How Much Do U.S. Health Insurance Tax Breaks and Subsidies Cost?

By | March 25, 2016

  • March 25, 2016 at 1:47 pm
    FFA says:
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    So we pay the tax man or the Carrier. What good did the total disruption do?

    • March 25, 2016 at 2:28 pm
      swede700 says:
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      • March 25, 2016 at 2:47 pm
        TNReader says:
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        Not sure where you get 20%. In TN, Obamacare policies (including mine) went up generally between 35-40%. I ended up nearly doubling the deductible ($3,500 to $6,000) to keep the premiums were they were last year.

        • March 25, 2016 at 3:25 pm
          Bill says:
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          Yah, so… The few employers I am familiar with have deductibles from $5,000 to $8,000 on their plans. Join the club. The nice ones pay the full premium. Some require the employee pay a large portion of the premium in addition to the high deductible.

        • March 28, 2016 at 11:29 am
          UW says:
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          Even 20% is too high. The average is about 16% max, and closer to low teens to high single digits according to the AP, and other sources. The OP is correct about Tennessee, but they have the largest increase by far, largely because they rejected the federal money and expansion of popular programs for health care. So yes, if you refuse money to make an idiotic point, you will pay more, obviously.

          The Kaiser Family Foundation, a right-wing group, found an average increase of 10%, due largely to smaller rural places, places rejecting Medicare expansion, and remotes places like Alaska and Hawaii.

          Many conservatives’ hatred of all things Obama, and their willingness to believe any right-wing talking points on this had made it yet surgery issue they aren’t even qualified to discuss, because they aren’t operating on reality, just like the Iraq War, terrorism, all economics, etc.

          • March 28, 2016 at 11:46 am
            UW says:
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            It should also be pointed out premiums have increased by less than expected for Obamacare, and significantly less than forecasted without Obamacare.

      • March 25, 2016 at 5:10 pm
        FFA says:
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        You really need to stop reading ofnBamas propaganda. 20% increase is just to cover the amount of paper that goes out.

        With the increase in Ded, The Increase in Premium and the never ending Co Pay, I spent over $30,000 last year. Thats real life main st usa stuff, not some govt sponsored lie. Makes Trump necessary. While your thanking Obama for fixing (Obama Speak definition) up the health care system, thank him for Trump too.

        • March 28, 2016 at 11:51 am
          UW says:
          Hot debate. What do you think?
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          You guys are so delusional you are not capable of existing in reality any more. Everything is Obama’s fault; even when the right-wing continues to go far right and elect a fascist. Hey it’s not our fault we’re fascists and a white supremacist is running away with our primary, by supporting almost everything we have been saying for 30-50 years, it’s Obama’s fault and the Left’s fault.

          Get a grip, moron.

          • March 28, 2016 at 3:45 pm
            Bob says:
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            “Hey it’s not our fault we’re fascists and a white supremacist is running away with our primary, by supporting almost everything we have been saying for 30-50 years, it’s Obama’s fault and the Left’s fault. ”

            Evidence needed regarding the fascism. Point to a policy please.

            Regarding the white supremacist, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

            Regardless of this, no one is going to be able to pass laws against black people. It won’t happen.

            A president can be a racist and a good president.

            I have read what Trump has said about black people, and while sometimes edgy, there is no definitive comment showing he is racist regardless.

            Your side has tried this character attack method too long.

            Let’s debate policy.


            This points to a problem with Muslim Migration. I will next post a threat ISIS made about allowing Migrants into Europe with sleeper cells. One year later, we have had two attacks in Paris and Brussels.

            Trump has only said we need to shut down all Muslim migration from the war torn nation until we can find out how to separate the radical Muslims from the moderates. These people have been war torn due to religion for over a thousand years. We don’t want that coming here.

            It is regardless a temporary ban, and makes sense.

            But your side, instead of weighing credibility calls him xenophobic.

            The immigration issues they don’t look at the reasons to not allow undocumented workers here, instead they almost argue for illegal immigration by stating being against undocumented immigration is racist against Hispanics.

            This is divisive UW.

          • March 28, 2016 at 3:47 pm
            Bob says:
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            As promised, and we think that analyzing migration is a bad idea?

            Obama basically caused an insurrection against Ghadaffi, and then the people converted to ISIS, provably. and now we are guessing that stopping migration will cause Muslims to become rapists, murderers, and terrorists with Trump?

            This is insane. Literally. On one we have proof, and on another we have shotty social science of opinions that no one can prove.

          • March 28, 2016 at 3:49 pm
            Bob says:
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            Evidence of what I said with Obama.

            Divide and conquer, your side has done it for some time. Trump is the right man for the job.

            And I can find literally next to no positive media about him. This is why I support him.

            These guys are hyperventilating. These guys are going berserk about Trump, even though his ideals make sense.

            Trump will be the best president we could have in 100 years.

            It’s time to knock these career politicians out of the ring.

          • March 28, 2016 at 3:50 pm
            Bob says:
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            And again, you have provided no evidence, and I have provided plenty of links and my concepts based on the evidence contained therein.

            Who isn’t existing in reality?

            I know my facts.

          • March 28, 2016 at 5:23 pm
            bob says:
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            If you liberals have a problem with my information, then debate it.

            Don’t try to hide it.

            Don’t label the connotations behind what I’m saying.

            Debate the numbers.

            If you cannot handle numbers, the true problem this election would seem to be your inability to hear reality, because you’re more concerned with sounding PC.

            Ergo, why I like that Trump does not. The nation needs to quit with this PC sound talk over policy.

          • March 28, 2016 at 7:10 pm
            UW says:
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            Oh, Agent’s equally cluelless intellectual patron has to protect him.

            Funny how you justify Trump by saying anti-black laws will never be passed, and then point to your policy expertise by worrying about Sharia Law being instituted in the US. You are just a total light-wight clown intellectually. Again, step away from the right-wing echo chamber.

            Trump is more properly a neo-Fascist, but Agent and his ilk barely speak English, so there’s no point actually using precise terms. Trump is an ardent nationalist, who has proposed policies (which you have seemed to downplay in the past) to ban all Muslim travel to the US, including citizens, he has said we need to track all Muslims, and he has proposed aggressive nationalistic foreign policy to intervene in economic realms to arrest the supposed sudden decline in the US. He has routinely stated he will “make” countries do things, which is absurd, but combined with his nationalism, which isn’t debatable in these contexts, is clearly fascist. He is more accurately a neo-fascist, because he is less individualistic than traditional fascists, but uses the same appeal to authoritarianism and nativism. Even if you ignore that, throw in his torture, encouraged violence against political opponents and protestors, and he is without-a-doubt an authoritarian. He is running probably the first major presidential campaign as an open tyrant.

            “Regardless of this, no one is going to be able to pass laws against black people. It won’t happen.”

            Except it has happened in the past, and the same people supporting Trump supported it then. But, you ignore Mexicans, Arabs, etc. who he has already proposed we pass laws against. He has said we should deport US citizens to Mexico. Even if he cannot achieve his racists goals, there is no reason to pretend this means it isn’t a negative, like you are doing. You are wrong in regards to black people, but I’ve seen your moronic debates with other people regarding his sexism and racism, and I’m not interested in it with you. He’s supported by white supremacists all over, a total coincidence I’m sure. But, he has made the racist statement about protesters that if “Black lives don’t matter, go back to Africa.” Along with his birther racism towards Obama, and his racism during the Central Park 5 case, which he still clings to despite DNA evidence, implying they were obviously doing something bad if they were in the park.

