Healthcare Costs for Insured American Family Top $20K in 2012: Milliman

May 15, 2012

  • May 15, 2012 at 1:33 pm
    FFA says:
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    Is this Obamas idea of affordable?

    • May 15, 2012 at 2:22 pm
      Captain Planet says:
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      Lowest rate increase in 10 years. We’ve been seeing the premiums increasing for at least 10 years. There were several years in a row when I saw my premium go up by over 10% and I work in the insurance industry for a decent company. Looks like the ACA is slowing the rate of rate increases. He also did not bankrupt American companies in the name of personal wealth. I have 3 close friends who are doctors. An anesthesiologist, an eye surgeon, and a general practitioner. None of them seem to think this is the end of healthcare as we know it. 2 of them are in favor of it and 1 is indifferent. I can only speak from my personal relationships. I am sure we can find whatever we want to find on YouTube. That’s kind of like going to Wikipedia for a source. GOBama 2012! Now, go ahead and show your thumbs down. I, for one, welcome any slowing down of my premium increases. The premiums, out-of-pocket, rising co-pays and deductibles are putting a strain on my family’s savings. United States single payer can’t come soon enough. We don’t need a profit motive between my daughter and her health. Healthcare should be a right in this great country we all love and cherish. Pretty soon, we’ll see what the Supreme Court decides. Something tells me if they knock it down, we won’t hear the conservatives talking about “judicial activism” this time. For conservatives, “judicial activism” means a judge makes a decision I don’t agree with.

      • May 15, 2012 at 2:28 pm
        FFA says:
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        • May 15, 2012 at 5:12 pm
          Captain Planet says:
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          I agree tort reform should be a part of the bill. I do know Obama said he wasn’t able to get everything he wanted into the bill because congress couldn’t come to agreement on all parts. If memory serves, tort reform was one of those items. This bill can be amended. It just needed to get into place in order to jump start reform. I think most can agree our healthcare needs reform in some sort of fashion. Status quo isn’t cutting it.

          • May 16, 2012 at 9:57 am
            First Agent says:
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            Planet, I am glad you agree that Tort Reform should be a part of the bill. I had to laugh when I saw your second sentence. The President said he wasn’t able to get everything he wanted into the bill in 2,700 pages of Progressive idiocy. Huh? The lawyers infesting Congress wasn’t about to add Tort Reform and kill the goose that laid the golden egg. You know what, they could have written a bill in 100 pages and reformed Healthcare without intimidation, fines or taxes and we wouldn’t have had non stop debate about this bill for 2 years. The bill as it exists needs to be scrapped and start over with a common sense approach which will be good for the country without taking over 1/6th of the economy. This government is the most corrupt, wasteful and intrusive in the country’s history. They need to butt out and let the free market solve it.

      • May 15, 2012 at 2:32 pm
        Agent says:
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        Planet, When you have premiums this high, if the percent was 10% increase, it would have been a $2,000 increase. It still exceeded the record set only last year in dollar increase. It looks like you are yearning for the single payer Medicaid type coverage that will be featured in the exchanges on the horizen if this bill is allowed to stand. By the way, Judicial Activism is when the court goes against the Constitution and the Judges do their own thing. If this case is judged by the Constitution, it will be overturned since it is blatantly unconstitutional.

        • May 15, 2012 at 2:40 pm
          Agent B says:
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          Besides the obvious that it is unconstitutional. Next time you talk to your doctor friends ask them why they choose to practice medicine here in the states when there are so many countries around the world that have a single payer medicaid system in place … O wait they are all going bankrupt … with the caveat of Canada … and one other country that corruption has taken over and only the ELITE get to take advantage of services of the doctors that didn’t learn what they know from watching “HOW-TO” videos on youtube.

  • May 15, 2012 at 1:35 pm
    Sarah says:
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    “Ask not what you can do for your country, but what your country can do for you?”

    Barack Obama! (Obamacare)

    Nobama 2012!

    • May 15, 2012 at 2:06 pm
      Agent says:
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      How about what your country can do to you? We have had it done to us and now it needs to go away. I encourage the Conservative and Progressive bloggers to go to following utube to hear the truth from real doctors.

      • May 15, 2012 at 3:21 pm
        Always Amazed says:
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        “If you like your healthcare plan; you can keep it.” Nothing but lies. Sarah the quote IS “Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country”. You should really click on the link above and educate yourself on what is really in store for America. I hope you’re not in your later years Sarah, because you’ll really find out quickly just how little control you have over your health if the Supreme Court rules in Obama’s favor. These doctors on YouTube know first hand on what is and what is not going to be offered and who is going to get care and who is not going to be eligible for care. Yes, that’s right: eligible for care.

        • May 16, 2012 at 9:42 am
          Sarah says:
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          There was no mistake, I wrote that as a parody of J.F.Kennedy’s address. and showing the difference in what most believe is Obama’s leadership or lack thereof in his ideology of “Ask not what you can do for your country, Ask what your country can do for you! We are on our way to Greece!

          Just remember how dictatorships, socialist and even Communist regimes are created. They get a majority of voters controlled by bought by so called entitlements, then they threaten if you elect a capitalist democratically elected government you will lose these gifts that I am giving you. First step is to pit the have not’s against the haves. (Sound familiar) Second step is to get more than half collecting benefits. (half of voters do not pay any federal income taxes) In 20 years we will have a major political party of either the socialist or communist persuasion. Sad but true, just look to Greece. The Communist party controls 27% of the government body.

          • May 16, 2012 at 10:51 am
            First Agent says:
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            Sarah, I like your posts. Keep them coming. What comforts me about America is that we have always loved freedom. Socialist/Communist dictatorships around the world eventually implode or the strong man dies and is replaced. Sometimes, the folks choose freedome over oppression and the country straightens up. It is an interesting contrast between today’s Germany and the past Germany. Today’s Germany is surrounded by Socialist states who are all bankrupt due to Socialist policies. France just elected a big time Socialist who thinks more of the same will cure their problems. His pledge is to tax the rich up to 75% of their income. Gee, I bet that will revive their economy. Germany has already bailed Greece out once, but they are still in dire straits. Spain, Portugal is up next followed by France & Britain. All of this has been caused by Progressive Socialism. Our current President wants to take us to a European like economy. Not if we have anything to say about it in November.

          • May 16, 2012 at 10:59 am
            Always Amazed says:
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            Sarah, I totally agree with you; we are on our way to Greece. Sorry that I misinterpreted what you said. The sad thing is that so many are so blinded by the smooth talking, inexperienced, and will say anything to get a vote president and his cronies. Anyone with a once of sense can see through his facade. I didn’t trust then senator Obama and I certainly do not trust him now. However, I live in Chicago so I have been jaded by politics. Our city has (is it 3 now?) governors that are sitting behind bars or that have been jailed. That speaks volumes. All politicians lie it doesn’t matter which side you’re on but I’m glad that justice is being served in Chicago. Especially where Blagovevich was concerned and Ryan! People lost their lives because of him.

          • May 16, 2012 at 11:02 am
            FFA says:
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            Divide and Conquor.

          • May 16, 2012 at 11:29 am
            First Agent says:
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            Always, did you and FFA ever get together and have a beer since both of you live in the Chicago area? I feel sorry that both of you have to live in such a corrupt environment of that city and state. It is no wonder that it was the perfect spawning ground for the Community Organizer in Chief who had the blessing of the machine, home grown terrorists, radical preacher and congregation among others of ill repute. Doesn’t Louis Farakan also inhabit that fair city? I don’t know how the Catholic church puts up with Father Phlager. He is as radical as they come.

          • May 16, 2012 at 2:03 pm
            Captain Planet says:
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            Sarah, I hate to tell you, but comparing Greece to the US is like comparing Wyoming to the US. Especially when speaking to economy. There is no way we are going communist (is this the Red Scare Pt. 2 and if so, will I get another installment of Red Dawn? Who will play Patrick Swayze – what, too soon?) The entitlements you speak of go to about 6% of our total federal spending. If you want to save money, reduce the deficit, you need to look at The Pentagon. If you don’t want to believe me, I encourage you to look all of this up. I would suggest not going to an MSNBC or Fox resource. In fact, choose many and several resources so you make sure you have your facts right. MSNBC and Fox are entitled to their own opinions, which they voice often, but they aren’t entitled to making up their own facts which they are notorious for practicing.

          • May 17, 2012 at 1:39 pm
            Sarah says:
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            Captain Planet aka Sarahahah,

            Tell that to Chavez and the citizens of venezuela, who got their propterty taken over and a dictator installed because over half of the citizens were on government assistance and only 20% of the citizens paid any taxes. Right now the US has 1 in 5 on government assistance wellfare, foodstamps up 185% in the last 2 years. and only 53% pay any federal income taxes. With Obama we are headed in the same direction as venezuela and other 3rd world countries go. Again, Obama is leading us down the road of- Ask not what you can do for your country but what it, your country can do for you!

    • May 15, 2012 at 2:15 pm
      FFA says:
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      Looks like Robo Sarah HAHAHAH is back with a new name playing with her squad again.

      • May 17, 2012 at 1:40 pm
        Always Amazed says:
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        No First, FAA and I have not gotten together for that beer as of yet. We should though, FFA, it would be fun to meet you. Yes, Father Phlager should have been a HUGE red flag when we found that this was Obama’s pastor. But NO! That picece of information wasn’t on any media main steam meida was it? They didn’t want to tarnish Obama’s reputation for all the hope and change he was spouting.

        Hey Captin,just what planet are you on anyway? Where do you get your information? Seems everyone is wrong except you and YOUR sources.

        • May 17, 2012 at 1:59 pm
          FFA says:
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          No problem hooking up for a coctail. Been working till late and on Sats. Business is popping right now. Wrote over $20K new business this week. When all the complaining is done, I still have a job to do. I support 7 people in my house and I am the only one working. Grown kids cant find full time work. No one want to hire full time becasue of the Health Insurance. My wife and her health issues oprevent her from finding even part time work. In addition to the cronic back issues, she blew her ankle out yesterday. Wont go for X Rays (She Heard a Pop) because of the health bills that would rack up. The pop would indicate it is not just a sprain. So, I keep chugging away and hope the increased revenue will catch up to the spike in bills.

          I dont have any fun anymore! I need some.A night out with a complete stranger may just do the trick as opposed to the same old faces.

          Not sure why people beating up Pflager. All I ever see him do is speak out against Violence. I dont really care whos pastor he is / was. I like his message. Was that whole thing about pulling him out of his parish an OBama thing? Is there something I am missing?

      • May 18, 2012 at 9:06 am
        Captain Planet says:
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        Sarah, I am not sure where you are getting your numbers, but they aren’t true. These are the actual figures for those who care:

        If you use those who are supported by Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF)–best described as a federal largess to indigent families with dependent children–as stated by the Dept. of Health the data suggests 1.7% of the total population that derive over 50% of their income from Welfare supports.

