewed at a NObama rally. She was so moved by the speech and she states: I will not have to worry about paying my mortgage or putting gas in my car.
    WHAT? This is the NObama mentality, he’s going to pay my mortgage and put gas in my car. What else can you say?

  • November 4, 2008 at 1:36 am
    Obama = Unqualified Egomaniac says:
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    Dearest “Poo Brain”,

    Ha! You wish you were as smart as Gov. Palin. If you are so much smarter, why is she a Governor while you are an underwriter. When you were growing up, did you say “Daddy, I want to be an underwriter!” Hell no, it’s where you ended up because you had neither the drive nor the mental acuity to achieve your dreams. So shaddup and go punch that clock for your 45-minute lunch, lackey!

    BTW, Poo Brain, I know you are happy that you have the same last name as a national hero but you really should avoid using you real name on forums such as this.

  • November 4, 2008 at 1:43 am
    Weak People Blame Other says:
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    – Now go fill up your car with gasoline from the Middle East, Venezuela or Russia
    – Now go buy your clothing, toys, furniture, electronics, etc., etc. from communist China

    That’s right. We shouldn’t have a political dialogue with these countries, but we shouldn’t mention the fact that we continue to support their repressive regimes by buying their products…

  • November 4, 2008 at 1:45 am
    Reality Check says:
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    Weak People Blame Others, you may be one of the most ignorant posters I have ever encountered. I really don’t need to say anything else to support McCain. You are making my case against Obama for me with your idiocy. Thank you.

  • November 4, 2008 at 1:46 am
    Weak People Blame Other says:
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    Free handouts? like the 80 billion AIG got?

  • November 4, 2008 at 1:49 am
    Reality Check says:
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    Again, WPBO – you are an idiot! The “80 Billion that AIG got?” Do you realize that AIG got an 80 Billion LOAN in exchange for giving up 80% of their company, right? You do realize that they must pay back the $80 Billion and the US Gov’t will still own 80% of their company, right? The deal was so bad for AIG that their stockholders voted AGAINST it. Wow, the US really got screwed in that deal, huh?

  • November 4, 2008 at 1:50 am
    mankind says:
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    Since our choices this election stink, the rest of the world is very excited, and waiting like a wolf for the sheeps pen to be left open

  • November 4, 2008 at 1:50 am
    Amazed says:
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    You must just be watching the 10:00 news again……..probably channel 5. It’s not a handout wingding.

  • November 4, 2008 at 1:54 am
    Amazed says:
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    That’s right……bess hope we get McCain in there with some personal military experience…….who cares if he recked a plane or two…..HE’S STILL ALIVE…..AND SINCE WHEN IS 72 OLD……OBAMA WILL HAVE YOU WORKING UNTIL YOU’RE 90 BECAUSE YOU’LL BE TOO BROKE TO RETIRE……

  • November 4, 2008 at 2:03 am
    Mongoose says:
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    I do agree. My point was that he got elected using the tax reduction platform to get elected. If he would have been totally honest and told America to get our house in order I will need to increase taxes for a short time he’d still be goveneor.

    I do agree that he did a great job regardless of his morales.

    The next four years should be one heck of a roller coaster ride.

  • November 4, 2008 at 2:18 am
    Mike says:
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    Its funny, but I feel sorry for all the crusty old white people that post on here. Mostly white males who are very afraid. Fearful that for the first time someone who looks different than them will be President.

    Thank God you are a dieing breed and you will all be gone soon, along with your ignorant Fearful opinions.

  • November 4, 2008 at 2:26 am
    Young Dude says:
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    Wow Mike. You sure are an angry guy. I am a young person and feel sorry for you. It’s the “crusty old white guys” that made this country the greatest on earth and I appreciate all that generation has done. If it wasn’t for them you would not have the freedom to write ignorant blogs like you did. Poor dude.

  • November 4, 2008 at 2:27 am
    David says:
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    I get what you are saying. His mistake was making promises before he knew what was waiting for him. Unfortunately, that is how they get elected.

  • November 4, 2008 at 2:29 am
    David says:
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    I agree with White Dude. No matter who you vote for, Fear’s opinion is hopefully not shared by anyone else.

  • November 4, 2008 at 2:30 am
    Mark says:
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    and we agents who are the very reason you douche bag underwriters have a job are tired of know it all b*tch underwriters! How about you leave your cushy as* corprate job, risk everthing you have and try to create a job and create wealth and create your own income. Typical poor me bleeding heart libral.

  • November 4, 2008 at 2:30 am
    Barrack Obama says:
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    Whoah, whoah…

    I want to clear my good name. I want to bring peace to America and synergy to the pulse of the American people. I know many of you are looking for change, and change will come in the form of the government taking care of you. I do not know if you heard, but I am proposing a civilian army to combat the military version, and a Social Police that will report to me. I also changed my mind about the 95% tax since that number does not make sense logically and I misspoke. Michelle told me that everyone needs to pay taxes unless you work for the government. Also, those working in the govt will be issued special ID cards to purchase goods tax free. To see a copy of my economic plan, I plagiarized Karl Marx and his Communist Manifesto, to whom I apologize but he has been an inspiration. I will also give tax credits to people who will wear Che Guevara tshirts and bash traditional religion. Welcome to the new America.

  • November 4, 2008 at 2:37 am
    Mark says:
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    hey douche bag its an anonymous blog not a spelling B get over yourself

  • November 4, 2008 at 2:38 am
    Amazed says:
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    If looks had anything to do with politics none of them ugly idiots would be in congress………Did you suffer a recent head injury? Oh, you must be one of HIS PEOPLE that just got up off the sofa!

  • November 4, 2008 at 2:44 am
    Robin Hood says:
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    Im just happy all you complainers are making over $200,000, or $250,000 if you are a small business owner. Thats only 5% of small business by the way. Otherwise Obama has promised a tax CUT.

    Sounds like you are doing pretty well to me if you are in that top percentile.

    I have no sympathy for you. Pay up now beeeyoches!!!!!

    Like Joe the unlicensed plumber was making over $250,000?!? Haha.

    Oh yea, Joe is related to a member of the Keating 5 as well.

  • November 4, 2008 at 2:45 am
    Roto Router says:
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    I guess it’s no wonder John McCain was so happy to use “Joe the Plumber” as a debate prop — he’s a partisan Republican who also happens to be a member of McCain’s old friends, the Keating family.

    From Martin Eisenstadt:

    Turns out that Joe Wurzelbacher from the Toledo event is a close relative of Robert Wurzelbacher of Milford, Ohio. Who’s Robert Wurzelbacher? Only Charles Keating’s son-in-law and the former senior vice president of American Continental, the parent company of the infamous Lincoln Savings and Loan. The now retired elder Wurzelbacher is also a major contributor to Republican causes giving well over $10,000 in the last few years.

    Now I guess we know why Joe is telling the press that Obama is a “socialist” and that the Obama tax plan “infuriated” him. After all, it would hit families like the Keatings and their minions the hardest.