            Your pretend knowledge of policy is always entertaining, but in almost all cases they have been citizens of the country they attacked. More importantly–and you will never grasp this as a nationalist–it’s counter productive. Based on all studies on terrorism, and books like Blowback, engaging in rhetoric against Muslims as a group, and attacking places like Iraq create more terrorism, not less.

            “Trump has only said we need to shut down all Muslim migration from the war torn nation until we can find out how to separate the radical Muslims from the moderates”

            As I state, this is wrong. You are either a liar, or ignorant. He has also said he would track them all in the US, even citizens, and that he would kill suspected terrorists’ families, even when innocent.

            Your knowledge on ISIS is equally laughable. Being there will create more terrorist groups. That’s why al Qaeda formed, and why after the war people like you supported in Iraq, along with the typical Republican incompetence at managing anything, the Iraqi troops morphed into al Qaeda in Iraq, and then ISIS. The “sea of chaos” is what Bush and the Republicans wanted, as spelled out in the Project For A New American Century official policy doctrine, and what dolts like you supported–ongoing, low-level conflict there to create constant instability, but no large wars to tie up our military.

            Furthermore, what you are complaining about here is not even close to what Trump would do, but you would be cheerleading it, because you are a far right-wing Dittohead.

            “And I can find literally next to no positive media about him. This is why I support him.”

            Again, the sign of an intellectual zero. You aren’t competent to discuss this. You are on the same level as Agent, but you can copy and paste better.

            “Don’t label the connotations behind what I’m saying.”

            Which is why you ignore, or don’t see Trump’s racism. Because you are not intelligent enough to see what is being said. It’s why uneducated people like you believe the bullshit about liberals being racist because Lincoln was a Republican and the Democrats in the south voted for Jim Crow laws, because you aren’t intelligent enough, or educated enough to discuss anything with any substance behind it. You repeatedly deny the southern strategy existed for the Republicans, even though they have apologized for it.

            “If you liberals have a problem with my information, then debate it.”

            We do, and then you lie (like saying he has only proposed a temporary ban, or saying that you have read a study I posted disproving your bullshit screed about minimum wage, and then incorrectly summarizing the study showing you didn’t read it, or you post a 1000 word essay about how the southern strategy never existed, and take a simplistic, historically inaccurate view on Democrats and Republicans when it comes to southern racism, or on and on)so everybody ignores you. You also seem to have a major problem determining what are facts and opinion, what a valid study is, what a valid source is, and even what a citation is.

            “This is divisive UW.”

            You are God Damn right it is. You, and other nationalist morons are electing an authoritarian thug to one of the 2 seats in an election for the most powerful position on Earth, and you are doing it purely out of stupidity, there is no reason to unite with you, and any person with a conscience or morals would refuse to do it out of principle. You animals should be mocked, marginalized, and forced into “self deportation” from society.

          • March 28, 2016 at 7:28 pm
            bob says:
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            ““And I can find literally next to no positive media about him. This is why I support him.”

            Again, the sign of an intellectual zero. You aren’t competent to discuss this. You are on the same level as Agent, but you can copy and paste better. ”

            NONE OF MY POSTS ARE COPIED AND PASTED YOU PIECE OF SHIT. You disagree with me, this does not mean it is knee jerk shit. Show me ONE article talking about what I do with Trump. If I copied and pasted, that should be fucking easy for you to find shouldn’t it?

            Show me one! This is not the sign of an intellectual zero. Your quote though, is the sign of someone who throws himself at the mercy of bandwagon type tactics. Everyone agrees with me, so I must be right. No. When find evidence showing Trump is right, AND NO ONE REPORTS ON IT, it makes me support Trump more. My evidence is correct. Argue my evidence. You haven’t yet.

          • March 28, 2016 at 7:31 pm
            bob says:
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            ““This is divisive UW.”

            You are God Damn right it is. You, and other nationalist morons are electing an authoritarian thug to one of the 2 seats in an election for the most powerful position on Earth, and you are doing it purely out of stupidity, there is no reason to unite with you, and any person with a conscience or morals would refuse to do it out of principle. You animals should be mocked, marginalized, and forced into “self deportation” from society.”

            Extraordinary claims REQUIRE GOD DAMN EXTRAORDINARY EVIDENCE!!!


          • March 28, 2016 at 7:34 pm
            bob says:
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            “As I state, this is wrong. You are either a liar, or ignorant. He has also said he would track them all in the US, even citizens, and that he would kill suspected terrorists’ families, even when innocent. ”

            Wrong, during a personal conversation about his opinion he said he believes the families of terrorists should be killed because then the terrorists would certainly not be doing what they are doing. He has proposed ZERO laws regarding this.

            Citation needed on him saying he will track them all.


            Here is one showing he never said yes or no. And the comment he did make WAS ABOUT REFUGEES being tracked. Which makes complete sense.

          • March 28, 2016 at 7:37 pm
            bob says:
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            I’m going to say this outright:

            Politicians are liars,
            and do bad things.

            When a politician has good ideas, (by the way UW debate each idea I put forward rather than saying blah blah blah fascist, blah blah blah totalitarian, blah blah blah Trump made inflammatory comments blah blah blah thwe world will explode) and I cannot find them being reported on, this means a media bias to a large degree is occurring. When the media is labeling this candidate, it makes me realize how bad the media is.

            It makes me know, that the FACTS I have about Trump, are a GOD DAMN BIG DEAL, and that they are being covered up.

            Debate my points. Disprove them if you can.

            Now, find them online from a news source. You can’t!

            And that is god damn scary!

          • March 28, 2016 at 10:16 pm
            UW says:
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            Bob, you are stupid as …., calm down, idiot. You constantly bitch and whine about everybody refusing to talk policy with you and demand I name policies he is in favor of, but I mention maybe a dozen policies, and you flip out, deny they are policy positions, and lie about them. As I’ve shown before you are a pseudo-intellectual clown, pretending to know and care about policy, when neither are true–just like your repeated cries for civility after calling person after person names.


            I don’t care about “talking PC,” the fact that you think this is the complaint shows how clueless, stupid, and uneducated you are. I have a problem with a candidate saying he is going to target people based on their ethnicity, and running as a tyrant who is going to commit war crimes, while bragging he will kill innocent people. But, people like you think that opposing war crimes, opposing kicking citizens out of the country, opposing torturing citizens and noncitizens, as well as killing innocents means they are starting a civil war. You are a dolt; people like you started, and were killed while losing the Civil War. The fact that you think the problem people have with Trump is that he isn’t PC is astounding. Literally only a severely mentally deficient person would think that.


            This is literally something a mentally disabled person would say–both in content and the way it is written. You are, as usual, living in a fact-free world. Trump did not just say that Mexico was sending rapists (which isn’t true, and again points to outright stupidity), he defended it later. That’s a key reason he became popular, because racist conservative morons, like you, go for that. They also cannot commit crimes without repercussion any more than any other person can, you ignorant hick. It’s not like the police do not prosecute or arrest undocumented immigrants who commit a crime. Also, as usual, you don’t even understand the issue on an elementary level. The majority of undocumented immigrants here do not cross the border to come here, they come here legally and stay.