        The number stated that receive any portion of their support from from welfare assistance–including food stamps–it is 29,900,000 or roughly 8% of the total population in the United States.

        This breaks down to:

        39% white 11,661,000 of 29,900,000 recipients

        38% black 11,362,000 of 29,900,000

        17% Hispanic 5,083,000 of 29,900,000

        The strictest sense of the term though would be those getting income directly from the U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services which is about 8% of the total population that receives some form of assistance and 1.7% that receive most of their income (50% or more) from these programs.

        Programs like unemployment insurance or social security payments can technically be counted as “welfare” in some instances though they are differentiated from federal programs like TANF or food stamps.

        I’ll take your food stamps in a different response here. That is also simply not true.

        • May 18, 2012 at 9:11 am
          Captain Planet says:
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          Newt Gingrich claims that “more people have been put on food stamps by Barack Obama than any president in American history.” He’s wrong. More were added under Bush than under Obama, according to the most recent figures.
          The former speaker made that claim Jan. 16 in a Republican debate in Myrtle Beach, S.C., and his campaign organization quickly inserted the snippet in a new 30-second TV ad that began running Jan. 18 in South Carolina.
          Gingrich would have been correct to say the number now on food aid is historically high. The number stood at 46,224,722 persons as of October, the most recent month on record. And it’s also true that the number has risen sharply since Obama took office.
          But Gingrich goes too far to say Obama has put more on the rolls than other presidents. We asked the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food and Nutrition service for month-by-month figures going back to January 2001. And they show that under President George W. Bush the number of recipients rose by nearly 14.7 million. Nothing before comes close to that.
          And under Obama, the increase so far has been 14.2 million. To be exact, the program has so far grown by 444,574 fewer recipients during Obama’s time in office than during Bush’s.
          It’s possible that when the figures for January 2012 are available they will show that the gain under Obama has matched or exceeded the gain under Bush. But not if the short-term trend continues. The number getting food stamps declined by 43,528 in October. And the economy has improved since then.

          Update, Feb. 5: Revised USDA data released in February showed the downward trend continued for a second straight month in November, when the number of persons getting food stamps was 134,418 fewer than it had been at the peak.

          Obama’s Responsibility

          Gingrich often cites the number of persons on food stamps to support his view that the U.S. is becoming an “entitlement society,” increasingly dependent on government aid. And he has a point.
          But Gingrich strains the facts when he accuses Obama of being responsible. The rise started long before Obama took office, and accelerated as the nation was plunging into the worst economic recession since the Great Depression.
          The economic downturn began in December 2007. In the 12 months before Obama was sworn in, 4.4 million were added to the rolls, triple the 1.4 million added in 2007.
          To be sure, Obama is responsible for some portion of the increase since then. The stimulus bill he signed in 2009 increased benefit levels, making the program more attractive. A family of four saw an increase of $80 per month, for example. That increase remains in effect and is not set to expire until late next year, according to USDA spokeswoman Jean Daniel.
          The stimulus also made more people eligible. Able-bodied jobless adults without dependents could get benefits for longer than three months. That special easing of eligibility also expired on Sept. 30, 2010. Spokeswoman Daniel told us that 46 states have been able to continue the longer benefit period under special waivers granted because of high unemployment. Previously, able-bodied adults without dependents could collect food stamps for only three months out of any three-year period.
          Otherwise, current eligibility standards are unchanged from what they were before Obama took office. Generally, those with incomes at or below 130 percent of the official poverty level, and savings of $2,000 or less, may receive aid. The income level is currently just over $29,000 a year for a family of four.
          That leaves the economic downturn that began in 2007 — and the agonizingly slow recovery that followed — as the principal factors making more Americans eligible for food stamps. Officials say that another factor is that Americans today are less reluctant to accept aid than before.
          Of those whose income was low enough to qualify, only 54 percent actually signed up in 2002, but that rose steadily to 72 percent by fiscal 2009, the latest USDA figures show.
          USDA researchers said the jump in the participation rate happened because of actions by state governments. In a report released in August 2011, the Office of Research and Analysis said:

          USDA: States have increased outreach to low-income households, implemented program simplifications, and streamlined application processes to make it easier for eligible individuals to apply for and receive SNAP [food stamp] benefits. Most States also have reduced the amount of information that recipients must report during their certification period to maintain their eligibility and benefit levels, making it easier for low-income households to participate.

          Another reason may be that “food stamps” no longer exist as paper coupons. Instead, beneficiaries now receive plastic debit cards, known as “Electronic Benefit Transfer” or EBT cards, which look pretty much like an ordinary credit card when used in a supermarket checkout line.

          EBT cards have been used in all states since 2004, according to the USDA website. The change to plastic cards was done both to reduce the possibility of fraud, and also to reduce the stigma felt by beneficiaries, and may account for some of the increase in participation.

          In fact, the program is no longer officially called the “food stamp” program. Since 2008, it has been the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP for short.

          Who Gets Food Stamps?

          The most recent Department of Agriculture report on the general characteristics of the SNAP program’s beneficiaries says that in the fiscal year that ended Sept. 30, 2010:

          â– 47 percent of beneficiaries were children under age 18.
          â– 8 percent were age 60 or older.
          ■41 percent lived in a household with earnings from a job — the so-called “working poor.”
          â– The average household received a monthly benefit of $287.
          â– 36 percent were white (non-Hispanic), 22 percent were African American (non-Hispanic) and 10 percent were Hispanic (Table A.21).
          Update, Feb. 5: USDA data understate these figures, however, because participants are not required to state their race or ethnic background. As a result, 18.9 percent are listed as “race unknown.”) A more accurate estimate of the racial and ethnic composition of food-stamp recipients can be drawn from U.S. Census data, based on a sample of households surveyed each year in the American Community Survey. For 2010, Census data show the following for households that reported getting food stamp assistance during the year:

          â– 49 percent were white (non-Hispanic); 26 percent were black or African American; and 20 percent were Hispanic (of any race).
          Note that Census data somewhat understate the total number of persons receiving food stamps, compared with the more accurate head count from USDA, which is based on actual benefit payments. Survey participants may be reluctant to state that they have received public assistance during the year. So the Census figures on race and ethnic background can’t be guaranteed to be completely accurate. But we judge the Census figures to be a better approximation of reality regarding race and ethnic background than USDA figures.

          We don’t argue that the program is either too large (as Gingrich does) or too small. It has certainly reached a historically high level, and may or may not grow even larger in the months to come. But the plain fact is that the growth started long before Obama took office, and participation grew more under Bush.

          Kevin Concannon, the USDA’s undersecretary for food, nutrition and consumer services, told the Wall Street Journal: “I realize Mr. Gingrich is a historian, but I’m not sure he’d get very high marks on that paper.”

          • May 18, 2012 at 11:17 am
            Always Amazed says:
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            My you have a lot of free time on your hands.

          • May 18, 2012 at 11:35 am
            Sarah says:
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            WOW! how about not copying a 3 page blatant irrelevant useless liberal rhetorical attacks on an ex-candidate Gingrich (?) huh? What does this have to do with Obama and his terrible economic record? Yes more people that ever in the last few decades are on wellfare, FACT! Another case of (HEY, LOOK OVER THERE, NOT HERE) reporting.

          • May 18, 2012 at 12:23 pm
            FFA says:
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            Paid Blogger.

  • May 15, 2012 at 1:45 pm
    I claim no party... says:
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    I don’t play politics, but is it fair to think these costs are actually associated with the change? If your answer is yes, then you are a fool, as your point would be negated by the fact that there was actually a reduction in the percentage of increase year over year….hence, meaning that there has been a benefit in the form of a reduced pace of increase. DOH! Egg on your face…hehehe. I love playing Devil’s Advocate.

    • May 19, 2012 at 10:58 am
      Sarah says:
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  • May 15, 2012 at 2:09 pm
    FFA says:
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    Dont you think Carriers have been inching up so they would not have to blast customes with a 21% hike in one year?
    Did he even address Tort Reform in the bill?
    When has Govt Intrusion into private business ever worked out for the average Joe Small Business Man?

  • May 15, 2012 at 2:16 pm
    Agent says:
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    I see the same dislike avalanche hitting Sarah almost immediately after she posted. I am sure we will receive the same treatment FFA. By the way, the carriers are no dummies. They know what is on the horizen covering all the obese, chronically ill with pre-exiting conditions and kids until 26 so they are going to take rate. The so called Cadillac plans will be disentigrating rapidly to either go away entirely when the employers drop coverage or the plan will change to plain vanilla with high deductibles. Employers just can’t afford it.

  • May 15, 2012 at 2:23 pm
    Agent says:
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    Healthcare costs so much right now and the insurance companies are avoiding covering even children with pre-existing conditions like the PLAGUE. The government is trillions in debt yet the government still started a plan called the PCIP pre existinst conditions plan … which will make the current debt look like we have been playing with monopoly money in less than 10 years. They offered a long term care plan with thier actuaries figures saying that it would help the debt, yet with in 1 year the plan went belly up and they had to discontinue using it. I am sorry people it is the law of nature that human beings are scared to admit … The weak are not meant to live forever.

    And finally, Here is a fact that noone can deny … ‘For every one person born; one person will die, eventually’ all of us die.

    • May 15, 2012 at 2:38 pm
      Captain Planet says:
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      Yeaaaaa, that’s right Agent! Let those weak kids die. Who needs ’em? Good-for-nothing cancer kids. I hear you. If you don’t win the Lucky Sperm Lottery for good genes and good means, just die already. You’re wasting my time and my premium dollars which are subsidizing your last few artifical dying breaths of air and your wasting my tax money that helps feed you, you poor-for-no-other-reason-than-being-born lazy, 3 year old piece of _ _ _ t! Start cleaning some chimneys and pull yourself up by your velcro straps.

      • May 15, 2012 at 2:43 pm
        FFA says:
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        Geez Sara ahahaha. You got bitter since you changed you name.
        Love agent – hate agent. Whatever. The weak get weaker. The strong survive.

        • May 15, 2012 at 3:07 pm
          Captain Planet says:
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          “Changed you name”? Huh? Not sure what you mean by that intro. I’m confused. Not bitter, just think how the conservative mind is funny when it comes to a person’s well-being. At any rate, the latter part of your statement stands on its own. You said it. And, I think it’s representative of conservatives in general. All about a human life before it’s born, but once it’s born, you’re on your own. Pro-life my _ss! Seems more like pro-death to me. Cut off all seniors while you’re at it. Talk about a death panel, Sarah Palin…you can find it amongst the voters right in your own party. That’s why your party is pro-war. Just another form of a death panel only on a much larger scale.

          Oh, and I’ve seen the weak get stronger. My dad had cancer until doctors helped put that in remission. Now, he’s strong again…at 71. I disagree with your premise. Also, steroids called and disagrees with you on that notion as well. And, I’ve seen Superman (Christopher Reeves) die. He was pretty strong. Steve Jobs was financially strong, he died. Junior Seau was strong, he died. Hank Gathers was strong, he died. Keith Richards seems weak, he keeps living. I can step on and smash a cockroach but it will survive a nuclear holocaust. Shall I go on? Or, did you just want to reiterate you don’t like cancer patients and those dirty, dirty people with HIV?