    Not to mention that Obama’s economic-recovery plan would put the crimps on influence peddlers like McCain’s old friends, the Keating Five.

  • November 4, 2008 at 2:45 am
    Sarah Palin says:
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    That was Obamas speech. You just didn’t read between the lines with all his ebonics

  • November 4, 2008 at 2:57 am
    TAR says:
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    Let’s not forget that NoBama chose to walk down that street for a photo op. So let’s demonize Joe and forget that NoBama let his guard down and gave his true feelings about wealth. A statement that only can be related to NoBama’s political influences – Saul Alinsky & Frank Marshall Davis – devout marxists. So throw aroung the Keating 5, but don’t forget to watch as you cast those stones.

  • November 4, 2008 at 3:04 am
    Ralph says:
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    the sad part is your vote counts the same as mine…I guess you’re lucky you don’t have to pass an IQ test to vote.

    Folks, regardless of what happens tonight, we’re all in this together. Just get out and vote. If Obama wins (whether you like it or not), support him. If McCain wins, support him.

  • November 4, 2008 at 3:11 am
    Jennifer says:
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    A lot of you are saying that Obama wont ever really pass the tax cuts, but then you go on to say that he is a socialist. Is he a socialist if he never gets the tax cuts passed?

    Plus, the rich have always paid more in taxes in America, this is just more of the same. SO is Regan a socialist too?

    Also, how many of you make more than $200,000?

    Fact is, many of you will benefit from Obamas plan. If you dont like it, then just take the difference and give it to a rich guy.

  • November 4, 2008 at 3:15 am
    Reality Check says:
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    These are the possible outcomes in the presidential race:
    1. We will elect a president who represents democracy or we will elect a president who believes in socialism.
    2. We will elect a president who will not surrender or we will elect a president who will surrender.
    3. We will elect a president who will fight for less government control of our lives or we will elect a president who wants control of our lives.
    4. We will elect a president with experience or we will elect a president with none.
    5. We will elect a president who admits his mistakes or we will elect a president who won’t admit he’s done wrong.
    6. We will elect a president who considers human life sacred or we will elect a president who does not.
    7. We will elect a president who gives to charity or we will elect a president who is selfish.
    8. We will elect a president who fought for our flag and what it stands for or we will elect a president who never fought for and dishonors our flag and has even changed its look to fit his own image.
    9. We will elect a president who will fight terrorism or we will elect a president who will caudle and cater to terrorists.
    10. We will elect a president who is cohesive or we will elect a president that is divisive.

    There are only two possible outcomes in the Congressional races:
    1. We will continue to have a bipartisan leadership.
    2. We will shift to socialist policies and big government entirely.

    So pick a winner or a loser.

  • November 4, 2008 at 3:18 am
    OBAMA WILL WIN says:
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  • November 4, 2008 at 3:19 am
    Big Mike says:
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    Reality check –

    Get over it, the Republicans are dead.

    Obama won!!!!!

    Wew Hoo!!!!

    Aparently most people think you and your party are DEAD WRONG!!!

    The old boys club is finished!!

  • November 4, 2008 at 3:19 am
    YOU ARE GAY says:
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  • November 4, 2008 at 3:20 am
    Sane Being says:
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    You are soooooooo stupid. You just got up off the sofa and are drinking koolaid too aren’t you? How much is it we owe China now for your last stimulus package? You can’t pay back what you borrowed unless you bring in more money and the income is called TAXES DUMBASS!!!!!!!!! How old are you? You Obviously haven’t been on this planet long. Thank heaven for the old. At least they have REAL LIFE EXPERIENCES TO BASE A DECISION ON.

  • November 4, 2008 at 3:21 am
    Obama says:
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    I voted for McCain today. I hope everyone else follows suit. I was just playing that I wanted to be president. I’m not even a US citizen. lol

  • November 4, 2008 at 3:22 am
    Anonymous says:
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    I know thats right or you wouldn’t have sealed your birth records.

  • November 4, 2008 at 3:23 am
    Michelle says:
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    McKain was born outside the US and isnt a citizen either.

  • November 4, 2008 at 3:24 am
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  • November 4, 2008 at 3:25 am
    Joe Mama says:
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    he was born on a military base, which is technically considered US soil.

    Nice try, though.

  • November 4, 2008 at 3:25 am
    Amazed says:
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    Yes he is a citizen…..better get your fat as* off the couch and do some better research.

  • November 4, 2008 at 3:25 am
    Reality Check says:
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    Actually both party’s are over and the fat lady will be singing soon thanks to terrorism. Actually we will be dead right and you’ll be dead left. Woo Hoo!

  • November 4, 2008 at 3:34 am
    Gene says:
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    Reality Check, dont be such a scared little child. the terrorists wont get you! Just be strong and dont start crying about the terrorists again.

  • November 4, 2008 at 3:36 am
    Mark says:
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    I may be dumb but I bet I have a bigger paycheck. Im not suprised you want Obama, you can work 9-5, let me work 7-7 and you’ll get some of my hard earned money. Fact is like most bleading hearts your to lazy to go out and make your own way so you want Big Brother to take it from those of us who do make our own way and give it to you.

  • November 4, 2008 at 3:37 am
    Reality Check says:
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    Not worried about terrorist as you may know them. We’ll have one in office. Amazing how since 9/11, not one attack has occurred here and now were letting one happen from within.

  • November 4, 2008 at 3:49 am
    Mike says:
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    Before Bush there were no Attacks either…

    Dont be scared, little *****.

  • November 4, 2008 at 3:53 am
    Ralph says:
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    Mike, are you serious???

    You don’t remember the FIRST World Trade Center bombing? What about the attack on the USS Cole?

  • November 4, 2008 at 3:55 am
    Mike says:
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    Ralph, yea bush had almost 2 years to prevent 911 and did nothing.

  • November 4, 2008 at 3:56 am
    Abe says:
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    It shows how ignorant and racist a lot of people can be when I see posts using his middle name and calling him a Muslim.

    Its nothing but fear mongering and politics of fear.

  • November 4, 2008 at 3:57 am
    Ralph says:
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    c’mon, Mike! Bush started his first day in January of 2001. 8 months later came 9/11. 9/11 had been planned years before.

    I’m no fan of Bush’s, but you can’t blame him for 9/11!

  • November 4, 2008 at 4:21 am
    Consider myself pretty smart.. says:
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    Althought I am not an Obama fan, and I’ve been in the industry a very long time…I have to agree….whatever political party voted for…if those responding here are in the industry…it’s embarrassing. At least learn to spell?

  • November 4, 2008 at 4:30 am
    Proud McCain/Palin Supporter says:
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    My kids elementary school voted for President today. Their election results were just over 75% for McCain / Palin and just under 25% for the Messiah and ol Joe. I call him the Messiah because that is how his personal friend and neighbor, Luis Farakhan refers to him.

