Firms Dropping Birth Control Coverage Must Inform Employees

By | July 18, 2014

  • July 18, 2014 at 1:34 pm
    crystalflowergirl says:
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    AFTER?!?!?! they are not even required to give any advance warning that the coverage is going to terminate?? That is just plain wrong!!
    “have 60 days to tell their employees after they end the benefits”

    • July 21, 2014 at 11:51 am
      Trust me I am not a liberal says:
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      No–what’s wrong Crystal is, the GOVERNMENT getting involved in our healthcare. THAT’S what’s wrong.

    • July 21, 2014 at 12:05 pm
      integrity matters says:
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      Crystal, First, it appears the OBAMA Administration made the 60 day rule, per the article. So, make sure you blame them, not Bush, the Tea Party or the Republicans.

      Second, realistically, I find it hard to believe that coverage is going to be dropped “midterm”. Most reputable employers start the healthcare “open enrollment” period at least 30-60 days prior to the new term. Surely, it would be disclosed at that time, before coverage expired.

  • July 18, 2014 at 1:47 pm
    Original Bob says:
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    Harassment – aggressive pressure or intimidation. Someone please call the Whambulance for these babies.

    • July 18, 2014 at 2:26 pm
      Libby says:
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      First you say “If the employees don’t like the benefits provided, they can find work elsewhere.” Then you call it harrassment when the employer actually has to TELL the employee what benefits are and are not being provided? You’re ridiculous.

  • July 18, 2014 at 7:53 pm
    Hmmmm says:
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    It should be noted that this change will only apply to non-publically traded business. What started as a limited issue of abortion, seems to have turned into a big deal will all forms of birth control.

  • July 21, 2014 at 11:32 am
    sickandtired says:
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    How wonderfully retro of our supreme monkey court. They decided first that corporations can make political donations, like individuals, and now they decided that corporations can make religious decisions, just like individuals. What additional rights will be given to companies who have large funds to donate to right wing campaigns and causes?

    • July 21, 2014 at 12:10 pm
      integrity matters says:
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      If the IRS, Obama and the Dems have any say, NONE. They only want to be paid off for their causes!

      Aren’t you “sick and tired” of the lies and coverups and lawlessness of Obama and the Dems? I AM!!

      WAKE UP!! He is the WORST and most corrupt and inept President ever!! Don’t you realie his administration is enslaving people to become dependent on the government??!!??

      • July 21, 2014 at 12:38 pm
        txmouthbreatherboogereatertx says:
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        ‘MURRICA!!!!!!!!!!! Git ‘er done did it!!!!! dubya em dees!!! War crimes!!! Haliburton, wwwwhoooowweeeeyyyyy

        • July 21, 2014 at 1:05 pm
          Trust me I am not a liberal says:
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          Wow, mouthbreather..can you ‘dick’? I knew ya could….

    • July 21, 2014 at 12:14 pm
      integrity matters says:
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      “Sick”…I’m guessing you didn’t think they were a monkey court when they re-wrote the Constitution and said Obamacare was okay. Just like Obama, they went beyond the powers granted to them by the Constitution.

      • July 21, 2014 at 12:42 pm
        Libby says:
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        So because you think this contraceptive decision is wrong, you are automatically labeled an Obama lover? Can’t people think for themselves, not be crazy about Obama, but still be pro-choice?

        • July 21, 2014 at 1:03 pm
          txmouthbreatherboogereatertx says:
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          Libby, a lot of people’s tin foil ass hats are tuned exclusively into Fox Newsboys. This too is generational and simple a sterilization at NASCAR and Airshow events should alleviate this problem in the future.

          • July 21, 2014 at 1:36 pm
            integrity matters says:
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            Mouthbreather…let me guess…you are an avid follower of MSNBC…the epitomy of reporting of all viewpoints fairly. NOT!

            You’re ignorance is overwhelming. Answer one question…Are you okay with any president (republican or democrat) lying to nation, not upholding the laws that are supposed to be upheld, and unilaterally changing laws?

          • July 21, 2014 at 2:06 pm
            txmouthbreatherboogereatertx says:
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            I watch forms of news, and no I don’t like President lying to the nation. Were you in the US during 2000-2008?

          • July 21, 2014 at 2:10 pm
            txmouthbreatherboogereatertx says:
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            How weird is this? Initially this is done for a great cause but seems odd that he would choose this kinky method. I wonder which fraternity he belongs to:


        • July 21, 2014 at 1:30 pm
          integrity matters says:
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          It’s funny (ironic) that those on the left “praised” the Supreme Court for their Obamacare decision, but now they think they are a monkey court.

          My position is that the government has no business or authority to mandate anything about healthcare. Period. Regardless of one’s position on abortion or any other reproductive rights.

