House Lawmakers Introduce Patent Reform Bill

July 23, 2013

  • July 23, 2013 at 2:31 pm
    presley Shofner says:
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    Lawyers accepting or filing such frivilous suits of any kind should be required to pay all court costs and attorney fees. That would put a stop to the problem. Until you punish lawyers for taking on these suits they will not stop.

  • July 24, 2013 at 9:42 am
    Roland says:
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    “Their bill would broaden the power of the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office…”
    Of course, the politicians’ solution when government fails is always to expand government. There is a very simple solution to this: amend the Constitution to take away the power to issue patents and copyrights that was given to Congress by Article 1. Patents and copyrights are state-granted monopolies that discourage entrepreneurship and retard progress. Doing away with them would put an end to the wasteful, unproductive “work” being done by countless IP lawyers, and unshackle brilliant minds to build on the ideas of others. Ideas are non-scarce goods, so assigning property rights to them as you would to scarce goods is a very bad idea.

  • July 24, 2013 at 12:15 pm
    staff says:
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    Issa and Chu are severely duped or severely bought.

    “patent troll”

    infringers and their paid puppets’ definition of ‘patent troll’:

    anyone who has the nerve to sue us for stealing their invention

    Just because they call it patent “reform” doesn’t mean it is.

    These are mere dissemblings by China, huge multinational thieves and their paid puppets -some in Congress, the White House and elsewhere in the federal government. They have already damaged the American patent system so that property rights are teetering on lawlessness. Simply put, their intent is to legalize theft -to twist and weaken the patent system so it can only be used by them and no one else. Then they can steal at will and destroy their small competitors AND WITH THEM THE JOBS THEY WOULD HAVE CREATED. Meanwhile, the huge multinationals ship more and more American jobs to China and elsewhere overseas.

    Do you know how to make a Stradivarius violin? Neither does anyone else. Why? There was no protection for creations in his day so he like everyone else protected their creations by keeping them secret. Civilization has lost countless creations and discoveries over the ages for the same reason. Think we should get rid of or weaken patent rights? Think again.

    Most important for America is what the patent system does for America’s economy. Our founders: Jefferson, Franklin, Madison and others felt so strongly about the rights of inventors that they included inventors rights to their creations and discoveries in the Constitution. They understood the trade off. Inventors are given a limited monopoly and in turn society gets the benefits of their inventions (telephone, computer, airplane, automobile, lighting, etc) into perpetuity and the jobs the commercialization of those inventions bring. For 200 years the patent system has not only fueled the American economy, but the world’s. If we weaken the patent system we force inventors underground like Stradivarius and in turn weaken our economy and job creation. For a robust economy America depends on a strong patent system accessible to all -large and small, not the watered down weak system the large multinationals and China are foisting on America.

    For the truth, please see

  • July 25, 2013 at 5:33 pm
    Rick says:
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    What’s the definition of ‘frivilous’? When an 800lb gorilla willfully tramples on an small inventors government issued patent and partners with a deep pocket investor/troll to protect his/her rights is that frivilious?

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