  • November 4, 2008 at 4:33 am
    Great Video on the Lib Messiah says:
  • November 4, 2008 at 4:35 am
    Obama Girl says:
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    How is Utah these days?

  • November 4, 2008 at 4:36 am
    Educator Ed says:
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    When Obama wins the first thing that will happen is the building of re-education camps where McCains house is now. The first railroad box car full of Americans sent to the camps will no doubt be insurance agents. See Y’all at the train depot.

  • November 4, 2008 at 4:37 am
    O-B-K-NO-BE says:
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    Bush was on vacation when the infamous 8-6-01 memo was sent to him, warning of Bin Laden’s intent to attack inside the U.S.

    He ignored it.

    So, yes, we can blame himn for 9-11. And it’s been downhill ever since.

  • November 4, 2008 at 4:37 am
    Consider says:
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    Looks like Utah is pretty darned smart! Let’s let the kids vote.

  • November 4, 2008 at 4:38 am
    FDLS says:
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    >Looks like Utah is pretty darned smart! Let’s let the kids vote.

    And their husbands too!

  • November 4, 2008 at 4:39 am
    I thought he gave crack up says:
  • November 4, 2008 at 4:39 am
    Parents says:
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    Children will at an influential age do what their parents are doing and if they have been discussing the election and who they will vote for then if the school does a mock vote that’s who the children vote for. I remember going with my mom on election day and one of the poll workers had a special machine for me to vote on for people like Mickey Mouse and Yogi Bear or historical figures like George Washington so I could grasp the process. I think it is great that are schools are taking the opportunity with such a historical presidential race to teach children about the voting process. I would be curious to know if the school used the popular vote or went with an electorial college similar to what will happen today. Because as history shows us, you can win the popular vote but still lose the electorial college.

  • November 4, 2008 at 4:40 am
    get real says:
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    He can’t do any worse than what Bush has done. Open your eyes and see we are as screwed as we’re going to get.

  • November 4, 2008 at 4:42 am
    Donna says:
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    >He can’t do any worse than what Bush has done. Open your eyes and see we are as screwed as we’re going to get.

    Oh, I dunno, I still think the GOP has not finished wringing every last red cent out of us…

  • November 4, 2008 at 4:47 am
    Boston Parent says:
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    433 to 393 A lot closer than Utah

  • November 4, 2008 at 5:16 am
    Consider says:
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    And….it has been proven that there has not been ONE year that the school children have been wrong! We can all rest easy now….

  • November 4, 2008 at 5:26 am
    Responsibility Speaks says:
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    Guess nobody can deny this truth:
    These are the possible outcomes in the presidential race:
    1. We will elect a president who represents democracy or we will elect a president who believes in socialism.
    2. We will elect a president who will not surrender or we will elect a president who will surrender.
    3. We will elect a president who will fight for less government control of our lives or we will elect a president who wants control of our lives.
    4. We will elect a president with experience or we will elect a president with none.
    5. We will elect a president who admits his mistakes or we will elect a president who won’t admit he’s done wrong.
    6. We will elect a president who considers human life sacred or we will elect a president who does not.
    7. We will elect a president who gives to charity or we will elect a president who is selfish.
    8. We will elect a president who fought for our flag and what it stands for or we will elect a president who never fought for and dishonors our flag and has even changed its look to fit his own image.
    9. We will elect a president who will fight terrorism or we will elect a president who will caudle and cater to terrorists.
    10. We will elect a president who is cohesive or we will elect a president that is divisive.

    There are only two possible outcomes in the Congressional races:
    1. We will continue to have a bipartisan leadership.
    2. We will shift to socialist policies and big government entirely.

    So did we pick a winner or a loser.

  • November 4, 2008 at 5:47 am
    Anonymous says:
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  • November 4, 2008 at 5:51 am
    Reality Check says:
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    Obama is the “Fraud”. He should have no difficulty spotting it.

  • November 4, 2008 at 5:52 am
    investigation of Haag. says:
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    State Farm has history of not releasing records
    By Anita Lee
    McClatchy Newspapers

    In some cases, State Farm’s top leadership prefers not to share or even keep records that offer insight into how policyholder claims are handled, according to court records.

    Chairman and CEO Edward B. Rust Jr. said in sworn testimony earlier this month that no minutes are kept of quarterly meetings held by the company’s top management, the Chairman’s Council, and that policyholders have no right to information about an investigation State Farm Insurance Cos. has ordered of its relationship with Haag Engineering Co.

    State Farm spokesman Phil Supple said the company doesn’t “intend to—;try this—;case in the media.”

    “State Farm stands by testimony given by President and Vice Chairman Vince Trosino, who said when asked about these allegations, ‘It’s not part of our system. It’s not part of our core values. It’s not what made us the most successful property and casualty insurer, life insurer, in the country.'”

    Juries in two states, Texas and Oklahoma, have found Haag provided biased reports to State Farm to minimize or deny policyholder claims. Mississippi’s attorney general currently is conducting a grand jury investigation to determine whether State Farm and other insurers denied Hurricane Katrina claims through the use of fraudulent engineering reports.

    Haag denies bias, but State Farm suspended business with the company in June and ordered an independent investigation after an Oklahoma jury awarded a total of $13 million to a policyholder over tornado damages. Subsequent trials are set to determine damages for 70 other policyholders, all of whom had claims investigated by Haag.

    In past court cases, judges have chastised and even fined State Farm for withholding records the company was ordered to produce. Evidence the company destroyed documents has been presented in several cases.

    In the Oklahoma case, after State Farm finally turned over to the court a “claims legal research” DVD and other records, Judge Richard G. Van Dyck told company attorneys

    “As I was watching these tapes I just want to say this for the record, the hair on the back of my neck did — did stand up because I was seeing things there that early on in this case I was told by (State Farm) defense counsel didn’t exist and couldn’t be produced. So I’m not real happy with that and I want to remind all counsel that their ethical responsibilities as attorneys outweigh the wishes of their clients.”

    Gary T. Fye, an expert in the analysis of disputed insurance claims who lives in Nevada, often testifies in insurance cases. Fye, who said he has testified on behalf of policyholders and insurance companies, has provided the courts information on State Farm’s history of destroying and withholding records.

    In 1998, Fye wrote in a Florida case

    “I have been witnessing document destruction, concealment, and obstruction of discovery by State Farm for many years in connection with my review of internal claim practices documents of the insurer. I have accumulated certain Exhibits which show the company’s goals and objectives for document handling by its employees. The documents show close to 28 years of intentional destruction, concealment and distortion of claim practices records.”

    In some cases, company executives did not keep records.

    Jeff Marr, the attorney suing State Farm in Oklahoma, took sworn testimony Sept. 6 from Rust. Topics included Rust’s Chairman’s Council, made up of top State Farm executives. The group, which includes the company’s general counsel, meets quarterly.

    Marr was fishing for records of those meetings that he could subpoena for his lawsuit.

