Texas Woman Pleads Guilty to Helping Husband Fake His Death

May 6, 2005

  • May 6, 2005 at 1:10 am
    Idle Moment says:
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    this week…guess it wasn’t shown in time to give these clowns a clue. Hope the children are placed with non-relatives so they’ll have a chance of growing up normally.

  • May 6, 2005 at 3:14 am
    oh my! says:
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    That is truly disgusting. I think it would have been a lot easier to get an honest to goodness job than to go through all that mess.

  • May 6, 2005 at 5:09 am
    Mac says:
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    I would understand doing it for some extraordinary amount of money, but $110K??? Come on people!!!

  • May 9, 2005 at 11:10 am
    captian obvious says:
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    Perhaps you missed this nugget.

    “Officials also said the staged death came days before Clayton Daniels was to report to jail for failing to report to his probation officer. He had been given probation for a sexual assault of a young girl. “

  • September 8, 2005 at 8:10 am
    John T Honea says:
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    You all missed the real story. He was tried for a crime that was supposedly committed when he was 15 years old and the girl was twelve. He was found not guilty in the first two trials and charges were dropped, then the courts changed the dates of the supposed crime to meet statutes of limitations and his lawyer refused to communicate with him except to tell him to plead guilty and all that would happen would be a short term (1 month) and everything would be over. When he pleaded guilty, he was then told he would be a registered sex offender he would have to move and he could NOT see his children again or they would be taken from the mother. It was a heinous crime but there were extenuating circumstances. John

    • December 16, 2017 at 8:46 pm
      Roscoe says:
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      Are you his mom?

  • October 12, 2005 at 4:22 am
    You know says:
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    John I know this is personal for you and must be very hard. It sounds like you are buying into Molly and Clay’s sanity. The real story has NOTHING to do with if he was or was not a sex offender. They took a dead body, burned it, faked a death, lied to their family, scared their children and took advantage of all the people that cared about them. You can love her without taking up for them.

    • August 5, 2012 at 9:37 pm
      Madeline Pritchard says:
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      I always try to watch Dateline. I just saw this story on Dateline Cloo. Wow! This story is about seven years old. Unbelievable! What is happening to our society?
      I know….I know…some of us want what we want, when we want it without taking in considerations for others. Clyde and Molly were desperate souls! I find Molly and Clyde Daniel souls to be cold, selfish, sickly and totally out of control. How dare their souls, plan for a “better life” without any regards for others soul. Their souls became detach from society. Their souls hurt their children, family, friends, employer, and community. Their souls wanted to be together no matter who or whom souls gets hurt. Theirs sickly love for one another cause them to lose everything for a period of time. How can one soul lose sense of reasons and realization for another?
      CSI and all those other programs are just fiction!! Very few get away with horrible crime, but how can one live a peaceful life with something like that on your heart and mind? I truly believe That Molly and Clyde thought heirs soul would get away with it. However, with that being said…life goes on and every choice there will be a consequence. We will discuss the matter! We will debate the issue… But, we will move forward and learn to deal with it or there may be more unbearable consequences.

      My prayers go out to all involved…

  • May 8, 2006 at 7:36 am
    tracie jares says:
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  • August 12, 2007 at 2:34 am
    Brett says:
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    I just finished watching the Dateline NBC show on this story what a couple of dumb-asses!!!! Their gene pool NEEDS allot of chlorine

    • August 30, 2019 at 2:38 pm
      garrison maltos says:
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      i don’t need chlorine

  • April 5, 2009 at 4:07 am
    Terry C - NJ says:
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    They just showed this again today.

    I want slap her face. She is sorry she got caught. It’s all about what was done to her and her white trash husband.

    Nothing about his having raped a child, or how she messed up her son’s mind.

    She is a complete narcissist….and stupid, to boot.

  • April 5, 2009 at 4:09 am
    Terry C - NJ says:
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    He admitted to having raped that child, who was 9 (not 12).