          Unfortunately, those on the left were too foolish to realize that Obamacare was a Pandora’s box because it gave them control to do whatever they want(or for whomever is in power). I guess Pelosi was wrong to say “you have to pass it to find out whats in it”. (What an idiot!)

          The bottomline is, if it is the womens choice, then she should have to pay for it. Not corporations, the govt or the taxpayers.

          • July 21, 2014 at 1:45 pm
            Captain Planet says:
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            …but visectomy procedures, boner pills, and penis pumps are all part of an employee’s compensation and that’s okay, right? And, the woman employee has earned her health benefits compensation, so she is paying for it both by her services and by her monetary contribution which is regularly taken out of her check.

            Secondly, you better find the context on Pelosi’s comment.

            Thirdly – birth control pills are not solely for the use of preventing pregnancy. Educate yourself, please.

            I am in favor of the PPACA only because it is a step in the right direction. And, I accepted the SCOTUS decision on Hobby Lobby. That doesn’t mean I can’t be critical. It’s not like I’m holding 50+ votes to repeal their decision or anything. You want to talk about a complete waste of taxpayer money!

          • July 21, 2014 at 2:01 pm
            Don't Call Me Shirley says:
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            So then, if a woman gets pregnant by choice, then she should have to pay for that too?

            Maybe there shouldn’t be any coverage for kids, and the parents who choose to have kids should pay all of the medical expenses themselves, right? I shouldn’t have to pay for your kids. Don’t be a freeloader.

          • July 21, 2014 at 4:29 pm
            txmouthbreatherboogereatertx says:
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            Don’t forget the child tax credits. Those Duggar’s sure love me some child tax credits. I can’t believe her uterus hasn’t fallen out like a rusty muffler on a car from exhaustion.

        • July 21, 2014 at 3:30 pm
          EmpoftheEarth says:
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          Explain to me how contraception is a right, and not a privilege. People don”t “accidentally” have sex. They make that choice. If they are promiscuous, then they have to live by their decision. I do not want my hard-earned money to support a lifestyle against my principles.

          • July 21, 2014 at 3:38 pm
            Libby says:
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            Health insurance in general is not a right. That’s what’s wrong with the current system. Access to quality healthcare should be a right afforded to every citizen whether they are employed, unemployed, rich or poor. The fact that people are against this principle boggles my mind.

          • July 21, 2014 at 3:40 pm
            KY jw says:
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            It’s called Family Planning and married people do it.

          • July 21, 2014 at 3:52 pm
            txmouthbreatherboogereatertx says:
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            Although I can not explain how it is a right, I’m pretty sure that Jimmy Swaggart, Laura Schlessinger, New Gingrich, David Vitter, Rush Limbaugh, Larry Craig, Ted Haggard, Henry Hyde, Jim Bakker, James West, John Ensign, Michael Duvall, Bob Allen, Tony Alamo, Bob Livingston, Mark Sanford, Lou Brees, Mark Foley, Roy Ashburn, and Rev Michael Hintz, all used birth control either paid for by tax dollars or tithes from their flock. Some of these characters didn’t need birth control because it was male vs. male. Stranger things have happened though in the 6000 years of Earth.

          • July 21, 2014 at 4:04 pm
            integrity matters says:
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            Libby, I agree that everyone should have access to quality healthcare. The issues are:
            1) Mandating that you must buy insurance, and
            2) Who is ultimately going to pay for it, and
            3) What is going to be long term impact both financially and to the future quality of the healthcare system.

            1) & 2) are a conundrum because you would think if you accomplished # 1, # 2 would be taken care of. Unfortunately, with the govt mandate as part of the mix, they will only drive costs higher because of their inefficiencies. That will lead to less quality care because they will dictate what will be paid for a procedure. It is already happening that doctors are not taking medicare because of the low scheduled payments.

            We have/had a system already in place for the poor that could not afford health insurance. It’s virtually bankrupt! Do you really think the govt has learned their lesson? If you believe they have, that boggles my mind.

          • July 21, 2014 at 4:35 pm
            Libby says:
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            Integrity – I don’t believe the ACA is the right answer for the question, however doing back to what we had before (basically nothing) is not an option either.

            I don’t know why if Canada, U.K., Australia, and other countries can be successful in doing this why the greatest country in the world can’t do and do it better.

            I don’t have all the answers, but trashing the ACA is definitely not a solution.

          • July 21, 2014 at 5:49 pm
            Don't Call Me Shirley says:
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            To EmpoftheEarth:

            Likewise, I don’t want my hard-earned money to suport a lifestyle against my principles either. Over-population is a problem, and I think it is immoral for someone to have 5 kids (something religious people tend to selfishly do). Yet insurance covers that. How do you feel about that? These people also get tax breaks that are subsidized by me. That’s my hard-earned money going to support an immoral lifestyle that is against my principles.

