Texas Law Limiting Contact with Accident Victims Overturned

March 29, 2010

  • March 29, 2010 at 12:45 pm
    AZ Ins Man says:
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    If garbage like this is allowed, whereby lawyers visit accident victims in hospitals, the name Ambulance Chasers will be perfect for these lawyers. The court/judge (a lawyer) is making money for his lawyer buddies and making sure he can chase ambulances when booted off the court.
    Damn, wonder why the healthcare bill passed by the libs will not work? Here is one reason. If they need to go to the doctor, they will. Accident victims do not need a lawyer, they need a doctor. Lawyers add billions in layers of cost which would otherwise not exist to insurance of every kind.
    put them all on the bus going over the cliff!

  • March 29, 2010 at 12:49 pm
    Television station manager says:
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    OMG! There will be a lot less advertising sold if these personal injury lawyers can now go back to following the ambulances into the ER! Time to get another job if you are in UHF television or spanish radio advertising.

  • March 29, 2010 at 2:34 am
    But I thought.... says:
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    “…a small minority of unscrupulous lawyers and chiropractors”. But I thought they were ALL like that???

  • March 29, 2010 at 3:05 am
    Nugget says:
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    seriously, the old saying rings true- “the only good lawyer is a …”

    -well, I wouldn’t want to get too specific, I might get sued- ha!

  • March 29, 2010 at 6:12 am
    southern adjuster says:
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    What a shame this is and shame on the Judge. The comment that no evidence was provided to suggest that medical treatment after 31 days is as effective as early medical treatment is a joke. Nobody said if you are injured you cannot treat for 31 days….they only said the chiropractors and lawyers can no longer convince you that you are hurt and need treatment..which is exactly what was happening and will happen again.

    If people are truly hurt they will seek out treatment the same as they would if they had the flu. Most people know how to let their fingers do the walking if they need a doctor or lawyer.

    Guess we still do not have enough litigation clogging up the courts. Let’s turn the doctors and lawyers loose again.

  • March 30, 2010 at 8:24 am
    Bottom Feeders R Us says:
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    Ifg not for firms like ours advertising on foreign language channels many of our future clients would not even realize the severity of their injuries and dramas they need to experience in their healing process. Most of you with a problem are Bush backing Neocons. Why just yesterday we settled with a large carrier for $250,000.00 on an IBS case. Most of our clients would not even know they could be possibly suffering from IBS until we bring the possibility to the surface. IBS causes ED and SA especially in men over 80 years old. For you non medical types in plain english that would be, innocent bystander sydrome causes erectile disorder ans sleep apnea especially in males over 80 years old. IBS can be caused when you just hear an accident over a couple of blocks away. Lawyers and back crackers are America’s friends and the largest contributors to your Democratic party. Remember without personal injury lawyera and back crakers donations you would still have a Republican in the White House.

  • March 30, 2010 at 9:36 am
    wudchuck says:
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    1) those recently arrested – yes, i agree, because under their miranda rights they can request a lawyer to represent them. don’t see any problem w/that….

    2) medical – yes, early treatment can make it easier and faster to recover. what you do want is proper treatment and not just an idiot who’s trying to make a buck.

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