Report on California Workers’ Comp Reforms Touts Successes

July 23, 2015

  • October 13, 2015 at 9:12 pm
    Zoë says:
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    This is a lie. Full blown misrepresentation of the facts. But anybody can make statistics look they way they want them too, yes? Basic medical treatment for minor injuries can be approved, yes. But major treatments, like my relative’s debilitating and excruciating permanent injuries require, are not reported on. This law gave insurers the ability to override doctor recommendations with an arbitrary review process and took power away from anybody who could advocate for the patient. This law allows insurers to act on levels of harrassment and cruelty by denying treatment that was approved years before, and deny it repeatedly. Then when appealed the state upholds most of the insurers’ denials. They get to play doctor, they get to play God. Good doctors are driven from the industry, and only the broken ones stay, the ones who will do what the insurers want. People with debilitating and painful injuries are paying in blood for insurers to pat themselves on the back. This system is full of crooks and when you climb down from your ivory tower and see what it is like on OUR level, maybe you wouldn’t be shouting for joy. Or maybe you’ll sweep it under the rug and act like us “little people” don’t exist. All these insurers all have blood on their hands. And shame on you for being dumb enough to believe this law did anybody any favors but the insurance companies.

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