    “Certainly,” Marr asked Rust, “you keep records of the quarterly meetings where the entire Chairman’s Council is present?”

    “We have an agenda,” Rust said, “but minutes in that, no.”

    “Why not?” Marr asked.

    Rust replied, “Never felt a need to.”

    Marr later asked, “Are there any written agendas that are available should I choose to request them in the lawsuit?”

    “I’m not sure what might be available,” Rust said.

    Rust also said policyholders, who essentially own the private mutual company, are not entitled to know what the Chairman’s Council discusses or decides about litigation against State Farm, citing attorney-client privilege.

    Marr questioned why the company would withhold information from policyholders, who own State Farm.

    “Well, again,” said Rust (who has a law degree), “I’m not an expert in the area, but I think as you find — even if I’m a shareholder in a publicly traded company, there are things that are not — you know, I do not have access to.”

    Marr later asked if policyholders have a right to see documents from State Farm’s investigation of Haag.

    “No,” Rust said.

    “Why not?” Marr asked. “Is it privileged?”

    Rust said, “I believe so.”

  • November 4, 2008 at 5:55 am
    Anonymous says:
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    “I have been witnessing document destruction, concealment, and obstruction of discovery by State Farm for many years in connection with my review of internal claim practices documents of the insurer. I have accumulated certain Exhibits which show the company’s goals and objectives for document handling by its employees. The documents show close to 28 years of intentional destruction, concealment and distortion of claim practices records.”

  • November 4, 2008 at 6:05 am
    Disgusting says:
  • November 4, 2008 at 6:07 am
    William says:
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    I just spent WAY too much time reading the following tripe. I guess that I will take a SMALL share of my commissions, buy a 72′ Bertram yacht, and retire with my fellow agents off of some nice off-shore tax haven. God forbid that I will be paying 4% higher income tax. I should pay nothing at all because I EARNED it! Not like the low life workers that I exploited to get to where I am at now.

  • November 4, 2008 at 6:12 am
    Anonymous says:
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    The Corporate Fraud Task Force is a task force of the United States Federal Government.

    It was created by Executive Order 13271, “Establishment of the Corporate Fraud Task Force”, on July 9, 2002.

    The task force was formed by President George W. Bush in the wake of corporate accounting scandals that shook investor confidence. We ALL SEE HOW WILL THAT HAS WORK. WHAT A BIG JOKE!!!!

    “We will use the full weight of the law to expose and root out corruption,” Bush said on July 9, 2002. “My administration will do everything in our power to end the days of cooking the books, shading the truth and breaking our laws.”

    According to CNN at the time:

    “Bush’s speech was designed in part to refute critics who have called him too cozy with Corporate America — particularly Democrats who, in a congressional election year, seem unlikely to cut him much slack, especially after raising questions about his own past business dealings.”

    “The speech, which the administration had been advertising for weeks in advance, came a day after the president held an impromptu news conference and was forced to defend his sale of stock in Harken Energy 12 years

  • November 4, 2008 at 6:14 am
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    too cozy with Corporate America.

  • November 4, 2008 at 6:19 am
    MELANIE says:
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    This is another desperate attempt to discredit and disqualify anyone who threatens to expose State Farm. This effort is part of an orchestrated campaign to direct the attention away from State Farm’s conduct and onto persons who threaten to expose their conduct

  • November 5, 2008 at 7:05 am
    Ralph says:
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    As much as you may want it, you’ll not get a negative response from me.

    The American people have spoken, and the time now is to get behind our President-elect and support him. May God bless America!

    PS: Ah, at least my Phillies are STILL WORLD CHAMPIONS!

  • November 5, 2008 at 7:46 am
    The Old Agent says:
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    The last time this old man saw a populace get so excited electing a man with no experience to run their country was 1930s Germany went the people there selected a little house painter to lead them.

  • November 5, 2008 at 7:49 am
    Smack Down says:
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    Yes Obama will kill all americans in gas chambers. God you are such a scared little coward. Im sorry hes black and his name sounds different. Thank god people like you a are a dying breed.

  • November 5, 2008 at 8:03 am
    The Old Agent says:
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    Dear Smack Down,
    I and most of the others at my agency voted for Barrack Hussein Obama. I was just making a comment which is true. Please do not hope for my demise. i certainly wish you the best of life and a long and happy life.

  • November 5, 2008 at 9:14 am
    Anonymous says:
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  • November 5, 2008 at 9:25 am
    HOPE says:
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    In the Oklahoma case, after State Farm finally turned over to the court a “claims legal research” DVD and other records, Judge Richard G. Van Dyck told company attorneys

    “As I was watching these tapes I just want to say this for the record, the hair on the back of my neck did — did stand up because I was seeing things there that early on in this case I was told by (State Farm) defense counsel didn’t exist and couldn’t be produced. So I’m not real happy with that and I want to remind all counsel that their ethical responsibilities as attorneys outweigh the wishes of their clients

  • November 5, 2008 at 9:28 am
    the victor. says:
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    read between the lines read between the lines read between the lines read between the lines read between the lines read between the lines read between the lines

  • November 5, 2008 at 9:30 am
    Judge Judge Judge says:
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    “As I was watching these tapes I just want to say this for the record, the hair on the back of my neck did — did stand up because I was seeing things there that early on in this case I was told by (State Farm)

  • November 5, 2008 at 9:33 am
    responsibilities as attorneys says:
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    (State Farm) defense counsel didn’t exist and couldn’t be produced. So I’m not real happy with that and I want to remind all counsel that their ethical responsibilities as attorneys outweigh the wishes of their clients

  • November 5, 2008 at 9:37 am
    TRUTH says:
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    Journal is not responsible for the content of the message below.

    Subject: Well, again,” said Rust (who has a law degree), “I’m not an
    Posted On: November 4, 2008, 5:52 pm CST
    Posted By: investigation of Haag.
    State Farm has history of not releasing records
    By Anita Lee
    McClatchy Newspapers

    In some cases, State Farm’s top leadership prefers not to share or even keep records that offer insight into how policyholder claims are handled, according to court records.

    Chairman and CEO Edward B. Rust Jr. said in sworn testimony earlier this month that no minutes are kept of quarterly meetings held by the company’s top management, the Chairman’s Council, and that policyholders have no right to information about an investigation State Farm Insurance Cos. has ordered of its relationship with Haag Engineering Co.

    State Farm spokesman Phil Supple said the company doesn’t “intend to—;try this—;case in the media.”

    “State Farm stands by testimony given by President and Vice Chairman Vince Trosino, who said when asked about these allegations, ‘It’s not part of our system. It’s not part of our core values. It’s not what made us the most successful property and casualty insurer, life insurer, in the country.'”

    Juries in two states, Texas and Oklahoma, have found Haag provided biased reports to State Farm to minimize or deny policyholder claims. Mississippi’s attorney general currently is conducting a grand jury investigation to determine whether State Farm and other insurers denied Hurricane Katrina claims through the use of fraudulent engineering reports.