      • July 21, 2014 at 1:54 pm
        Libby says:
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        Just where has anyone rewritten or abused the Constitution? Everything that has been done was well within Obama’s authority. If it wasn’t you bozos would have impeached his ass a long time ago. You can’t so you just whine, and cry, and gnash your teeth. It’s getting old.

        • July 21, 2014 at 4:19 pm
          integrity matters says:
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          Obama swore to uphold the laws of the Constitution when he took office.
          1)He has unilaterally chosen and dictated that INS not deport the illegals that are in this country.
          2)Holder sued AZ and forbid them to uphold the immigration laws. The Supreme Court foolishly supported this.
          3) Obamacare was passed as a law – but he unilaterally, with his pen, gave exemptions out when he saw that it wasn’t working. (Amendments to the law should have been passed).
          4) The Supreme Court in their ruling of Obamacare took it upon themselves to “interpret” the healthcare premium charged as a “tax” to make it constitutionally acceptable. This is even after Obama and Reid explicitly stated that the premium was not a tax.

          Should I go on?

          With regards to impeaching the imperial president, it hasn’t happened (yet) because it would not get anywhere in the Senate with Reid at the helm.

          • July 21, 2014 at 4:37 pm
            txmouthbreatherboogereatertx says:
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            I just saw a ton of republicans running down the street barking. I didn’t know what was going on. Too early for it to be a full moon. Then this guy was trailing the pack in a rascal scooter. He was blowing a dog whistle.

          • July 21, 2014 at 4:39 pm
            Libby says:
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            First, impeachment doesn’t go through the Senate, so that is not a valid argument.

            The SCOTUS has upheld the ACA, so I don’t see where or how it could be considered unconstitutional.

            States have routinely not deported immigrants in this country. This is nothing new.

            And Obama did not unilaterally change the ACA. The IRS has the authority to delay implementation of certain laws and they did so with the ACA.

            Again, choices you may not agree with, but not unconstitutional by a long shot.

          • July 21, 2014 at 5:40 pm
            integrity matters says:
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            Libby – You are correct that the Articles of Impeachment are done in the House of Reps. However, the Senate must vote to remove the president from office. I stand by my statement that it would be a waste of time because Obama would not be able to be removed from office.

            SCOTUS upheld the ACA by legislating from the bench. The premium was not a tax per Obama, yet Roberts re-interpreted the premium as a tax and said it was constitutional.

            Regardless of whether some states uphold the law or not, it is Obama’s job to do so. He also fought AZ and would not allow them to uphold the law.

            Regarding the IRS and ACA, what he did was discriminatory. They are choosing to whom the law should apply to. If the IRS is not going to implement it, then it should not be implemented for everyone.

            Just remember, there will likely be a president in office that you are not going to agree with. Obama has set the precedent of what the president can get away with.

          • July 22, 2014 at 9:37 am
            Libby says:
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            It was also a waste of time (and taxpayers money) to vote to repeal the ACA 54, but your side did it. Where is your outrage about that?

            Whether Obama stated is was a tax or not, SCOTUS ruled it was. So what? Tomato. Tomato.

            As far as immigration, what Arizona tried to do was unconstitutional. Why do you support them going against the constitution?

            It’s the usual right wing hypocrisy at work.

  • July 21, 2014 at 1:49 pm
    Libby says:
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    It’s funny (ironic) that those on the right “praised” the Heritage Foundation when it originally came up with the outline for the ACA, but now they think it is Pandora’s box.

    It’s funny (ironic) that those on the right were for the employer mandate when it was their idea, against it when it wasn’t their idea, and now for it again – enough to the sue the President over.

    It’s funny (ironic) that those on the right are not FOR anything, but only against whatever Obama proposes.

    Talk about a bunch of whiners!

    • July 21, 2014 at 4:31 pm
      integrity matters says:
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      You need to re-read what the Heritage Foundation originally proposed. It looks nothing like Obamacare.

      The right has no problem with Obama proposing ideas. We have a problem with him fundamentally changing the Constitution and moving this country from true liberty to a dictatorship.

      People should be allowed to try to be as successful as they want to be. Owning a house, car or cell phone is not a Right. It is a privilidge. “Free” healthcare is not a right. If someone wants to be lazy and not try to work, let them. They should not “expect” to have the same things as someone working hard to achieve them.

      I am speaking specifically about the generations of people who purposely live off welfare and manipulate the system because they can. And you are naive if you do not think this exists because I know personally that it does.

      Talk about a bunch of Utopians! Sooner or later the people who earned their money won’t have any more to give to the govt so they can give it away.