          • May 15, 2012 at 4:05 pm
            FFA says:
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            Your dad is not weak. Strong mind – strong body. Glad to hear he survived. Too many people I know since the 1st of the year passed on or has been diagnosed with that.
            You have inadvertantly made my day!

          • May 15, 2012 at 5:03 pm
            J says:
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            So I’m confused, do progressives believe in Darwinism and evolution or not??

      • May 15, 2012 at 3:18 pm
        Agent#1 says:
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        Planet, that wasn’t me on that post. Another blogger horned in and used my post name. Some of his/her statements make me uncomfortable. This country has always had compassion for the weak and infirm until recently. Seniors really take it on the chin from Obamacare. They cut $575 billion out of Social Security/Medicare, has end of life counseling and committees to decide if a senior gets treatment or not. If the condition is serious, the senior will be given a pain pill and told to go home and die.

      • May 15, 2012 at 3:48 pm
        First Agent says:
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        Planet, Someone horned into my moniker on that post. I am certainly not comfortable with what he said. I wish people would check the posts out first before they just type in something. By the way, your comments were inappropriate as well. You Progressives quickly degenerate into name calling when you can’t win an argument. I again point you to the utube I posted. Perhaps the real doctors can educate you some on the error of your ways.

        • May 15, 2012 at 5:15 pm
          Captain Planet says:
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          First Agent,
          You’re right, I did get a touch heated there. I just don’t like the blatant disregard for human life. Especially when you’re talking about the young, the elderly, or the weak due to illness. I don’t think I called anyone names. I used the word “conservative”. That’s not name calling, I thought that’s what those on the right prefer. If you took it as name-calling, certainly not what I intended. I believe you and I had a discussion in another forum. And, I know we cordially disagreed but were having a good conversation. I’d like to repeat that here in this forum, so I apologize if you feel I was out of line. Obviously, the other “agent” pushed a button when he/she chose to comment on ignoring common decency.

          • May 15, 2012 at 5:33 pm
            FFA says:
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            Its a hot button topic that draws anger on both sides of the coin.
            Right now, I am dead set against it.
            1) Commissions got pounded to nothing. I lost Income.
            2) Cost has sky rocketed. Going to cost me $36K this year.
            3) NO TORT REFORM! Lawyers looking out for other Lawyers.
            Our lovely Gov is expected to sign a bill into law that has State Employees that retired contribute $100 @ month to their health care plan. Its a good start, but $100? Thats it? Why not current employees too? Everyone is feeling the pinch except for the people making this stuff up. If you missed my previous post, OBama is from IL. Grew up under Blago & Stroger.

          • May 15, 2012 at 5:46 pm
            First Agent says:
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            Planet, You will never hear me say I don’t have compassion for the weak and infirm or say that children are on their own after being born. You know what, we have several outstanding hospitals in this country that does wonderful work with children. Examples are the St Jude’s in Memphis, the Arnold Palmer Children’s hospital in Orlando, all the Shriner’s hospitals. They do great work and don’t turn families away that need help and can’t pay. They are almost all supported with donations. I wonder what will become of them in the future under Obamacare. What will they be forced to do by government edict? This really goes against the grain of what made America great.

          • May 16, 2012 at 12:26 pm
            Sarah says:
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            Captain Plantet AKA, Sarahhahaha,

            We know about the paid bloggers of the media matters group and funded indirectly by the Obama campaign. Your “Change you can believe in” wont work anymore. Unfortunately for Obama, he might own the network news organization and paid off corporate entities, but the american voters understand all to well where we are and where we are headed under Obama’s so called leadership. If you want to see where we are going, Google – “Greece News” Thats us without an ability to print money and by they way do you think that there is no ramification for printing trillions of dollars into the economy. The only way to reduce a trillion dollar deficit, is to make a trillion dollars buy only a billion worth of today’s goods. I am talking about Hyper-inflation for the US in a matter of a year or two.

      • May 15, 2012 at 4:44 pm
        TxLady says:
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        Wow, way to go off on a tangent and into things not said. Relax, breathe, again.

        • May 16, 2012 at 2:33 pm
          Captain Planet says:
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          Hi Sarah,
          I think most economists would agree we are going to need some inflation in this country sooner than later. We can’t continue to keep rates this low. Now, hyper-inflation – no we don’t need that. And, I’m not buying that anyhow. I’ve heard Glenn Beck tell us to expect hyper-inflation for maybe what’s going on 3 years now. Yes, I listen to Glenn Beck. Inflation is about the only way we’re going to see any significant increases in our wages. For those of you in the cubicle world. If you’ve seen any pay increase over the last 2-3 years, what are you seeing on average? 2%? I think 1.8% was the benchmark against companies of similar size the last time I had a review with a benchmark invovled (about 2 years ago). So, I should feel really good about the 3% I received. I know I worked a heck of a lot harder than 3%. And, it was one of the most profitable years in the company’s history. Oh, and that year, they also got rid of our pension program. The year before that and before Obamacare was introduced or even being spoken about, they changed our health insurance to high deductible plan with a 14% premium increase. Just not right, in my humble opinion.

          • May 16, 2012 at 3:07 pm
            First Agent says:
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            Planet, it is hard for me to figure out where to start on your post. Have you been living in a bubble for the past nearly 4 years? Has your cost of living stayed the same? Mine hasn’t. I am paying double for gasoline, food has escalated tremendously and costs to run my business have gone up significantly. It may not be hyper inflation yet, but we are going there if this nightmare isn’t turned around. Anytime a country is running an annual deficit of $1.4 Trillion with a T, have the government printing money 24/7, have such an anti-business agenda, it is going to explode. I would encourage you to pay attention to Europe and as Sarah pointed out Greece, which is the poster child for government largesse and no way to pay for it. Several other countries including Spain, Portugal, Italy and soon France are all going under due to Progressive Socialist policies. When the Euro goes belly up, it will affect this country as well and you can forget your 3% increase. You will be lucky to have a job.

          • May 17, 2012 at 1:48 pm
            Sarah says:
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            Problem is Planet, Inflation does not mean your salary goes up with it. It just means the cost of goods are more. The governments price index for inflation does not take two items into consideration due to the volotility of those items. FOOD AND GAS! That’s right! The only two things you need on a daily basis to survive. I am surprised they didnt exclude water. LOL… No we do not need inflation especially with interest rates at 0% that means your money making no money and the value of your money going down and you not making more money in your paycheck. That is exactly what we are talking about here. Not good for anyone! What we are talking about is just like the 70’s stagflation without high interest rates for old people with savings to fall back on making money on their savings. We are talking about old people not being able to buy food!

      • May 17, 2012 at 12:18 pm
        Ralph Kramden says:
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        That’s right, Captain Dick..We Republicans HATE sick kids and want them all to die! Even those of us who have sick kids of our own! We are so mean…we never, ever want what is good for anyone!!

        • May 18, 2012 at 9:17 am
          Captain Planet says:
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          Ralph, I was trying to be faceitious. See what I was responding to and then make judgement. Also, I don’t place all Republicans, or Democrats, in the same category. There are those radically right and left. Like, the idiot who cheered about someone dying in the streets when Ron Paul was speaking at a Republican debate. Or those that booed the gay soldier fighting and protecting our freedom. Or, the leftists that think anarchy is the answer.

        • May 18, 2012 at 5:10 pm
          First Agent says:
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          Hey Ralph, The Progressive Champion in the House, Allen Grayson (D-Fla) proudly and loudly proclaimed on the House Floor that the Republican Plan would kill people. The good citizens of Florida then promptly dismissed him in the mid terms. One of his buddies, Durbin of Illinois with a straight face said that if people didn’t switch to electric cars like the Volt, 1,000 more people would die each year. This is the kind of mentality we are dealing with. May Durbin go the same way Grayson did and be gone to retirement.

  • May 15, 2012 at 2:53 pm
    TA says:
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    Regardless of the out of pocket costs… have a health condition that requries a day or two in the hospital… and these costs are a fraction of what is covered by Health Insurance plans..

    Any idea what prescription drugs costs??? Check with your pharmacy as to the retail cost without a prescription plan… your $15 co pay may be less than .01% of thr retail cost!!

    The article spins the issue the wrong way.. the author should ahve compared teh coverage benefits to the costs to be fair to make the point. Yes insurance costs are increasing… but poverty and bankruptcy are not the option to the cost of acquiring health care insuracne coverage.

  • May 15, 2012 at 3:21 pm
    FFA says:
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    Intro referrs to someone in a different forum on the same subject.
    On to the article. My Medical Cost last year were over $17K – premiums, co pays ect… My Medical Premiums are jumping an additional $15,600 this year. My wife will eat up every penny of deductible like she did last year.
    $32,600 in medcial cost expected this year. More then many households bring in? By Close of business today, I have to make that decision.
    Should I pay my medical premiums or should I pay my mortgage.
    OBama Care did nothing to eliminate one of the major underlying cost of medical care – TORT REFORM.
    If your new to this forum, I live in Illinois. Land of the crooked. Its the state where OBama cut his political teeth in the most corrupt county in the most corrupt state. Anything any politician says that is in this state or came from this state – I am dead set against. Arguing with me about how good an ILL politician is would be pointless. ME, I believe that ILL has lost the right to any represenatation at any Govt Level. No Il Politicia should be allowed in DC until we can clean our house up. No trust at all in politicians. Obama must go. I would vote for you before him. Shame – its a lesser of two evils election again.

    • May 15, 2012 at 4:03 pm
      SWFL Agent says:
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      FFA, you think if the Gov’t raised taxes and made health care available to everyone that your taxes would increase more than $32,600? I doubt it. Let’s face it, we’re already paying for gov’t run health care. Medical costs are increased to fund those that can’t pay. Why can’t we admit it and figure out a way to provide it to all. We do it now for people over 65. What’s so magic about that number.

      • May 15, 2012 at 4:16 pm
        FFA says:
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        I think that a great start into controlling cost would be Tort Reform. You sue me and lose, you pay me every penny you wanted from me pluss my cost.
        10 years ago, I quoted an OBGYN out of med school. $75,000 before she even saw a patient.

      • May 15, 2012 at 4:19 pm
        First Agent says:
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        SWFL Agent, you have your facts wrong. Obamacare did not address the underlying ills of the healthcare system. 1. It did not include Tort Reform which is a big cost factor with doctors and hospitals. 2. It did not permit sale of health insurance across state lines which spurs competition 3. It has several new taxes built into it which in fact raises our taxes. 4. When employers drop their Group coverage and throw the employees out to the exchanges for Medicaid like coverage, they will increase their salaries to pay the cost. The employees will then be taxed at a higher rate on their income. Obamacare did not have to degenerate into a one size fits all 2,700 page monstrocity that it became and then passed without anyone reading it in the middle of the night. The Progressives just had to pass it so we could see what was in it. It is not a pretty sight in any way, shape or form.

