U.S. Treasury’s Geithner Put on Spot for Delayed Insurance Report

March 21, 2012

  • March 22, 2012 at 3:57 pm
    Tiredoflibs says:
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    The word LOATHE comes to mind whenever I hear Timothy Geithner’s name.

  • August 30, 2012 at 4:12 am
    Jeannette says:
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    There are millions of lives of deenct, hardworking, mostly honest people who will be affected for many years to come. No one could have given Mr. Geithner an A+ for integrity aside from the horrible merits of his Bailout plan.The major contributor to the economic collapse was dishonesty lack of creditability, and incompetency. The regular working person in this country needed an A+ person in this job rather than someone who would frantically dig his hole deeper when already in a deep hole. He should have put his shovel down before he even started digging deeper.I wonder how many decades it will take America to get out of this mess, or even if it ever does.

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