    Haag denies bias, but State Farm suspended business with the company in June and ordered an independent investigation after an Oklahoma jury awarded a total of $13 million to a policyholder over tornado damages. Subsequent trials are set to determine damages for 70 other policyholders, all of whom had claims investigated by Haag.

    In past court cases, judges have chastised and even fined State Farm for withholding records the company was ordered to produce. Evidence the company destroyed documents has been presented in several cases.

    In the Oklahoma case, after State Farm finally turned over to the court a “claims legal research” DVD and other records, Judge Richard G. Van Dyck told company attorneys

    “As I was watching these tapes I just want to say this for the record, the hair on the back of my neck did — did stand up because I was seeing things there that early on in this case I was told by (State Farm) defense counsel didn’t exist and couldn’t be produced. So I’m not real happy with that and I want to remind all counsel that their ethical responsibilities as attorneys outweigh the wishes of their clients.”

    Gary T. Fye, an expert in the analysis of disputed insurance claims who lives in Nevada, often testifies in insurance cases. Fye, who said he has testified on behalf of policyholders and insurance companies, has provided the courts information on State Farm’s history of destroying and withholding records.

    In 1998, Fye wrote in a Florida case

    “I have been witnessing document destruction, concealment, and obstruction of discovery by State Farm for many years in connection with my review of internal claim practices documents of the insurer. I have accumulated certain Exhibits which show the company’s goals and objectives for document handling by its employees. The documents show close to 28 years of intentional destruction, concealment and distortion of claim practices records.”

    In some cases, company executives did not keep records.

    Jeff Marr, the attorney suing State Farm in Oklahoma, took sworn testimony Sept. 6 from Rust. Topics included Rust’s Chairman’s Council, made up of top State Farm executives. The group, which includes the company’s general counsel, meets quarterly.

    Marr was fishing for records of those meetings that he could subpoena for his lawsuit.

    “Certainly,” Marr asked Rust, “you keep records of the quarterly meetings where the entire Chairman’s Council is present?”

    “We have an agenda,” Rust said, “but minutes in that, no.”

    “Why not?” Marr asked.

    Rust replied, “Never felt a need to.”

    Marr later asked, “Are there any written agendas that are available should I choose to request them in the lawsuit?”

    “I’m not sure what might be available,” Rust said.

    Rust also said policyholders, who essentially own the private mutual company, are not entitled to know what the Chairman’s Council discusses or decides about litigation against State Farm, citing attorney-client privilege.

    Marr questioned why the company would withhold information from policyholders, who own State Farm.

    “Well, again,” said Rust (who has a law degree), “I’m not an expert in the area, but I think as you find — even if I’m a shareholder in a publicly traded company, there are things that are not — you know, I do not have access to.”

    Marr later asked if policyholders have a right to see documents from State Farm’s investigation of Haag.

    “No,” Rust said.

    “Why not?” Marr asked. “Is it privileged?”

    Rust said, “I believe so.”

  • November 5, 2008 at 9:57 am
    Ralph says:
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    i can’t help but notice that you’re too much of a coward to even sign your message.

    We reap what we sow? Sounds good to me. That must mean that something good is on the horizon for us.

    America is the most giving nation ever in the history of the world. If there’s an international crisis, be it natural or man-made, we’re the first on the scene with either manpower or financial aid.

    Even with our economy in the toilet, America is still the greatest country on Earth. Come and visit us some day and see for yourself.

  • November 5, 2008 at 10:03 am
    28 years is a long time. says:
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    We reap what we sowWe reap what we sowWe reap what we sowWe reap what we sowWe reap what we sowWe reap what we sowWe reap what we sowWe reap what we sowWe reap what we sowWe reap what we sow.28 years is a long time. NO MORE STATE FARM.

  • November 5, 2008 at 10:09 am
    Anonymous says:
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  • November 5, 2008 at 10:13 am
    Ralph says:
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    this IS the real world, my anonymous friend!

    I didn’t vote for Mr. Obama, but I will now support him. It’s time for all Americans to finally come together and show the world WHY we’re the greatest country on the planet.

    I do feel sorry for you, though…You seem to have a lot of pent-up anger. Go out and get some exercise or read a comic book or something, you’ll feel much better.

  • November 5, 2008 at 10:30 am
    RS says:
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    And I’m glad he did. Some of the posters either have serious anger/hate issues or just like to pull chains. But in any event, get over it. Obama will have an enormously difficult task dealing with the economy, two wars, his own democratically controlled congress and those that demonize him based on color alone. For the record, I’m a 61 year old white guy and made what I believe to be a reasoned decision to support Obama. There is no need for the hate and anger seen in these postings just because you don’t agree with Obama. I don’t agree with everything he says but overall, yeah he is better for the country. If you can only post hateful replies, don’t bother.

  • November 5, 2008 at 11:14 am
    lastbat says:
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    Good show RS. I voted for neither of the major party candidates but will hope for the best from the coming years. There is a lot that needs to be done to right the ship and it will take every effort of the best people in their fields to get it done even in four years.

  • November 5, 2008 at 11:26 am
    Grateful says:
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    The racist, lying anti Obama emails received from my Christian friends in the industry were really getting pathetic.

  • November 5, 2008 at 12:33 pm
    Compman says:
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    RS, I did not vote for Obama but I do not engage in the hatred either. Your post could have been written Nov 2004 and aimed at the democrats. There has been 8 years of BDS and the most vile and hateful things have been said about Bush. Look what the left wing did to Palin and Joe the Plumber. If one does not agree with their opinion, they are attacked. If Obama had lost, the left wing loons would have rioted in all the major cities. I can safely say the conservative base will take its lumps without massive property destruction and without unwielding attacks on Obama on a daily basis. Democrats calling themselves the more tolerant party is the biggest joke in the land. They only tolerate ideas and speech if it agrees with their ideals.

  • November 5, 2008 at 12:55 pm
    Dumbfounded by the Ignorance says:
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    First of all, I’m amazed you make a lot of money because you obviously can’t spell. More importantly, perhaps, after reading all these ignorant, racial remarks it makes it real clear why your segment of the brokerage industry – the small agencies – has such a lousy reputation. What’s wrong? Are you afraid Obama might make you do your job legitimately? I highly doubt that even John McCain, and especially Sarah Palin, would be able to fix the economy to your liking. Remember, deregulation is what got us into this mess to begin with.

  • November 5, 2008 at 1:04 am
    Old Old Old Agent says:
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    sounds like most of you need someone to run your life for you & you have them now!!

  • November 5, 2008 at 5:31 am
    Hello Dems & Repubs says:
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    Republicans. You people need to shape up and fall in line with the lemmings. This ol boy is gonna fix all the things the evil Bush did for the last 8 years. His wealth sharing strategies may even help keep some of your monthly pay clients in force. So STFU and pull down your wallets for the Obama. You are not a patriotic American if you pay income taxes but you can fund all of us who pay no taxes. HAHAHAHA WE LOVE OBAMA FOREVER!

