Researchers Still Learning About 2002 Alaska Earthquake

By JEFF RICHARDSON | November 6, 2012

  • November 7, 2012 at 12:49 pm
    Ignacio González says:
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    The way North American media deals with earthquakes is very exagerated. I’m a 29 year old Chilean, and I’ve been in 2 earthquakes over 8.0 degrees, and nearly 20 over 7.0, and nothing has ever happened to me. They are normally just one minute long movements, where you stand away of windows, and wait to see if it gets stronger. If they don’t you resume your normal day. Tsunamies, on the other hand, are dangerous and deadly. If you’re by the sea shore and there is an earthquake where you can’t stand or walk because of the movement, as soon as it ends you must go to higher ground, about 30 meters (90 feet) over sea level.

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