    SHE has to be the biggest idiot alive, choosing this piece of trailer trash over her own child.

    And isn’t John T. Honea the name of her father?

  • April 5, 2009 at 4:15 am
    Terry C - NJ says:
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    “I think it would have been a lot easier to get an honest to goodness job than to go through all that mess.”

    I have to laugh when she whined about his not being able be a stay at home dad anymore.

    This fool was out working and supporting his a** while he sat home. She picked a real winner.

  • August 23, 2009 at 1:36 am
    kaylie says:
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  • November 6, 2009 at 11:06 am
    Jewl says:
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    I read a lot of angry comments here, I know that it is easy to throw stones. For one moment can anyone ever say that we have not made bad decisions? Molly is really a young women who followed the wrong path, not because she is bad but because she is young and I pose this question to all of you, do any of us know what was going on behind closed doors, perhaps she was being brain washed by her husband! I have gone through hell in my marriage, and those who know me saw it and those who are his friends believed everything that he said. Non of them lived with us during the abuse. I wanted to be with my husband so badly I would have done anything to please him. But now that I am away i realize just how far I went to please this mad man and I tell you looking through this clear window now,NEVER AGAIN!Please, all I ask is that you keep your mind and hearts open, Molly is not the monster you make her out to be, she is a girl who would have done anything that her husband asked of her, as did I, once upon a time! I have never met Molly, so I have nothing to gain by standing up for her! Forgiveness is a great tool we are all capable of it. Begin right now! Molly, I pray that you will be allowed to come out re-enter the community and be the citizen that you have always wanted to be given the opportunity to be a great mother to your children again. It takes one of us to stand up people and the rest will follow, who will stand with me? God Bless you all!

  • December 26, 2009 at 10:25 am
    Jewl says:
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    I understand what you are saying, but still the saying “He who has no sins cast the first stone” comes to mind! It is a crime that is harsh and people like us do not understand, but I still think we need to forgive! We expect GOD to forgive us, then we should practice what we are asking GOD to do for us…Just saying

  • December 26, 2009 at 5:57 am
    Terry C - NJ says:
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    You don’t wish rape on anyone.

    Molly Daniels is a cold, arrogant, selfish person who put a white trash child rapist above the welfare of her own child, but you don’t wish rape on anyone.

  • December 26, 2009 at 6:00 am
    Terry C - NJ says:
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    The guy is a child rapist and not only does she still insist “he’s a good man”, but she fully intends to live with him when they get out of prison.

    Her own mom said she thought Clayton was a loser from the get-go.

  • July 13, 2010 at 11:04 am
    Jo says:
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    This fat pig piece of worthless white trash chose a child molester over her own CHILD. She irrevocably psychologically scarred her young baby. She disturbed the resting spot of a good woman and told that woman’s loved ones to, “get over it, it’s just a body.”

    Am I without sin? Of course not. But my sins are things like fibbing about spending too much on shoes and eating too many Oreos. Not raping, pillaging, and body-snatching in the name of the almighty dollar and my own self-interest. So don’t you DARE tell me what I “have” to understand. Don’t. You. Dare.

    She should NEVER get out of prison and both she and her “husband” should rot in hell and soon — they’re both wastes of space that could be used for people actually accomplishing things in life.