      • July 21, 2014 at 4:47 pm
        Libby says:
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        Integrity – there are many, many hard working Americans that do not have access to affordable, quality healthcare. That’s just a fact. Because you and I are fortunate enough to work in an industry that routinely provides these benefits, do not think that all companies do.

        Yes, I know there is a welfare generation out there. That problem needs to be addressed. But you on the right would throw the baby out with the bath water.

        You automatically assume if someone doesn’t have health insurance they must be lazy and not want to work. My ex-husband worked 50 hours a week for a company that did not provide health benefits. Luckily, I could add him to my policy. If not, we would have had to go out into the market and secure coverage with would have cost us an arm and a leg. And no, it wouldn’t have been cheaper to self insure because we had to use those benefits several times. We would have been bankrupt.

        So before you start lumping everyone into a “lazy, doesn’t want to work” category, open up your eyes and realize what’s really going on in this country. The rich get richer, the poor are getting poorer, and the middle class is disappearing. This is not because of liberal democrats. It is because of the horrors of Reaganomics and the fact that the wealthy own and run this country, not the people. Fat cats with lobbyists and corporate welfare. Lazy people on welfare are a problem, but they’re nowhere near the problem of the outrageously wealthy aristocrats running things.

        • July 21, 2014 at 5:20 pm
          integrity matters says:
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          Libby – I have no problem with the govt creating laws that improve the healthcare system. I have a problem with them being involved in it. We are foolish to think that they are not going to use some of the healthcare money for other purposes. They did it with Social Security before Medicare/Medicaid was carved out. They increased the tax for M/M and that is now bankrupt. How can anyone think that this will be any better?

          Making laws to require employers provide a basic, but decent level of care, is okay. Tort reform and removing competition restrictions across the state lines would have had a positive affect on both cost and availability.

          I know all people without health insurance are not lazy. But our current administration is creating a nanny state without any incentive for people to try to better themselves.

          FYI, Reaganomics was successful as it turned this country from double digit interest rates to the prosperity it came into in the 80s and 90’s. I’m not saying there isn’t corruption on the right, because there is. But, I have news for you, the rich are still ruling the country even with Obama in office. You don’t think that George Soros and the lobbyists in Washington are dictating what direction they want Obama and the Dems to go?

          Socialism does not work. It will eventually implode on itelf. Just look at the history. Capitalism, on the otherhand, has worked. The problem we have now is caused by all of the social programs our govt is creating. Some are needed and necessary. Most are not. More social programs means more taxes. More taxes means corporations limit pay and employment so they can make their margins.

          • July 22, 2014 at 9:05 am
            KY jw says:
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            Perhaps, integrity matters, you should google socialist countries. A Forbes article (10 Happiest Countries in the World) should be one of the top 5 results. It just happens to include info on the ten most prosperous countries. Six of those ten are socialist or borderline socialist. Norway, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Switzerland, and The Netherlands.

            Socialism can and does work.

          • July 22, 2014 at 9:43 am
            Libby says:
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            Integrity says “I have no problem with the govt creating laws that improve the healthcare system. I have a problem with them being involved in it. We are foolish to think that they are not going to use some of the healthcare money for other purposes.”

            Just what money are you talking about? The healthcare system is still run by private industry. The government is not providing care; only mandating it be offered to all through the same system that has always been in place.

            I wish it were providing the care, similar to Canada, UK, and Australia. That would have been a much better solution.

  • July 21, 2014 at 1:54 pm
    txmouthbreatherboogereatertx says:
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    To be fair, we will need to see what Pandora looks like before we agree to stay out of her box. I guess we could liken this Pandora’s Box to invading any country we want, starting wars and putting it on the ‘Murrican Express card. Those on the right were too foolish to think it was a great idea, praising those who took away our civil liberties as the “unintended consequence” thus creating a quasi-military state and continuing a quasi-capitalist economy (captialize the gains and socialize the losses). Thankfully the mental midgets known as the Tea Party will continue to soldier on for the cause and will provide humor for us as the Cliven Bundy types keep breeding. Unfortunately they will all by on SSI and SSD beacuse “somethin’ ain’t right. I just hope we can gather them all into one place, a special place called Texico where brother and sister can live hand in hand.

    • July 21, 2014 at 4:48 pm
      integrity matters says:
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      WooHoo Mouth. You’re so funny. Where are NOW ladies? I guess his liberal sexist remark is okay since he is a leftist.

      Once again, facts seem to get in the way of your thinking. All of the military intelligence we had indicated Iraq had WMD’s. Dem and Repubs both agreed.Just because we did not find them doesn’t mean they didn’t exist (Hey Brainiac, maybe thats where Syria got theirs?)

