Report: Florida Officials Banned From Saying ‘Climate Change’, ‘Global Warming’

By David Knowles | March 10, 2015

  • March 10, 2015 at 1:19 pm
    Celtica says:
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    Let’s just call it God’s will…

    “…The unwritten policy went into effect shortly after Governor Rick Scott, a global warming skeptic, took office. With the publication of FCIR’s report, several climate change believers took to Twitter to express their dismay. …”

  • March 10, 2015 at 1:58 pm
    Hmmmm says:
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    Makes sense…. if you don’t write it or say it out loud, it must not be true.

  • March 10, 2015 at 2:00 pm
    Benjamin Dover says:
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    Good, most people at this point are probably realizing that Al Gore lied so horribly that liberals were forced to change from “global warming” to “climate change”. Who knows that they will call it next. They say the left hates millionaires and billionaires but they just love Al Gore and he loves their money.

    • March 10, 2015 at 2:10 pm
      insurance is fun! says:
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      You science deniers are laughable.

      Scott is the governor or a state that has been and is committed to spending upwards of $100 million on shoreline protection, yet you all somehow “think” nothing is going on.

      And keep blaming Al Gore. It wasn’t bad enough that Florida stole his presidency, they need to keep blaming him for the weather. Keep it up – that’s a great strategy.

      • March 10, 2015 at 2:32 pm
        Agent says:
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        You Climate Change people are laughable. You may not have realized it, but many shoreline beaches have eroded over years due to the action of the ocean’s waves. That has been going on for many, many years. It is not due to anything other than mother nature and not rising oceans.

        • March 10, 2015 at 3:41 pm
          Celtica says:
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          Au contraire, Agent — it was God’s will.

        • March 10, 2015 at 3:45 pm
          David says:
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          Nothing you have to say on this topic is credible Agent. You have been caught outright lying too many times in the past to believe a word that comes out of your mouth.

          • March 10, 2015 at 4:08 pm
            Agent says:
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            I really think you have very little following on this blog David. You are in the minority and a true believer of Gore and his merry little band of doomsdayers. You have been watching too many disaster movies put out by the Hollywood elite and we all know how smart they are.

          • March 10, 2015 at 4:55 pm
            David says:
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            Al Gore can go pound sand. I don’t care what he thinks because he’s an activist, not a scientist. I do care what NASA, NOAA, The National Academy of Sciences, The Royal Society, and dozens of other international scientific academies have to say though.


            As for a following on this blog, I honestly don’t care. The facts speak for themselves and no amount of know-nothing ultra right wingers burying their heads in the sand can change that. You guys are the useful idiots of the big energy companies who are fighting tooth and nail to preserve their gravy train by manufacturing controversy in the same way the tobacco companies did in decades past. Nothing new under the sun.

          • March 12, 2015 at 12:39 pm
            Stan says:
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            Shocker, another person figures out that Agent is full of shit.

            Agent, why dont you go hang out at WalMart with the rest of your geriatric friends? Stop ruining the country for the rest of us.

          • March 12, 2015 at 1:07 pm
            Destro says:
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            Stan you’re such a vile ageist. What ever happened to respecting one’s elders?

          • March 12, 2015 at 4:03 pm
            Stan says:
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            When one’s elders are composed of the likes of Agent, there is no amount of respect small enough to suffice.

            If you want my respect, I suggest you earn it by other means that the decay of one’s body.

          • March 18, 2015 at 12:14 pm
            FFA says:
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            Destro, Stan does not know the definition of respect. He don’t even work in Insurance. He has no business even being in this forum.
            Just another from the generation of entitlement. Buried in College debt. Living at home. Not making his way in the world. Although I will say it seems like he is trying. I am guessing he lives in IL as he cant find a job to pay him a living wage.

          • March 18, 2015 at 12:32 pm
            Ron says:
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            While I agree with you regaerding Stan, it is not like Agent deserves any respect. He is disrespectful, insulting, demeaning and hypocritical.