  • July 17, 2010 at 3:17 am
    Megan says:
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    I just watched the Dateline take on this story for about the 90th time & being a fiction crime writer, I am still compelled to research this like many cases I use for inspiration. What Molly & Clayton Daniels did is hideous. I have seen crime scene photos of horrific, senseless murders. I have heard details that make me shudder. This one hits something inside of me that keeps it in the forefront of my mind. No, the poor victim, Charlotte Davis, did not die in terror at the hands of the Daniels like in so many other cases, but this one is still one of the hardest cases I have seen. I think I could sympathize with Molly more, if she did not give off the “I am smarter than all of you.” attitude. She says she is sorry & that what they did was wrong, yet she still speaks like she does not comprehend why the general public is so horrified. “It’s just a body” is what she said. No. Really? It’s just a body, Molly? JUST A BODY?!?!?!?! I would like to ask her, “Molly, what is it that you are sorry for, exactly?” Hurting Charlotte Davis’ clearly traumatized caretaker? Catalyzing your son? Abandoning your daughter? No, Ms. Daniels. Do NOT say you are sorry. You are sorry that you got caught. You are sorry that you don’t get to live with Bubba Gump, who I really don’t think could be trusted to take care of your daughter alone. Really? A cousin? That’s not a far leap from daughter in my eyes… Molly Daniels entire verbrato irks me. “Yes, ma’am, I am aware of the consequences.” I just want to pop you a good one on the face everytime I see you say that on the show. You don’t care. I would be encouraged that you are partially human if you were remorseful about your “husband”. There was a 15(?) year old girl in Florida who killed her mother with her boyfriend. Since being separated from him, she “appears” to be remorseful & denounces the young man. I won’t go into whether not I think she’s turning on the tears or not, but I DO feel better about her, than I will ever feel about you. I hope that IF not WHEN, you & your accomplice get out that you won’t take the same “It’s just a body” stance the next time you or he try to cheat the world. Go. Away. You aren’t worth the air you breathe.

  • August 18, 2010 at 7:17 am
    John T Honea says:
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    Learn to read and learn to speak only about things you know, like scratching your behind and swilling beer with your pimp daddy. You don’t have a clue to the facts. Media and you twist the truth to make sensationalism and you have no idea what you are talking about.

  • August 18, 2010 at 7:27 am
    John T Honea says:
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    Your take is skewed like so many others. Pontificate all you want but the press and the assisatant DA both, sensationalized this and worded the facts to ensight the public. Maybe you should go back into the records and research like you say you do. The cousin was 12 and he was 15. Not until he was married and 25 did the cousin remember anything about the incident and only what her mother told her to say. The legal representatives let this one get carried to extremes and did nothing to further the truth. You are just as bad as any reported here because of your holier than thou attitude and high and mighty zealousness. Know the facts before you put your foot in your mouth and that will be difficult since your head is rectally imbedded.

  • September 29, 2010 at 9:02 am
    Ashley says:
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    Actually the truth is the cousin was 7 and he was 16 going on 17, and how do I know this you ask… Well, I’M THE COUSIN!!! I have forgive my cousin for the things he has done to me, but get your facts straight before you going babbleing bull crap!!! Oh, and he never stopped. He kept hurting me until I was 12 years old and then my family found out. He was stopped when he was 21 going on 22. And yes, he was married but continued to hurt me. She did leave him once she found out what he had done to me. That’s when he married the woman who helped him commit these crimes. She is just as evil as him. Now, you do your research all you want, but until you have something like this happen to you and see people like you try to justify what this sick man did to a little child you will never know how it feels.

    • March 9, 2018 at 9:54 pm
      Carolyn says:
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      Ashley, I am so sorry you went through that horrific ordeal, no one should have to be put through this kind of thing at any age much less a baby because that is what you were, This animals deserve every minute they get behind bars, please take care, and remember that they and no one else are responsible for what they did to you. God Bless..

  • September 29, 2010 at 9:22 am
    Ashley says:
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    Well, obviously you have no clue what you are talking about either John. I don’t know if you are her father or not, but did she tell you what she said about me when Clay told her what he did to me? I don’t think she did. Maybe, she told you all these things to make you like me being 12 and him 15 to make it look more acceptable, but tell yourself what you need to be able to sleep, but the fact is she was with a child rapist and she had no good excuse to do what she did.

  • November 11, 2011 at 11:11 am
    KMK says:
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    Uhhh… I don’t know if I’m more creeped out reading the comments by the actual people that claim to be “John T Honea” and “Ashley” and go on IJ to air their dirty laundry (???) or the fact that there are people who go through the trouble of impersonating these people.

