Calif. Commissioner Releases Report on State Healthcare Crisis

August 4, 2005

  • August 5, 2005 at 1:22 am
    Dennis says:
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    UP FRONT. Okay, this is too long. But, this is “Deja vu all over again.” Garamendi would rather agitate to his biased audience than to LEAD and find real solutions. It is so obvious that he has talking points well memorized, but his background and facts are faulty, once again.

    Garamendi never misses an opportunity to grandstand. Is there a health care problem? Yes. Does the health insurance industry share part of the blame? Yes. And the care providers, such as hospitals, HMO’s, clinics, doctors? Yes. How about the DOI, commissioner? Yeah, you, too, are part of the problem. If I have a problem, I discuss it with the source(s) of the problem. We then come to a rational and mutually satisfactory solution. We do our homework to get all the facts, all the studies, all the analyses, reports, and proposed solutions. Courts are the last resort. But not for our dear Garamendi.

    Does Garamendi propose a rational solution? NO. His knee jerk reaction? He is the solitary knight in shining armor standing up to The BIG Bad Guy kicking the LITTLE guy or better yet, the little old lady.
    Mwuhahahahahahahaha! Mwuhahahahahahahaha! Mwuhahahahahahahaha!
    Curse you, Big, Bad Guys. Whoever you are. According to Garamendi, it is the insurance industry. Apparently the industry works in a vacuum and knows nothing of this issue. The industry needs restructuring.

    Fraud, overuse, misuse, obesity, smoking, frivolous law suits — I said “frivolous” not bona fide lawsuits, of which there are many — substance abuse and other preventable factors that increase rates are not at fault (or are so insignificant as to not be worth mentioning).

    And Garamendi has picked out some convenient catchalls to explain the sources of the problem that has befallen we Californians…His jury is rigged in the court of selective public opinion.

    I quote, “The structure of compensation for health insurance companies, as well as for the executives who run them, is a major factor in the dysfunction of this current system. We must find a way to determine how much compensation is appropriate and rationally required to provide essential services,” the Commissioner said…

    …and some more…”It is unconscionable that administrative costs are sapping this system of nearly one-third of every dollar, severely limiting resources that could go to patient care,” the Commissioner said.

    Seig heil, Comrade. Der Kommissioner vill save us! Just like he saved us from high workers’ compensation rates. Go ahead, Kommisar, show us how your political meddling has helped reduce costs or paperwork or ANYTHING. Go ahead, Kommisar, show us anything that is government regulated that produces less paperwork, lowers costs and is less regulated and less intrusive than more laws, rules and regulations.

    Dear sir, become the solution, not the problem. You are preaching to your own choir. According to you, and I quote, “Through education, legislation and regulation, the Commissioner’s effort to reform the system will take focused steps to address immediate concerns, while building toward the long term goal of universal access to care. It will do so through a framework of the following guiding principles…”

    Yeah…that will work. Imagine two mules pulling a two-wheeled cart. The mules are the industry, the cart is the DOI driven by YOU, sir. You have over-loaded the cart many times past its designed capacity. Your solution? Further piling on the cart and blaming the mules for your lack of progress. So…we are going to cut down on their feed, add to their burden, and make them work more?

    Be a LEADER for once as opposed to an AGITATOR.

    PS — Also, do your homework:
    Sample Report Titles:
    ** More Than Half of Californians in HMOs Are Overweight or Obese.
    ** Cost of Insuring California’s Uninsured â€Åâ€Ŕ… providing health insurance may be more affordable if the state can find mechanisms for redirecting current sources of public and private expenditures on behalf of the uninsured.”
    ** Universal health care plan proposed By Laura Gilcrest, CBS MarketWatch Last Update: 2:24 PM ET Oct. 20, 2004
    â€Åâ€ŔColumbia: Premium of $2,000 per person covers all WASHINGTON (CBS.MW) — Every American could have health insurance, including the 43 million people now uninsured, at an annual cost of $2,000 per person, according to a new study. The Columbia School of Nursing said Wednesday that it has devised a universal health plan focused on providing incentives to prevent serious diseases as the best way to cut skyrocketing health-care costs.

    â€Åâ€ŔUnder the proposal, universal health care could be realized for an annual $2,074 per-person premium, or $172 a month, including out-of-pocket expenses limited to $1,500 and excluding co-payments for prescription drugs…

    The study blames skyrocketing health care costs mainly on the overuse or inappropriate use of drugs and inadequate management of chronic diseases.”

  • September 4, 2009 at 7:37 am
    Renee Bouvier says:
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    This is to alert all employers employing illegal aliens, who are not paying for health insurance or vehicular insurance to cover their employees. Not only do you not pay for these two types of insurance to cover your illegal alien workers, but you also do not pay for unemployment insurance or the social security tax. When your employees are injured or become sick, you drop them off at the ER, putting the burden on paying patients and the taxpayer. To make matters worse, you are not only against health-care reform, but making it impossible for American citizens to obtain affordable, comprehensive health-care insurance. In addition, when these uncovered illegal aliens are causing horrific car accidents, it is causing everyone’s rates to go up. This is a notice that people are watching these employers of illegal aliens, who are becoming rich off of the backs of one’s fellow American citizens and through the exploitation of illegal aliens. A certain group of people will henceforth be alerting the local and state police in addition to the INS. You are taking business away from legitimate businesses besides hurting the American general public. Not only will you be put out of business, but you will be required to pay heavy fines to pay back your fellow American citizens. The honeymoon is over. No health-care reform, where there is equal access to the very best possible health-care at the leading university hospitals, then no getting rich off of the backs of loyal, hard-working, devoted Americans by hiring and exploiting the illegal aliens. We don’t want these illegal aliens on our roads, nor do we want them in our neighborhoods, especially if it means higher vehicular premiums and no health-care reform. The honeymoon is over!

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