        • May 16, 2012 at 11:48 am
          SWFL Agent says:
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          Hold on, I was not advocating Obama care and I wouldn’t disagree with all of your points on why health care costs are high. My point was that FFA’s huge premiums and deductibles are inflated in order to fund the uninsured and other gov’t programs. IF the gov’t provided health care to all what would FFA’s cost be? Higher or lower than the $32k? Could be lower possibly. At this point we have a smaller and smaller number of people funding the entire system of indigents and people over 65. I know on this website that it’s blasphemous to promote anything other than “free market” principles but that’s just not working with health care.

          • May 16, 2012 at 12:49 pm
            First Agent says:
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            SWFL, The indigent uninsured in this country could be covered under the exchanges or Pools for about $75 Billion according to some studies. Do we really need a $1.6 Trillion one size fits all plan with poor Medicaid type coverage for everyone. I really don’t think FFA wants to go to Medicaid at this point in his life. Another study says that if Medicare/Medicaid/Social Security fraud was aggressively pursued against unscrupulous doctors, vendors, hospitals and clinics in this country, we could save $100 Billion per year. Obamacare has already cut $575 Billion from Social Security/Medicare under this bill and now the seniors will be told to take a pain pill by the “Death Panels” because no treatment will be forthcoming for that pacemaker, hip replacement etc. It is rationing on steroids. Sorry, we don’t need another plan like Great Britain’s bankrupt system or Canada’s rationed system where you wait for a year to have an operation. Please go up to my earlier post and click on the utube presentation of real doctors who tell the truth about what is going on and what to expect.

      • May 15, 2012 at 5:16 pm
        FFA says:
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        I think the Govt should stay out of private business and let market forces dictate pricing. In this case, the smart will survive.
        I agree with your statement – my tax dollars payng someones health care cost. It begs the question – is this law an incentive for me to stop paying for my health care and let the govt eat it? Good question – where is my break even point? When do I become a leach on your tax dime? Illegals are getting away with it daily.

      • May 15, 2012 at 5:57 pm
        FFA says:
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        If they raised my taxxes $32,600 and SHOWED me – NOT TOLD ME (I dont trust politicians especially if they are from IL – I can have the same quality health care,then fine. However, I dont trust politician especially from Illinois.

  • May 16, 2012 at 9:35 am
    Duh! says:
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    Are you living under a rock for the last 3 years???? Each state is responsible for allowing the rates to increase for every insurer over 100%!!!! This is why someone in this country had to stand up for JUSTICE!!!! It is in insult of how the majority of people, even in this industry, are so blatantly ignorant!
    Good God help us!

    • May 16, 2012 at 11:38 am
      FFA says:
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      Address the underlyiong factors. Dont tear down the best – flawed, yes indeed – health car system in the world.
      Would Planets dad had a chance to survive – to fight – to come out on the right side of his fight in Canada? England? 70+ years old fighting Cancer? Would that have passed the Death Squad test? At least our current system gave him the decision to stand up and fight.
      TORT REFORM. Lawyers advertisibng on TV – Bad Drugs Call us. If you know someone thst did, might have or your are, call us and sue.

      • May 16, 2012 at 4:15 pm
        Brokie says:
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        We do NOT have the best health care system in the world. Flag waving propaganda. I know this is going to hurt, but the ‘best’ systems would be something from Europe. You know, where the patients can use a high speed train to see their doctor? Health care is 100% covered. Price caps on pharmaceuticals. That awful Europe with their terrible ideas. And – what business is it of anyone, except me, if I choose to insure my child who might be 20, 21 even 26. I pay 100% of the premium – shut up. It’s none of your business and it allows healthy young people to have an annual checkup on MY TAB. Tell me why taking that away is a good thing.

        • May 16, 2012 at 4:28 pm
          FFA says:
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          My doct is 5 minutes from me. I dont need a high speed train to get there. Who funds the 100% coverage? Agreed on the child coverage. Shoudl be my option as their parent. I should been able to keep what I had instead of hitting the OBama Care premiums.
          $36K a year for me & the wife – its sick! Telling me I have to pay for Illegals health care through my taxes.
          we are a Free Market Economy Driven by the laws of Supply and Demand.

        • May 16, 2012 at 4:49 pm
          Agent says:
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          Do you mean that Europe that is imploding as we speak? Perhaps you would like to move to Greece, Spain, Portugal, Italy, France UK. You can pay for your medical care with some of those worthless Euros since they are headed that way and soon. Their system is a disaster, but you can’t see the forest for the trees.

        • May 16, 2012 at 4:56 pm
          FFA says:
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          Why is it so many people from Europe by private insurance?

    • May 16, 2012 at 2:18 pm
      FFA says:
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      It all boils down to cost. Get MAlpractice under controll (Tort Reform) and let the ripple down effect take over for a few years. The reevaluate things again. To tear down the best health care in the world just cause Obama thinks it needs to be done?????

  • May 16, 2012 at 9:49 am
    Sarah says:
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    I wonder how many 99%er’s Occupy Wallstreet supporters were at Obama’s $35K a ticket fund raiser last night in Manhatten?

    If I am not mistaken, JP Morgan is a major contributor and CEO was present at last nights event.

    • May 16, 2012 at 12:35 pm
      First Agent says:
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      It is interesting how Progressives talk out of both sides of their mouth. The President proudly proclaims that JP Morgan Chase is one of the best managed banks in the country and has his personal account with them. Then, they lose $2Billion with bad investment decisions and he has Eric Holder investigating them. I wonder if another bailout is in the offing for them. All the CEO has to do is make another big contribution to the re-election campaign and he is good to go. Crony Capitalism at its finest.

    • May 16, 2012 at 2:22 pm
      Captain Planet says:
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      Sarah, okay, so which is it? Is Obama a Crony-Capitalist or a Socialist? Can’t have it both ways. By the way, I’m not a paid blogger nor have I ever been to Media Matters. I told someone in another forum, I do enjoy Thom Hartmann and Chris Bradshaw (local Des Moines guy). Other than that, I steer clear of the cable news channels all together because they are nothing but spin. I read a lot…A LOT. And, I try to reference both right and left wing “rags” if you will. Then, I form my own opinions based on the facts. There is no secret plot to turn America into the USSR of old. If anything, it’s becoming more and more evident this nation is becoming fascist. If you don’t know what that word means, I’d ask you to look it up. We’ve already named our stadiums after companies. They are controlling the congress through lobbying. If anything is scary, at least to me, it’s the threat of a fascist society here. And, I think if you’ll entertain a good-natured conversation, you’ll find I like to have the discourse. Oh, and I’m not your enemy. And, you aren’t mine. We are both Americans. We should start working together, everyone, if we want to fix this country’s issues. It’s We The People. Why are we letting politicians continue to make stupid decisions that are wrecking life for a strong majority of us? Sarah, I’m sure you have some good ideas. FFA, I know you do. Agent, I know you do, too. Let’s WE THE PEOPLE start infecting our representatives again! We let it get out of hand and now look at us, at each others’ throats like deranged criminals.

      • May 16, 2012 at 2:47 pm
        First Agent says:
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        Planet, we can have a discussion on what this country is becoming. If you have read history, the Nazi Party in Germany was also called the National Socialist Party. They combined Socialism and Fascism which is about the worst combination possible. It evolved into a dictatorship in which Hitler controlled everything in the economy, military and the citizens lives. He had the power of life and death and the holocaust was the result. Eventually, the world had to deal with him and Germany was left in rubble. In this country, the Progressive Socialists are now in power. They are seeking control of every aspect of our lives. Obamacare is only a part of the problem. Just look at what this Administration is doing through EPA, Energy, Education to threaten, fine, tax American business. The EPA guy who was forced to resign was proud he could go in and “crucify” the first 5 businesses in an industry and the others would be easier to manage. These people are going around our Constitution every day to implement their agenda. The President disregards Congress and does Executive Orders through his 40+ Czars so in effect, we have a shadow government running the country. This is why “We the People” are going to take the country back in November. I hope you wake up and smell the coffee and get on our bandwagon.

        • May 16, 2012 at 3:00 pm
          FFA says:
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          Once, Blago sent in the ILL EPA and shut down his father in laws gargabe dump for three days. The EPA found nothing. Blago just did it due to some family fued he had wuth the In Law then went on TV bragging about it. OBama cut his teeth under this guy.

          • May 16, 2012 at 4:19 pm
            Brokie says:
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            …and George Bush commuted the death sentence of serial killer Henry Lee Lucas. The ONLY time in TX history that a death sentence was commuted. Your point is what – Obama ‘cut his teeth’ under Blagovich? Meaning what? Right wing gibberish of no substance.

          • May 16, 2012 at 5:10 pm
            FFA says:
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            And George Ryan Commuted the death sentence of a mass murder that pointed a gun at my nieces head. He killed close to a dozen people that night. Good thing the gun jammed. I would have been at a funeral instead of a wedding.
            My point being I dont trust any Ill Politician. We have an Illinois Politician in the White House running the country into the bankruptcy just like Blag did to the state. Its a pattern where the student is going to surpass the teacher.

      • May 16, 2012 at 2:56 pm
        FFA says:
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        Then it has to be time for a change. Vote for the lesser of the two evils. Filty Rich Guy or Il Politician. You know my opinion.
        I would rather it be some small business Joe that understands Profit & Loss, but its not.

      • May 17, 2012 at 2:02 pm
        Sarah says:
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        Yes I can have it both ways, Obama is having it both ways.
        Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Citi group were all at his campaign event paying him bribes and all will be looking for favors in the form of tax breaks and investigations being overlooked after the election.
        Just because a socialist/Communist works in a capitalist economy that it should be considered FREE Capitalism. That does not mean that corruption will not flourish, if you allow it as Obama has done in Chicago since his working with Unions, and the like of politicians like Blogovich. I read your lets just all get along idea at the end of your blog. I agree, Where is Obama on bipartisanship, was it in the healthcare law? debt ceiling? I will give him some credit he really has tried to bring us together lately. Black against White, (Travon Martin) Men against women (so called War on Women) Rich against Poor (Buffet Rule) and of course the latest Homosexuals against Heterosexuals. What left Cats against Dogs?

        NOBAMA 2012!

        • May 18, 2012 at 9:23 am
          Captain Planet says:
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          Sarah, all I can say is you really need to do some research before you throw these comments out there. Obama and Travon Martin…really? As far as the wealth distribution is concerned, take a few minutes to see how the gap has widened between the average middle-income American and the CEO in the last 30 years. You might be surprised. As far as the homosexual thing is concerned, what are your personal thoughts? Or, any Republican/conservative out here? The War on Women goes waaaay back, well before Obama was kicking a soccer ball in Kenya. It’s been revitalized with the whole birth control issue. In my opinion, it’s dumb to even be talking about the birth control issue. I thought that was settled decades ago.

