Agency Operations survey News

The Agency Manager-Employee Operations Gap and E&O Risk: Survey

Agency managers tend to have a rosier view of agency operations than their employees do, according to a survey that also suggests this gap could present errors and omissions (E&O) implications. The survey reveals that while many agencies have standard …

The Agency Producer Activity Gap and How to Close It: Survey

Agency producers are not spending enough of their time on the sales-related activities that they and their managers think they ideally should. Instead they are spending more time than they think they should on administration and client service, according to …

Link Between Agency Operations and Profitability: Do Agency Owners, Employees Agree?

Agency and brokerage principals and CSRs and all other employees: You are invited to participate in a unique Agency Operations & Profit Survey that takes less than 10 minutes to complete and will provide you with key information on how …

Exclusive: What Agency Operations Drive Agency Profitability?

Agency and brokerage principals and employees: You are invited to participate in a unique Agency Operations & Profit Survey that takes less than 10 minutes to complete and will provide you with key information on how your agency systems and …