      Secondly, Obama LIED about Benghazi! He LIED about Obamacare! He foolishly tells the enemy when he plans to leave Iraq. Gee, I wonder why Irag is overrun with terrorists now?

      The mental midgets you call the Tea Party CARES about the long term viability of the Country, both Constitutionally and financially. Obama cares about his ideals and agenda, regardless of cost.

      • July 21, 2014 at 5:24 pm
        txmouthbreatherboogereatertx says:
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        First off, don’t get in a war with “not the real killers”. Follow the money trail and talk to your allies, the Saudi’s, whose nationalists are the ones that attacked us. Plotted in Germany, carried out as planned because Condi and the gang could have cared less.

        B-10 Benghazi!! are you at an old folks home playing Benghazi?

        The Tea Party is redonkulous. End of story. People on SSI & SSD that are recruited by pictures of the US flag, Bald Eagles, camo, attending NASCAR races, tax dollar wasted Air Shows, and any combination of any of the aforementioned nouns. All of them fighting for the agenda of people that they have nothing in common with. People that are so stupid, they are basically throwing themselves into modern day slavery. It’s pretty sad that a party would have to go after low hanging fruit just to get their agenda across, then try to block other people from voting.


        • July 21, 2014 at 5:55 pm
          integrity matters says:
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          You’re delusional. The modern day slaves ARE the people dependent upon the govt.

          FYI, I don’t do camo, NASCAR or airshows. I don’t even own a gun. But, I believe in the constitution and what it stands for.

          You said “Itā€™s pretty sad that a party would have to go after low hanging fruit just to get their agenda across, then try to block other people from voting.”…I’m sure reid, Pelosi and Obama have a whole lot in common with the people they are purportedly representing.

          And the voting comment…???…It’s called integrity, and it matters. We are not trying to block people from voting, we just want to make sure they only vote ONCE and that they are eligible to vote. People need an ID to go to the hospital and doctor now, I guess Obamacare is trying to block them from getting quality healthcare.

          Regarding Benghazi, it was and still is a coverup because Obama was in the middle if the election and he did not want to look bad. So, everyone tried to ride the lie.

          You get what you deserve if you are okay with that. If Bush lied so bad, then why didn’t the Dems try to impeach him?

          • July 21, 2014 at 6:53 pm
            txmouthbreatherboogereatertx says:
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            “Youā€™re delusional. The modern day slaves ARE the people dependent upon the govt.

            FYI, I donā€™t do camo, NASCAR or airshows. I donā€™t even own a gun. But, I believe in the constitution and what it stands for.”

            Agreed. Now for the truth portion of the show.

            Reid, Pelosi, and Obama are not against people making money. They all have plenty of cash and assets and will be just fine for generations. They just don’t believe in an austerity economy like the republicans do. Again I will use the tallest person at the “midget convention” as my example. A republican/anarchist can keep their riches while holding down the rest of the nation, specifically the middle class. You will not be rich in this country just because you side with them. You may have a house, a car, a wife and a girlfriend and a boy toy in some cases, but this doesn’t make you one of them. You may even be a member of the NRA just so your name and address can be shopped around on the “good guy list” come voting season.

            As far as your voting comment, all I have to say is gerrymandering. Your side doesn’t like the natural progressional swing the nation has been going through so you rig the voting boundaries so that you still can have a favorible outcome. If you want to know why Congress doesn’t get anything done, you’ve helped put people in Congressional Seats that are nothing more than local dog catchers, and business people that think that government is to be run like a corporation. That’s the first step towards fascism not socialism. I guess you may have been one of the lucky one’s that didn’t experience losing your career, losing more than 2/3 of your salary. Maybe you work for you father’s insurance agency, or it was perpetuated to you. Good on you if that’s the case.

            There are plenty of cover ups to go around on the right, there aren’t enough hours in the day to go through all of them. It’s the reason why Fox News Corp exists, so they can spin all their mistakes and turn it into a comedy network. They buy exclusive airing rights on military bases and truck stops for example, to reach as many people as they can to brianwash them.

            There was no way to impeach Bush because he was so insulated not to mention it would have been tough to determine who was actually making the calls, Bush or Cheney. The Dems couldn’t even stop the mess in the 2000 election, there was no way to impeach him while in office. If impeachment proceedings began, libraries of pop-up books written by Dr Seuss would be read aloud on the floor of Congress and record shattering numbers of filibusters would be in place. We wouldn’t need a senator from Alberta to lead the charge, it would be the rank and file motion of all on the right. Instead, we just wait for the black guy before we do that.

            All the major corporations that were bailed out, were led by private school educated (from K-Grad School)republicans. They sure weren’t good leaders then, and the people they politically support aren’t good leaders either. In fact they are all of the same cloth.