            Even though you and I disagree sometimes, I believe we have a mutual respect that leads to more beneficial conversations.

      • March 10, 2015 at 2:36 pm
        Kevin L says:
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        You poor clueless soul. Just follow the other lemmings into the abyss.

        Of course climate changes, always has and always will. The crux of the problem is the tree-huggers blame man for the change, and the sane people know man’s effect is minimal, and destroying the economy with all the carbon taxes and other green mandates will do nothing to stop the change.

        • March 10, 2015 at 3:43 pm
          David says:
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          Keep burying your head in the sand. To think that humans pumping tens of billions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere per year has no effect on the climate is preposterous. Our economy will be the least of our worries when our breadbaskets become unusable due to desertification and sea level rise, coastal cities and islands slip back into the oceans causing exoduses of millions of people, and mass extinctions disrupt the ecological balances of ecosystems worldwide.

          • March 10, 2015 at 4:03 pm
            Kevin L says:
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            If the evidence was so credible, then why did climate scientists need to manipulate data to support their theories. The mentality driving this craze is the same as the 1970’s when we were told the next ice age is coming. It’s a shame these tree-huggers are able to vote.

          • March 10, 2015 at 4:59 pm
            David says:
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            That’s because you’re either lying or misinformed. There was no manipulation of data perpetrated by climate scientists. “Eight committees investigated the allegations and published reports, finding no evidence of fraud or scientific misconduct.”


          • March 11, 2015 at 1:44 pm
            Destro says:
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            Watch out everybody the sky is falling! IT’S FALLING!!!!!

  • March 10, 2015 at 2:23 pm
    Hey Dude says:
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    Who is Al Gore?

    • March 11, 2015 at 2:42 pm
      insurance is fun! says:
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      All the wackos think he’s still a presidential candidate.

  • March 10, 2015 at 2:23 pm
    Live Action Politics says:
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    Ladies and Gentlemen….. Welcome to the downfall of your country!
    just another light hearted article about how politicians are incapable of actually doing anything. Huzzah! Huzzah!

  • March 10, 2015 at 5:45 pm
    dale says:
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    Thank goodness we have some common sense leaders in Florida state government who do not fall prey to the Climate Change cult like followers. Unproven science taking a second in time from earth’s history making these broad assumptions. Just follow the $$$$$ trail to see why. Al Gore left White House with net assets less then 1 million today over 200 million from climate change investments. Crony capitalism at work!

    • March 11, 2015 at 11:21 am
      David says:
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      If you want to see crony capitalism at work, look no further than the billions of dollars we give in subsidies to the oil and gas industries that pollute our environment. Funny how you climate denialists rag on Al Gore for making a couple bucks trying to do something good for the environment but will gladly shower 6 trillion dollar industries that are literally poisoning our water supply with billions of dollars in government handouts.

      • March 12, 2015 at 2:15 pm
        bob says:
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        Oil companies are not subsidized by the government. They have among the highest tax rates in the world, when comparing world wide revenues to world wide taxes.

        The problem is most liberals compare their world wide revenues to U.S. taxes.

        If we were to get their U.S. tax rate higher for example, instead of what it is now, they would be paying DARN NEAR 80%.

        What we need to do is find a way to stop other countries from taxing and profiting from our multi national oil companies. They are getting more tax revenues than we are.

        • March 12, 2015 at 5:59 pm
          David says:
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          If I had my druthers, I’d tax them at 95% to incentivize them to switch to renewables now instead of tomorrow. Until then, the government needs to stop subsidizing the fossil fuel industries’ exploratory activities to the tune of billions of dollars per year. The faster we can get away from polluting dirty energy, the better.

          • March 13, 2015 at 4:45 pm
            Get your facts straight says:
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            What transportation do you use?

