Florida Senate Panel Clears PIP Fraud Bill But House Showdown Looms

By | February 5, 2012

  • February 9, 2012 at 11:25 am
    KK says:
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    If they want to cut reimbursement to that of MEdicare, then the providers should be able to submitt claims, the same way they do to Medicare. Electronically, within 90 days, no copies of anything attached. Right ow you HAVE to submit on Paper ( More $) as well as attach the Assignment of Benefits, Non – Disclosure and Certification of Medical Services and the patient notes and reports and send it via Certified Mail, within 30 days. This is all Overhead that the PROVIDER must incure, just because they are will to see a PIP patient. Make it electronic without any other documentation and within 90 days.

  • February 15, 2012 at 8:56 am
    CC says:
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    Sounds like the insurance industry once again wants to charge for something and guarantee nothing. If either the House or the Senate bill or some sort of combination of the two is passed a clause must be added for manditory 50 to 70 percent decrease in premiums with caps. There is no reason for the current premiums if the ins. industry will have very little to pay out. In the end patients will suffer, thousands of jobs and revenue will be lost. Perfect just what the state needs more unemployment and poorer patient care great job legislature!!

  • February 19, 2012 at 10:27 pm
    Kenn Niebrugge says:
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    Insurance Scheme is the right word for it. This bill does nothing to fight fraud and increases the load on emergency rooms that are chaotic enough already. Injuries can take 3-7 days to present themselves. Then what??

  • March 5, 2012 at 12:04 pm
    ta says:
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    Massage therapists, acupuncturists, and chiropractors are being singled out because some of these clinics are used as a PIP mill. Lets punish the fraudulent insurance charges from the fraudulent clinics not group all the medically licensed professionals in the field. people truly get great care from the above professionals that run a non fraudulent clinic. lets set up some policies such as do not treat three times a week forever or do not have multiple services in one day limit the service amount and this will limit the fraudulent charges. If they bill passes and these medical professional are omitted from the care of auto accident victims the only care they will receive will be oral meds. most of these injuries are soft tissue injuries which need physical therapy and massage with the need for adjustments for sublexations (bones pulled out of place by a jolt or muscle spasms). please think twice and make some amendments to this bill for the care of the patient and not the care of the insurance companies profits

    • March 9, 2012 at 9:48 am
      mcs says:
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      It is obvious our politicians are dancing to the drum of the big companies with money. The concerns and treatment of the people are not even considered. The politicians pass laws telling you what you have to have. You do it. Then they tell you who you have to see when you get injured. The people pay their money and get nothing in return. Good old politics. This is not a place where freedom of choice is even an option. Vote these politicians out, everyone of them and give the state of Florida back to the people.

    • November 1, 2012 at 4:20 pm
      Elfitra says:
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      It depends on the vhciele, year, make, and model. It depends if you have full coverage or liability insurance as well. Best idea would be to start looking at what kind of car you would like to buy, and start calling around to insurance companies to see who gives you the best deal. Progressive is really good, that’s who I have. Just a suggestion: Make sure you have uninsured motorist coverage as well. Even if you are in someone else’s vhciele, if they don’t have coverage, you yourself are still covered. It saved my butt when I broke my neck in someone else’s car. They didn’t have insurance, and I was able to get all of my medical bills paid because I had the coverage.

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