    Democrats. Sorry to bust your bubble but you idiots just voted in a slick talking far left radical with no experience doing anything besides what he was told to do. The Ruskies are just waiting until January. BTW He is not really the messiah.

  • November 6, 2008 at 8:49 am
    ethical responsibilities says:
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    In the Oklahoma case, after State Farm finally turned over to the court a “claims legal research” DVD and other records, Judge Richard G. Van Dyck told company attorneys

    “As I was watching these tapes I just want to say this for the record, the hair on the back of my neck did — did stand up because I was seeing things there that early on in this case I was told by (State Farm) defense counsel didn’t exist and couldn’t be produced. So I’m not real happy with that and I want to remind all counsel that their ethical responsibilities as attorneys outweigh the wishes of their clients

  • November 6, 2008 at 8:52 am
    Anonymous says:
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    Remember, deregulation is what got us into this mess to begin with.

  • November 6, 2008 at 8:55 am
    Anonymous says:
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    Is this really a big surprise? Is this really a big surprise?
    Is this really a big surprise?

  • November 6, 2008 at 9:19 am
    Adjuster Gal says:
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    I don’t mean to insult anyone’s intelligence — but it’s time to remind everyone of the basics.

    An insurance company has 3 main branches: Sales, Underwriting and Claims.

    An insurance company can only be successful if all 3 branches are staffed with good, dedicated people who work hard and work together.

    Poo – sales agents are not supposed to be experts on the policy. Their primary function is to sale. Marketing. They are supposed to know a lot about the products they sell – that’s how they help their customers determine what policy best suit their needs. Sales agents sell a promise. However, even the best agents need two things: 1. a good product to sell 2. Someone to fulfill the promise (they sold).

    That’s where you and I come in.

    Poo – as an underwriting – one of the major functions of your department is to develop the products and services to be sold. That’s why underwriters generally know the policies better than either claims or sells. The language in the policy is your area of expertise. But the best policy in the world is not worth a d*mn if you don’t have an agent to sell it and an adjuster to work the claim.

    As an adjuster – it’s my job to fulfill the process. I work closely with a lot of agents to help their customers through a difficult time. My work hours are “what ever it takes to get the job done” and my paycheck isn’t that big. I’m not an expert in the policy language. But I know it well. I also know the application of the law to that language. Poo – you can create the greatest policies in the world – but you need me to adjust the claims and to send alerts when I see things in the field that don’t look quite right.

    So – to sum up kids—

    Sales: needs underwriters to develop products to be sold and determine which losses to accept (help keep the loss ratios in check). Needs adjusters to work the claims that come in.

    Underwriters: need agents to sell the products they developed and adjusters to work the claims.

    Adjusters: need agents to sell the policy so they have claims to work. Needs underwriters to keep the policy language up to date with the current legal market. Underwriting is a huge help to us when we have a coverage problem.

    So – each department needs the other 2.
    No one department is more important than the others.
    And we all work very hard to serve the customer.

    So- take your paychecks and put them back in your wallet. Take the ego and toss it out the door — go out and hug an adjuster today!

  • November 6, 2008 at 10:01 am
    AppWorker says:
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    Everyone talks this and that about Obama. Why not look at republicans histories. Little W’s grandparents were nazi sympathisers. I mean if you look really hard anyone can be tied to anyone. Whatever happened to that stupid 3 degrees to Kevin Bacon or whatever? Anyways, quit being so angry republicans. Why not use this to reform the republican party and get it back to the way it used to be. Quit complaining and actually work at redeeming the republican party

  • November 6, 2008 at 12:08 pm
    dear hello says:
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    Pardon me but your blatant bigotry is showing.

    I swear some of the comments in here make me ashamed to be in this business.

  • November 6, 2008 at 12:30 pm
    TAR says:
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    Whaaa. George Bush did this, George Bush is that. The one thing he’s not is a social-marxist extremist. And if you want to get your history right, it was Adolph Hitler who contacted the Sheiks and head Imam in the middle east to talk and collaberate about exterminating the jews. So to equate Bush with Hitler is extreme and very far reaching. Now if you want to equate Hitler with the islamic movement around the world and in the U.S., look towards the president elect!

  • November 7, 2008 at 7:59 am
    Yonni says:
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    Tar – The Bushes have an extensive connection to Nazi Germany – Just look it up.

    Also, some of the connections to this administration of Bush to the actions that happened in Nazi Germany are striking. They used 911 to take away the rights of American Citizens.

    You are an ignorant follower.

  • November 7, 2008 at 9:49 am
    Anonymous says:
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  • November 7, 2008 at 9:50 am
    Anonymous says:
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    ethical responsibilities

  • November 7, 2008 at 10:12 am
    MELANIE says:
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    National News • November 5, 2008
    Five former insurance executives tied to American International Group face up to life in prison under a financial manipulation scheme. The potential lengthy prison terms are the result of a …
    ‘ no more paping this county, just because you are a ceo doesn,t give you permission to pare us all.

  • November 7, 2008 at 10:21 am
    Melanie says:
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    Oh guys, sorry I spelled wrong. I have dyslexia. The insurance company said that I am not worth a hell of alot because of that. The word I was trying to spell was rape. It’s too bad you pay your premium every month without any questions because you believe that you have a good neighbor and then you find out that you really have the neighbor from Hell. Your are right, I am pissed off! I can remember putting my hand on my heart as a child and honoring this country and then getting in a car wreck and realized that it is all a fantasy. Well guys, I want it to be right. Laws should be the same for every human being and if you are stealing from people and raping them in a time of need your butt needs to be in jail. We see people go in front of Congress for all of this ******** that they are doing and then what? I say if we want checks and balances we the consumer, the people, need to be investigating these big companies and we need to be the investigative unit, not some ******** group in the Insurance Commissioner’s office.

  • November 7, 2008 at 10:22 am
    TAR says:
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    Yonni, you’re probably part of the gang that thinks Bush concocted 9/11. If you equate what Bush did in enacting the Patriot Act to go after radical islam as nazism than there isn’t much to say about your warped thought process. Radical islam has infiltrated Europe and now infiltrating America. I didn’t see Bush start youth camps or instill the draft or have the CIA camp out at our door steps. He took the fight to the middle east and as of today,it’s hard for y’all to admit there has not been another strike on U.S. soil. What are brave men and women (in a voluntary military) are doing over there is heroic and certainly patriotic. I’m not saying that it was the right campaign, but certainly taking the fight to a crap hole like Iraq is much better than fighting in the streets of Boston, NY or Miami. In just 3 days following 9/11, the grounding of our U.S. airline industry was almost crippled and tourism was down as well.
    In addition, if you think that NoBama with his Saul Alinsky and Frank Marshall Davis political upbringing is not more radical than that of George Bush, than you have to stop drinking that left wing Kool-Aid and open your ignorant eyes. I believe in the old days, when we were really taught history, communism and marxism were more in line with nazi-ism. However, political correctness and multi-culturalism finally has succeeded perverting the American way of life and most certainly our American Education system. Can’t we all just get along???