          • March 13, 2015 at 5:59 pm
            David says:
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            I live close enough to work that I bike there. But my individual consumption of fossil fuels is irrelevant. We need to do away with the vast majority of our fossil fuel infrastructure and start tapping into the energy sources of the future: renewables and nuclear. The sooner that happens, the better, and if taxing oil and coal profits at 95% gets us there faster I’d be all for it.

          • March 18, 2015 at 5:21 pm
            bob says:
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            Then you outright lied in your first post, and you just want to charge them more and implement cronyism.

            And are willing to lie to do it, like your liberal leaders.

            No surprise!

          • March 18, 2015 at 5:22 pm
            bob says:
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            “f you want to see crony capitalism at work, look no further than the billions of dollars we give in subsidies to the oil and gas industries that pollute our environment.”

            Your quote. We do not give billions to the oil companies, we take more than them from most companies in the world.

            So are you going to recant your lie, or are you going to try and change the topic to the “greater good” again?

          • March 18, 2015 at 5:37 pm
            bob says:
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            And as a side comment:

            Renewable energy will not solve the issue.

            Where do you think electricity comes from?

            Solar panels have limitations, and produce waste when they are created.

            We already use dams.

            We even use some geo thermal to power farms, but that’s about as far as geo thermal can go. It can sustain it’s own contained system, not a city.

            Wind power has limitations, and cost limitations.

            Nuclear energy is about the only thing that can cause a replacement of oil, through electric for cars and other aspects of transportation and power.

            So tell me liberal, what are your thoughts on nuclear energy? The debate has been had often, with liberals saying it is too dangerous each time.

          • March 19, 2015 at 12:47 pm
            bob says:
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            I should note something here:

            I actually do think we should subsidize green energy. I however do not think we should increase the cost of oil by taxing these guys at insane rates.

            My next vehicle will probably be the Tesla X, with solar panels installed into my house.

            The credits you get end up making it cost as much as a gas powered vehicle after 10 years go by, plus due to the motor type vs gas motors, you literally won’t have to do an engine rebuild and will have a car that lasts far longer than your average car (you will still of course have break and tire and usual wear and tear that needs to be fixed).

            But no more gasket issues, or anything like that.

            I am all for green energy.

            I am not all for forced green energy or raising the cost of oil.

      • March 12, 2015 at 2:20 pm
        bob says:
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        More importantly,

        The reason Al Gore is ragged on is because he lies in order to get friends fabulously wealthy.

        Let me put this clearly:

        We have no substantive evidence that proves our temperatures indefinitely over time.

        We have the hockey schtick theory, and we have carbon levels through frozen ice.

        On the hockey schtick theory, it definitely has scientific errors with regards to what temperature the world would be. How can we prove the theory? It came in the last 50 years. Have we compared tree rings over a large scale time period to see what the variances are? No.

        Have we compared carbon and temperatures together beyond 50 years?


        We are guessing based on current day and approximations from many studies.

        Currently people are denying climate change because these guys have a tangible benefit to spread it around, and then accordingly give contracts to their friends.

        • March 12, 2015 at 5:44 pm
          David says:
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          To put it bluntly Bob, you are just too uninformed on this topic to make such pronouncements. The hockey stick has been confirmed by multiple different proxy studies by multiple different teams of researchers. We have more methods to confirm historical temperature data than just ice cores and tree rings. Corals, stalagmites, lake sediments, boreholes, glaciers and other proxies have all confirmed the hockey stick.

          But don’t believe me. Read it for yourself. The National Academy of Sciences put out an extremely well-researched report that reconstructed surface temperature for the past 2000 years. The report is 160 pages, including 16 pages of references.

          • March 13, 2015 at 4:58 pm
            FFA says:
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            There is hockey in FLA. It must begetting colder down there!

          • March 18, 2015 at 5:27 pm
            bob says:
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            It has been agreed with, not confirmed.