          • July 22, 2014 at 9:54 am
            Libby says:
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            Integrity – PLEASE, please, please, please, please tell me WHAT did Obama cover up about Benghazi???? The fact that he blamed a video instead of 9/11 terrorists? So what! Would that have changed anything? You guys are so desperate you see conspiracy and scandal everywhere you look. Get over Benghazi. It was a tragedy and four people are dead. Where is your outrage about the thousands that died for nothing over there???

          • July 22, 2014 at 9:54 am
            Libby says:
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            Meaning Iraq.

  • July 21, 2014 at 2:12 pm
    sickandtired says:
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    I don’t think we should let large employers public or private make these personal choices for what they will or will not do for their employees. There are many existing laws for employers of 50 employees or more, which clearly differentiate large employers as more obliged to uphold all sorts of protectionist regulations for workers. I feel that the Supreme Court in this decision IS legislating from the bench.
    Also, agree with Captain Planet about nature of birth control products, i.e. hormonal products are not only prescribed for that purpose but also for other medical conditions that are none of the employer’s business.

  • July 21, 2014 at 4:59 pm
    integrity matters says:
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    No one is saying to eliminate birth control pre-conception. It is the post (or potentially post) conception drugs or procedures that is a problem.

    If you havn’t heard, Hobby Lobby provided 16 of the 20 mandated birth control drugs in their healthcare plan.

    And to answer Captain planet from an earlier post, visectomies should be covered because it is a medical procedure akin to a hysterectomy. Personally, I do not think erectile dysfunction devices should be covered. It is certainly a real condition, however, the system is overly abused for personal gain. I think we men should not expect someone else to help us pay to “get it up”.

    • July 22, 2014 at 9:58 am
      Libby says:
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      “No one is saying to eliminate birth control pre-conception. It is the post (or potentially post) conception drugs or procedures that is a problem.”

      A “problem” for who? Who’s business is it if I want to use the morning after pill? Certainly not my employer’s. IMen have no business sticking their noses into these matters. Especially when you are the reason they invented these devices to begin with.

  • July 21, 2014 at 5:19 pm
    cassandra says:
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    So…how can we impeach a Supreme Court Judge? Like Scalia? Thomas?

    The politicization of the very highest court in our land is an abomination. That some of these fools have granted the same rights…freedom of speech and freedom of religion…to corporations as equivalent to the rights granted us by our Constitution…shows just how ridiculous most of the “conservatives” of this court are.

    So…here is what I want to know: if the corporations have the same rights, what about the same punishments if they break the law? For instance, one could say that GM showed “depraved indifference” and maybe even did manslaughter by not making public the info on the vehicle effects. But can we bring them up on criminal charges? NO…we can only fine them…So if I can’t jail a corporation, and have it serve fit punishment that our laws indicate and our juries may decide, then how can they be “persons” with the same rights as “natural persons?”

    The Citizens decision and the Hobby Lobby decisions are just plain wrong: if you don’t religiously approve of using contraception or certain forms. DON’T USE THEM. But if you take money from the public at large, you need to conform to the laws of the land. “Freedom of religion” should also protect the “Freedom FROM religion” and I am sick and tired of all these holier than thous ramming their religious beliefs down my throat and pretending that they don’t need to follow laws of the land. The basis for the Hobby Lobby objection is that the “soul” enters the zygote at moment of fertilization…ALL RELIGIOUS beliefs and not scientific. Feel free to believe what you believe, but don’t tread on others rights to believe something different. As a business that serves ALL the public, Hobby Lobby needs (the corporation) to be held to the laws of the land.

    I also just enjoy the hypocricy of the Catholic Church (among others). Do they REALLY think that the millions of Catholics in this country don’t practice birth control using methods other than rhythm? Get serious. Do you all REALLY think that the only reason people use contraceptives is because they are promiscuous skanks? Oh, DRY UP! Wonder if all those priests and ministers (a la Swaggert) used condoms as they were abusing children or committing adultery…Can we take a poll?

    As for our conservative co citizens, oh PLEASE stop with the violations of the Constitution allegedly done by the President. And stop wasting our tax money with specious investigations and lawsuits against the President. The House does nothing but seek to undermine every tenet of good government by refusing to do their jobs in a spirit of good will, and compromise.

    And, anyway, why does ANY political group qualify for not for profit status? The IRS thing is ridiculous. Leave it to the conservatives to seek to get out of paying taxes. Didn’t anyone bother to read all the details? Orininally, the IRS wanted clarification on WHY these groups should be accorded NFP status. I would admit I would be confused too, because I can’t see why any of these patently political groups deserve it…conservative or liberal. None should have it.

    Go Libby, Captain Planet, and mouthbreather! Thank you for keeping the faith and fighting the good fight.