            “Wrong, during a personal conversation about his opinion he said he believes the families of terrorists should be killed because then the terrorists would certainly not be doing what they are doing. He has proposed ZERO laws regarding this.”

            This is wrong. Once again, you are woefully misinformed, or a liar, a common theme with you lately. He said it multiple times–as he does all his violent rhetoric–and he even said it during a Fox News interview. He has said this over and over, using your favorite bullshit line about us being too PC. Not only that, but he didn’t say it in the context of collateral damage, he said after we get the terrorists, we have to take out their families. He is an authoritarian in the worst sense, and you are too for supporting him. You are human garbage for supporting killing innocent families. But you are technically right he has not opposed a law on this, but again, as usual, even mentioning this makes no sense in this context. That is because you are incompetent and uninformed. First, he wouldn’t need a law for this, and couldn’t use a law like this, because it is against the Constitution. Second, and this is where you are just so off the rails stupid it’s unbelievable, there is no way he would even try to pass a law, he would just do it. He has already stated he would make the military torture and commit other atrocities, and they would just do it because he tells them to, and to believe him, they will do it, and he only walked it back after there was a major, major shit storm. You are just painfully clueless about seemingly everything.

            You are equally moronic, if not more so, when you whine about my response to fascism. You are rambling so incoherently that it’s almost unreadable. Yes, you asked about things that make him a fascist; next I pointed to specific traits of fascists, and for some reason that doesn’t count, because? Oh, because you are totally uneducated on this, as you are on economics, history, etc., and too idiotic to reason if you haven’t read a right-wing story validating it for you.

            Get a grip, I actually thought you were slightly more intelligent than the guy you try to stand up for, but sadly you are just more verbose.

          • March 28, 2016 at 11:28 pm
            bob says:
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            No, you piece of … you did not talk a dozen policies, you talked a dozen unconfirmed things you think about policies based on inflammatory comments.

            You did NOT quote a dozen policies. I don’t even begin to have time for a piece of garbage like you.

            You don’t get to call republicans and their supporters fascists.

            I quoted policies. Not you.

          • March 29, 2016 at 1:40 am
            UW says:
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            Bob, you idiot, what have I stated that is unconfirmed? The only thing that is close is him being a white nationalist, and even you cannot be stupid enough to think he would come out and say this openly yet. He has a tremendous amount of support from white nationalists, pushes extremely racist policies, and people like you ignore it and eat it up. The only explanation I see is that you are a racist, or at best an apologist for racists.

            You might be right though, I only commented on a minimum of 8 policies, so not really a dozen. Of course, based on all your past comments I have my doubts you even understand what policy actually refers to.

            Your problem, as with all racists and stupid, biased people (which I have accepted you are now) is that you will never accept that anything less than the N-word and calling for slavery is racism–much like your moronic debate on another thread about Trump not being sexist. You lie about the context for every Trump statement, and then say it is “unconfirmed” when I (or anybody else) points out reality to you. Not knowing something, and being too stupid to look it up does not mean it isn’t true; actually it’s just the definition of ignorant.

            You, on Trump saying we should kill terrorists’ families:

            “Wrong, during a personal conversation about his opinion he said he believes the families of terrorists should be killed because then the terrorists would certainly not be doing what they are doing. He has proposed ZERO laws regarding this.”

            Trump calling in an interview for the killing of terrorists’ families:


            Now, keep in mind you stated as a fact that he said this in a private conversation and it was taken out of context. You are wrong. You also say he has proposed zero laws. No s…, idiot, he doesn’t propose actual hard policy, because he doesn’t know it, and he knows the right-wingers who support him don’t know it either, nor do they actually care about it. It’s one of the main reasons people like the budget fraud, Paul Ryan is taken seriously on the right year after year.

            You are just utterly clueless. You state as fact incorrect statement after incorrect statement, and get furious when people rightly call you wrong, and then an idiot for refusing to step into reality. Stop pretending to know or care about policy. You are better at pasting 15 years outdated Heritage Foundation BS than actually commenting on things happening in reality. Just 100% wrong, 0% right. Total clown. At least Agent doesn’t pretend to know anything, he just throws bombs, makes his racist comments, yells at punks to get off his lawn, and circle jerks with himself about how fake climate change is.

          • March 30, 2016 at 2:13 am
            actu says:
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            Bob. UW and Confused below are right you are wrong. You really do not have any knowledge about this election. You say you are supporting Trump an he will be a great president, but you don’t even know the basic things he has said about Mexicans, Moslems, his plan to track Moslems, or anything.

            They are right, you are just completely wrong about everything. Screaming for a citation and then ignoring the quotes and videos is dishonest. The country is sick of people like you and your racist Nazi-lite policies.

      • March 28, 2016 at 11:05 am
        Yogi Polar Berra says:
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        The increase in insurance costs DOESN’T include the out of pocket costs, all of which increase when DEDUCTIBLES and CO-PAYs on medical services and scripts rise more than the general rate of inflation.

        Total disruption good for the whole?! Yeah; my bear (w)hole it is!

        People previously going to the ER and not paying are now paying?! Guess who is REALLY paying, indirectly, when ‘Uncle Sam’ pays?

        • March 28, 2016 at 12:30 pm
          UW says:
          Hot debate. What do you think?
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          The data does. The studies by KFF and others show deductibles increased moderately in recent years.

          Health care insurance & medical costs are not pegged to inflation, they rely on the risk off the pool of insureds which is largely determined by age. The US has an aging population meaning they will require more care each year and it will be more expensive. The risk pool is worse each year, meaning there is more risk, which requires more premium. It’s literally almost insurance 101 yet people here (seemingly all ardent conservatives) don’t seem to know it.

          You don’t even seem to understand the elementary facts about the healthcare system or the theory behind it. Tying it to inflation is a comically flawed way to make an argument based on facts.

    • March 28, 2016 at 10:07 am
      Agent says:
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      FFA, we the tax payers just love forking over another $660 Billion to fund this turkey.

    • April 5, 2016 at 5:45 pm
      Agent says:
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      All it did was complete the dividing of the country FFA.

  • March 26, 2016 at 11:06 am
    Ed Vines says:
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    Having read the comments above, they all have one item in common, we discuss we/I paying and continue not to address the issue of those in our Country illegal that obtain health service when they need it. Somebody needs to pay for this people, look in the mirror. As long as there continues to be a hole in the bucket, it will not make a difference how much water is poured it to it.

    • March 28, 2016 at 11:09 am
      Yogi Polar Berra says:
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      Everyday the bucket goes to the well. But one day the water will drop out.

      • March 28, 2016 at 11:53 am
        Agent says:
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        Yogi, “We have deep depth”. YB

    • March 28, 2016 at 12:21 pm
      UW says:
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      The best part about the Bible was when Jesus told everybody to ignore a sick child, not to give him care, and let him die, because he came from a different city and his parents had no money. /s

      Freaking barbarians.

      • March 28, 2016 at 12:50 pm
        Agent says:
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        So did you make it to Easter services so you could find out what the bible teaches instead of making up some Progressive drivel?

        • March 28, 2016 at 1:43 pm
          UW says:
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          No, idiot, as I stated to your other bull…. post I am not a Christian, although I do know more about Christianity, and live closer to a Christian lifestyle than many, including you.

          Your arguments are almost always based in hatred for people different than you, minorities, and poor people, and therefore are not inspired by actual Christianity as explained in the Bible. You also don’t contradict my statement above.