          • May 18, 2012 at 9:44 am
            Sarah says:
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            Captain, Obama made Travon an issue, when the next day The president of The United States came out on his front lawn and said that Travon could be his son. He looks like me! What an idiot! I expect such things from Biden, But hey saying a victim in a murder trial, could be your kid is a big Fu**ing deal! That never should have happened!
            The gap between a CEO and a janitor has always been a problem. The real problem we have is that the middle class can not afford gas or groceries now due to inflation caused by printing money! My personal thoughts regarding homosexuality do not really matter nor does Obama’s. Although Obama obviously does not have a dictionary when he reads the US Constitution where it has a 10th amemdment and gives the right to make laws regarding other than what is given to the Federal Government in the US Constitution back to the States. Homosexual marriage is a State issue not Federal issue and Obama should have stayed out of it. My question to you is, Knowing this why did he stir this pot. Do you think that it might be politically motivated to get his liberal base enthusiastic about his pitiful record and results of his “change” that no one likes. I believe so! I think he could care less about any of the groups he purports to support. Unlike Obama, other presidents have stayed out of issues that it did not see as pertaining to the federal government or congress. We need a new President!

          • May 18, 2012 at 10:08 am
            FFA says:
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            Saw pictures of Zimmerman on the news before I came to work today. He was beaten, bloody, broken nose, black eye several cuts on the back of his head.
            Looks like Self Defense to me. OBama going on the new with out the facts creating racial divide.
            Wife broke her foot yesterday. Hospital would not let her leave with out a walker even though I have three at my house from my recently deceased Mr In Law.

          • May 18, 2012 at 10:20 am
            Captain Planet says:
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            Sarah, on the homosexuality thing – The President said it should be left up to the states to decide. He’s not trying to make a Federal law for marriage equality. Though, in my humble opinion, I think there should be. What’s the big deal, so 2 people of the same gender want to get married, more power to them. That’s a win for love.

            And, I looked at Obama and pics of the deceased Travon and would have to agree with Barack. They kind of do look alike, skin color and all. Not a racial issue when the shooter is also of “minority” descent. Unless you think the President hates Latinos.

          • May 18, 2012 at 10:43 am
            Agent says:
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            Was Obama kicking the soccer ball in Kenya or Indonesia under his former name Barry Sotero? By the way, he applied to Occidental College as a foreign student. Hmmm! Does that raise any doubts in your mind about his eligibility to be President?

          • May 18, 2012 at 11:25 am
            First Agent says:
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            Hot off the press Planet. Trayvon Martin’s autopsy revealed he had Marijuana in his blood and urine. He also had bloody knuckles from beating Zimmerman. Thank you media for convicting Zimmerman before the facts came out.

  • May 16, 2012 at 11:46 am
    FFA says:
  • May 17, 2012 at 12:55 pm
    First Agent says:
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    How is this for corruption? Ed Klein, the author of the new book -The Amateur sat down with Jeremiah Wright for 3 1/2 hours and Wright told him he had been offered $150,000 by the Obama Campaign in 2008 to keep his mouth shut. If true, this is bribery and conspiracy to commit bribery to offer hush money to influence an election. If Republicans had any gonads, they would have Wright brought to the Hill to testify before Congress and identify who in the Obama campaign offered it to him. Supposedly, there are emails also that can be recovered. It will be interesting to see if this is followed up on. I know we can’t depend on the mainstream media to follow it since they are so in the tank the Chosen one can do no wrong.

    • May 17, 2012 at 1:41 pm
      FFA says:
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      HMMM. Allegations of corruption aimed at a politician from IL. Same story. Different Day. Hides behind executive privilage in the Blag trial. HMMMM. If it smells like cr#$, it is Cr#$.

      • May 17, 2012 at 2:42 pm
        First Agent says:
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        This could only be the tip of the iceberg and no telling how many people were paid off the keep from spilling the beans. These guys make Nixon and his merry band of “Plumbers” look like choir boys. Rahm “Dead Fish” Emanuel, David Axelrod, Valerie Jarrett are some of the nastiest politicians/operatives in the country.

    • May 18, 2012 at 9:28 am
      Captain Planet says:
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      The so-called “Chosen” has done wrong. No public option in his bill is, in my opinion, one example. Can you show me any one decision where he’s actually gone hard left? I mean, HARD left. This healthcare bill is not an example, it’s the Heritage Foundation’s bill and there are many Republican concessions throught the 2,700+ pages. Also, while I’m offering challenges, can you show me any libertarian society that was successful? There has to be some controls over the private sector.

      • May 18, 2012 at 10:03 am
        First Agent says:
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        Planet The examples of this President governing from the left are too numerous to list in a post. Some of the more prominent ones are (1) Running up the debt by $5 Trillion in three years is a good start. Nearly a trillion went for a worthless stimulus plan which was nothing more than political paybacks and creating temporary jobs which are now gone. 2. Taking over the Auto Industry by bailing out GM and Chrysler and giving control to the Unions. 3. Cash for Clunkers Program was another boondoggle which cost the taxpayers dearly and was rife with corruption. 4. The mother of all was Obamacare which is sure to add another $1.6 Trillion to the deficit. Everytime the CBO scores it, it doubles in cost. 5. Ruling by Executive Order and going around Congress by implementing Socialist policies by his 40+ Czars. By the way, no one wants a libertarian society since they are about as goofy as Socialists are, but we do want a society that adheres to the Constitution our brilliant founding fathers put together. I know that Progressives think it is outdated, but it only was the foundation for the greatest country in the history of the world.

        • May 18, 2012 at 10:26 am
          Captain Planet says:
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          First Agent – I agree on the Constitution but where you and I will disagree is I believe it is a living, breathing document that must evolve with the time. The “right to bear arms” became “guns”, for example. You will not actually find the word “gun” in the Constitution. Oh, and the debt thing, that was started by Reagan who was a Republican, so hardly hard left on that one. The czars, Bush actually set that trend, too. Again, hardly hard left. Can you elaborate on the socialist policies Obama has enacted? Keep it simple, just choose 1 or 2 we can discuss.

          There are some out there arguing for a libertarian society. I’m happy to hear you aren’t one of them. I think libertarians are basically Republicans that like to get high.

          You and I agree, greatest country in the world! We won’t see eye-to-eye on many issues, but we can talk about our differences and at the end of the day, could potentially be friends. Only in America!

          • May 18, 2012 at 10:52 am
            FFA says:
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            Not a single politician had enough brains to say “Hey, we owe over a Million, maybe we should rething this.” Now, we are over a Trillion. I dont even know whats past a Trill. Under OBama, we are certianly going to find out.

            JOE SMALL BUSINESS MAN FOR PRES! Dont care what party. Just someone with that long lost thing called Common Sense.

          • May 18, 2012 at 10:57 am
            Agent says:
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            Like most Progressives in this country, you believe the Constitution is a living, breathing document which can be interpreted to fit your agenda. The President, who supposedly taught Constitutional Law apparently doesn’t understand it very well and is flabbergasted that it states all the things citizens can’t do rather than what they can do. Guess what Planet, most laws in this country are written to say what we can’t do or there will be penalties in both Civil and Criminal Law. They were designed to prevent anarchy. By the way, everyone knew what the right to bear arms meant in the Constitution. The founders were worried about the government becoming too large and oppressive so they gave the citizens the right to have arms to defend themselves. Your reference to Reagan and the debt had me laughing. Perhaps you are too young to remember what Reagan inherited from Jimmy Carter and his Progressive Socialist policies. Some would argue the Carter mess was bigger than the Bush/Democrat mess. 21% inflation, stagfation, 70% marginal tax rate, gas shortages, business failures galore. Reagan turned it around in 3 years by lowering the marginal rate to 28% and doubled the revenue to the Treasury. Savings increased by passing IRA’s and retirement plans. Reagan was fantastic for the country and just what the doctor ordered. It was too bad the Progressives in government welched on the deal he made on spending cuts.

          • May 18, 2012 at 11:03 am
            Agent says:
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            FFA, the late great Senator Everetty Dirksen once said a billion here and a billion there and pretty soon you are talking about serious money. Now we are talking about 1,400 billion for an annual deficit and Progressives want to keep on spending what we don’t have. Print that money 24/7 and don’t worry about tomorrow and let someone else worry about it down the road. This is a sure fire way to have a banana republic in less than 10 years.

          • May 19, 2012 at 11:11 am
            Sarah says:
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            Planet, I am sorry, but arguing with someone who argues feeling instead of facts is exhausting and obviously you live on another planet where arms are not guns, it’s ok for the POTUS to get involved in a criminal action in Florida for obvious political reasons to divide the nation along racial lines and not admit it’s despicable is beyond me. Sorry I can argue with you anymore.

  • May 17, 2012 at 1:55 pm
    Always Amazed says:
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    All of you should listen/view this YouTube. An eye opener indeed.

  • May 17, 2012 at 2:03 pm
    Always Amazed says:
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    and this one, too. Sad but true.

    • May 17, 2012 at 2:37 pm
      First Agent says:
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      This is pretty compelling stuff Always, but I am sure our Progressive friends will not like it since it goes against their beliefs and they stubbornly refuse to see the truth of what has been going on and how much damage has been done to the country and more to follow. They turn a blind eye to any evidence which contradicts the Progressive agenda.

  • May 18, 2012 at 10:17 am
    Sarah says:
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    The Great Uniter in Chief Obama! –
    1. White against Black! (Travon Martin could be his son.)
    2. War on Women (Abortion, Really!)
    3. Rich against Poor (Buffet Rule, of which Buffet has stated would not help the economy at all if imposed)
    4. Homosexuals against Heterosexuals (Comon Man!)

    Whats next Dogs against Cats?

    I think his whole campaign now will be to strategically try to divide the country into groups, hoping that he picks the right groups. (it has to be, because Obama does not really care about where he really stands, he has a bunch of idiot followers that will vote for him regardless)

    • May 18, 2012 at 10:24 am
      FFA says:
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      Divide & Conquor.

    • May 18, 2012 at 3:50 pm
      First Agent says:
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      I agree Sarah. Remember when they said this guy was a transformational President who would bring all races together in this country? I really don’t think the country is racist as Progressives accuse it of being since the country did elect him. He has been hard at work dividing this country along class, race, religious and moral grounds for nearly 4 years. We were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt at first and then the Progressive Socialist agenda was wheeled out and the country has been in a downward slide since then. The middle class is slipping backward and Blacks have the highest unemployment rate of all groups. Why do they think he is so wonderful? Perhaps because he keeps promising them more and more entitlements instead of a way to get out of poverty. I have some good friends who are black, worked all their lives at good jobs and retired. They all say they will not vote for this man again.