    • July 21, 2014 at 6:15 pm
      Don't Call Me Shirley says:
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      Hi Cassandra. There is an organization called the “Freedom From Religion Foundation”. It’s worth checking out.

      On another topic, conservatives don’t want to pay taxes – freeloaders! I agree that the IRS has every right to investigate anyone applying for tax-exempt status. If they didn’t, then what would be the point of having to apply? I couldn’t help but noticed that, when faced with the prospect of being investigated, so many of these groups withdrew their applications. That’s a pretty strong admission of guilt. I don’t know why conservatives can’t get it through their thick skulls that when you publicly, whether by statement or by your organization’s name, say that you are against paying taxes, that is a red flag. They were asking to be investigated. “We should not be investigated! Americans for Dodging Taxes is a non-profit organization! Why are they picking on us?”

      • July 21, 2014 at 7:02 pm
        integrity matters says:
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        Hey Shirley…get your facts straight. Conservatives have no problem paying taxes within the law. We have a problem with the Democrats that want to redistribute our money to the real freeloaders…the ones living off the govt.

        I guess you believe that Lois Lerner and the other IRS employees had their computers “crash”. Wow…what a coincidence! More Koolaid, please.

    • July 21, 2014 at 6:35 pm
      integrity matters says:
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      Well, Cassandra, based on your statements I can see that you have been partially educated by the drive by media.

      SCOTUS appointments are life appointments, except for egregious crimes.

      The very politicization of the courts you speak of is dictated by appointments at the various levels. That is why Harry Reid changed the philabuster rules in the Senate because he wants to appoint liberal judges to the DC appellate courts, that would eventually hear these cases.

      Its funny how you think us religious types need to follow the law of the land, but you un-religious types don’t have to follow the law of God the Creator, like “thou shall not commit murder”. Of course, if you are God-less, there are not any laws you need to follow, because, what does it matter anyway? (If it has a heartbeat, it is a baby, regardless of how developed it is.)

      With regards to the Constitutional violations, without the Constitution, we have no Country. It is very sad that you have no clue the importance of the document and the cost of so many lives to protect it. Your apathy IS the problem we have today in this country because you only care about yourself.

      Regarding the IRS “thing”, stop listening to the BS that your being fed and look at the deeper issue. One branch of govt is trying to covertly disenfranchise a segment of our country (likely at the direction of the administration or other political leaders).

      Integrity matters in ALL aspects of govt if we expect the govt to operate as fairly as possible to every citizen. When it doesn’t, tyranny will eventually reign. I would be equally upset if the IRS was purposely trying to prevent liberal PACs from forming just so conservatives could win an election. This IRS “thing’ was not about paying taxes, but preventing conservative groups from forming and raising money for the election. By the way, I agree that none should have that status. But, if the law allows it, then both groups should have equal access.

      • July 21, 2014 at 7:44 pm
        cassandra says:
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        My Dear Integrity

        Why do you assume that just because I don’t want anyone’s religion forced down anyone’s throat I can’t act responsibly and live in accord with the 10 commandments? You all are just SO righteous and judgmental.

        In fact, I find religious dogmatists take what they like from the good book(s) and simply fail to see what they don’t. Your reference to committing murder is just so telling…only believers can live good responsible lives and resist the temptation to murder? REALLY??? Religious dogmatists only create division while they vie for preference. You infer that I am “God-less” because I (apparently) don’t follow your creed (or screed, as the case may be)…or, even if I do (which you don’t know), believe that we live in a secular society and no one religion deserves preference in the public domain. You know…all that “render unto Caesar stuff…”

        How in hell do you have the nerve to interpret God’s word for the world?

        I don’t need to be patronized and educated by you. Your smug response is totally indicative of all the knee jerk reactions of the religiously indoctrinated. We have Sunnis and Shi-ites killing each other over a succession issue that happened 1400 years ago. I’m sure you know your history and the blood baths of the Crusades; the massacre of various Catholics and Anglicans at various times in Britain; that lovely institution, the Inquisition; and the most egregious example maybe of all since it happened in modern times…the Holocaust. Your beliefs are only protected up to the point where they impinge on mine…and guess what…you are impinging. But, of course, that is par, apparently, for your course.

        The Supreme Court decisions on Citizens and Hobby Lobby are just plain wrong in every sense. These old fools are twisting our Constitution and they know it, which makes it even worse. You never address my main point, which is that a legal construct like a corporation can NEVER have the same rights as a natural person…I don’t care how many ways you interpret our Constitution. You never address the point that citizens who don’t believe in a soul have every much right to that belief as you to yours. You never address the point that adherence to religious proscriptions is PRIVATE matter and does not have any place inn our secular society especially when you have to make a corporation a “person” to skirt the law.

