West Virginia Mine Death Toll Reaches 29; Grieving Begins

April 12, 2010

  • April 12, 2010 at 12:58 pm
    Big John says:
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    Any loss of life is tragic. Working in the mines seems to be a “family affair” in this part of the country. Miners justify their situation by admitting it provided the best income albeit at a high risk. Most of these people are un-educated and un-skilled. They think they have no choice in the matter.

    Fact is, mining has always been, and will always be very dangerous regardless of regulations, legistlation, and survival equipment. This mine had survival pods that were never reached. Methane explosions are easily triggered by even the slightest electrical charge. Considering the comparatively small number of miners, the cost-benefit to trying (futiley)to make mines safer doesn’t justify the investment. My grandfather was a coal miner was always in fear of his life. A few years ago I took the coal mine tour in Scranton – Wilkes Barre, PA. It scared the hell out of me too and I was only in there for an hour!

    These folks need to re-evaluate their plight as one “non-conformance” can be fatal.

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