          • March 28, 2016 at 3:26 pm
            Bob says:
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            Saying illegal immigration is bad for the country isn’t hatred against all Mexicans. The ones who come over illegally probably have a reason that they are coming illegally. Could it be they would not be able to come here legally? Could it be that we have documented processes to make sure we don’t let a disproportionate number of people over who could be a drag on the system as a whole and damage the whole system’s ability to provide for everyone?

            It is not a hatred against minorities. It is not a hatred against poor people.


            You are not close to God. Abortion alone is at about 1 billion world wide since the 60’s. That is 1/7th the total population and all wars since that same time frame combined.

            It is the biggest issue and needs to be considered as such.

            Regarding the providing for the poor issues:

            The republicans are right on this. It’s math. You just haven’t realized it yet. Trump is certainly right on it.

            Right now we have laws that allow China to continue to steal designs and sell the same product (import) with cheap labor costs over seas.

            The reason they can do this is because they didn’t pay to design the product, which is the primary cost.

            Then they import it cheaper to us. Our trade deficit is crap as a result.

            When Trump says that he will tax the crap out of imports, and make a trade agreement that doesn’t cheat us, he will.

            Obama said he will, he didn’t. That one alone is a big deal.

            Bidding out projects is huge. Trump will do this. Infrastructure goes way over cost. Just look at one project in Seattle. The original budget was just under 1 billion. When they passed the bill that is what they said we would be charged. It is now at 4.5 billion. That is one project in WA State. We could save hundreds of billions there. Rather than say we are taxing the rich and lying and saying these projects help the middle class. They don’t.

            It is not unreasonable to say the bidding will save $300 billion per year, stopping illegal immigration would be a net savings of $75 billion per year, fraud in social security could be a couple of hundreds of billions a year. Just look at worker’s compensation. This aspect is never competitive with insurance and it is not that insurance screws over people who need benefits. It is that they handle it better. I have seen states charge twice as much due to fraud. There is every reason to think stopping fraud in social security would save it.

            We now have at least $600 billion per year. We save that, we can actually help the poor.

            Also, Trump is for getting rid of our over seas military operations and to allow South Korea to take care of itself. In other words, if he were president we wouldn’t have went to war with Vietnam. Another great aspect about him.

            He is trying to motivate Iraq and the middle east to take care of themselves, and I would say refusing to buy their oil is a good method.

            We will save military dollars here as well.

            He isn’t a fascist. The people we have now, however, are trying to go that route.

          • March 28, 2016 at 3:32 pm
            Bob says:
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            “Your arguments are almost always based in hatred for people different than you, ”

            Irony equals you.

            So tell me how you feel about Trump supporters, UW.

            Because for the life of me as a new actual Trump supporter (before I just was for him because I don’t like Hillary) I cannot get liberals to stop insulting me when I talk about issues much like I just posted here.

            The label fascist is thrown out to no end, Third Reich, etc.

            They compare fights happening at Trumps rallies to Germans who broke up candidate rallies themselves by showing up to alternate parties they didn’t agree with.

            Do you get the difference?

            When you look for trouble by going to a rally which is not yours, and by law you have to leave when you are asked by the way, and try to protest, you will cause conflict. The goal of doing that is to intimidate the Trump supporters. That is in fact acting like Nazi Germany. I was told that Trump supporters are violent. I’m not. Nor can anyone prove Trump supporters are.

            Right now you guys are going crazy on the left. I was called names that I cannot even believe when I debated regarding Trump.

            The hatred here is on your side. Not ours. We are angry at the process.

            You guys are angry at the people. At Trump supporters. Etc. That is hatred.

          • March 29, 2016 at 9:23 am
            UW says:
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            Bob, you are honestly too stupid to talk about any of this. You only recently became an open supporter of a fascist. What won you over, his calls to violence against peaceful protests, or the violence itself?

            You know so little about economics and history it’s sad. FDR ended the depression, no legitimate economists debate that anymore, but as you’ve shown in the past you read English majors and consider them economists. FDR only ended the conservative caused Great Depression after years of obstruction by conservatives. Hey, kind of like now. Funny how a lot of them were fascists too, just like you.

            As for your views on Trump’s military and negotiating, they’re frankly pathetic. Every fraudulent politician says they will get rid of unspecified waste and idiots believe them. Cutting completely his listed programs comes nowhere close…look at the Fox debate where he was embossed for a small example.

            If you hear what he says and thinks that’s small military you’re delusional. He’s called for a massive campaign to end ISIL and taking the oil fields in sovereign countries. That takes massive ground forces you ignorant dolt.

          • March 29, 2016 at 9:59 am
            Yogi Polar Berra says:
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            Actually, liberals arguments FOR Illegal Immigration is based on the desire to add to their voter base. Their voter base deteriorated over the last 3 – 4 decades due to two main reasons; 1. rejection of their liberal principles by a better informed public (internet, cable tv) and 2. aborting their offspring who would otherwise be raised in liberal families to be good little soldiers for the socialist revolution.

            Their arguments AGAINST those who oppose Illegal Immigration are both Straw Man Arguments (Conservatives hate ALL immigrants) and fallacious (immigrants have the RIGHT to migrate into the US (despite US laws against it, and the fact that NO OTHER NATION on EARTH allows illegal immigration to occur)).

          • March 29, 2016 at 10:05 am
            Yogi Polar Berra says:
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            Ooops! I should have added a 3rd reason to those above:

            3. Americans won’t do the jobs the ILLEGAL Immigrants do.

            This is fallacious because the WAGES paid to ILLEGALS is the underlying reason Americans are unwilling to do those jobs. Another underlying reason is employers shutting out Americans who must be paid ‘on the books’, creating a liability to pay benefits, payroll taxes, benefits, etc. that can be avoided by paying ILLEGAL Immigrants under the table in cash, with no benefits, no payroll taxes, no WC insurance premium charges, etc.

          • March 29, 2016 at 10:34 am
            Agent says:
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            UW, people that are not Christian are therefore Atheists. You say you know more about Christianity and live closer to a Christian lifestyle than Christians?? Do you have any more jokes for us? You swear, call people names on every post you make and are just an angry Progressive who thinks they are right on every issue no matter what the evidence is. Then, you down vote anyone that has a different opinion. Don’t deny it any further. You need to work on your attitude. You are so much like Stan that you could be brothers in arms.

        • March 28, 2016 at 1:55 pm
          confused says:
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          /s means end sarcasm. reread his post knowing he is being sarcastic and try again

        • March 28, 2016 at 2:08 pm
          Godot says:
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          Agent, please stop insisting that the Ecclesiastes (SP) you continue to reference is political in nature. It is not. You have come to a convenient conclusion which suits you. The Bible does not teach politics.

          • March 29, 2016 at 11:09 am
            UW says:
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            He also states below that if you aren’t Christian you’re an atheist. Interesting position.

      • March 28, 2016 at 3:15 pm
        Bob says:
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        Considering democrats are in fact making these families too poor to support themselves your comparison is entirely too simple.

        Like when FDR made it illegal to own gold and prosecuted middle class families who did, and seized their property. Or when he issued an order to destroy crops etc to increase the cost of food during the great depression telling the poor it would somehow stimulate the economy and help them. Really it allowed him to make a class of people that needed the government to survive.