            Do we have, temperatures of all the years, and have we monitored tree rings from trees we know the age having grown them ourselves, and marking down temperatures all the years we monitored the tree, back 1000 years?

            No. We made a theory based on random samples, and he used averaging that has been proven to be cherry picked.

            We do not have the date to prove the hockey shictk theory.

            We have many scientists agreeing that carbon affects tree rings.

            We do not have it confirmed to a fine science.

            If it were correct, our world at this rate would be destroyed in well less than 100 years. Do the math. It would be destroyed in less than 50.

            Want to take a bet we will still be around in 50 to 100 years saying this same crap?

            I am well educated, you aren’t reading into the theory at all.

            You are doing he said she said arguments.

            This scientist agrees, many agree. It is not a theory that we can say the tree ring will look exactly like this, if the carbon was exactly this, and it matches up with the temperature in 1752, since we didn’t have a thermometer in 1852.

            There is no formula of which I just spoke.

            There is an attempt to make a correlation. It is an entirely different standard of theory, and the correlation is based on less than 50 years of temperature monitoring. For all we know, when carbon levels shoot up a weird thing happens to control the temperature, and we are wrong about temperatures 2000 years ago, because current data doesn’t match the data back then, and we don’t have enough data to prove a theory with multiple variables of environments.

            For god’s sakes, grow up!

    • March 11, 2015 at 11:58 am
      Agent says:
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      dale, I think you nailed it on the Cult Climate Change true believers. David is the CEO of the movement. Do you reckon he rides a bike to work everyday to keep his CO2 output at a minimum? I bet he had no problem with Obama giving all those green subsidies to Solyndra and a myriad of others who promptly went belly up and has no problem trying to make gas out of algae or cow dung.

      • March 11, 2015 at 12:38 pm
        Rosenblatt says:
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        Classic troll post – making unsubstantiated comments about someone instead of asking them what they believe, which makes an intelligent and civil conversation impossible.

      • March 11, 2015 at 12:58 pm
        David says:
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        I’m no longer interested in responding to a serial liar who assumes he knows what others believe. You can make up whatever scenarios in your head all you want if it helps you sleep better at night.

      • March 11, 2015 at 12:58 pm
        Agent says:
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        Rosenblatt, apparently you haven’t been following David’s posts on this and any other Climate Change article. He is the leader of the pack and your reading comprehension is very lacking. His words speak for themselves.

        • March 11, 2015 at 1:39 pm
          Rosenblatt says:
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          “His words speak for themselves.”

          Then let him speak for himself!

          • March 12, 2015 at 3:20 pm
            bob says:
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            Shut up!

            How many times have you made alike comments regarding conservatives in blanket statements, or about what they supposedly believe?

            It is far worse to be a hypocrite in the facade of righteousness than it is to call someone out as Agent did for Dave, and his blind allegiance to climate change.

            Really, for the love of God Rosenblatt, stop pretending to be the great equalizer. You are NOT.

          • March 12, 2015 at 4:04 pm
            Stan says:
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            Boob, that’s rich, considering that Agent is both a loudmouth AND a hypocrite. Go lift weights, bro.

          • March 12, 2015 at 4:38 pm
            Rosenblatt says:
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            “How many times have you made alike comments regarding conservatives in blanket statements, or about what they supposedly believe?”

            Zero. Find one and I’ll gladly admit you were right.

            However, I bet you’re going to do your “I’ll insult you and refuse to read any response you post” maneuver, so I won’t bother wasting any more of my time on you.

          • March 12, 2015 at 6:13 pm
            Stan says:
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            Good news, Agent / FFA / Boob: Obamacare is working better than expected!


          • March 13, 2015 at 10:15 am
            Rosenblatt says:
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            Simple question, bob – will you read my replies or ignore them?

            I don’t want to waste my time talking to you if you’re just going to insult me then put your fingers in your ears and hands over your eyes like you’ve done a few times in the past.