  • November 7, 2008 at 10:25 am
    Insurance Commissioner's says:
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    Subject: RE: insurance executives
    Posted On: November 7, 2008, 10:21 am CST
    Posted By: Melanie
    Oh guys, sorry I spelled wrong. I have dyslexia. The insurance company said that I am not worth a hell of alot because of that. The word I was trying to spell was rape. It’s too bad you pay your premium every month without any questions because you believe that you have a good neighbor and then you find out that you really have the neighbor from Hell. Your are right, I am pissed off! I can remember putting my hand on my heart as a child and honoring this country and then getting in a car wreck and realized that it is all a fantasy. Well guys, I want it to be right. Laws should be the same for every human being and if you are stealing from people and raping them in a time of need your butt needs to be in jail. We see people go in front of Congress for all of this ******** that they are doing and then what? I say if we want checks and balances we the consumer, the people, need to be investigating these big companies and we need to be the investigative unit, not some ******** group in the Insurance Commissioner’s office.

  • November 7, 2008 at 11:12 am
    Time to Unite says:
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    As McCain said in his speech and I’m paraphrasing now is the time to come together and support the new president-elect. He is right, whichever candidate you voted for, now is the time to accept the vote, unite and support our next President and the current one. You can’t please everyone but they sure do try hard to.

  • November 7, 2008 at 11:46 am
    TAR says:
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    Your was probably the most sensible thread yet. However, I’m not going to sit here and take the Nazi and ignorant comments. For 8 years we had to listen and read comments that denegrated and slandered the President and the office because the left’s guy didn’t win in 2000. Pres. Bush put his neck on the line, reaching across the political aisle, with education bills (working with Ted Kennedy), campaign bills, appropriation bills and environmental bills. Much were to the dismay of his own party. But he did it! Even siding with a democratically controlled Congress. All it did was get him further ridicule. I’m not saying his concessions were right or wrong, but he made the attempt, all it did is get him labels like a nazi. Now that the left’s guy gets elected we all must get along, well where was that mentality the last eight years? Suddenly all is going to be right with the election of Obama? I hope he can change things. Don’t agree with his political philosophy, but stranger things have happened in politics.

  • November 7, 2008 at 12:02 pm
    Mark says:
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    Tar, did you see how happy every body was on Tuesday night?

    The whole nation was celebrating. What does that tell you?

    In fact the whole world was celebrating. So have you ever thought that maybe you were missing something?

    You are in a small minority of Bush supporters who dont read the news or keep up on current events.

    You are now a minority. Your hatred of change will die off soon.

    You are a hateful and dying breed, and thankfully your kind will be dead and gone soon, and once again, the world will rejoice.

  • November 7, 2008 at 12:41 pm
    Anonymous says:
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    Your are right, I am pissed off! I can remember putting my hand on my heart as a child and honoring this country and then getting in a car wreck and realized that it is all a fantasy. Well guys, I want it to be right. Laws should be the same for every human being and if you are stealing from people and raping them in a time of need your butt needs to be in jail. We see people go in front of Congress for all of this ******** that they are doing and then what? I say if we want checks and balances we the consumer, the people, need to be investigating these big companies and we need to be the investigative unit, not some ******** group in the Insurance Commissioner’s office.
    wake up and do wants right not that hard people

  • November 7, 2008 at 1:18 am
    TAR says:
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    LOL – Yes I am a dying breed, as are millions of other Americans. See you have to respect the office of the Presidency. That respect has not been given these past 8 yrs. The media with their multi-cultural and political correctness vision of America have dumbed down this country and driven a wedge between parties and classes. Obama will be our president, some of us may not like it, but he deserves the respect of the office. If he stumbles, will there be the vitriol and suffer the backlashes that Bush suffered. I think not. We’ll hear it’s a learning process or at least he’s trying. After 1/20/09, there will not be any excuses, the democratic party will be in total control. What they decide to do with that control is certainly up to them. America will still stand after 8 years of George Bush and will remain standing after 4 years of Obama. What Americans decide to do with our new found enthusiasm is certainly up to us.
    BTW I don’t plan on going anywhere, anytime soon. I’ll be back!

  • November 7, 2008 at 6:40 am
    lastbat says:
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    TAR, my own personal take is that I will respect the office, but the man in it is seaparate and must earn my respect. I don’t recall seeing a whole lot of Bush doing anything but vacationing until we were attacked. I applauded his actions after that for the most part right up until we invaded Iraq. Being a fiscal conservative his policies and rapid expansion of government horrified me. His inability to present himself as dignified embarrased me. His stubborn refusal to work WITH the rest of the world confused me. And like it or not the economy went down on his watch. I don’t blame it on him, but he is the one at the helm right now. No Child Left Behind did nothing for our schools and in many areas by many teachers is seen as a reason we keep falling behind.

    I did not vote for Obama. I did not vote for McCain. I will give Obama a chance and hope he earns my respect. The office he holds will have it forever, but the man must earn it.

  • November 10, 2008 at 8:23 am
    TAR says:
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    Lastbat, can’t argue with you. Bush has been a disappointment. His first mistake and his last mistake is thinking he could reach across the political aisle and work with democrats. It has to be accepted by both sides and was not. The democrats have one agenda and that is to regain power, at any cost – Bush presidency and the economy. They were successful in sabotaging both. But Bush compromised his so-called “conservative” principals to be “bi-paritsan” and Washington ate him up. Obama will not be bi-partisan, in my opinion, and Bush will get blamed for every wrong that has occurred. Even Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac failure – which Dodd, Obama and Frank have first hand knowledge in. Another democratic ploy, do not accept responsibility.

  • November 10, 2008 at 9:37 am
    Ann says:
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    My thoughts, exactly.
    Maybe bHo can pull it off, though, since he’s magical.
    How do you like the CHANGE so far, with John Podesta and Rom Emmanuel back (from Clinton’s term) on the scene?

  • November 10, 2008 at 11:33 am
    Regan says:
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    There are many silver linings in what many perceive are dark clouds. Let me enumerate a few.

    1. In my early years of starting my insurance practice I advertised heavily in the African American community. So, most of my long term clients are black. The day of the election, many of them called my office for service. They were mostly aggressive, rude, and angry. So much so that my staff and I had a conversation about it. It seemed some black leaders were encouraging riots if Barak Obama did not win. I think the rumblings in that community were making them as a whole, entirely miserable. After all, no one wants to step out and start initiating violence. But to all of their surprise, Barak Obama won the election fair and square. I did not vote for him, and I was disappointed. But the following day it was as if the whole world changed for my African American friends. The phone calls I have been receiving have been pleasant, joyful, and best of all peaceful. Perhaps the healing of the open wounds among the African American community will do America more good than the bit of harm some higher taxes may do. We Americans are an educated and strong people and we will survive and thrive in all circumstances. To my knowledge the Democratic Party has not started building concentration camps, or ovens, so we know the world has seen far worse.