        When we look at Detroit, liberal lead, how well are the liberal ideals doing for them?

        It’s about a slave and master class.

        When people here talk about the best method to help poor with health issues, and say Obama’s plan is not it, you can’t just say some idealistic comment about how barbaric it is that republicans want people to die, and that Trump is a fascist.

        Evidence needed on that last one. What fascist policies does he support?

        • March 29, 2016 at 10:12 am
          Agent says:
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          Yes Bob, good ole FDR was as Progressive as they come. He would have never got out of the depression had it not been for WW2 and being attacked at Pearl Harbor? Several million men went into the service eliminating them from the unemployment rolls and off of WPA rolls. Women went to work in the factories so the economy was bound to pick up. Of course, the debt rose as well, but the depression ended. Obama has created unemployment with no incentives for business, but penalized them. We now have an entitlement society of unemployment, disability, food stamps, free cells, free housing, Medicaid which is pretty much free. This economy cannot grow with these burdens and the national debt will be $20 Trillion when this short timer leaves and the next President will have to deal with it.

          • March 29, 2016 at 11:15 am
            UW says:
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            Are you actually arguing the unemployment situation has worsened under Obama? It has decreased over 40%, after increasing 90% under the previous administration. That’s using his first full month, which doesn’t make sense and makes the numbers worse.

            You honestly cannot be arguing unemployment has worsened under Obama.

          • March 30, 2016 at 9:55 am
            Yogi Polar Berra says:
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            Yes, he is, because yes, it has worsened. Look at U6 numbers. Look at the 90+ million NOT in the workforce. Look at the record number of food stamp recipients. Why is that occurring when unemployment isn’t bad, according to you?

            Look also at US GDP trends and economic growth of about 1%.

            But, why should you bother looking at facts when they don’t support your agenda to support a failed President?

          • March 30, 2016 at 11:25 am
            UW says:
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            Togo, those are simply wrong. U6 is also down almost 40%. Food stamps were almost exclusively due to the conservative recession. They are generally the most responsive assistance, meaning they can increase quickly. They also expanded the eligibility temporarily. Since that expired it has been decreasing.

            Labor force participation has decreased in part due to older workers unable to reenter the workforce after the crash. You and the Republicans have been against government programs to fix this, so of course it is slightly higher for that demographic than if there hadn’t been a crash- that’s the policy, and therefore outcome you prefer. Also, due to the aging US population this metric was expected to rise; now it’s marginally higher than originally forecast, but not by a lot. It seems like the far-right people here are not even aware the Baby Boomers are aging creating an “older” society; it’s ignore in aglmost every relevant post.

          • March 30, 2016 at 11:31 am
            Rosenblatt says:
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            “Look at the record number of food stamp recipients. Why is that occurring when unemployment isn’t bad, according to you?”

            Underemployed citizens are eligible for welfare. If 100% of the workforce was employed, millions of people could still qualify for food stamps.

            So while the unemployment rate is decreasing as UW is pointing out, that is not disproved solely by an increase of those in need of food stamps.

  • March 28, 2016 at 3:43 pm
    B.Right says:
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    The difference the left chooses to ignore is that one act of kindness is voluntary and the other is mandated. The Good Samaritan provided aid out of the kindness of his heart not because of a government mandate.

    America is about freedom. So if you want to give away free healthcare, that’s your choice. You are free to take anyone you want to a doctor and pay for their healthcare. However, you don’t have a right to steal from me to help pay for that person’s healthcare. I don’t want to pay for it, especially when it’s being used to murder babies. I’d rather help the poor by providing time and money at my local food bank.

    • March 30, 2016 at 9:56 am
      Yogi Polar Berra says:
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      Stop making sense. :)

      • March 31, 2016 at 1:03 pm
        Agent says:
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        He hits from both sides of the plate. He’s Amphibious! YB

  • March 28, 2016 at 7:25 pm
    bob says:
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    UW: Do not patronize me when I talk respectfully with facts. I’m well educated.

    The burden of proof is on you to state that he is a racist who will pass racist laws. Extraordinary claims require extra ordinary evidence.

    “Even if you ignore that, throw in his torture, encouraged violence against political opponents and protestors, and he is without-a-doubt an authoritarian. He is running probably the first major presidential campaign as an open tyrant. ”

    He does not encourage violence. His rallies had people breaking the law trying to break them up. He did tell people he would defend them in court, mainly because his supporters have a right to be there, where as rallies are not the type of thing you can protest. They are events that are owned by the people who throw them, which means you must leave if they ask you to. By default, if you are protesting the rally, the person will ask you to leave. It is intimidation tactics and will cause people to react and fight back when you do asinine actions. Trump was pissed about it, rightfully so, and did not incite violence.

    “He is more accurately a neo-fascist, because he is less individualistic than traditional fascists, but uses the same appeal to authoritarianism and nativism”

    Big talk, citation needed, evidence needed.

    Doing a temporary ban on Muslims entering the country is not equivalent to fascism. Monitoring Muslims isn’t either. That section of the world has been at war for generations. The poll I listed showed 25% of Muslims believe violence is ok. This could well destroy the nation, and you are more concerned with cliche phrases than figuring out a solution.

    “Except it has happened in the past, and the same people supporting Trump supported it then. But, you ignore Mexicans, Arabs, etc. who he has already proposed we pass laws against.”

    I assume you’re talking ILLEGAL immigration. He has made suggestions here. Nothing against Mexicans, citation needed. You have used no links.

    There is nothing against Arabs. The Muslim faith is an issue, regardless of what your PC crap wants to call it. He said he would freeze immigration until we found out how to separate out extremists. This is not fascist or totalitarian. We are taking action for a reason. This is not him randomly targeting Muslims. This is not fascism like Nazism. The Jews were not launching terrorist attacks and had not been at war for a thousand years. False equivalency at best, deliberate misleading tactics at worst.

    I will go over more in a moment, jack ass, but you are entirely wrong in your posts about Trump in ways that are not ok.

    Just know this:

    Extraordinary claims about Trump is EXACTLY what is causing people to BREAK THE LAW to stop Trump, and to post articles encouraging women not to date or have sex with people who support Trump. You guys are going crazy. Trump supporters, are not.

    • March 29, 2016 at 8:42 am
      Confused says:
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      Bob, how can you honestly say Trump does not encourage violence?

      “If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously.”

      “Maybe he should have been roughed up,”

      “The next time we see him, we might have to kill him,” he said.

      “See, in the good old days this didn’t use to happen, because they used to treat them very rough. We’ve become very weak.”

    • March 29, 2016 at 10:04 am
      UW says:
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      Bob, I’m not patronizing you, I’ve stated pretty clearly I think you’re incredibly uninformed, shown you are completely clueless on policy and have called you outright stupid many times. Maybe you should look up the definition of “patronize” next time you are memorizing BS right-wing talking points or reading conservapedia to “learn” about economics. As usual, you are nothing more than a pseudo-intellectual with nothing more than a superficial understanding of even the words you use to pretend to be highly educated.

      You support Trump, a fascist, but time after time plead ignorance when basic facts are brought up regarding Trump, or anything else. That might explain why you support what you support, along with your presumed racial biases and the sexism I’ve seen you be willing to support in earlier threads. There are better articles on this, but this is brief, and you only claim to read them, IME. I’m sure you will justify him calling for people to be hit and cheering. You, of course, support this while pretending to care about the Constitution which Trump is on the record as wanting to shred and has a little line about freedom to protest.