          • March 13, 2015 at 5:00 pm
            FFA says:
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            Really Stan??? Just spoke to someone today that found out his boss let the Health Policy lapse in October and now cant get coverage.

            How that working?

          • March 13, 2015 at 5:32 pm
            Stan says:
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            So one guy’s boss makes a mistake and that is the fault of the law? If I forget to replace my brakes and crash my car, is that the fault of a stop sign?

          • March 17, 2015 at 2:37 pm
            FFA says:
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            So Stan, whats this guy to do? Open Enrollment come & gone. Health cant find his application even though they gave him a reference number. They are all healthy and would qualify medically under the old system.

            Until your working the system, you just don’t know and your opinions are just that, your uninformed and no real world experienced opinion.

          • March 17, 2015 at 2:40 pm
            FFA says:
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            by the way Stan, its not just one guy that got left hanging.

          • March 18, 2015 at 9:14 am
            Ron says:
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            What could he do prior to the passing of the PPACA?

            He would not have this problem if we had Universal Health Care. Of course there would be other issues, but nothing is perfect.

          • March 18, 2015 at 11:16 am
            FFA says:
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            Ron, he could have applied through normal channels as they are healthy and would qualify medically.

            He would be insured now, but open enrollment came and went so now he cant get Medical Insurance and he is stuck with a bill. I may end up having to write a Temp Med. That’s his only option.

          • March 18, 2015 at 12:29 pm
            Ron says:
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            Open enrollment is only closed for those applying through the exchange. If a private carrier is willing to write him, then he may do that. That has not changed. Of couurse he won’t qualify for the subsidy, but that was not available before anyway.

          • March 18, 2015 at 1:17 pm
            FFA says:
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            Thanks Ron. Something to investigate. Got a little vein there.

          • March 19, 2015 at 1:21 pm
            FFA says:
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            As a follow up to my guy that got left hanging, BCBS will view this as a special circumstance and issue his policy.

    • March 11, 2015 at 12:35 pm
      Celtica says:
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      Dale, actually the leaders in Florida did fall prey to the climate change cult by officially denying their existence. If they didn’t fall prey, they would have not addressed this issue at all. But they did.

      • March 11, 2015 at 6:42 pm
        Destro says:
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  • March 13, 2015 at 2:14 pm
    Ron says:
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    My thoughts about climate change:
    1. It is naturally occurring and has been since the beginning.
    2. Man has contributed to, but not solely responsible for, the recent global warming.
    3. Man should do anything reasonably possible to mitigate the effects of man-made global warming.
    4. Recent efforts by man, reducing use of fossil fuels, utilizing more renewable energy sources, improved waste management, recycling, etc. has lead to the unrealized predictions of scientists who were warning about the potential impact of global warming if we did not take action.

    • March 13, 2015 at 2:42 pm
      louie says:
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      Well said, Ron. Absolutely no political motivation behind any of your points.

      Hey, anyone know what happened to Libby? I may not agree with everything she says but I hope she’s ok.

      • March 13, 2015 at 3:01 pm
        Farmer John says:
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        Maybe she ran off with Booger?

    • March 13, 2015 at 5:02 pm
      FFA says:
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      Well Ron, your fist remark is dead on. Otherwise we would till have dinosaurs walking around.

      • March 16, 2015 at 10:05 am
        Ron says:
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        What about my other 3 points? Do you not think man has some inpact on climate change either to make it worse or mitigate its effects?

        • March 16, 2015 at 3:41 pm
          FFA says:
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          I would tend to think your points have merit.
          I can only say for sure that there are no dinosaurs roaming around.

          • March 16, 2015 at 3:52 pm
            Ron says:
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            Thank you.

          • March 17, 2015 at 6:00 pm
            FFA says:
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            Your welcome!

  • March 13, 2015 at 5:04 pm
    FFA says:
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    Celtica nailed it. Call it Gods will or mother nature. What ever floats your boat. What ever is going to happen is going to happen.

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