    • November 11, 2011 at 11:13 am
      KMK says:
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      I meant, I can’t decide which of the scenarios I believe…lol

  • November 13, 2011 at 4:30 pm
    rube says:
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    LOL this whole story is so full of win. My favorite part is instead of leaving town after faking his own death, to you know make the whole i’m dead thing believable, he just dyed his hair. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH. OH SWEET JESUS YOU CAN T MAKE THIS STUFF UP. He used an elderly woman as his ‘body’ that was dead for 6 months… LOL I can’t stop laughing at the sheer fock ton of stupidity in all this.

  • May 1, 2012 at 11:41 pm
    KnowTheTruth says:
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    The funny part is that nobody has stated the honest truth. Truth be told…part of the reason this whole crime was set in motion was because of a crime Clayton committed against a child. In hopes of not facing charges for that crime, they came up with this idiotic scheme which clearly backfired in their faces. It’s funny how truth gets twisted, don’t you think?

  • July 26, 2012 at 10:19 pm
    ME says:
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    SERIOUSLY TWENTY YEARS For Ins Fraud ? ? ? ? People getting 5-10 years for KILLING Somebody and this woman gets 20 YEARS ? ? ? Yea our legal system isnt screwed up

    • March 9, 2018 at 10:01 pm
      Carolyn says:
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      They dug up a body, it wasn’t just insurance fraud, didn’t you watch the show? And he raped a young girl when she was 7, they both deserve what they got and more..

  • October 18, 2013 at 11:33 am
    Jon Anthony says:
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    Stories like this should make us encourage Texas to secede from this great Union.


  • February 2, 2014 at 4:00 pm
    Louise says:
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    When I saw this story the first time it aired I didnt realize I knew the person who had done this until the very end of the show. I was in complete shock that Molly would have been capable of such a horrible crime. I worked with Molly’s mother for 5 years and knew Molly as a teenager. I had even watched Molly and Melissa a few times when their mother had to travel for work. The kid I knew was smart, polite and respectful. It saddens me that she made some really bad decisions and wasn’t able to come to her senses before the plan was carried out. This story has stayed with me all these years and I pray for the Davis and Honea families.

  • November 15, 2014 at 9:09 pm
    Laura K says:
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    I just watched the show (again) on Dateline with Molly and Clay Davis. Interesting and sad. Interesting in the fact that they would want to hurt so many people by their “new start” idea and not think about how this would effect her son, which you would think she would show some sort of alliance to since he was actually HER SON! And how sad it is for the people whose lives this idiotic scheme touched. People don’t think ahead many times, including me, but if I am going to go this length to change my life, you are damn sure I am going to think about how it would affect people I truly love. I don’t know Molly, but she seemed highly medicated! Maybe that is why she was answering him the way she did. I just not comprehend or accept that anyone in their right mind would refer to someone as “just a body” – yes bodies just house our souls until we die, but still, just the cold and callous way she said it sent chills through me. She also did not use too many words when he asked her direct questions “Yes sir” was about it, not too much about her son either aside from the short sentence “he was acting out”?? I have 7 boys and they are all different and maybe he was acting out, but what would that child have been like had they not played such a mean trick on him?!?!

    This is a sad story and not for the criminals, but all the people they hurt. Her son, their daughter, The caretaker of the victim, and their families.

  • March 9, 2018 at 10:03 pm
    Carolyn says:
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    They deserve all they got and more..

  • March 27, 2019 at 2:35 am
    Michelle says:
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    They both deserve everything they get. Molly chose a child rapist over her own children knowing who could just as easily do it to them. Ashley I am sorry for what that dirtbag did to you. They should be forced to pay the life insurance back. Pluse they owe Ashley and the family of the woman they dug up a lot of money in restitution. When they die I hope they both BURN IN HELL FOR ALL ETERNITY. They don’t deserve to go to heaven.

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