      • March 29, 2016 at 10:14 am
        Yogi Polar Berra says:
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        It DOESN’T surprize me that you (UW) think those who disagree with you are uninformed. There is no proof that someone is uninformed. Prove a negative, if you can.

        Further, you’ve been throwing out words like idiot and such, which is both judgmental and condescending.

        Try proving Trump is encouraging someone to behave improperly. I believe his tone doesn’t help. However, the underlying cause of the rage and violence from a small minority of his angry supporters is a volcanic reaction to the 7+ years of Obama’s hubris and a Republican controlled Congress’ impotence and unwillingness to reject or block policies that are certainly minority opinions of where our Country should be headed.

        • March 29, 2016 at 10:22 am
          UW says:
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          I’ve proven it over and over, and it’s not proving a negative. God you guys are dumb. Your vocabularies and intellects are at literally a 7th grade level, max.

          • March 29, 2016 at 10:33 am
            Yogi Polar Berra says:
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            You THINK you’ve proven it. The only thing you’ve proven with your reply is my point about your condescending attitude.

          • March 29, 2016 at 2:31 pm
            Agent says:
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            Yogi, the Conservatives on this site have a college education, had many years experience in this business, study our trade, analyze what is going on and yet we don’t know any more than a 7th grader. Aren’t you glad we don’t have a brain washed Progressive troll to educate us?

        • March 29, 2016 at 10:52 am
          Confused says:
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          Yogi said try proving Trump is encouraging someone to behave improperly. I will provide one quote as proof. Here we go.

          “If you see somebody getting ready to throw a tomato, knock the crap out of them, would you? Seriously.”

          So someone is going to toss a harmless fruit, Trump is SERIOUSLY telling his supporters to inflict physical harm on them.

          Not simply “stop them from throwing fruit” or “throw fruit back and start a harmless food fight” but “respond to fruit being tossed by beating the crap out of the fruit tosser.”

          How is he NOT encouraging violence and bad behavior with this one sentence, Yogi?

          • March 29, 2016 at 5:29 pm
            Yogi Polar Berra says:
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            Bad example, and not proof of anything but ‘prevention of a violent act’.

            Throwing a tomato is ‘assault’. Doesn’t matter if it hits the target…. if it did, that would be ‘battery’.

            The action Trump suggested requires someone to initiate the assault on Trump. There are secret service agents around the gatherings to protect him…. but they can’t be everywhere.

            The tomato could contain bio-chem weaponry.

            Stop with the Straw Man arguments.

          • March 30, 2016 at 8:45 am
            Confused says:
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            How is that a straw man argument? You asked for proof he was inciting violence and clearly that statement proves it beyond a shadow of a doubt.

            Saying physical violence is an acceptable reaction to someone throwing a soft squishy fruit, or that throwing said fruit is assault, is absurd and you know it.

            If throwing a tomato is considered a violent act, all of my friends in elementary school should be in jail for having food fights in the cafeteria. A piece of paper could have poison on it – should we beat up people and arrest them for assault if they throw paper airplanes too?

          • March 30, 2016 at 9:14 am
            Yogi Polar Berra says:
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            It is a WARNING to those who would consider throwing a tomato.

            Trump did not say “HIT someone who is misbehaving by voicing their contrary opinion.”

            Trump did not say “HIT someone who is wearing a Sanders or Clinton or Cruz or Kasich or Bush or Rubio t-shirt at MY gathering.”

            Trump said “IF ….. throwing ….. tomato.”

            That means ONLY WHEN someone attempts to assault me with something ( e.g. tomato ) should you act to DEFEND me.

            Got it yet, or are you just DENSE?

          • March 30, 2016 at 11:42 am
            Confused says:
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            Bare with me Yogi. I’m trying to get it. “That means ONLY WHEN someone attempts to assault me with something ( e.g. tomato ) should you act to DEFEND me.”

            Yeah, but it’s a freaking tomato. Bush and MANY other foreign leaders have had shoes thrown and hit them, member of british parliment had a dildo thrown at his face. This is a tomato.

            What if the attacker was really tossing the tomato to his friend – would you be in your rights to knock him out if you thought it was being tossed at Trump? What if he was stretching but it looked like a wind up – violence okay then?

            What’s worse than a tomato? A hard ball, maybe? You think it’s going straight for trump so you knock the guy out. Good job! Oh wait. The ball was on a rubber band tied to his finger & would not have gone anywhere. Is that okay?

        • March 30, 2016 at 6:13 pm
          UW says:
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          Funny how you guys all flock to Trump, Cruz etc when they say they are sick of political correctness, and attack those people, and you constantly whine about it. But the second someone isn’t politically correct towards you, or gives your comments the level of respect they deserve you absolutely lose it as a group. You start whining about bans, creating conspiracy theories to explain your downvotes, etc.

          Most people won’t participate, but your positions are overwhelmingly not approved of. Get a grip.

          • April 1, 2016 at 11:01 am
            Agent says:
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            It is interesting that you criticize me if I get one letter on one word wrong and then you say – “bare with me”. How about trying – “bear with me”?

          • April 8, 2016 at 2:07 pm
            UW says:
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            Agent, interesting how you criticize me for something someone else typed, dolt.

    • March 29, 2016 at 10:24 am
      UW says:
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      Here’s the proof on his Muslim database by the way. I’m sure you being unaware of this is my fault somehow.

  • March 28, 2016 at 7:53 pm
    Yogi Polar Berra says:
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    Obama is certainly a divider, not a uniter, especially as regards ACA.

    • March 29, 2016 at 10:01 am
      Agent says:
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      Hi Yogi, you are right. When you have a law passed in a totally partisan way in the dead of night by Progressives who lied about every provision of it, mandating numerous things that Americans might not actually want, giving no choice of plans, trying to cover the chronically sick at the same rates forcing up rates for everyone, you have the disaster of massive proportions. Go onto Fox site today to read how employers will continue to drop plans due to cost and force employees into Medicaid.

      How about the biggest lie of all? If you like your plan, you can keep it, if you like your doctor, you can keep him. Premiums will average $2,500 less for a family of four.

      • March 29, 2016 at 10:26 am
        Yogi Polar Berra says:
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        I’ve been reading everything about ACA, including proposals by Cruz, Trump, and Carson, to repalce it. So, I already have the gist of the recent reports on CO-OPs, the cost increases, the deductible rises, the Co-pay rises, the increased costs of scripts and life-saving scripts.

        My understanding and criticism of the cost rises is based on the deductible ‘shell game’ that drafters of ACA relied on to claim (lie) $2500 savings of INSURANCE premiums will be realized …. net of the rising deductible. I need geek actuarial texts to refresh my memory on the ‘shell game’, but the sharp rises in premiums net of deductibles is due to deductibles not rising in full proportion with inflation.

        The adverse selection against insurers is a trivial reason known to all who understood that the unhealthy risks would swarm to buy coverage and the healthy would refuse to play the game and opt to pay the tax penalties in the first year or two of ACA.

        I don’t have enough time now to fully explain why liberals made a BIG mistake in misleading the American public to get re-elected, and fooled themselves into thinking this travesty would benefit them in the long run. The short answer is: they thought they WOULDN’T lose control of The House so soon after winning it in 2006, and would have to rely on Executive Orders to advance their socialist agenda.