    • May 21, 2012 at 9:27 am
      Captain Planet says:
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      Sarah, you aren’t correct about Obama and Travon. You said President Obama came out on his front lawn the day after the shooting. Actually, it was close to a month later when Obama spoke. It was March 23rd and the incident was nearly a month old (February 26th). By the time President Obama spoke, the story was viral. Obama was expected to say something. You may not remember, but The President also called for a deep investigation. He never said Zimmerman was guilty. He just knew with the public outcry, it should be looked into, investigated. That’s all.

      So, your point about people causing violence in the name of Travon really has nothing to do with President Obama. The story was huge before Obama said anything. Besides, those enacting violence already have it within themselves to do something like that and are just looking for an excuse. Those who think they are creating justice out of their own illegal acts are simply stupid and should have the book thrown at them.

  • May 18, 2012 at 10:56 am
    Captain Planet says:
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    Agent says:
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    0Was Obama kicking the soccer ball in Kenya or Indonesia under his former name Barry Sotero? By the way, he applied to Occidental College as a foreign student. Hmmm! Does that raise any doubts in your mind about his eligibility to be President?

    Birtherism has now hit this forum. Awesome! And, it has a “like” – even better.

    • May 18, 2012 at 11:18 am
      FFA says:
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      Yea. But he is Obama so we should look the oher way. (Sarcasm)

  • May 18, 2012 at 11:41 am
    Sarah says:
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    I think the most blatant ignorant mistake our President of the United States has done ever is to come out the day after a shooting and say the victim (Travon Martin) could have been his son! Look below at what this has caused.

    Using this case for political purposes has already come at a real cost. In Gainesville, Florida; Oak Park, Illinois; Mobile, Alabama; Toledo, Ohio; Grand Rapids, Michigan; and possibly Norfolk, Va., blacks have attacked whites in what they think is revenge for Zimmerman attacking Martin because he was black, and those are just the cases where the perpetrators would make some comment such as “This is for Trayvon.”

    Unbelievably stupid of Obama!

    • May 18, 2012 at 1:59 pm
      Captain Planet says:
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      I just don’t see why Zimmerman followed/confronted Martin in the first place. And, the 911-dispatch told Zimmerman to back off. Had he done that, we wouldn’t even be having this discussion. Zimmerman wouldn’t be bleeding and Travon would still be enjoying his teenage years. As far as the cuts and bruises are concerned, self defense against a man with a gun, maybe? As far as the marijuana is concerned, so what? Last time I checked, hitting a joint wasn’t punishable by bullet. Maybe he was high. Dude just went to the convenient store to get some Skittles and a drink. Munchies, perhaps? The whole situation is just sad and completely unfortunate. I feel for all involved.

      • May 18, 2012 at 2:10 pm
        FFA says:
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        And even dumber for Obama to make it a political issue and stir up racial tensions. One dumb move after another after another. If the media would shut it down, well, no point going there because they wont.
        Not even shure how it got in this forum. Its about Health Care not dumb and dumber. Although, well I wont go there myself. Its about the Affordable Care act using OBama definition of Affordable. Well, there I go on the dumb & dumber thing.

      • May 18, 2012 at 2:18 pm
        First Agent says:
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        Let’s see now. We have a young black man with a hoodie sneaking around in the wee hours in a neighborhood which had suffered several recent burglaries and you object to the neighborhood watch guy wanting to know what he was doing. Whatever happened after that, we can wait until all the facts are in. This kid was definitely on drugs as the autopsy proved. If he did attack Zimmerman and Zimmerman thought his life was in danger, he had every right to defend himself. We don’t need the media or you convicting him before the facts are presented.

        • May 18, 2012 at 3:10 pm
          Captain Planet says:
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          “young black man with a hoodie” – seriously? That’s all you got? He wasn’t sneaking around, he was walking back to his dad’s place after running to the store to grab some snacks. It was raining out. I’ve put my hood on plenty of times when it starts to rain and I don’t have an umbrella. And 7:15 PM is hardly the “wee hours”. I’m not convicting anyone. I’m just saying Zimmerman should have backed off when the police asked him to. No objection to him watching the neighborhood, but actual law enforcement has jurisdiction especially after they tell Zimmerman NOT to follow him. This whole mess could have been avoided. And, I bet Zimmerman himself wishes he would have just let the police take over. The kid had weed in his system. How many hippies do you know get violent? I’m guessing Martin thought his life was in danger when he was confronted by a stranger with a gun. We’ll see how this shakes out, I just think it’s a shame for all the families and friends of each party.

          • May 18, 2012 at 3:37 pm
            FFA says:
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            Agreed. Zimmerman should have back off. O Bama should have kept his mouth shut. Martin should not have gone after him. Maybe if he wasnt smokin dope, he would not have had the muncies and had to go out to the munchie mart. Then went on to be president. All would have should have, but didnt.
            What does this have to do with the topic of the article? Just trying to confuse the article? Losing the Affordable care debate so you change the topic and try spurring some sort of race thing?
            This is about HEALTH CARE COST. Not what dumb & dumber did in FLA.
            You paid bloggers – wait till obama kicks you to the curb like he did to middle class america.

          • May 18, 2012 at 4:28 pm
            Captain Planet says:
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            FFA – Sarah brought up Travon, not me. Reference the above. You’re right, nothing to do with the article. I was just responding to her. Not a paid blogger but believe what you will. It’s good to have the conversation out here and I appreciate all of your points of view, regardless of my agreement/disagreement with them.

          • May 18, 2012 at 4:36 pm
            FFA says:
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            After all Planet, it is America (Still). You can have your opinion and I can have mine.
            It does drive me nuts people getting off point. Too many ADD’s.
            Sometimes it draws me down the wrong path and I need a kick up side the head.
            I’ll bet Sara is hot!

      • May 19, 2012 at 11:20 am
        Sarah says:
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        You were not there and neither was Obama! Get it! Our president was stupid and obviously devising our nation for political reasons!

        • May 19, 2012 at 11:27 am
          Sarah says:
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          FFA, I’m hot alright, mad as hell that our President needlessly caused racial violence in more than 6 other cities, after this dumb as* Came out and said Travon could have been his son, it’s unbelievable that the POTUS did that!

          • May 19, 2012 at 5:36 pm
            FFA says:
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            Not really unbelievable, honestly. What you got going on is the Il Influence.

          • May 21, 2012 at 9:49 am
            Captain Planet says:
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            Sarah, I commented on this in response to another of your postings above. I’m sorry, but you have your facts wrong. Research when the incident took place and how many days after The President commented on it. Also, be sure to take a look at everything Obama said about it. Don’t take him out of context and put him into a 5 second sound bite. Racial division in this country stems its origin long before a black man took the oval office and spoke on the lawn about a hot topic he was actually being criticized for not having spoke about for nearly a month.

          • May 22, 2012 at 5:51 pm
            First Agent says:
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            Stay hot Sarah! Remember the movie several years ago called Broadcast News? Peter Finch’s character famously said “We are mad as h—- and we aren’t going to take it anymore. This applies to all the disastrous things this President has done for almost 4 years which has divided and weakened this great country. We know what he is up to and he is going to pay for it with his job in November.

  • May 18, 2012 at 11:49 am
    Captain Planet says:
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    (From that Left Wing Rag Fox News – which I don’t normally visit or pay attention to, but a co-worker turned me onto this and it’s too funny not to share)

    Fox News poll: Obama pulls ahead of Romney as presidential race heats up
    By Dana Blanton

    Published May 16, 2012

    President Obama tops Republican Mitt Romney in a head-to-head matchup, according to the latest Fox News poll, which finds American voters feeling more positive about the economy.

    Obama would have an advantage of 46 percent to 39 percent over Romney, if the election were held today. Three weeks ago the candidates were tied at 46 percent each.

    The national poll, released Wednesday, shows the president’s lead is just outside the poll’s margin of sampling error.

    About a third of voters say they are “extremely” interested in the election. Among just that group, Romney tops Obama by 50 percent to 44 percent.

    Overall, each candidate’s party support is strong: Most Democrats back Obama (88 percent) and most Republicans support Romney (84 percent).

    Among independents, 34 percent back Romney, 29 percent support Obama and more than a third are undecided or say they won’t vote (36 percent). Last month, independents broke for Romney by 46 percent to 33 percent.

    The gender gap is alive and well, as women continue to be more likely to back Obama (55 percent to 33 percent), while men are more inclined to support Romney (46 to 37 percent).

    In general, a 60-percent majority is satisfied with their candidate choices. One voter in three disagrees and thinks “none of the above” should be an option on the November ballot.

    Obama voters (74 percent) are much more likely than Romney voters (59 percent) to say they are satisfied with the candidate choices.

    Each candidate’s backers were asked to say in their own words the main reason they were supporting him. For Obama, the top responses are, he’s doing a good job (25 percent), his issue positions (13 percent) and he’s a Democrat (11 percent).

    Another 11 percent say, “he’s not Romney.” Nearly four times as many Romney backers say “he’s not Obama” is their top reason (43 percent).

    Others are supporting Romney because he’s a Republican (14 percent), his issue positions (10 percent) and the economy (8 percent).

    Romney supporters are as likely to cite his business background as the issue of same-sex marriage as the main reason for their vote (5 percent each).

    Currently 49 percent of voters approve and 47 percent disapprove of Obama’s job performance. That’s up from 45 percent approval and 51 percent disapproval three weeks ago. In addition, this is his highest approval rating since May 2011, after the raid that killed Usama bin Laden, when some 55 percent approved and 41 percent disapproved.

    To Obama’s advantage, voters feel the economy is improving. The number saying the economy is in “poor” condition has dropped 14 percentage points from a year ago. And while few voters, 11 percent, rate the economy positively — that’s the highest number since April 2009.

    Meanwhile, even though more voters continue to say the economy is in worse shape today compared to four years ago, the number saying it’s in better shape is up 11 points (from 17 percent last May to 28 percent today).

    The same shift is seen when voters are asked about jobs. Compared to four years ago, 24 percent think the job situation in their area is better today, 41 percent say worse and 32 percent say it’s unchanged. A year ago, 13 percent said the job situation was better, 57 percent said worse and 29 percent unchanged (May 2011).

    On their family’s financial situation, voters are more likely to say they are worse off as opposed to better off today compared to four years ago by an 8-percentage-point margin (23 percent better, 31 percent worse). That’s down from a 17-point margin last year (19 percent better, 36 percent worse).

    Obama’s best marks are on his handling of Afghanistan: 53 percent approve. His lowest approval is 36 percent for handling the federal deficit. Forty-three percent approve of the job Obama’s doing on the economy, up from 39 percent a year ago.

    What’s the “best thing” Obama has done to help the economy? Fifteen percent say he slowed or stopped job loss and the recession, 8 percent cite loans to the auto industry and 7 percent point to the stimulus. The most common response was Obama did “nothing” to help (43 percent).

