U.S. to Require Cars to Have ‘Talking’ Technology to Prevent Accidents

By | February 3, 2014

  • February 5, 2014 at 12:29 pm
    The Stig says:
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    With the large volume of idiot drivers on the road, I’m pretty sure I don’t want to hear what other cars are saying.

    • February 5, 2014 at 3:09 pm
      Agreed, Stig says:
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      Would be kind of fun to see if they say the same things I do.

  • February 6, 2014 at 8:44 am
    youngin' says:
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    So when some idiot cuts in front of you at 70mph, your car will automatically slam on the brakes? Then all the cars behind you follow suit? Sounds like fun. Throw in some ice and we can have a real party!

    • February 10, 2014 at 10:28 am
      common sense says:
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      It’s almost as if you didn’t read the article at all…

  • February 7, 2014 at 1:45 pm
    CD in Tx says:
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    I am all for technology that could decrease traffic accidents, injuries, fatalities, etc. However, I am definitely concerned about hackers who might develop the ability to do serious damage to this kind of technology WHILE vehicles are actually in motion. Or, what about the ability for government agencies to “track” vehicles without the owner’s knowledge and/or permission? I know this sounds paranoid, but in today’s world it is possible.

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