    2. In anticipation of the riots and civil commotion, I went to my local Gander Mountain sporting goods store on Sunday just before the election to restock my dwindling ammo supply. The vast gun department was filled with people. The kind of ammunition I went to purchase was already sold out. Apparently they were assembling assault weapons in the back room, because they would bring one out every 30 minutes or so, (I was there a long time) and it would immediately be grabbed by someone in the crowd and sold. There was near panic in the store. Considering Mr. Obama’s win, I firmly believe the rioting is not a possibility anymore. But I could feel the fear among the shoppers in that store. No one wanted violence, but all wanted to be prepared if it broke out. We Texans truly believe in protecting our lives and property. I guess we all still remember Goliad and the Alamo. A crisis that none of us wants to imagine has been averted by the election of Barak Obama. I guess I’ll keep my ammo supply in case Mr. Obama outlaws the sale of ammo. Ha! Ha!

    3. The Democratic Party took power in the House and Senate two years ago. Since that time our economy has spiraled downward. President Bush has been assigned all the blame for this downturn. Now that the Democrats have nearly complete power in our government, perhaps blame for our economic woes will begin to be assigned to a party other than mine. Mr. Obama has stated, he believes he may not be able to raise taxes during tough economic times such as these. So, maybe, he’ll just slow down a bit, and focus on his justice appointments. As long as they aren’t releasing murderers and thieves onto our streets, I can live with whatever they dish out.

    4. Finally, it is good to see that our political system still works. It is imperfect, but it is the best in the world. To think that 150 years after the terrible civil war, an African American could be elected President, is such a testament to the collective growth and maturity of our people. This man is an excellent role model to the African American community. He has class and dresses impeccably. He and his wife are highly educated and their children are beautiful and well behaved. Mr. Obama is well spoken and is not prone to breaking out into “Ebonics” to annoy other races. There has been a tendency among African Americans to resist success and education as being “White” or “Uncle Tomish”. Perhaps many many educated and classy black people will rise up and break the stereotypes that are rampant in the black community. The baggy pants, fatherless homes, hopelessness, and bitterness may all begin to disappear. This man can inspire the best in all of us, as to how far one can go in this country. From a single parent biracial home to the Whitehouse! How Awesome! Go Obama! Go America! and Go African American Community! It is your time to lead! Show us how far you can all reach! We are here to support, love, and encourage all Americans who desire the “American Dream!” Perhaps we are about to live out Martin Luther King’s dream for the first time, so many years after his death. Perhaps we are on the cusp of living out the true nature of our nation’s creed, that “All men are created equal”.

    Regan Latta

  • November 10, 2008 at 11:41 am
    J says:
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    This morning when I opened this posting I was expecting to read some wonderful insightful logic as to how insurance professionals regarded the election on a business and personal basis. Instead I was shocked, disgusted and infuriated by the post I have been reading.

    First, to my retail agents and brokers, I want to apologize to your from all of us underwriters out here. I would never call one of my clients dumb and the underwriters that do so should be very ashamed of themselves. It is a lack of expertise not stupdity.

    Secondly, to all my fellow Americans, how dare we wish the other person would die. Come on people where is our compassion and love for one another? Just because you have a different view point you want someone to kill over? I hope we have not fallen that far down the food chain. Wow!

    Finally, does it truely matter, that he is a black man, a democrate or is it truely about your own selfishness that you care who is the President of the US? This country needs a major change and if someone else has some kind of idea, we should give them a chance. That is why we are America.

    Please treat each other with kindness and respect, not contempt. It is time to move on and live together in peace.

  • November 13, 2008 at 8:10 am
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    Subject: RE: Luis Farakhan says Obama is the messiah.
    Posted On: November 6, 2008, 12:08 pm CST
    Posted By: dear hello
    Pardon me but your blatant bigotry is showing. I swear some of the comments in here make me ashamed to be in this business.

  • November 13, 2008 at 8:18 am
    Hope & Change? says:
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    It is to bad that our next President was elected because of skin color, Libs hatred of Bush, and a lot of just down right lazy Democrats who didn’t take the time to fact check Obama before voting.

  • November 13, 2008 at 1:32 am
    Anonymous says:
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    Okay already about the tape.

  • November 13, 2008 at 1:41 am
    Anonymous says:
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    How can we get along when you keep talking about Kool-Aid? It seems to me like you have a bit of racism in your heart that you need to let go.

  • November 14, 2008 at 7:43 am
    Killer Snap says:
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    Did you see the election night coverage? Everyone was so happy it was like a dictatorship was overthrown. Literally the whole world was jubilant.

    You are a dying minority. Apparently the whole world was too lazy to do their hate mongering fear mongering “research.”

    Go back into that hole for another 8 years you hick. Im actually starting to feel sorry for you.

  • November 14, 2008 at 8:10 am
    Hold on Tight says:
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    Anyone who believes that either of the candidates can make a major change doesn’t really understand how the government works.

    The president is actually a rather week position; he has no power to propose laws, all he can do is recommend. Congress and the Senate start the process; all the president can hope to do is influence public opinion; and approve or veto the bill that results.

    The problem, once his ideas are put out there, constituant self-interest takes over. Pork, pork, pork….

    What results is far from the original intent. (Why line -item veto should be given, even though I don’t agree with the president-elect).

    No president can pull us out of any financial problem, Republican or Democrat – only the Amercian people can do that. However, poor fiscal policy (like bailing out institutions that make bad and even stupid decisions) can cause a financial crisis.

    STOP depending on the government for anything; it is the most inefficient form of management (by design) and was not intended to act like our parents. Grow up and act like adults, take responsibility for your own life and stop looking for a handout, handup or any othe term you want to assign to it – it’s just plain lazy to depend on the government for anything.

  • November 14, 2008 at 8:17 am
    Actually Killer Snap says:
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    Republicans and Democrats you talk to are overjoyed that a Black man will finally hold the office of President. What they are afraid of is due to his inexperience and far out left wing ideas coupled with crazy kooks like Barney Frank and Nancy Pelozi he will do a lot of long term damage to the country. For example if he carries through with replacing two retiring supreme court justices with two very young whacked out left wing kooks from his Chicago Polictical Machine he can screw up the Supreme Court for the next entire generation (30 years) of Americans. The so called reform programs he has all of the Democrats slobbering over will make what the Democratic Congress and Bush recently did look like
    nothing. America is very very late on finally electing a Black or Hispanic to the Presidency. Let’s hope that Mr.Obama doesn’t set race relations and the self esteem of minorities back another 40 years. America can agree on one thing we are over 200 years late in giving a Black or Hispanic the chance to lead this country. Think about just like running an agency. If you don’t judge all applicants fairly you short change them and your agency.

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