    By a 13-percentage-point margin, voters would pick Romney over Obama to manage their personal money (47 percent to 34 percent). The former governor also comes out on top as the better business partner (48 to 39 percent). Voters think Romney would do a better job creating jobs by a slim 2-point margin (43 to 41 percent).

    If hiring a life coach, Obama is the preferred choice by a wide margin, 47 percent to 33 percent. In addition, voters prefer Obama to pick the next Supreme Court justice (46 to 38 percent).

    Would Romney have made the same decision Obama made to get Al Qaeda leader Usama bin Laden? By a wide margin of 62 to 24 percent, voters say yes, if Romney were president a year ago, he would have given the order to get bin Laden.

    Finally, if Obama were re-elected, 45 percent of voters say they would feel the “country’s improving” and would “look forward” to another four years, while a roughly equal number (43 percent) say they would feel the country is “going down the drain” and would “dread” a second Obama term.

    The Fox News poll is based on landline and cell phone interviews with 913 randomly-chosen registered voters nationwide and is conducted under the joint direction of Anderson Robbins Research (D) and Shaw & Company Research (R) from May 13 to May 15. For the total sample, it has a margin of sampling error of plus or minus three percentage points.

    Read more:

    • May 18, 2012 at 12:20 pm
      First Agent says:
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      What a dissertation! Anyone who believes this poll as a true reflection of how people will vote is drinking too much Koolaide. For every poll, there are several others that disagree with it. It all depends on who is getting polled. If you poll people in the N/E liberal corridor, Obama will be in front. If you do one in the vast fly over midwest, he is behind substantially. Recently, Rasmussen polled likely voters and Romney was winning by a fairly large margin. Approval numbers are all over the map now. Many have Obama’s approval at 41% and dropping. His weekly scandals are not inspiring confidence. Just wait until the latest Jeremiah Wright hush money scandal hits and we will see how the polls change. Planet, you should be against Obama for the corruption issue alone if not for his disastrous policies.

      • May 18, 2012 at 1:49 pm
        Captain Planet says:
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        I know, polls don’t mean much of anything, especially at this point in time. I just thought it was funny that Fox News’ poll is showing Obama ahead by a fairly significant margin. And, the methodology was interesting as well. I got a kick out of the “life coach” part. Who asks that? Really? I look to my folks for life coaching.

        Looks like we have at least 4 birthers among us. I wonder how many out there think Bush had something to do with 9/11, too. Or, the moon landing was a Hollywood fake.

        I just checked Rasumussen – Has Mitt at 47% and Obama at 46%. They are calling it a tie with margin of error. Gallup has Obama’s approval rating at 47% in the first week of May.

        This will be a good political race. I’m looking forward to the debates.

        • May 18, 2012 at 4:56 pm
          First Agent says:
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          Allow me to disagree with you one more time Planet. Your last sentence said this will be a good political race. Basically, it will be the nastiest political race in the history of the country. The Obama campaign is in full swing on the dirty tricks. They brought out something that may have happened 50 years ago alleging Romney harassed a gay. This is what happens when you don’t have a record of success to run on. You try to divide the country on class, race, pit one group against another instead of having an honest debate about issues and the vision for the future of the country and let the folks decide. I look forward to the debates since I believe Romney will hold his own, unlike Mr. Reach across the aisle McCain who was a disaster. He couldn’t debate his way out of a paper bag.

  • May 18, 2012 at 11:50 am
    Captain Planet says:
    • May 18, 2012 at 2:14 pm
      Captain Planet says:
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      Keep up the dislikes, I don’t like Fox News, either.

  • May 19, 2012 at 11:17 am
    Sarah says:
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    Planet you obviously can’t make up your own mind and copy articles and follow polls that are of the masses of idiots who watch the mainstream media. Polls mean nothing at this stage and I honestly think most people can not tell you who the majority leader in congress or the senate. Why should I really care what they think. I read, and form my own factually and logically based opinion.

    • May 21, 2012 at 9:59 am
      Captain Planet says:
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      Sarah, please make sure to read my comments, you and I agree, polls don’t mean much right now, I even said so myself. Just thought it was funny Fox News’ own poll showed those results. I actually do read endlessly and form my own opinions as well. I did copy some information from interesting articles I’ve read. And, they are fact-based. If you don’t believe those facts, please dispute them for us all and show me where they are wrong. Then, we can have a good discussion and maybe, just maybe, we’ll both walk away having learned a new point of view or a new piece of information.

      • May 21, 2012 at 10:55 am
        First Agent says:
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        Planet, You are absolutely correct that Polls mean nothing at this stage of the game. They are all over the map. A recent poll of likely voters have Romney trouncing Obama. Independents have left Obama in droves this past year. Since the Progressives cannot debate the real issues, they are resorting to class warfare, race warfare, war on women and any other thing besides their own failures and bad policy. It is really a shame what the political process has degenerated to in this country.

  • May 19, 2012 at 5:24 pm
    FFA says:
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    Proof Obama was born in Kenya???

  • May 21, 2012 at 10:10 am
    Agent says:
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    Breaking news folks. Now that we have had examples of how our Government wastes our tax dollars like the GSA having opulent conferences with the hot tubs and all the extras, the story has come out on Federal Judges having an equally opulent get together out in Hawaii to the tune of $1million of our tax dollars. Can we please just fire all these people or force them to resign? The country is broke and the entitlement crowd just keeps on doing the same things. I know judges are hard to get rid of, but we can shame them into resigning. A first step may be demanding they re-imburse the government for their expense. I would imagine the GSA approved this junket. It is like the Fox guarding the hen house.

  • May 21, 2012 at 11:56 am
    RomneyCareRealist says:
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    What they are NOT telling you is that there has been a massive shift to much higher deductible Health Plans. This enormous cost shifting to consumers is masking the true cost of health insurance. When premiums are “only increasing 6.9%” we in the insurance industry MUST understand what is really going on. Higher deductibles temporarily lower costs…and it makes the politicians say, “See, my plan is working.” It isn’t.

  • May 21, 2012 at 12:16 pm
    Sarah says:
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    Obama had made promises of which he has not kept. Wars, Guantanamo, Unite us with bipartisan legislation (Obamacare, 0 republican support or inclusion.) Cut the deficit in half in his first term, 5 Trillion later we are still waiting for him to cut spending. Bring us together as a nation, so called “Change you can believe in” (War on Women, Travon Martin fiasco, Black against White, Rich against poor, Buffet Rule of which even Buffet says will not help economy or decrease deficit in any way. Now Homosexuals against Heterosexuals.) How much uniting can we stand? I heard he is promoting a Dogs against Cats agenda next. These are all facts Planet. Can you tell me why I should support a President who does not adhere and respect the US Constitution or promote any spending cuts when we have increased our national debt by 50% in 3 years?

    • May 21, 2012 at 12:41 pm
      First Agent says:
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      Sarah, This whole Presidency has been a fraud right from the beginning. The country fell for a line – Hope & Change from a smooth talker. Look who was running against him. The Republicans couln’t have offered a worse candidate. Obama is merely following his teachings from a radical background of Progressive Socialist ideology and there is no doubt he has had his strings pulled every step of the way. He will be vetted this time and he has absolutely no record to run on, thus all of the distractions are being promoted. If he didn’t have the liberal media to count on, his approval numbers would be in the 20’s by now.

      • May 21, 2012 at 1:06 pm
        First Agent says:
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        I encourage everyone to click on the following youtube. Even you Progressive bloggers who think all is well with our country.

      • May 22, 2012 at 10:21 am
        FFA says:
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        Not to beat a dead horse, but this is not the first time the F word has been connected to a politician from IL.

    • May 21, 2012 at 1:30 pm
      Captain Planet says:
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      Hi Sarah,
      Well, Congress has to pass the bills. They are the ones responsible for approving/disapproving spending cuts. Obama did put out a plan for $4T in cuts and it was shot down. In his proposal, he placed what some Democrats believe are sacred programs on the chop block. In the end, it didn’t pass the House. Spending started well before Obama, though. Did you hate all Republican Presidents staring with Reagan and moving on? The War on Women was started well before Obama. We’ve exhausted the Travon Martin thing, I believe. Black against White goes waaaaaaayyyyy back. The Buffet Rule just makes sense. It may not have a huge impact on the deficit, but it will help restore the country by investing those tax dollars into infrastructure and the youth, which, in turn, creates a stronger economy. Obama just said what his personal beliefs are on marriage equality. He didn’t make a law or anything. It will probably be to his detriment so you should like that announcement. I agree with you on Guantanamo. I wanted that shut down. He is bringing troops back home, ending wars, and he did get Osama Bin Laden. He did get healthcare reform. He has recouped all the jobs lost and the economy is improving, including the unemployment percentage, no matter which percentage you choose to look at. I think he should stick to his record. He actually has a pretty darn good one. Especially for a Kenyan Anti-Colonialist Muslim Crony Capitalist Socialist Radical Jeremiah White Christian Spinless Bully Pulpit Abuser.

      • May 21, 2012 at 2:31 pm
        First Agent says:
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        More of the same Progressive bluster Planet. You must have come from another planet to believe all this nonsense you put out. I had to laugh out loud on your statement that he has recouped all the jobs lost due to the recession. Do you mean those 7 million jobs that were lost out of the workforce that have not been replaced? Are you counting all that have left the job force alltogether because they can’t find work? Are you counting all the college graduates who are living with mom because they can’t launch? I hope he does run on his record. He will be that much easier to beat in November. By the way, I wouldn’t call him all the names you just did at the end of your post.

      • May 21, 2012 at 4:05 pm
        First Agent says:
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        Planet, your comments to Sarah was condescending to say the least. You say that Congress has to pass the bills approving/disapproving spending cuts. The House has consistently passed bill after bill, somewhere in the mid 20’s on spending cuts or to help the economy only to have your buddie Harry Reid to say they were dead on arrival. He is protecting Obama from having to veto the bills and look bad. I dare say many of these measures would pass the Senate if they were allowed to debate and vote on them. I would agree with you that the spending started a long time ago, back as far as LBJ when he robbed the Social Security Trust Fund and had it put in the General Fund to pay for his War on Poverty and Great Society entitlement programs. Trillions of dollars later, how did that work out for us? A shrinking middle class, more on food stamps than ever before, more unemployment than ever, a very bad business climate, stagflation, unimaginable debt and you think everything is hunky dory if only we keep investing in government. How did those shovel ready projects work out for us with the stimulus? Need more money? Have Turbo Tax Tim print up some more. I am sure that will do the trick.

      • May 21, 2012 at 8:54 pm
        Sarah says:
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        He did not get Osama bin Laden the CIA and Seal team 6 got Osama bin Laden. Any idiot would have said get him only Biden said he wouldnt, and dont say Romney wouldnt, he already disproved that statement. There is no such thing as a so called “war on Women” I do not care when Obama came out in support of the prosecution of the Travon Martin case, evidenced by the Attorney Generals statement that they are investigating a hate crime. Now we have racial violence from blacks on whites in six separate incidents caused by Obama and Holders stupid statements. The Buffet Rule makes no sense due to the fact that Buffet himself stated in a recent interview that it will do nothing to reduce the deficit or help the economy and probably would hurt it. He did healthcare reform at the expense of any attempt of bipartisanship and against the wishes of 70% of voters. Obama is a total failure if he was going to lead by uniting a divided country and provide any change you can believe in.