        • March 29, 2016 at 5:39 pm
          Yogi Polar Berra says:
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          One more point; someone said the reason for the SHARP increases in premiums was the adverse selection against the insurance companies that results when more bad risks apply for insurance that is guaranteed under ACA. That is completely true as the risk is pooled and some of those bad risks’ costs add to EVERYONE’s costs.

          BUT, people who had insurance before ACA kicked in have claimed that THEIR premiums increased sharply, not the AVERAGE rate.

          Actuaries can split the total premium increase into the ‘adverse selection’ component and the ‘deductible leveraging’ component. The latter is much greater than the increase due to the former (adverse selection). So, those who claim the increases are (only) due to adverse selection are wrong. Ask an actuary who does deductible pricing to explain it to you…. it’s detailed and possibly confusing.

        • March 30, 2016 at 9:22 am
          Yogi Polar Berra says:
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          Apparently, from the down votes, a few people here have NO CLUE about the sources of the increases in premiums FOR INDIVIDUALS and have NO CLUE about the differences between INDIVIDUAL POLICY premium increases that MANY people complained about to the media or their state insurance departments VERSUS AVERAGE RATES for a PORTFOLIO of policies that an insurance company writes.

          It is also clear from the time between posting comments and the time I view them again that there is a way to PAD votes by closing a browser, re-opening it, and voting again on a particular comment.

          So, what you see in this thread is an attempt by a few liberals to silence the facts being reported by conservatives.

          You also see numerous vile comments, insults, personal attacks, and foul language by one side much more than the other side. That is a sign that one side realizes it is losing the argument, and that the general public opposes their views. It is typical of one political faction to cry for their right to protest and be heard while at the same time trying to suppress the free speech rights of those they oppose.

          I have better things to do with my time than bicker with immature people who use such tactics to support their failed policies.

  • March 29, 2016 at 8:13 am
    Andrew G. Simpson says:
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    Please clean up your act gentlemen. If you continue with profanity you will be banned from the comment section.

    • March 29, 2016 at 10:12 am
      Rosenblatt says:
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      I would like to upvote this comment more than once.

    • March 29, 2016 at 12:10 pm
      FFA says:
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      Are you the person in charge of that? If so, where have you been?

      • March 29, 2016 at 12:25 pm
        Agent says:
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        You are right FFA. We have had to put up with a lot of cursing, terrible insults for a long time now from the left crowd. Sometimes, they get so bad, they get to Bob and he lets them have it with his own cursing. This is all a product of the angry society we live in now. Obama said “We live in the greatest country in the history of the world”. “Join me as I seek to fundamentally transform it”. Well, he has done a job on this country and I only hope the nation can recover from the damage.

        • March 29, 2016 at 1:36 pm
          Ron says:
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          You cannot condone one person for cursing while condemning another. Is it either never acceptable or always acceptable, especially in writing.

          Can you provide specific examples of how President Obama fundamentally transformed this nation? Hint: The PPACA did not accomplish that feat.

          • March 29, 2016 at 2:22 pm
            Agent says:
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            Leave it to Ron to read everything I say backwards. That must come from you being in a northern blue state and I am in a southern red state. Our minds almost never meet. Had your reading comprehension (to borrow your own term) been adequate, you would see that I criticized the Progressive crowd (you know who I mean) even though you don’t condemn them and Bob who gets carried away after he has been insulted about 3 or 4 times, told that he was stupid, ignorant and names like dolt among other niceties. Your last comment is not even worth replying to. Everyone already knows what damage Obama has done to this nation even though you are pulling your Rip Van Winkle act.

          • March 29, 2016 at 3:20 pm
            Ron says:
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            Really? Considering your reply, I read what you said perfectly. I did notice that you criticized the Progressive crowd. That was the part of my post where I mention how you condemn others for cursing even though you condone, even applaud, Bob for cursing. Get it now?

            Attention everyone, I hereby condemn any and all Progressives, Conservatives, Democrats, Republicans, Independents, Capitalists, Liberals, Libertarians, Socialists, Christians, Jews, Atheists, Muslims, business owners, cubicle gnats, agents, actuaries, company executives, predictive modelers, price optimizers, and agency staffers who have cursed on this site. Did I miss anyone?

            So, your specific example is, “Everyone already knows what damage Obama has done to this nation”. Then you wonder why you have zero credibility.

          • March 30, 2016 at 8:47 am
            Rosenblatt says:
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            Ron – I’ve already tried that technique. You need to call out every poster BY NAME and do it EVERY time in EVERY article IMMEDIATELY when the post is made or it won’t be good enough for Agent.

          • March 30, 2016 at 9:32 am
            Ron says:
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            I was not trying to appease Agent, but to point out his ridiculousness and hypocrisy.

            I really do believe there is absolutely no place for profanity. However, Agent prefers to pick and choose when it is acceptable. I sure Jesus was the same way.

          • March 30, 2016 at 9:43 am
            Yogi Polar Berra says:
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            Obama fundamentally transformed the USA in MANY ways. Here are only FIVE:

            1. By-passed Congress with a Deal with Iran to allow them a clear path to nukes. At the same time, disrespected long time allies Israel, Ukraine, South Korea, Poland, France (e.g. skipped the Walk With World Leaders in Paris after the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack/ murders) …

            2. Will soon have (nearly?) DOUBLED a National Debt he inherited in only 8 years.

            3. Caused widening divisions in American citizens between: a. men vs. women, b. police & law enforcement vs. thugs, c. ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS vs. law enforcement & border patrol & American Citizens, d. one religion vs. another religion, e. one race vs. another race….. through divisive Saul Alinsky ‘Rules for Radicals’ political tactics.

            4. Separated people from their health insurers to force them to participate in socialized medical care by rules in the ACA.

            5. Changed the relationships between employers and employees though the ACA or executive fiats that by-passed Congress to force employers to either layoff workers or reduce their hours to less than 30 per week, hike their minimum wages, or pay benefits that make US employers less competitive in the World market place.

          • March 30, 2016 at 10:02 am
            Yogi Polar Berra says:
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            COPIED and RE-POSTED BECAUSE IT WAS VOTED DOWN over 20 times in less than 10 minutes after it was posted above (943 am – 953 am)- – – indicating BOTS being used to vote multiple times on Conservative posts…

            originally posted at 943 am:

            Obama fundamentally transformed the USA in MANY ways. Here are only FIVE:

            1. By-passed Congress with a Deal with Iran to allow them a clear path to nukes. At the same time, disrespected long time allies Israel, Ukraine, South Korea, Poland, France (e.g. skipped the Walk With World Leaders in Paris after the Charlie Hebdo terrorist attack/ murders) …

            2. Will soon have (nearly?) DOUBLED a National Debt he inherited in only 8 years.

            3. Caused widening divisions in American citizens between: a. men vs. women, b. police & law enforcement vs. thugs, c. ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS vs. law enforcement & border patrol & American Citizens, d. one religion vs. another religion, e. one race vs. another race….. through divisive Saul Alinsky ‘Rules for Radicals’ political tactics.

            4. Separated people from their health insurers to force them to participate in socialized medical care by rules in the ACA.

            5. Changed the relationships between employers and employees though the ACA or executive fiats that by-passed Congress to force employers to either layoff workers or reduce their hours to less than 30 per week, hike their minimum wages, or pay benefits that make US employers less competitive in the World market place.