        Frankly, I applaud the owners of the Hobby Lobby for their firm faith but since their corporation makes its millions by taking the “filthy lucre” of believers and non believers alike, their CORPORATION has agreed, therefore, to secular practices and needs be held to the law. Bet they don’t ask their clientele about its birth control practices when they are swiping the credit card at point of sale……

        Take the chip off your shoulder and stop looking for monsters under the bed. As the saying goes…”Don’t tread on me…” I am not treading on you…nor do I intend to.

        • July 22, 2014 at 9:12 am
          KY jw says:
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          Well articulated and quite interesting.

        • July 22, 2014 at 10:08 am
          Libby says:
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          You go Cassandra!!! What a wonderful series of posts. My hat’s off to you.

  • July 22, 2014 at 11:39 am
    Get....Out.... says:
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    All of you socialist pigs are ruining our country. If you think it’s so good in the Netherlands, et al..well, then…go live there! I will GLADLY pay for your one way ticket out of my country that you socialists apparently despise.

    • July 22, 2014 at 12:41 pm
      Libby says:
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      You get out, Get…Out… I’m as American as you are – probably more so. I believe in freedom. The freedom to make my own choices regarding my body. The freedom to marry whoever the hell I want to. The freedom to practice or not to practice my religion. The freedom to work for equal pay without discrimination. And the freedom to be a socialist if I damn well want to! My father died to give us these freedoms. How about yours? Didn’t think so. So shut the hell up. Oh, yeah. I have the freedom to say that, too.

      • July 22, 2014 at 1:16 pm
        Get....Out.... says:
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        And, I have the freedom to tell you to GFY. You can still have all of those beliefs WITHOUT being a socialist. I can only assume that with a name like Libby, that you would be a female (note: I didn’t say woman….) You are most likely amongst the other females in this country who believe there is a war on women here in America…go to Iran, Iraq, Qatar, No. Korea, Afghanistan…those are the countries who give women NO rights. Or religious freedom. Or the freedom to vote. Or the freedom to marry whoever they want to. Or the freedom to drive a car. Or the freedom of speech. Or the right to bear arms…should I go on, or have you gotten it through your pea sized brain?

        • July 22, 2014 at 3:02 pm
          Libby says:
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          We live in the greatest country on earth. Why would I want to go to any of those places? I’m not a socialist, but I can be if I want to be. GFY.

    • July 23, 2014 at 8:53 am
      KY jw says:
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      I don’t despise my country. I love it here. I am allowed to have my own opinions and follow the religion of my choice. I have a job I love and am financially secure. Why on earth would I leave?

  • July 22, 2014 at 12:32 pm
    txmouthbreatherboogereatertx says:
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    Yeah, get out dirt bags!!! If living in 3rd world nations like Texico, Arkansas, Mississipuh, or Alabamer is so good, move on out. I’ll even charge up your Rascal Scooter enough to get there. My great Grand Pappy and Pee Paw faught for this land back in the early 1990’s. They was a gunna open up several gas stations in Iraq. Yer colors better not run, unless you buy all those bald eagle and flag shirts from Wal-Mart $3 for $10 when you empty for RV tank in their parking lot on the way to a NASCAR race.

    • July 22, 2014 at 1:10 pm
      Trust me I am not a liberal says:
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      Do you ever get tired of being an a hole, mouthbreather? Your stupidity is exhausting. Get….Out actually has a good point…people like you would not be missed here and would fit right in in a socialist environment. I remember the days in America when socialism/communism were actually crimes. You should be ashamed to call yourself an American.

      • July 22, 2014 at 1:32 pm
        txmouthbreatherboogereatertx says:
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        Nope. I even liked your comment so you would have 2 likes (including your own) before it gets hidden due to low comment rating. Keep fighting the good fight for the Confederate States of ‘Murrica. When you are down to your last can of Alpo in your Dooms Day shelter, you will remember a time when you could have said enough is enough and fought for the middle class that you are a part of. Do they sell components to build shelters at Hobby Lobby?

    • July 22, 2014 at 1:52 pm
      ralph says:
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      dammit, that was funny! I’m 50% Southerner born in Hotlanta Jawja to a Southern Baptist mama and a Long Island, NY dad and usually don’t like much of what you say, but my hat’s off for this one.

      Never had a Pee-Paw. Had a Paw-Paw, though, up until a year and a half ago…wonderful man and a TRUE Southern Gentleman…not a racist bone in his body.

  • July 22, 2014 at 2:04 pm
    txmouthbreatherboogereatertx says:
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    Now Jawja is on my mind. When I am done renaming all the Confederate States, I will have to send you a Jawja shirt. That is hilarious. That’s 3 likes in about a month ralph, I think we’ll just say you are from Longuyland from now on.

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