        • May 22, 2012 at 1:56 pm
          Captain Planet says:
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          Sarah, it is obvious you and I aren’t going to agree on which candidate to vote for. And, that’s part of what makes this country so phenomenal. The Buffet rule was not intended to reduce the deficit, it was never presented that way. Though, it would have an impact on the economy as those tax dollars will be used to invest in infrastructure, R&D on reusable and cleaner resources, keeping student loan rates low (so an investment in our youth), improving our schools and public school programs (concentrating on math and science again, where we are getting killed), and investing in other modes of express transit such as high speed rail. In these ways, we are currently lagging behind other growing economies of the world. Whereas, we used to be a leader in some of these fields, now we are falling behind. It sucks we are in a position where we need to play catch-up. But, sometimes the truth is hard to swallow. Not everything can be fixed with tax cuts and deregulation. In fact, we’ve been trying that for decades and look at the mess we are in. It’s not like 3 years ago everything fell to shambles. This has certainly been a work-in-progress or dare I say regress.

          Again, we won’t agree on the candidate. It’s obvious where we both stand. I do enjoy having the talk with you. I feel like you are yelling at me, but I just take the tone out and try to concentrate on what you are saying. Obama’s administration was in power at the time we got Osama, correct? And Obama gave the order, correct? No, Obama didn’t pull the trigger and nor would any other President. I never said Romney wouldn’t have done it. I’m sure he would have. And, if you dissect the individual parts of the healthcare reform, you will find a majority of Americans were in favor of most of the larger aspects of the reform except for the individual mandate. Just a question, not trying to condescend, but can you tell me where the individual mandate comes from? I would also have to disagree that Obama is responsible for racial violence. That’s been in existence long before you, or I, or Obama were even thought of let alone born. We also don’t need to step backward on the birth control or abortion issues. That is what is meant by “war on women”. Those issues were settled long before Obama took office so the war on women should be over. But, these issues are creeping back into the public conscience and Obama isn’t the one who implemented them back into the political realm. Once they were, he took a stance as he should, he’s a politician. At the end of the day, we have to remember, left and right, these are politicians playing politics, it’s what they do; as fortunate or unfortunate as that may be. Most times, unfortunate in my opinion.

          • May 22, 2012 at 4:16 pm
            First Agent says:
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            Planet, I know you are directing your post to Sarah, but allow me to respond from the Conservative viewpoint. You tend to write a book on many of your posts so I have to pick and choose which ones to respond to. You are right that we wholeheartedly disagree with which candidate to support. You tend to use the same buzzwords of the Progressive movement. Everytime I hear the word “Investment”, it sets me off. That is the progressive term for taking my tax dollars and wasting them on a worthless Stimulus Program or saying we have to invest in infrastructure to rebuild our roads and bridges. How much of that was done the last time we spent almost a trillion dollars? Your President grinned and said he guessed the shovel ready jobs weren’t there afterall. Obamacare was supposed to create jobs. Hello, it has already killed jobs and companies have laid off employees to try to avoid complying with this turkey. We shouldn’t be discussing all these Social Issues instead of what is really wrong with the country. Progressive Socialism has never worked to make a country stronger. It only tears down and concentrates power in the elitists hands since they want to control every aspect of our lives. America is going to refuse to be controlled and you will see it in November.

  • May 21, 2012 at 2:09 pm
    FFA says:
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    Been busy today. Just signed in to IJ. One thing that becomes more and more obvious every day – OBAMA MUST GO! Huff & Puff all you want Sara. Keep defending the great divider Planet. He has divided the insurance industry, thats for sure. No longer do we stick togeather for the greater good. Obamas’ arrogance was plastered all over the news this week end. Shutting down exopress ways, vital arteries though all of Chicago. No Care – no concern for those that live and work there. Those that depend on the public transportation that was shut down. Shuts down the entire McCormick Place for a bunch of knuckleheads – most of which dont even like us. For what? Discuss the NATO Budget. Discuss Afganistan?
    Screw that arrogant jack ass. Fire him and all them other a$# H*&^s.

    • May 21, 2012 at 3:53 pm
      Agent says:
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      I wonder if the divider in Chief will go out and make a campaign speech to all this OWS crowd marching up and down the streets of Chicago protesting anything and everything. These are part of the great unwashed who want everything handed to them on a silver platter without working for it. They don’t even know what NATO is or what the meeting is all about. They were just handed a sign and said they could have a great time marching and chanting.

      • May 22, 2012 at 10:24 am
        FFA says:
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        No. He did not. He did make a speach at a local school.
        Not sure what they are protesting. All the local new said was that they were protsting NATO excep the vet group.

        • May 22, 2012 at 11:14 am
          Agent says:
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          These are basically anarchists who are causing the trouble. I saw some video of these sub humans out there trying to provoke the Police. One officer was stabbed in the leg. I think the crowd is part OWS who really don’t know what they are protesting and part anarchists who show up to cause as much trouble as possible. They are low life’s who should be in prison.

          • May 22, 2012 at 4:37 pm
            FFA says:
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            Not sure I believe that agent. Top Cop was on bragging about how few arrestes were made. There was an anarchist faction calling them selves Black Box or something like that. Refers to the color of their clothes. Not a one would go on camera. Cops went under cover and difused the one Bomb Threat and arrested a few people They areested a few people. Snitches dropped out of sight – no witnesses now. Hugh pain in the a%$ for the citizens in the area.

  • May 21, 2012 at 4:32 pm
    FFA says:
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    Just chatting with a friend from a Walmart store. Turnover rate under 30 yrs old is 74%. Over 30 years old, less then 5%. Local Farm & Fleet has same experience. YIKES!!!!

    • May 21, 2012 at 4:50 pm
      First Agent says:
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      Why ask a GenX to work if they can get all the free stuff without working? The OWS crowd can live with mom, get three squares a day, laundry, free rent and best of all can stay on the parent’s health insurance until they are 26. Walmart is a business and they do expect you to show up daily, have personal hygiene and work for your wages.

  • May 22, 2012 at 6:07 pm
    Agent says:
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    Well, Obama has succeeded in waking up the Catholic Church finally. They traditionally vote Democratic for the most part, but when the Administration said they had to provide birth control and perform abortions at their hospitals, that went too far so they are suing the government for infringement of their religious liberties. They also have put out a video on the web and it sends a strong message that the Catholic Church is not in Obama’s court anymore. With the millions of Catholic voters out there, I think a lot of them are having second thoughts about voting Democratic this time. Hopefully, that is the case and the landslide will be even bigger than predicted.

    • May 22, 2012 at 6:20 pm
      FFA says:
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      I think only Obama and the extremly stupid & extremly gullable even though there was such a thing as free birth control.
      Just cuz I said, there is!

      • May 23, 2012 at 11:17 am
        First Agent says:
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        FFA, the American People were extremely stupid in 2008 to fall for a line like “Hope & Change” by a smooth talker. This man was not vetted for his true beliefs, his background and we had a complicit media who thought he was the second coming. In the past 4 years, he has shown his true colors and things are now coming out about how corrupt his administration is. People should take their nose out of their iphones, get off facebook and start paying attention to what is going on in the real world. It is good to see the Catholic Church wake up.

        • May 23, 2012 at 1:17 pm
          FFA says:
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          Agreed. 100% correct. I am glad that he pissed off the church. Was born & raised Catholic. Pissed off a very large Demographic. That birth controll things really got my goat. Dont believe in abortion & gay marriage. If you do, thats between you and your maker and, like everyone, you will need to answer for that in time. Certianlly not to me. Try and argue differently with me, I just wont get it. So, dont waste your time. Lets just agree to dis agree.

          • May 23, 2012 at 1:39 pm
            Captain Planet says:
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            Just a quick point, I’m Catholic, too. I just think The Church is behind the times on many issues. Remember when women couldn’t serve at the altar? I hardly practice anymore because of some of the certain stances The Church takes. I usually go to a Lutheran church now. This church doesn’t believe in marriage equality either. In time, they will. Not trying to sway anyone one way or the other. I know there are many Catholics like me who won’t just simply vote with The Vatican. The Catholic Church has its own problems they need to clean up these days.

            I predict a Romney win but not in a landslide. This is going to be a close race. I also predict not much will change around here. At least, not for the better.

          • May 23, 2012 at 2:33 pm
            First Agent says:
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            Planet, I actually agree with your post this time. I hope you agree that this Administration has pushed the envelope a little too far and when you succeed in ticking off the Catholic Church, you are ticking off a lot of people. If only 10% of Catholic voters change their mind and vote against Obama, he is toast. A poll came out today that finally asks the question – Are you better off today than you were 4 years ago? Only 14% said they were better off. In the Democratic primaries in WVA and Arkansas, a prisoner incarcerated in Texas got 41% of the vote in W VA and in Arkansas, a complete nobody got almost 40% of the vote. These are Democratic voters and the Washington Post in their wisdom said it must be racist for this to happen. Way to go Progressives, blame your own voters. I am sure this will help the cause in November. The stage is now set for more than the mid term shellackings. This will truly be historic.

    • May 23, 2012 at 3:26 pm
      FFA says:
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      Its not enough he tells private business how to run, but he did cross the Church & State line on this one. I am not against Birth Controll. I am against me paying it for someone else.

      • May 23, 2012 at 4:31 pm
        First Agent says:
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        To show his ignorance of how the insurance system works, he said he would not compel the church to provide birth control in their plans. He would just compel the insurance companies to pay for it. Does anyone believe that if insurance companies have to pay all of this, they will not build it into the rate charged to the insured? If Planet believes this, he is truly from another planet. This is a very bad overreach and he has succeeded in running off several million more votes.

        • May 24, 2012 at 10:00 am
          FFA says:
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          Maybe thats his plan. Get kicked out of office after 4 years and live the rest of his life on the tax payor dime even if he is the worst president of all time. Aint that a kick in the pants. He breaks the nation but still gets paid forever.

          • May 24, 2012 at 11:14 am
            First Agent says:
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            Presidents, no matter how bad they are get their libraries, income for life, staff, Secret Service protection, Health Insurance. They have a lot of perks indeed. I am sure he will also draw down serious bucks to speak to all the Progressive crowds willing to pay. My guess is he will not go quietly into the night like Bush has done. He will still be out there promoting the agenda.

  • May 25, 2012 at 10:05 am
    Captain Planet says:
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    Just a tongue-in-cheek here, but do you really think Bush has a career in public speaking? Not necessarily his strong suit. All right, back to the grind, I have to “put food on my family.” Have a good holiday weekend, everyone.

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