          • March 30, 2016 at 10:04 am
            Yogi Polar Berra says:
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            Correction: ‘voted down 10 times in 10 minutes’, not 20 times.

          • March 30, 2016 at 10:06 am
            Yogi Polar Berra says:
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            Go ahead, bots! Make my day! Vote down my post multiple times via mechanical means. I’ll copy it, re-post it, then report you to the IJ staff.

          • March 30, 2016 at 10:38 am
            Ron says:
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            Yogi Polar Berra,

            Thank you for at least trying. maybe you and I have different opinions of what a fundamental transformation entails.

            However, not one of those has actually transformed this country.

            1. This is pure rhetoric. Our prior policy was doing nothing to stop them and had no controls in place for any inspections. Was it the best deal, probably not, there is no evidence that there will be an imminent transformation.
            2. Only during 2 presidents did the debt actually double, Presidents Reagan and GW Bush. Did they fundamentally transform the country negatively?
            3. He did not do these things nor did any of his policies. This is us, the citizens. Besides, are we really any more divided than we were during the Civil War, the Civil Rights movement, the Vietnam War or the Iraq invasion?
            4. First, nobody has been forced to leave a private insurer and go to socialized medicine. Second, there are millions of people, not me, that see this law as a positive transformation. Finally, I hope it leads to Universal Health Care. Now that would truly be a fundamental transformation.
            5. This is also false rhetoric. Companies are more profitable than ever and are always looking for excuses to make even more money, especially at the expense of the workers.

            Can honestly say that your life has changed that much in the past 7+ years?

          • March 31, 2016 at 8:52 am
            Yogi Polar Berra says:
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            You can CLAIM none of what I stated was not a fundamental transformation. If so, you are just mincing words and playing with the meaning of ‘fundamental’ in the same way Bill Clinton questioned what the meaning of ‘is’ is when he was caught in perjury to a Grand Jury.

            It isn’t worth my time debating with someone who tries to change the meaning of words to suit his agenda.

            If you believe your Straw Man Arguments are going to draw me in to your twisted discussion of what comprises a ‘fundamental change’, you’re sadly mistaken. With that said, I now expect you to start debating what ‘mistaken’ means.

          • March 31, 2016 at 1:49 pm
            Ron says:
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            Yogi Polar Berra,

            Fair enough.

            Can you provide your definition of a fundamental transformation?

            Mine is: Dramatically altering the daily lives of at least 90% of the citizens.

            I noticed that you did not answer my question at the end of my post or dispute anything I said in rebuttal.

      • March 29, 2016 at 2:25 pm
        Agent says:
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        FFA, before I forget it, what is your opinion on the upcoming Wisconsin primary as you see it? Is it Trump, Cruz or Kasich that will prevail? That is a purple state if I have seen one. Has Scott Walker endorsed anyone yet? He has been as quiet as a mouse after he dropped out.

    • March 29, 2016 at 3:50 pm
      KY jw says:
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  • March 30, 2016 at 2:37 pm
    Sandra says:
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    The real problem is that each one of you think there is a “side” that you belong too. The reality is we are one side and the government is the other. They will back each other to keep their power and money all the while telling all of us that they are fighting for us. They are fighting for themselves, they only care about themselves. People please get real, there is no longer a government for the people and by the people. The ALL divide us to keep us from joining as one group. Divide and conquer that is how to win…..

    • March 31, 2016 at 1:00 pm
      Agent says:
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      Sandra, I agree with part of what you said, but you are a bit naïve. Progressivism is a mental disease as has been amply demonstrated in this blog for at least 7 years. The left bought into the Hope & Change and Progressive solutions of taxation and spending and the passage of Obamacare by hook and crook. Some on this blog will never see the damage that has been done Yogi provided the evidence and got voted down 21 times for his trouble so that is the tantrum of the leftists on this blog. They certainly can’t stand it when their side is an abysmal failure and certainly don’t like the evidence provides.

      • March 31, 2016 at 1:08 pm
        Confused says:
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        I know it is hard, and I do it too, but we need to try and stop feeding the trolls. Only a troll would classify someone’s political beliefs as something you’d find in the DSM-V.

  • March 31, 2016 at 2:19 pm
    Yogi Polar Berra says:
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    I’m not interested in YOUR definition of ‘fundamentally changed the USA”.

    Try baiting someone else into your Straw Man Arguments and ‘baitings’ with criteria such as “90% of the population” which cannot be objectively measured.

    I’m done with commenting on a msg board filled with BOT users.

    • March 31, 2016 at 2:40 pm
      Ron says:
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      Bye bye

      • March 31, 2016 at 3:16 pm
        Agent says:
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        Taking a victory lap Ron? That is what true Progressives do if they can run off someone from commenting and offering an opinion different than yours.

        • March 31, 2016 at 3:25 pm
          Ron says:
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          He was going by the right wing playbook:
          1. Make a ridiculous hyperbolic statement based on opinion, not based in reality or quantifiable.
          2. Try to insult and/or demean anyone who presents a challenge.
          3. Fail to answer a direct question
          4 Walk away whining and complaining that his/her opinion will not be taken as fact.

          Rational people call that addition by subtraction.

    • March 31, 2016 at 3:14 pm
      Agent says:
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      Yogi, good try, but these BOT users have very thick skulls and nothing ever sinks in. I have tried to warn Bob on numerous occasions about people like Ron, Confused, UW and a few others and trying to reason with them. It is like talking to a brick wall. Bob does ok for about 3 or 4 posts and when he is called every name in the books, told he was a stupid moron, dolt he will let them have it with both barrels. I truly wish the IJ would monitor this blog more closely and when the language is abusive, the comment would be deleted altogether.

      • March 31, 2016 at 3:30 pm
        Ron says:
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        Neither you nor Bob have ever tried to reason with those who have a differing opinion. You throw out insults like the Browns throw out head coaches and QBs.

        Be careful what you wish for. If the IJ monitored and removed all posts with abusive language, we would never hear from Bob again. Then, your big brother would no longer be around to defend you.

        • March 31, 2016 at 3:44 pm
          Agent says:
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          Ron, Conservatives see with clear eyes and they know right from wrong, something you are not familiar with. As a double Obama voter, it is very easy to see you coming from a mile away. I hope Yogi comes back on another article. By the way, you admitted your father in law called you either a Socialist or Communist and maybe both. I would like to shake his hand. He had you pegged right from the start.

          • March 31, 2016 at 4:29 pm
            Ron says:
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            This is one of those times where your complete ignorance just makes me laugh.

            Funny thin about my father-in-law is that, since he has gotten to know me and listened to me, he has not referred to me as a Liberal or Socialist in over 15 years. You could learn from him.

        • April 4, 2016 at 4:22 pm
          Agent says:
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          Ron, if abusive language were deleted from this blog, we would never hear from Confused, UW or Planet again and that would be a good thing. We can’t do anything about the double Obama voter and his stupidity and not knowing right from wrong. By the way, I don’t need Bob to defend me, but I do agree with much of what he says. I don’t know how he stands being from Washington state since it is just about as liberal as Oregon and California. Probably not much going on around the water cooler in his office.

  • April 1, 2016 at 11:06 am
    Agent says:
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    I love Obama and think he has done wonderful things for the country in his fundamental transformation for the past 7+ years.


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